People who are voting for Bush...


Senior member
May 19, 2003
Do you genuinely want the guy, or do you feel you are voting for the lesser of two evils?

Lets see if my first poll works...


Senior member
May 19, 2003
Maybe I should ask another question. For those of you who are voting because you like Bush, can you condense your reasons down to few sentences?


Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999
I will be honest about how I feel about Bush

I loved him 100% as a President until these last several months for these reasons:
The Prescription Drug entitlement that cost billions

The new budget doubling the budget for the endowment for the arts I guess he did this to maybe win some democrat votes.

His total disregard for increasing the deficit ... like his last budget which was alread underfunded, did not include Iraq and Afghanistan spending.

This immigration fiasco ... I am seperated from my wife and daughter because we chose to try to get her here legally, and Bush wants to just grant amnesty to illegals that are here? Not with my vote. This is also just to garner some hispanic votes.

I know these reasons can be detailed and twisted to makes either side look good/bad but I am just letting you know of my initial and current feelings of them.

I feel like I have to decide between a republican that spends and acts like a democrat and a democrat.

I am not quite sure who I will vote for but I'm seriously considering just not voting. Hopefully Perot will run again



Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: NetGuySC
I will be honest about how I feel about Bush

I loved him 100% as a President until these last several months for these reasons:
The Prescription Drug entitlement that cost billions

It's better than nothing. Worse, it's better than senior citizens dying trying to get to canada or mexico just to get cheaper presceiption

The new budget doubling the budget for the endowment for the arts I guess he did this to maybe win some democrat votes.

What's wrong with the NEA? They do some good things.

His total disregard for increasing the deficit ... like his last budget which was alread underfunded, did not include Iraq and Afghanistan spending.

Bush has promised to decrease the deficit by 50% in about 3 years. I doubt he doesn't care for the deficit. It's just that there are more pressing issues, like the war on terror and getting the economy rolling again.

This immigration fiasco ... I am seperated from my wife and daughter because we chose to try to get her here legally, and Bush wants to just grant amnesty to illegals that are here? Not with my vote. This is also just to garner some hispanic votes.

These people come here and work hard. It's better for us to have them documented and give them a boost on how to maneuver through the legal channels on how to get citizenship, than to have them living in the shadows. Those that live in the shadows get taken advantage of.

I know these reasons can be detailed and twisted to makes either side look good/bad but I am just letting you know of my initial and current feelings of them.

I feel like I have to decide between a republican that spends and acts like a democrat and a democrat.

I seriously doubt that the spending spree will continue after he wins the election in November

I am not quite sure who I will vote for but I'm seriously considering just not voting. Hopefully Perot will run again



Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2001
I for the most part respect the Bush-supporters here who have valid reasons for wanting to re-elect Bush,

but i dispise the folks who think that only bush can fight this war on terrorism. What do they think Kerry/Dean would do? Use the homeland security money to build a theme park? Give Bin Laden a slap on the wrist?


Jan 10, 2002
PLEASE .. never again equate illegal aliens with -- people who might get taken advantage of so we need to take care of them...

Those people do not belong here and they sure as hell do not deserve prefernetial treatment... The man tells you him and his wife and family are seperated because they tried to come here legally and you have no comment about that?

WHAT if anything could Bush do that you are not in support of


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: tallest1
I for the most part respect the Bush-supporters here who have valid reasons for wanting to re-elect Bush,

but i dispise the folks who think that only bush can fight this war on terrorism. What do they think Kerry/Dean would do? Use the homeland security money to build a theme park? Give Bin Laden a slap on the wrist?

They would revert back to Clintonian/Democratic fantasies. That in itself is scary. I don't trust Democrats with national security. The last Democrat (aside from Clinton) that mishandled national security came before Clinton and his name was Carter.


Nov 23, 2003
Well, Dari, you seem to be a Bush supporter, so, how about you answer the initial question?

Can't really have a discussion when only one persons answers the question


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: tallest1
I for the most part respect the Bush-supporters here who have valid reasons for wanting to re-elect Bush,

but i dispise the folks who think that only bush can fight this war on terrorism. What do they think Kerry/Dean would do? Use the homeland security money to build a theme park? Give Bin Laden a slap on the wrist?

They would revert back to Clintonian/Democratic fantasies. That in itself is scary. I don't trust Democrats with national security. The last Democrat (aside from Clinton) that mishandled national security came before Clinton and his name was Carter.

yeh, a lot of people seem to have forgotten how carter handle the hostage crisis. reagan scared the crap outa Iran though and they gave em back really freakin fast. I think Reagans biggest mistake was not takin Iraq out when they attacked us in 84 though.



Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: tallest1
I for the most part respect the Bush-supporters here who have valid reasons for wanting to re-elect Bush,

but i dispise the folks who think that only bush can fight this war on terrorism. What do they think Kerry/Dean would do? Use the homeland security money to build a theme park? Give Bin Laden a slap on the wrist?

They would revert back to Clintonian/Democratic fantasies. That in itself is scary. I don't trust Democrats with national security. The last Democrat (aside from Clinton) that mishandled national security came before Clinton and his name was Carter.

I orirginally wrote this post in *ahem* more expressive terms but I'll be nice.

In short, do you agree with our foreign policy approaches and should it be adopted by other powerful nations? And if all our foreign efforts carry on as they have, are we aiming to turn Afganistan and Iraq into the next Israel?


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: tallest1
I for the most part respect the Bush-supporters here who have valid reasons for wanting to re-elect Bush,

but i dispise the folks who think that only bush can fight this war on terrorism. What do they think Kerry/Dean would do? Use the homeland security money to build a theme park? Give Bin Laden a slap on the wrist?

They would revert back to Clintonian/Democratic fantasies. That in itself is scary. I don't trust Democrats with national security. The last Democrat (aside from Clinton) that mishandled national security came before Clinton and his name was Carter.

Clinton on terrorism

And again

The "R"'s trying to stop clinton

And what "fantasies" are you living in ?



Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: outriding
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: tallest1
I for the most part respect the Bush-supporters here who have valid reasons for wanting to re-elect Bush,

but i dispise the folks who think that only bush can fight this war on terrorism. What do they think Kerry/Dean would do? Use the homeland security money to build a theme park? Give Bin Laden a slap on the wrist?

They would revert back to Clintonian/Democratic fantasies. That in itself is scary. I don't trust Democrats with national security. The last Democrat (aside from Clinton) that mishandled national security came before Clinton and his name was Carter.

Clinton on terrorism

And again

The "R"'s trying to stop clinton

And what "fantasies" are you living in ?

Stopping them is going after them in their redoubt, not simply passing resolutions and capturing those low-hanging fruits. Clinton was afraid to go after the terrorists so he lobbed a few missiles at them.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Here is the main two reasons why I am voting for Bush:

After 25 years of trusting and dealing with a mad man, someone with power in the US finally had the brass ones to get rid of Saddam.

The economy is starting to pick up....I think the tax cuts and military spending are working.

Here are some worries:

The budget deficit - we are at war with a weakend for now its ok....but when the economy recovers and extra money is coming into the treasury, don't spend it - reduce the deficit.

Cost of college education along with jobs being moved overseas...these are huge problem that goes together hand in hand! Students are building up more debt more quickly and tuition rates continue to skyrocket, at paces faster than inflation. Students graduating with a tech degree cant find a work because they have no experience and the entry level jobs are now in India.

Health Care/ health insurance costs - Insurance premiums go up, quality of coverage goes down, cost of care goes up...something somewhere will have to give.

If any candidate has a plan that can ease my worries, and honestly thinks it can be passed, I would be happy to hear them out and consider changing my vote


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: outriding
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: tallest1
I for the most part respect the Bush-supporters here who have valid reasons for wanting to re-elect Bush,

but i dispise the folks who think that only bush can fight this war on terrorism. What do they think Kerry/Dean would do? Use the homeland security money to build a theme park? Give Bin Laden a slap on the wrist?

They would revert back to Clintonian/Democratic fantasies. That in itself is scary. I don't trust Democrats with national security. The last Democrat (aside from Clinton) that mishandled national security came before Clinton and his name was Carter.

Clinton on terrorism

And again

The "R"'s trying to stop clinton

And what "fantasies" are you living in ?

Stopping them is going after them in their redoubt, not simply passing resolutions and capturing those low-hanging fruits. Clinton was afraid to go after the terrorists so he lobbed a few missiles at them.

Dari clink on the 2nd link.

It states the number of people that were captured.

Also it is well known that those missles missed laden just by a few hours.

Can you list the terrorists that bush has captured and convicted ?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Here is the main two reasons why I am voting for Bush:

After 25 years of trusting and dealing with a mad man, someone with power in the US finally had the brass ones to get rid of Saddam.

The economy is starting to pick up....I think the tax cuts and military spending are working.

Here are some worries:

The budget deficit - we are at war with a weakend for now its ok....but when the economy recovers and extra money is coming into the treasury, don't spend it - reduce the deficit.

Cost of college education along with jobs being moved overseas...these are huge problem that goes together hand in hand! Students are building up more debt more quickly and tuition rates continue to skyrocket, at paces faster than inflation. Students graduating with a tech degree cant find a work because they have no experience and the entry level jobs are now in India.

Health Care/ health insurance costs - Insurance premiums go up, quality of coverage goes down, cost of care goes up...something somewhere will have to give.

If any candidate has a plan that can ease my worries, and honestly thinks it can be passed, I would be happy to hear them out and consider changing my vote

Lemme get this straight - the deficit, cost of education, outsourcing, and health care issues bother you but you're going to vote for Bush anyway because corporations are getting rich and because we got Sadaam instead of Bin Laden?

Edit: I didn't post this to insult your logic but, boy, you got me confused.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: tallest1
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Here is the main two reasons why I am voting for Bush:

After 25 years of trusting and dealing with a mad man, someone with power in the US finally had the brass ones to get rid of Saddam.

The economy is starting to pick up....I think the tax cuts and military spending are working.

Here are some worries:

The budget deficit - we are at war with a weakend for now its ok....but when the economy recovers and extra money is coming into the treasury, don't spend it - reduce the deficit.

Cost of college education along with jobs being moved overseas...these are huge problem that goes together hand in hand! Students are building up more debt more quickly and tuition rates continue to skyrocket, at paces faster than inflation. Students graduating with a tech degree cant find a work because they have no experience and the entry level jobs are now in India.

Health Care/ health insurance costs - Insurance premiums go up, quality of coverage goes down, cost of care goes up...something somewhere will have to give.

If any candidate has a plan that can ease my worries, and honestly thinks it can be passed, I would be happy to hear them out and consider changing my vote

Lemme get this straight - the deficit, cost of education, outsourcing, and health care issues bother you but you're going to vote for Bush anyway because corporations are getting rich and because we got Sadaam instead of Bin Laden?

Edit: I didn't post this to insult your logic but, boy, you got me confused.

I think getting Saddam out of power was important because not only was he a threat to a world, but the greater future threat was those two sons of his. They were evil and crazy....just ask some poor Iraqi soccer players. Image WMD in Uday and Qusays control. Saddam funded terrorism..especially in Palestine. If Saddam played poker on WMD, he lost, was found in hole, screaming like a little girl not to hurt him, and is no longer a hero and martyr.

With a war on terror, I understand a deficit, but it cant last...he says he has a plan to reduce it...if the economy picks up then deficit should also be reduced.

The problem isnt outsourcing, its moving jobs overseas...removing it from America...thats not a dem or rep problem...I have no problem with corporations getting rich, but I begin to have a problem when they lay people off and move jobs overseas just to make "more profit"...thats got to get addressed.

Bin Laden? - Don't be surprised if he isn't carted out before the American People come late October....that is if he isn't know, we havent had a good piece of audio and video from him in over two years...come on, there are great digital camcorders out there with lots of memory and battery life, if he is in a cave or village, surely he could have done a video by now with him watching the Superbowl or something? Right?


Jan 20, 2001
Damn, my bad I pulled a West Palm Beach . . . I thought the "lesser of two evils" counted against Bush.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Damn, my bad I pulled a West Palm Beach . . . I thought the "lesser of two evils" counted against Bush.

I wonder if algore will sue again to try and win the election this time



Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: NetGuySC
I will be honest about how I feel about Bush

I loved him 100% as a President until these last several months for these reasons:
The Prescription Drug entitlement that cost billions

It's better than nothing. Worse, it's better than senior citizens dying trying to get to canada or mexico just to get cheaper presceiption

Not in my opinion

The new budget doubling the budget for the endowment for the arts I guess he did this to maybe win some democrat votes.

What's wrong with the NEA? They do some good things. As soon as you borrow $1000 to send to them, I will agree with Bush borrowing ther money to double their budget

His total disregard for increasing the deficit ... like his last budget which was alread underfunded, did not include Iraq and Afghanistan spending.

Bush has promised to decrease the deficit by 50% in about 3 years. I doubt he doesn't care for the deficit. It's just that there are more pressing issues, like the war on terror and getting the economy rolling again.

So we will go in debt at half the rate we are now? at least doubling the budget of the National Endowment of the Arts is right up there with the war on terror, as far as an acceptable excuse to have a deficit

This immigration fiasco ... I am seperated from my wife and daughter because we chose to try to get her here legally, and Bush wants to just grant amnesty to illegals that are here? Not with my vote. This is also just to garner some hispanic votes.

These people come here and work hard. It's better for us to have them documented and give them a boost on how to maneuver through the legal channels on how to get citizenship, than to have them living in the shadows. Those that live in the shadows get taken advantage of.

Dart , Like I posted earlier, I will miss my daughters first steps because my wife and I have been trying to get her here legally since Oct 2002. Why should an illegal who came here on a boat or across a river, be given preferential treatment? Did you know that there are programs in place to come into the states legally? I do, been fighting the system since 2002, as far as i am concerned we should shoot to kill anyone crossing our boarders illegally. If they want to get here they can get in line behind me. I am already a tax paying citizen since age 15, my wife is college educated and my 10 month old daughter is 100% innocent, why should these f&^%&%^ illegals be put to the front of the G&^$%Damn line?

I know these reasons can be detailed and twisted to makes either side look good/bad but I am just letting you know of my initial and current feelings of them.

I feel like I have to decide between a republican that spends and acts like a democrat and a democrat.

I seriously doubt that the spending spree will continue after he wins the election in November

So you admit that this spending spree is just for votes then. I would respect Bush so much more if he wasn't pandering for votes. I didn't picture him being like this, he may have got some votes for this but all I see is that his popularity has dropped considerable since this. I must not be alone.

I am not quite sure who I will vote for but I'm seriously considering just not voting. Hopefully Perot will run again

I am sure now who I won't vote for in November .... F*CK BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not think that i am alone seeing how his popularity is dropping since he started pandering for votes


Mar 30, 2003
Down with that hillbilly cowboy of a pres. Bush is not the lesser of the two evil. He's the devil himself! I will vote for any candidate that will be able beat Shrub!


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2003
Not voting in the upcoming election (if there is one), but if I did it would be for a 3rd-party candidate. Sorry, I just can't vote for "the lesser of two evils". It's strictly forbidden in the Bible. I did, however, vote for Bush 2000 because I genuinely liked the man and thought he would make a good President. Of course, that was before I realized how much of an asshat he is and found out that he is a Luciferian tool of the New World Order, bent on world domination and subjugation of its inhabitants.
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