Phantom Flusher Identity

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Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999
Hi KifArU,

Yet another dutch guy here.

Maybe he just likes the AT-forums better than DPC's. I know I do.
The A-members are much more diferentiated (hope I spelled that right ), because of country, culture or background. It makes discussions more interesting, I think.


Oct 9, 1999

<< A censored forum? Must be American... stupid! >>

When the Netherlands can pull it's head out of it's NetherRegion, let us know. We'll throw a big party.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Why does it take Dnet this long to just find out the IP-adresses the PhF uses? Maybe it's an intelligent trojan. (some kind of script)
Dnet has said that it is 99% that it's not a trojan. And if they did do a IP search.... And found that it came from the Dutch area... you really think they would want to tell us that? They are probly laughing at the whole thing. Till then..... Take em as we get em.

Thanks for the help to our team...

Keep up the good work.
[Wink,Wink] needs some help.[Wink,Wink]


Nov 8, 1999
First of all, I am very sceptical about everything in life, so this won't be an exception... For now, I don't see 1 single reason to believe f1r3f0x, other then that his story looks good. However, isn't it funny that every sucker o the block could've made the story up? For every little thing we come up with, there's an explanation, right?

Second thing (and I don't know if this has been said, but what the heck): I'd like to know if everyone who has been &quot;suffering&quot;from blocks of the PhF is using the same emailadress here as well as on dnet. Most of us are listed by our real names&quot;&quot;, couse we have names like &quot;{Dutch Power Cows} Ruben&quot;. If someone is listed by his real name, you cannot find out his emailaddress. Maybe we should look into that?

I think that's all I have to say for now, so PhF, you've had your dose of fun from me for today

ps: I'm a DPC member, doing pretty low amounts of blocks, but the PhF can't help me, and I wouldn't want him to... He ruining the competition, that's my opinion


Junior Member
Jun 29, 2000
> However, isn't it funny that every sucker o the block
> could've made the story up?

Sure enough, but I'm getting more and more convinced about him
and hope I can hand you some proof soon. I know he's reading
with us, so he might wanna pump some blocks into my account.

> If someone is listed by his real name, you cannot find out
> his emailaddress. Maybe we should look into that?

You must understand that someone capable of spreading
the exact amounts of blocks to separate users the way
he's doing now is also capable of other brilliance,
and indeed he is known to be brilliant in many ways,
(but very unsuccessful in love - the trade off I'm afraid..).

> but the PhF can't help me, and I wouldn't want him to...
> He's ruining the competition, that's my opinion

The way I know him he's very much anti competition,
anti warfare, anti the army (he refused to join
when they wanted him to) and so it doesn't surprise me
to see him mocking those who 'like the competition'.
He doesn't like team-sports, he's a loner and he
absolutely likes to somewhat control people's behavior
which causes him to be in his profession, he rules over
2 large networks (where I know of, there could be more..).
His views on life are realistic and nihilistic,
he strongly believes there's no point to life
and things like that...
So, as I've mentioned:
His character fits the profile of that of
someone who would be doing something like this.


Junior Member
Jun 29, 2000

<< LMAO.. how do you keep coming up with this stuff! you should try writing story tales >>

I already do, I get payed some for writing too.
That set aside, it wasn't my intention to be funny,
I'm dead serious about him. I've clearly seen
that you all want to know more about him,
and I thought I'd give you some.

The day of proof will be the day I could get him to
(for example) boost the block-score of someone
by (my or your) choice. He owes it to me,
since I gave him the idea, in a way.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
From what you've said the guy wouldn't flush a large amount of blocks to the particular e-mail address you stated, just so that he can &quot;keep having fun with us&quot;. If he was going to do that he may as well just drop in and say hi .


Oct 11, 1999
I don't see any reason not to believe F1r3fox, but then again, we don't have a real reason to believe him. He may know the guy or not. It actually doesn't matter much, the important question is are the blocks legit. Since D.Net is not concerned, I am starting to think they know more than they say, so I am starting to believe the blocks are legit. I know there are corporate networks out there that could output blocks like we've never seen before. It would not be too unlikely that someone would be in charge of one and would like to play with people's minds.

What exactly does he have for a herd again?


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Firefox, drop me a line, I think I can help you prove your story(at least in part).


Nov 6, 1999
Firefox: I must say your story really does make sense to me and I have a real tendency to believe it, although I'm not real sure about it. But as I said it would make sense, a Dutch guy with a big network having fun by doing this. Now I don't want to say much, but if I would have have a network like this I would probably also pull something like this (although I would then only give blocks to various DPC members). But still, I mean, you've got some strange or &quot;different&quot; Dutch people walking around who might easily want to pull a joke like this (look at me . So I really do see your story makes sense but still hope he makes himself known although if whta you told is trough he probably won't come out with it till somebody else found out that it was him for sure. At least that's what I think somebody might do in that position, and what I would do

Furthermore I think that IF this story is true has mailed him by now and he has told them he wants to keep it a secret and they agreed to keep it like that. Because don't you think that hasn't been able to find the IP's by now? Especially when it might have been a trojan and they would want to know asap about it. So I think they are just playing along.

And as last about your nick you were talking about, I don't think (I'm pretty sure) you will ever get the nick Firefox on as it is the nick of one of the Administators and Hardwarereviewers etc. of the site.

I'm out of town for a few days, up to the woods of Wisconsin, so I hope I don't miss to much

Just my $ 0.02 worth


May 11, 2000
I agree with beefcake on this:
>>>Hmmmm... I believe nothing anymore, the worlds a matrix!

I agree with Scorion on this:
>>>I'm kind of glad he didn't join the DPC though... Things would get
>>>nasty if that happened. They might actually start to &quot;threaten&quot;
>>>our position.

And wel I agree with a lot, but I remain sceptical.

Still, I find this very strange (it's kinda contradictionairy -probably misspelled that - )
>>>He likes to see you all fight over it.
>>>The way I know him he's very much anti competition,
>>>anti warfare, anti the army (he refused to join
>>>when they wanted him to) and so it doesn't surprise me
>>>to see him mocking those who 'like the competition'.

I think (and hope ) that's were you made the mistake. First you tell us he likes to play with us so we'll fight harder.
Then you dicede to tell us about how he hates it when there's a conpetition or fight.

_AND_ you tell us some stuff I personally think is a little too much...

>>>You must understand that this is one unpredictable individual, as
>>>far as I know him. He's the kind that lives in computer-rooms, has
>>>no wife or girlfriend and always wears sneakers at work.

>>>He doesn't like team-sports, he's a loner and he absolutely likes
>>>to somewhat control people's behavior which causes him to be in
>>>his profession, he rules over 2 large networks (where I know of,
>>>there could be more..).
>>>His views on life are realistic and nihilistic, he strongly
>>>believes there's no point to life and things like that...
>>>So, as I've mentioned:
>>>His character fits the profile of that of someone who would be
>>>doing something like this.

What you're trying to do is give us the feeling that you're really sure (you _could_ be, but I don't think so. Sorry)
You do this by giving us some extra info on his character and what kind of person he is. What I think is strange is that
1. You use the same nick as one of the administrators of
2. You give us the info, but it doesn't all add-up
3. Some of use get the feeling this is a game for you and you are trying to fool around with us. (E.g. you don't know a thing and you have a nice story.)

In your advantage:
1. Nice story
2. No guys have turned up here (where are you?)
3. Character matches somewhat

I'll write a mail to one of the guys I know (a little), just to get his words out on this.

Itsme! out, I just get annoyed by the thought you're a fake.

(I've been looking at the site for about an hour-and-a-half. What strikes me is that the english you use is very different, the tonation is different I mean. On your site you seem to not care what others say, do and think, while here you're very different. I alomst can't describe it, I'll do it in Dutch first, then I'll translate it for you guys. (And you van always use the translators if you don't trust me.

Je zit in een soort schuld-positie, en het is net of wij je allemaal
aanvallen, dit is waarschijnlijk ook waarom je engelse taalgebruik
heel anders is. Ik heb sterk het idee dat de helft van wat je doet een facade is. De links die het meest interessant zijn werken niet (op je site), helaas is het ook _nogal_ rommelig opgezet, wat het plezier niet bevorderd. (Wel een mooie intro trouwens, compliment!)

You're in a position were you are blamed, and you try to keep your head above the water. This is problably why your english language is different I guess. IMHO half of what you do is facade, the most interesting links on you page aren't working and the site is _quite_ a mess. (No logic mapping used) This makes it less nice to sort of wander around on the site. (You do have a nice intro though!, my compliments fot that!)

I dunno, still sceptical, sorry. And I know I _can_ be wrong.

/me out


Junior Member
Jun 29, 2000
> First you tell us he likes to play with us so we'll fight harder.

I wrote that's what I think he might have been
playing with in his mind.

> Then you decide to tell us about how he hates it
> when there's a competition or fight.

No, he hates the concept, and he hates being part of
fights, there's quite a difference you know.
He's a lot like me, that's how I know, he's my age,
he's not a team-member kinda guy, but he likes
to have power over people, for sure. See how he's
even controlling the atmosphere in this forum now?
(and through me, a friend, of all!)

> You do this by giving us some extra info on his character
> and what kind of person he is. What I think is strange is that
> 1. You use the same nick as one of the administrators
> of

No, the guy (Reinder) at is using it
since what, somewhere in 1998 or around that time?
I've been using it since there were BBSs. I'm not
'mad' at him for using it, I was simply disappointed
when I noticed someone using it so publically.

> 2. You give us the info, but it doesn't all add-up

What possibly doesn't add up?
I'm even more sure I'm right about him now, since nobody
has stepped forward to me telling me I should shut up
and bud out and mind my own business or something.
The actual PhF is either my guy
or not reading these posts.

I have recieved 7 emails over this, all were from
angry and/or jealous people, but not one of them is
warning me to cut the crap because he/she
is the p-flusher himself.

> I'll write a mail to one of the guys I know (a little),
> just to get his words out on this.

About time. See my previous posts on this.

> (I've been looking at the site for about an hour-and-a-half.
> What strikes me is that the english you use is very different,

different from what? My age is 34, I've been writing a lot
in english ever since high school, so what are you trying to say?

> Je zit in een soort schuld-positie, en het is net
> of wij je allemaal aanvallen, dit is waarschijnlijk ook
> waarom je engelse taalgebruik heel anders is. Ik heb sterk het idee
> dat de helft van wat je doet een facade is.

Well nice research, but as you should have read
when you enter the domain: If you judge me or my cousin
on what's on the net, you will be making a big mistake.
In real life we are not how we can be perceived from the net.
I think that's never the case with anyone. You can obtain
some data about me from the www, but you can't possibly
ever know who I am from all that. Deal with it.

> De links die het meest interessant zijn werken niet (op je site),

Like, do you have an example, or what's your point?

> helaas is het ook _nogal_ rommelig opgezet,

It's not finished and you should know we've been moving
many other pages from other places to this domain recently,
it's a sh*t job to have to change all the A HREF tags.


Golden Member
Dec 15, 1999
I've learnt so much from Anandtech over the last couple of years. I just never imagined for a minute that I'd be taking a correspondence course in Dutch!

Keep it going, I'm getting a phrase book on Monday. Love this!


May 11, 2000

Because you've replied to my post, you've axplained some of the &quot;fuzzyness&quot; in my thoughts.

I _can_ agree with you, but I am just so stubbern I won't

With the &quot;different&quot; english I meant that you wrote from another level, just as I hoped to explain in my previous post. On your site you don't seam to care about anyone else, but here you are, because you want to clearly state that what you write is possibly real.
What I'm trying to say is that because of the different thoughts behind these written pieces, the language you use is different and the tonation is different.

That's why I thought you were not the same guy.

About the site and the not working links, I have to apologise, the links I reffered to were all on the same page and well, my cable modem just gave up on me I guess, because when I tried it again (about 25 minutes later) thay all worked. (Expept one or so, but that's &quot;not too shabby&quot;.)

>Well nice research, but as you should have read
>when you enter the domain: If you judge me or my cousin
>on what's on the net, you will be making a big mistake.
>In real life we are not how we can be perceived from the net.
>I think that's never the case with anyone. You can obtain
>some data about me from the www, but you can't possibly
>ever know who I am from all that. Deal with it.

You're right, and I agree with you on that, ehr and ehm well you're almost convincing me right now... I'm just about to go speachless

You've said that _he_ probably uses a network from the government and a network from a bank. That's were some questions rise.
The government, I can understand that, but a bank? (I say this presuming half of the power he has is from the gvt and the other half is at the bank.) What bank has over 600 Pc's connected to the internet? Or does he use the (for example) AS/400 systems where all the connections go throug?

Questions, questions, questions, some of which you can't answer yourslef I think.

And finally I wish to say:
We don't want you to bud out or shut up. We just want to know if the WU's are all legit and when he'll stop.
In csae of the DPC's we'd like to know if there's a possibility to split the wu's betwean the to of us. That way we keep it even... And we can race again

Well just my $0.02 worth


Nov 8, 1999
I don't know if this is the right saying (saying means &quot;uitdrukking&quot;, right?), but I think it's about time to walk the walk, if u know what I mean. We talked enough. f1r3f0x for sure did...


Junior Member
Jul 1, 2000
I have stated this on the dpc forum, but it's only fair to do this here as well:
I think that the phantom flusher is f1r3fOx (if the main line of f1r3fOx is true). It completely fits the profile.

1) The phantom flusher pretends (since he is flushing for others).
2) He likes to influence other people (why doing this only with blocks and not with words as well)
3) f1r3fOx is defending the phantom flusher... and explicitly asking if he can be cleared: does he feel guilty.
4) Why is f1r3fOx so sure that he knows the phantom flusher? If that gay is such a good friend to 'know' that, that must have talked about it (which he denies)...

What I think is also plausible: f1r3fOx likes to tell story's. In that case: thanx it is a good story. In this way it is fun to have the phantom flusher around.


May 31, 2000
Isn't it possible, since this PF seems to bring gifts to all AT-forum typers, that he uses a script to get all email-addresses in this forum, puts them in a database, and randomly picks addresses to flush with ?

just curious

(As a dutchman, I believe we played better soccer ageinst the Italians, but the old problem has came up again, we can't do penalties( and also as a dutchman I'm talking about 'we' while I can't play soccer at all)

greetinx to all AT-people, keep the competition going.



Junior Member
Jun 29, 2000
OK, Trinair2002, if you want a conspiracy inside a conspiracy go right ahead.

I don't really care what you think, coincidently I will personally change jobs pretty soon, and the funny thing is that it will be very much like the job the PhF suspect is having. So I might even become another PhF, but I'll be different in that I won't be able to keep it a secret, that's just not like me: I'm really very outspoken and extrovert. This other guy (which you think is me) is the opposite of that, he's not outspoken and introvert.

But enough about it for now. I'll return - I hope - with proof.
Rock on.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey, we are not all Americans here

But still no soccer in here, too embaressing to mention the words England and soccer together recently!
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