Peter Strzok Fired? Not yet. Escorted from FBI Friday.

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Nov 11, 1999
Your apparently fixated on Trump but they were flinging poo at everybody during their texts. They should know better to do that on company time/communication devices etc...

So what?

Trump claims the Special Counsel investigation is a witch hunt when, in truth, the witch hunt is taking place in Congress. That's right, and Strzok is the intended victim.

He was transferred away from the investigation when it was barely 6 weeks old so as to remove any hint of impropriety. That was a year ago. To claim that somehow invalidates the work done since then is absurd, but that's the obvious intent of the GOP. Whatever he said or did back then is utterly immaterial to the investigation today.
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Feb 24, 2009
I've only read a few excerpts and seen a few clips, but my God, Republicans are chomping at the bit to make Strzok the enemy of the people. And to my eyes, at least, it is all backfiring horribly. This is a good man who'll not go down without a fight. It is downright shameful what they are doing...literally trying to pin him between revealing classified information or being held in contempt of Congress. He has instructions from the FBI that he is not to answer certain questions or risk threatening the investigation, but GOP don't care. Goodlatte, Gowdy, Sensenbrenner are all trying to fry him up so they can taint the Mueller investigation as fruit from the poisoned tree.
He's not going to sit their and take their shit. So far, the guys holding up fine.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2006
So what?

Trump claims the Special Counsel investigation is a witch hunt when, in truth, the witch hunt is taking place in Congress. That's right, and Strzok is the intended victim.

He was transferred away from the investigation when it was barely 6 weeks old so as to remove any hint of impropriety. That was a year ago. To claim that somehow invalidates the work done since then is absurd, but that's the obvious intent of the GOP. Whatever he said or did back then is utterly immaterial to the investigation today.

Strzok is currently assigned to the HR division of the FBI, that just screams that the FBI is stashing him away until they know what to do. I doubt he has been doing meaningful work since. It is probably better to call it an extended vacation on the taxpayers dollar.


Nov 11, 1999
Strzok is currently assigned to the HR division of the FBI, that just screams that the FBI is stashing him away until they know what to do. I doubt he has been doing meaningful work since. It is probably better to call it an extended vacation on the taxpayers dollar.

Again, so what? That in no way discredits the Special Counsel's investigation which is the point of this whole song & dance routine from the GOP.


Jun 11, 2004
Strzok is currently assigned to the HR division of the FBI, that just screams that the FBI is stashing him away until they know what to do. I doubt he has been doing meaningful work since. It is probably better to call it an extended vacation on the taxpayers dollar.

Were they supposed to keep him on the investigation?

He was removed like anyone would have been and reassigned. There are some that will cry no matter what they did with him. He didn't do anything worthy of losing his job so he continues to work and to suggest it's not meaningful is just you flapping your gums... He's entitled to his opinions he just can't let them cloud his judgement when doing his job. LIKE ALL COPS. There is nothing to suggest he ever did or that even if he wanted to would be impossible to hide and would have been caught, dealt with and ended.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Nice to see Srzok is not taking the Republican bullshit lying down...

“I can assure you, Mr. Chairman, at no time, in any of these texts, did those personal beliefs ever enter into the realm of any action I took. Furthermore, this isn’t just me sitting here telling you you don’t have to take my word for it. At every step, at every investigative decision, there are multiple layers of people above me, the assistant director, executive assistant director, deputy director and director of the FBI, and multiple layers of people below me, section chiefs, supervisors, unit chiefs, case agents and analysts, all of whom were involved in all of these decisions. They would not tolerate any improper behavior in me any more than I would tolerate it in them.”


"That is who we are as the FBI. And the suggestion that I in some dark chamber somewhere in the FBI would somehow cast aside all of these procedures, all of these safeguards and somehow be able to do this is astounding to me. It simply couldn’t happen. And the proposition that that is going on, that it might occur anywhere in the FBI, deeply corrodes what the FBI is in American society, the effectiveness of their mission, and it is deeply destructive.”


“I understand we are living in a political era in which insults and insinuation often drown out honesty and integrity. I have the utmost respect for Congress’s oversight role, but I truly believe that today’s hearing is just another victory notch in Putin’s belt and another milestone in our enemies’ campaign to tear America apart."


Oct 15, 1999
You say that as you ignore the fact that the FBI already has reams of tapes regarding conversations of the publicly known criminals (Russian mafia) that lived in apartments in Trump tower, for decades plus.

Like somehow, for some reason, they weren't already onto Trump.

You say these things, without the basest sprinkling of common sense. It's not funny because it's just fucking sad, really. We know this shit. Everyone knows it. You just don't give a fuck.

You and your family pretty much hated everything about Trump, and people like Trump, up to and including ~6 years ago. Suddenly, he's the greatest thing. ...I guess because he isn't the black guy.

He is here to erase the awful presence of the black guy from your memory, right? Is that it? That must be it...there is no other rational reason that an educated, mature adult would support the raging lunacy of a 12 year-old in old-man skin, like we have with this Orange sack of shit. There isn't a single fucking reason.

Unless you truly are a moron. Are you a moron? Do you admit to that? It's a simple question.
I'll wait until Trump is actually charged with something before I decide he's guilty.
Everything else you said is nonsense. Rumor and innuendo isn't a criminal proceeding, blog posts and hand wringing aren't evidence. If Trump has committed the crimes you believe he's guilty of, he'll be impeached and possibly tried for treason. I think that's a good thing. If, on the other hand, there is no evidence of Collusion with the Russians, I'm fine with that as well.
Just to be clear, as of today Trump hasn't been charged with anything, and the only evidence we have of a crime is that you insist he's committed one. While I'm sure your total ignorance of the investigation is plenty good enough for a conviction here in P&N, I need a little more than that. So you continue to blather on about an investigation that you have absolutely no knowledge of, and I'll continue to wait calmly for some evidence.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'll wait until Trump is actually charged with something before I decide he's guilty.
Everything else you said is nonsense. Rumor and innuendo isn't a criminal proceeding, blog posts and hand wringing aren't evidence. If Trump has committed the crimes you believe he's guilty of, he'll be impeached and possibly tried for treason. I think that's a good thing. If, on the other hand, there is no evidence of Collusion with the Russians, I'm fine with that as well.
Just to be clear, as of today Trump hasn't been charged with anything, and the only evidence we have of a crime is that you insist he's committed one. While I'm sure your total ignorance of the investigation is plenty good enough for a conviction here in P&N, I need a little more than that. So you continue to blather on about an investigation that you have absolutely no knowledge of, and I'll continue to wait calmly for some evidence.

Great news - here’s some evidence. Trump’s son, son in law, and campaign manager purposefully met with representatives of the Russian government for the express purpose of receiving information from them in order to help Trump win the election. In the words of his own campaign strategist the odds that Trump was unaware of this are zero.

If that’s not evidence of collusion what on earth is.


Jul 15, 2000
I thought Strozk handled himself well, he had a slight smirk about him until it was time to talk, then he delivered with both barrels. The "I find it astounding" was a subtle "are you guys THAT retarded"?, of course they are not, they ARE that desperate for any reason to derail the Special counsel's investigation. Several Democrats also came to Strozk's aid by pointing out that the horrible position taken by Trump on immigration, the Trump tower meeting, the Trump family profiting from his being POTUS somehow never resulted in an hearings.


May 15, 2000
Great news - here’s some evidence. Trump’s son, son in law, and campaign manager purposefully met with representatives of the Russian government for the express purpose of receiving information from them in order to help Trump win the election. In the words of his own campaign strategist the odds that Trump was unaware of this are zero.

If that’s not evidence of collusion what on earth is.

Anyone want to take bets that people like greenman will dismiss the investigation findings if it turns out there is a connection between trump and the Russians and crimes?


Oct 15, 1999
Great news - here’s some evidence. Trump’s son, son in law, and campaign manager purposefully met with representatives of the Russian government for the express purpose of receiving information from them in order to help Trump win the election. In the words of his own campaign strategist the odds that Trump was unaware of this are zero.

If that’s not evidence of collusion what on earth is.
That's not necessarily collusion. Collusion is two or more parties working together to commit a crime. Meeting with Russians for dirt on Hillary doesn't make the grade. What they did (or intended to do) with that information could be. So the next question is, what information did the Trumpets (love that name) receive, and what did they do with it? I don't know the answer to that.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
That's not necessarily collusion. Collusion is two or more parties working together to commit a crime. Meeting with Russians for dirt on Hillary doesn't make the grade. What they did (or intended to do) with that information could be. So the next question is, what information did the Trumpets (love that name) receive, and what did they do with it? I don't know the answer to that.

Soliciting contributions of that sort from a foreign government is most certainly a crime.

‘Collusion’ is not a legal term so it has no specific definition.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
He should have been escorted as soon as it came out that he had an affair. Anyone who knows how a clearance works knows this. Those praising him, are hypocrites. If a Trump guy was doing this, they'd slam him. For all the talk about collusion and whatnot, Dens like to look the other way when convenient. But I suppose they were just talking about grandchildren on the tarmac too huh.

Claiming his bias didn't impact what he did is a lie. There is a reason a judge, lawyer, etc cannot be on a case which they have shown bias towards on side or another. It's impossible not be prejudice. People in charge of applying rules to others, should not be running a case, or applying rules where they have shown an obvious bias towards. That's a fact. Denying it is simply lying and proving me right.

So my words are not used against me, I'm talking about this instance only.


Oct 15, 1999
Soliciting contributions of that sort from a foreign government is most certainly a crime.

‘Collusion’ is not a legal term so it has no specific definition.
Were they soliciting contributions? This would be the first time I've heard that. Much depends on what was expected from that meeting, why it was arranged, and what actually transpired. Those are the questions the FBI is supposed to answer.

Edit: I'll say it again. If Trump committed the crimes many of you think he did, I hope he's impeached and imprisoned. But I need more than hearsay to conclude guilt. There has to be proof of a crime, for impeachment, I'll accept intent to commit a crime. So far, we don't have that. We have hearsay, rumor, wishful thinking and wild speculation. None of those things are actionable.


May 15, 2000
He should have been escorted as soon as it came out that he had an affair. Anyone who knows how a clearance works knows this. Those praising him, are hypocrites. If a Trump guy was doing this, they'd slam him. For all the talk about collusion and whatnot, Dens like to look the other way when convenient. But I suppose they were just talking about grandchildren on the tarmac too huh.

Claiming his bias didn't impact what he did is a lie. There is a reason a judge, lawyer, etc cannot be on a case which they have shown bias towards on side or another. It's impossible not be prejudice. People in charge of applying rules to others, should not be running a case, or applying rules where they have shown an obvious bias towards. That's a fact. Denying it is simply lying and proving me right.

So my words are not used against me, I'm talking about this instance only.

Of course you are only talking about this instance only. Even you realize that you are a colossal hypocrite and a party before country bitch.


May 15, 2000
Were they soliciting contributions? This would be the first time I've heard that. Much depends on what was expected from that meeting, why it was arranged, and what actually transpired. Those are the questions the FBI is supposed to answer.

We already know the answer to this as its been public information for months and was confirmed by Donald Trump jr himself. The fact that you aren't aware of this says more about you and the bubble you live in more than it says about anyone else.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
He should have been escorted as soon as it came out that he had an affair. Anyone who knows how a clearance works knows this. Those praising him, are hypocrites. If a Trump guy was doing this, they'd slam him. For all the talk about collusion and whatnot, Dens like to look the other way when convenient. But I suppose they were just talking about grandchildren on the tarmac too huh.

Look the other way when convenient? You have to be joking. Unlike with Trump there is literally zero evidence that Strzok took even a single improper action in regards to investigating Trump, much less any conspiracy against him.

To any sensible person it is obvious that Strzok did not conspire to sink Trump’s candidacy. How do we know this? Because he easily had the means to do so and did not.

Claiming his bias didn't impact what he did is a lie. There is a reason a judge, lawyer, etc cannot be on a case which they have shown bias towards on side or another. It's impossible not be prejudice. People in charge of applying rules to others, should not be running a case, or applying rules where they have shown an obvious bias towards. That's a fact. Denying it is simply lying and proving me right.

So my words are not used against me, I'm talking about this instance only.

This is flatly false and is a frankly ludicrous idea. As I’ve said multiple times if you believe police and FBI investigators do not hold low opinions of those they investigate you’re living on another planet and there is absolutely zero requirement that they hold neutral opinions towards their targets or to not express those opinions.

Judges and juries on the other hand are supposed to be neutral arbiters. Even in those cases though, judges and jurors are not expected to be unbiased. Instead they are asked if they can set aside their bias.

It is for a judge, jury, or internal affairs to determine if they acted inappropriately and the good news here is we already had an investigation and he did not. If you can make a single, solitary act he took that was unfair to Trump then name it. Otherwise, a non-issue.

Seriously, set aside politics and partisanship for a minute and ask yourself this - if a mob boss was being investigated against the FBI and demanded an agent be taken off the case because he was caught on tape calling him a scumbag he would be laughed out of the room. You know this as well as I do. The president is not special and gets no immunity from being investigated by people who don’t like him.
Reactions: Aegeon


Oct 15, 1999
We already know the answer to this as its been public information for months and was confirmed by Donald Trump jr himself. The fact that you aren't aware of this says more about you and the bubble you live in more than it says about anyone else.
Why hasn't he been arrested? He committed a crime and admitted to it. He should be charged and jailed. This represents a dramatic failure of the judicial system and warrants the firing of everyone that should have been involved.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Were they soliciting contributions? This would be the first time I've heard that. Much depends on what was expected from that meeting, why it was arranged, and what actually transpired. Those are the questions the FBI is supposed to answer.

Just look at Don Jr.’s emails, it’s unquestionable that he was soliciting it. They said they had info for him from the Russian government and he said ‘I love it, especially later in the summer’. It’s all there in black and white.

Edit: I'll say it again. If Trump committed the crimes many of you think he did, I hope he's impeached and imprisoned. But I need more than hearsay to conclude guilt. There has to be proof of a crime, for impeachment, I'll accept intent to commit a crime. So far, we don't have that. We have hearsay, rumor, wishful thinking and wild speculation. None of those things are actionable.

What I’m telling you is we literally already have it in documents that are undisputed. It’s not hearsay, it’s what Don Jr. himself released and then lied about.

I mean how much more proof do you need than one person saying in writing ‘I have this illegal stuff to give you from the Russian government’ and for the other person to say ‘great, send it over!’


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Why hasn't he been arrested? He committed a crime and admitted to it. He should be charged and jailed. This represents a dramatic failure of the judicial system and warrants the firing of everyone that should have been involved.

It’s quite likely that Don Jr. will be indicted before this is all over. Mueller is smarter than that and knows how Trump values his family. I imagine if you see any members of the Trump clan indicted it will be all at once.

This represents the justice system attempting to do its job despite the efforts of the chief law enforcement officer to impede it.

Edit: from my understanding Trump Jr. has not been interviewed by Mueller. This indicates he is likely one of the targets of Mueller’s investigation.
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Feb 1, 2008
We all know quite well that Donald Trump is a Putin loving commie ruskie.
Nothing new there.....
What is making news with the hearings, and missed by everyone else, is the fact republican house members are now totally involved and enablers of criminal traitorous activity against the United States Of America.
These republicans in congress seek only to protect Donald Trump, hide the facts, ignore the evidence, and give shelter not only to Donald Trump but also for Vladimir Putin.
Really? Is this what Donald Trump has brought his party down to?
An major branch of the US government engaged in protecting Vladimir Putin?

This is not only about Trump collusion with the Soviets. This is the entire freeking republican party engaged in criminal activity. Traitorous activity. And conducting traitorous activity against the United States is in fact punishable by DEATH! That is US law.
Since when has traitorous criminal activity become tolerated within America?
And from a major branch of US government?
American presidents and patriotic leaders of past, long buried within their graves, are not only turning in their grave but this has become so bad they may actually rise from the grave to take revenge against this newly founded republican communist party.
Yes, lets call them for what they are and have become.
The communist republican party of the United Stated of America.
Operating solely in the interest of communist nations, the Soviet union, and Vladimir Putin.
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Dec 12, 2000
Something else to think about...during Jim Jordan's questioning Strzok was asked about 3 different versions of the from Simpson (FusionGPS), one from Corn (journalist) and one from BuzzFeed (published in January prior to inauguration.) Corn today clarified that the reason his version was different...he got it 2-3 months BEFORE the election.

So Corn had the dossier, and could've published before the election...but he didn't. Because he couldn't verify Steele as an FBI source. He went to the FBI and FBI refused to corroborate anything, on or off the record. No "anonymous sources" etc. So Corn didn't publish. We should've been able to see the dossier before 11/9 if Strzok was so biased.
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May 15, 2000
Something else to think about...during Jim Jordan's questioning Strzok was asked about 3 different versions of the from Simpson (FusionGPS), one from Corn (journalist) and one from BuzzFeed (published in January prior to inauguration.) Corn today clarified that the reason his version was different...he got it 2-3 months BEFORE the election.

So Corn had the dossier, and could've published before the election...but he didn't. Because he couldn't verify Steele as an FBI source. He went to the FBI and FBI refused to corroborate anything, on or off the record. No "anonymous sources" etc. So Corn didn't publish. We should've been able to see the dossier before 11/9 if Strzok was so biased.

The left was foiled by following the rules, yet again.


Dec 11, 2000
Something else to think about...during Jim Jordan's questioning Strzok was asked about 3 different versions of the from Simpson (FusionGPS), one from Corn (journalist) and one from BuzzFeed (published in January prior to inauguration.) Corn today clarified that the reason his version was different...he got it 2-3 months BEFORE the election.

So Corn had the dossier, and could've published before the election...but he didn't. Because he couldn't verify Steele as an FBI source. He went to the FBI and FBI refused to corroborate anything, on or off the record. No "anonymous sources" etc. So Corn didn't publish. We should've been able to see the dossier before 11/9 if Strzok was so biased.
Corn's new book is good.
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