People with warts on your head, are you just plain stupid?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
People with warts/etc on your head, are you just plain stupid?

I see this often. Some growth, call it a wart, or a skin tag, or whatever. It would only take a second to slice off yourself, then impede (or eliminate) regrowth with alum or whatever, or burn it with salicylic acid, or burn it with a match, or put leeches on it, or freeze it, or ???

Why does anyone ever let some skin growth go unchecked? Did you think it would get better if you left it alone? After years!?

Better question, who out there pays a ludicrous amount of money to have a pro take care of something this simple because they were worried about scarring, as if you lived with some tumor because you waited so long, and a slight scar is worse than that?

My take, if you think a skin growth is cancerous, do get that checked out. If you don't, why would you ever let it grow till it's more than a little blemish to get rid of?

If we were talking about a life risking operation for cosmetic benefit, then I'd see that point, but just removing some growth because it's not getting better by itself?

I don't see it as vanity to remove a skin imperfection like that. You're just removing something that shouldn't be there.

Are some people just that impeded in life that even something nearly free to do, is beyond their capability? Similar people seem to understand patching a scratch on their car but this is rocket science?
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Jan 12, 2005
I would absolutely get it done.
I would absolutely not do it myself. I'm seeing a professional that has access to the correct equipment and who can send the detached chunk off to a lab to find out how nasty it is.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
^ I'm talking about getting rid of imperfections before they become a lab situation. Why does anyone let something go that far to "chunk" stage?

Are people just that oblivious to changes in their body? I mean if it were a spot on your elbow okay but your head??

Keep in mind I'm not speaking to a broad audience, just those who have these large tags/warts/etc and lived with them for years.


Jan 12, 2005
^ I'm talking about getting rid of imperfections before they become a lab situation. Why does anyone let something go that far to "chunk" stage?

There is no "before it gets to the lab" stage. If it's big enough to cut off it's big enough to send to the lab.
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Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
^ False (in the context of this topic), though I'm sure some money hungry dermatologist would like to convince you otherwise. You desperately need them for every mosquito bite, right?

If it grows BACK, then sure, that didn't work. Granted I'm not talking about cutting as much as other methods before it's that big. At the slightest sign, not once you have some big wart thing. That's the WHOLE POINT!

Again, why does anyone let anything get that big? Do you think it's a pimple yet with no clogged pore? Do you think it's just a bad dream?

I am not asking nor do i care about opinions of pseudo-intellectuals, I'm asking people with these growths that they let go for years, who didn't remove it, didn't send it to a lab, just lived with it to See What Happens Next.

It might seem like this is a small group of people but if you are observant, you'll realize it isn't.
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Senior member
Dec 18, 2003
Because why take the risk if you doesn't impact your health? Doing any of that stuff has risk. Had a doctor freeze a wart and he did it too much...things didn't end up too well.


Jan 12, 2005
^ False (in the context of this topic), though I'm sure some money hungry dermatologist would like to convince you otherwise. You desperately need them for every mosquito bite, right?

Well I wouldn't be cutting a mosquito bite out with professional help ot without so that's a moot point really.
Also I live in the UK so the dermy wouldn't be doing it to scam money from me, they'd be doing it so they knew that they went sending me home brewing up a nice cancer.
If it grows BACK, then sure, that didn't work. Granted I'm not talking about cutting as much as other methods before it's that big. At the slightest sign, not once you have some big wart thing. That's the WHOLE POINT!

Well just hope that if it grows back it doesn't grow back in your liver, or lung, or pancreas because cutting it out of there is a bit more involved.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
^ If you went to a bad doctor, that does not indicate anything other than bad doctor.

How does it impact your health? It's a small skin lesion, if as I already stated multiple times, and was the point all along, you stopped it before it got larger?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
Well just hope that if it grows back it doesn't grow back in your liver, or lung, or pancreas because cutting it out of there is a bit more involved.

If you think you have spreading cancer, of course you should see a professional. That is not at all the case in most situations of skin tags/etc.

In those cases you should have seen a professional already even if you didn't get the skin defect fixed. The question is to those who DIDN'T do anything.

Now let's get back on topic, this is about skin defects not cancer. We're all familiar with the word cancer and it would have been used if it were the topic.

I suppose the same could be said about zits. Every now and then, I wind up on a strange part of youtube and see some link for a zit that they get a teaspoon of goop out of. Why would anyone let something get that bad? A big lump wasn't a sign that action needs taken?

A mosquito bite, or anything that clears itself up in a few days okay but long term??
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Jun 12, 2005
I don't understand it either. I had a small spot on my ear last year ( about 1.5 mm ) that didn't look or feel right. Went straight to the dermatologist. Looked and agreed it was " something odd ". Scooped it out and had it tested, Squamous cell carcinoma. Returned and had Mohs micrographic surgery to get any that was remaining. All clear now and make sure I get a full exam every year. When in doubt, cut it out.


Jul 13, 2005
People with warts/etc on your head, are you just plain stupid?

I see this often. Some growth, call it a wart, or a skin tag, or whatever. It would only take a second to slice off yourself, then impede (or eliminate) regrowth with alum or whatever, or burn it with salicylic acid, or burn it with a match, or put leeches on it, or freeze it, or ???

Why does anyone ever let some skin growth go unchecked? Did you think it would get better if you left it alone? After years!?

Better question, who out there pays a ludicrous amount of money to have a pro take care of something this simple because they were worried about scarring, as if you lived with some tumor and a slight scar is worse than that?

My take, if you think a skin growth is cancerous, do get that checked out. If you don't, why would you ever let it grow till it's more than a little blemish to get rid of?

If we were talking about a life risking operation for cosmetic benefit, then I'd see that point, but just removing some growth because it's not getting better by itself?

I don't see it as vanity to remove a skin imperfection like that. You're just removing something that shouldn't be there.

Are some people just that impeded in life that even something nearly free to do, is beyond their capability? Similar people seem to understand patching a scratch on their car but this is rocket science?
You a doctor? You sound pretty ignorant!!


Jan 12, 2005
I don't understand it either. I had a small spot on my ear last year ( about 1.5 mm ) that didn't look or feel right. Went straight to the dermatologist. Looked and agreed it was " something odd ". Scooped it out and had it tested, Squamous cell carcinoma. Returned and had Mohs micrographic surgery to get any that was remaining. All clear now and make sure I get a full exam every year. When in doubt, cut it out.
Glad they got it all!
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I applaud your efforts in promoting the ancient field of self-surgery, but let me remind you that this sort of thing was universally popular at a time when the average human lived for about 30 years.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I don't understand it either. I had a small spot on my ear last year ( about 1.5 mm ) that didn't look or feel right. Went straight to the dermatologist. Looked and agreed it was " something odd ". Scooped it out and had it tested, Squamous cell carcinoma. Returned and had Mohs micrographic surgery to get any that was remaining. All clear now and make sure I get a full exam every year. When in doubt, cut it out.

That may be wise and well and good for you and all that, but OP would prefer that you just take a drill press to that growth on your ear and call it done.


Oct 9, 2002
My family refused to help me chop some on my neck and back and tried to dissuade me. I did it myself.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
How am I supposed to get people to believe I'm a witch if I haven't gotten any warts? Are you stupid?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
That may be wise and well and good for you and all that, but OP would prefer that you just take a drill press to that growth on your ear and call it done.

I wouldn't try a drill press but if you think that's the BEST option to remove a skin growth yourself, that's your call to make.

The topic is about not doing anything. If you want to be cautious and see a doctor, go ahead, but if you aren't the type to run to a doctor for every little thing (which many people are not), why would you let something get bigger?

applaud your efforts in promoting the ancient field of self-surgery, but let me remind you that this sort of thing was universally popular at a time when the average human lived for about 30 years.

Mostly due to disease, poor hygiene, etc. Walking instead of driving was universally popular at the same time, shall we all stop walking?

Remember, the topic is about people who didn't do anything, have had a growth on their head for years. It was never an argument to avoid a doctor if you think you need one.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I wouldn't try a drill press but if you think that's the BEST option to remove a skin growth yourself, that's your call to make.

The topic is about not doing anything. If you want to be cautious and see a doctor, go ahead, but if you aren't the type to run to a doctor for every little thing (which many people are not), why would you let something get bigger?

Mostly due to disease, poor hygiene, etc. Walking instead of driving was universally popular at the same time, shall we all stop walking?

Remember, the topic is about people who didn't do anything, have had a growth on their head for years. It was never an argument to avoid a doctor if you think you need one.

Right, I'm just more commenting on your interesting distrust of the medical field and established methods of scientific investigation when it comes to solving problems. Yes, it's best not to run off to the doctor "for every little thing," I agree, but I get the feeling that you simply don't understand that very many "little things" are actually far worse than you seem to be willing to understand. Growths like this aren't a problem simply because "they are big," They are a problem because of what they are. There are many morphological hallmarks for the various strange things that grow on our bodies, and size is rarely the most telling thing--though if anything, large-sized strange things are an indicator that it just might be too late for you. ...point being that your advice is really just terrible because you have revealed a frank distrust of generations of knowledge resulting from successfully-applied scientific investigation because "what you feel" is the proper way to do things.

Of course, your applied method of just cutting it off before it gets too big is, well, what leads to far worse problems because you have no idea what you are doing if, indeed, that thing you cut was quite harmful because of what it is, not because of its size, but because you have no introduced all the very bad bits of it into your bloodstream.


Oct 9, 2002
Right, I'm just more commenting on your interesting distrust of the medical field and established methods of scientific investigation when it comes to solving problems. Yes, it's best not to run off to the doctor "for every little thing," I agree, but I get the feeling that you simply don't understand that very many "little things" are actually far worse than you seem to be willing to understand. Growths like this aren't a problem simply because "they are big," They are a problem because of what they are. There are many morphological hallmarks for the various strange things that grow on our bodies, and size is rarely the most telling thing--though if anything, large-sized strange things are an indicator that it just might be too late for you. ...point being that your advice is really just terrible because you have revealed a frank distrust of generations of knowledge resulting from successfully-applied scientific investigation because "what you feel" is the proper way to do things.

Of course, your applied method of just cutting it off before it gets too big is, well, what leads to far worse problems because you have no idea what you are doing if, indeed, that thing you cut was quite harmful because of what it is, not because of its size, but because you have no introduced all the very bad bits of it into your bloodstream.
Doctors told me what I already knew (because they hadn't grown or changed significantly for many many years). They were just skin tags. At that point, why would I pay hundreds of dollars for removal? I just cut them off myself. DONE.


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
I guess if you don't have access to medical care, you can cut stuff off your own body and do whatever you want. I'd rather pay the $20 co-pay and have it done painlessly by my doctor who can send it off to a lab for free.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
Right, I'm just more commenting on your interesting distrust of the medical field and established methods of scientific investigation when it comes to solving problems.

Quite an imagination you have there! Not once did I mention any mistrust. You seem to be arguing with yourself. I merely accept that many people are leery of doctors and/or can't afford to have such things taken care of by one, or whatever the case may be, which leaves them to decide what's next. Is doing NOTHING the best solution? Bury your head in the sand? In life I find this is almost never the case.

Yes, it's best not to run off to the doctor "for every little thing," I agree, but I get the feeling that you simply don't understand that very many "little things" are actually far worse than you seem to be willing to understand.

And very many "little things" are actually "little things". I have no unwillingness to understand anything, you've simply gone off on some tangent because you imagine something not stated. Show where I ever suggested "use a drill press instead of seeing a doctor"?

Growths like this aren't a problem simply because "they are big," They are a problem because of what they are. There are many morphological hallmarks for the various strange things that grow on our bodies, and size is rarely the most telling thing--though if anything, large-sized strange things are an indicator that it just might be too late for you.

This does not dismiss people living with skin tags for decades. You seem to be getting this topic completely backwards, it was always about why people wouldn't act instead of inaction.

...point being that your advice is really just terrible because you have revealed a frank distrust of generations of knowledge resulting from successfully-applied scientific investigation because "what you feel" is the proper way to do things.

I did not intend it as advice, more like if nothing else why would you live with that?

Of course, your applied method of just cutting it off before it gets too big is, well, what leads to far worse problems


because you have no idea what you are doing if, indeed, that thing you cut was quite harmful because of what it is, not because of its size, but because you have no introduced all the very bad bits of it into your bloodstream.

You are too fixated on cancer. I made it clear earlier that this was not a cancer topic. If you feel it might be cancerous, do see a doctor.

Certainly "some" growths might not be identifiable without a professional. Certainly "some" growths are. Welcome to the information age where a person doesn't have to be ignorant. People are doing all kinds of things today that some pro will tell you "better not do this", even mowing your own lawn!

Again, the issue is about people not doing anything.
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