Phenom II x6 1100T 3.8GHz Bootleneck ?


Jul 28, 2015
Hi everyone.

I know it will be i mean bootleneck but how much important for gaming.Im planning to buy new volta high end gpu.Is it serious problem for gaming ?

I mean 2 years later im gonna buy volta or vega high end gpu.

Sorry about my English.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2011
What games do you play, which games do you play that are having FPS issues, and what are your typical CPU/GPU/RAM % of usage?

Ive used a 1055T & 1090T for years playing many games, and never really considered teh CPU to be that large of a bottleneck. At least not at 1080P with a GTX680.


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2008
Considering both the new AMD Zen FX and Intel Kaby Lake i7 7XXX chips will be out by the you will certainly be bottlenecked by a 7 year old CPU at 4K with a high end modern graphics card.


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2012
Yes, that is one slow CPU. Although there are some games that have very good multithreading. In general, your entire platform is very obsolete.

If you must stay on that platform, I would suggest RX 470 or RX 480. If you want Nvidia, I would look at the upcoming GTX 1060 or a GTX 970.

Big Volta will be held back substantially by that CPU.

If you can, a Skylake i5 would be a solid upgrade; and the i3 could work fine in a pinch.

AMD has no CPU worth buying until Zen.


Jul 28, 2015
What games do you play, which games do you play that are having FPS issues, and what are your typical CPU/GPU/RAM % of usage?

Ive used a 1055T & 1090T for years playing many games, and never really considered teh CPU to be that large of a bottleneck. At least not at 1080P with a GTX680.

i have no fps issue right using just planning to buy new gpu.%60-70 max CPU usage GPU is fine %80-99. I have 8gb ram.

Considering both the new AMD Zen FX and Intel Kaby Lake i7 7XXX chips will be out by the you will certainly be bottlenecked by a 7 year old CPU at 4K with a high end modern graphics card.

yea it will be bottleneck but high end gpu can give me steady 60FPS its ok for me.Of course i cannot use whole GPU power with this old CPU.I know that part.I just wonder is it serious problem ?

Yes, that is one slow CPU. Although there are some games that have very good multithreading. In general, your entire platform is very obsolete.

If you must stay on that platform, I would suggest RX 470 or RX 480. If you want Nvidia, I would look at the upcoming GTX 1060 or a GTX 970.

Big Volta will be held back substantially by that CPU.

If you can, a Skylake i5 would be a solid upgrade; and the i3 could work fine in a pinch.

AMD has no CPU worth buying until Zen.

If you check out anandtech cpu bench 2xGTX770 with my cpu its fine. look at this FPS.

sucks games like a F1 2013 make serious problem.But BF4,Sleeping Dogs have a really good score.Lets suppose.I'm using this CPU with GTX1080 which game make a serious problem for me.I mean FPS drop or something else ? This is my question.

Thanks for answers.
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Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
Consider the power draw of your 3.8GHz 1100T @ ~130W idle and 338W load with an already power efficient HD5870.

A Skylake system with a dGPU idle/loads at just ~50W/133W.

Think about it, if you run systems at full blast 24/7 @ 12 cents per KWH you would have recouped the cost of a Skylake i5 and cheapo mobo in energy savings just in 1 year while having a far more powerful system. YMMV but you get the point that why sticking with pre-Sandy Bridge systems isn't a good idea in terms of ToC and cost/benefit.
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Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014
It's not going to be a bottle neck. People just love to toss this term "bottleneck" around. Compared to what? A CPU you do not have?

The faster your video card the faster your system will be. There isn't a brick wall that says, "no man sorry. You cannot go any faster because your CPU is stopping you man."


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2012
It's not going to be a bottle neck. People just love to toss this term "bottleneck" around. Compared to what? A CPU you do not have?

The faster your video card the faster your system will be. There isn't a brick wall that says, "no man sorry. You cannot go any faster because your CPU is stopping you man."

No offense, but you're wrong. Being CPU is like hitting a brick wall in performance.

There are so many games AT doesn't test or test properly. I'm sorry, but it is being completely delusional to think you won't be CPU limited with such an old CPU.

In most games, single thread performance is king. The games that are well threaded do exist, but many of them demand strong cores as well.

Trying to use such an obsolete platform is only viable if OP picks and chooses games that are not demanding. I can spend all day listing old and new titles that that poor CPU would be choking on.

GTA series
Fallout series
Assassin's Creed series
Every racing simulator
Every Flight simulator
ARMA series
Basically any DX9 game
Any physics heavy calculation during an intense scene
Total War series
Crysis 3 grass
Red Faction series
Elite: Dangerous galaxy map and asteroids
Starcraft 2 and virtually every old RTS
World of Warcraft

Having a more powerful GPU enables higher IQ and increased resolution. Being CPU bottlenecked means his FPS wouldn't be able to go higher even when lowering the visuals. Being CPU bottlenecked also results in horrible stuttering and erratic frametimes.

If OP only plays non demanding titles such as Battlefield 3 or Red Orchestra 2, then getting a more powerful GPU would be worth it. But is it a good idea to invest more money in a platform that is guarenteed to be far too slow for the majority of games?
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Aug 11, 2008
Well, the system is always going to be "bottlenecked" by the cpu or the gpu unless you are using a frame limiter. That said, like star wars, one needs "balance" in the system.

OP, I definitely would not pair a high end dgpu with that cpu. The cpu will hold you back in a lot of games, and as someone else said, if you are being held back by the cpu, there are really no settings to modify to make the situation better. Instead of buying a 600.00 high end dgpu, you would do better to buy a 200.00 AMD 470/480 and putting the difference toward a new cpu and motherboard.


Sep 11, 2010
If I remember correctly PII was slower then Core 2 Quad clock for clock. I had a PII 940 overclocked to 3.6ghz and it was choking on Dragon Age: Origins in some areas back in 2010. I had to upgrade to an i5 750 to fix it.

I personally see no reason to keep a PII 1100T for gaming. The resale value on that chip is excellent. I would ditch it and get a used Sandy or Ivy combo. You would probably be out $50ish or less for the upgrade.
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Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
Slower than the Core 2 Quad? Take a Phenom II and Nehalem at the same clocks. Up the Phenom II by 500mhz and you get Nehalem performance.

The problem with Phenom IIs, and AMD's current CPUs (Excavator and older), is that AMD has a terrible draw call deficit. The equivalent intel CPU in sheer performance, will oust it's AMD counterpart when it comes to gaming in <D3D 12 (so D3D 11, 9, OpenGL), by around 3x.

If you're gaming, AMD just isn't that viable, really. You want an intel CPU, unless you're budget constrained at want to play the latest games. An i3 is just bad, and I'd take the Phenom II over it, but if the option's there, an i5 is much beter.

Hell, a Nehalem i7 920 will do damn fine for gaming. Four cores, eight threads, good draw call perf, cheap.

Trick would be to get a good condition motherboard and not break the bank in gettin' it.


Apr 12, 2015
No offense, but...

GTA series
Fallout series

Every racing simulator
Every Flight simulator
ARMA series
Basically any DX9 game
Any physics heavy calculation during an intense scene
Total War series
Crysis 3 grass
Red Faction series
Elite: Dangerous galaxy map and asteroids
virtually every old RTS
World of warcraft

You just listed all the games I can get 60fps @ 1080 on with an fx4350 & 7970.

Arma 3 specifically can now be run at 5760/1080 @ Very high w/ 6k view 6k object & 4x FXAA on an 1100T and still maintain over 30 with 50 ai fighting in view.

I dont disagree that cpu bottlenecks exist, but when people who dont know how to configure games assume the benchmark is the best you can get, they tend to give shit advice.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
You might be able to get 60fps max/average, but it's the minimums that count, seeing as how ya cap your framerate to the minimum you experience, to avoid getting horrid judder.

Ain't no way a Piledriver CPU is pulling 60fps minimum at all times.


Apr 12, 2015
You might be able to get 60fps max/average, but it's the minimums that count, seeing as how ya cap your framerate to the minimum you experience, to avoid getting horrid judder.

Ain't no way a Piledriver CPU is pulling 60fps minimum at all times.

You are right. I will admit it can drop to 45 fps, but without a frame counter I dont know a person who can catch that drop, And I have tested.

Some games drop no matter the cpu.Arma 3 easily drops to <20fps at times even well configured on a 6700k (ai).

Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014
No offense, but you're wrong. Being CPU is like hitting a brick wall in performance.

There are so many games AT doesn't test or test properly. I'm sorry, but it is being completely delusional to think you won't be CPU limited with such an old CPU.

In most games, single thread performance is king. The games that are well threaded do exist, but many of them demand strong cores as well.

Trying to use such an obsolete platform is only viable if OP picks and chooses games that are not demanding. I can spend all day listing old and new titles that that poor CPU would be choking on.

GTA series
Fallout series
Assassin's Creed series
Every racing simulator
Every Flight simulator
ARMA series
Basically any DX9 game
Any physics heavy calculation during an intense scene
Total War series
Crysis 3 grass
Red Faction series
Elite: Dangerous galaxy map and asteroids
Starcraft 2 and virtually every old RTS
World of Warcraft

Having a more powerful GPU enables higher IQ and increased resolution. Being CPU bottlenecked means his FPS wouldn't be able to go higher even when lowering the visuals. Being CPU bottlenecked also results in horrible stuttering and erratic frametimes.

If OP only plays non demanding titles such as Battlefield 3 or Red Orchestra 2, then getting a more powerful GPU would be worth it. But is it a good idea to invest more money in a platform that is guarenteed to be far too slow for the majority of games?

Not correct. This guy is trying to sell Intel CPU's.

There is no CAP that suddenly stops and deserves a bottleneck stamp. Find me one and I will give you my chickens
Aug 11, 2008
Seriously??? Maybe I should pair an atom with a GTX1080, if there is no such thing as a cpu bottleneck. This has to be one of the most absurd and inaccurate statements ever to grace these forums. On top of it, you used incorrect information to accuse another poster of bias. BTW, I hope you arent attached to your chickens. Witcher 3 cpu scaling.

94 FPS with a 3970x and 61 FPS with an 8350, *with the same gpu setup*.


Apr 12, 2015
Seriously??? Maybe I should pair an atom with a GTX1080, if there is no such thing as a cpu bottleneck. This has to be one of the most absurd and inaccurate statements ever to grace these forums. On top of it, you used incorrect information to accuse another poster of bias. BTW, I hope you arent attached to your chickens. Witcher 3 cpu scaling.

94 FPS with a 3970x and 61 FPS with an 8350, *with the same gpu setup*.

Please remember that no self respecting pc gamer plays a game without tweaking it for his/her setup. I've havent played the game yet, but give me 5 minutes with the .cfg and I'll beat those numbers by 50%.

While that might not make the amd better than the intel, it surely makes it good enough in the eyes of more gamers.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015

You're comparing the best C2Q against one of the lesser Phenom IIs. Keep it fair, laddie; compare top beast ta top beast, stock vs stock (a la 965 BE vs i7 920).

But even then, @ 3GHz on both, it's a toss-up, except for Sysmark and Far Cry. Everything else is within the margin of error.

Isn't C2Q a bit faster than Nehalem at the same clocks? Just the latter was less of a power guzzler and didn't have that multi-die latency.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Isn't C2Q a bit faster than Nehalem at the same clocks? Just the latter was less of a power guzzler and didn't have that multi-die latency.

I think that it can be, in edge cases, where the 12MB of L2 cache on the C2Q outdoes the 8MB of L3 on Nehalem. But for most "productivity" applications, the Nehalem with the IMC beats the C2Q. Stuff like distributed-computing (which is painfully so often memory-bottlenecked on Core2-era machines), rendering, etc.


Sep 11, 2010
You're comparing the best C2Q against one of the lesser Phenom IIs. Keep it fair, laddie; compare top beast ta top beast, stock vs stock (a la 965 BE vs i7 920).

But even then, @ 3GHz on both, it's a toss-up, except for Sysmark and Far Cry. Everything else is within the margin of error.

Isn't C2Q a bit faster than Nehalem at the same clocks? Just the latter was less of a power guzzler and didn't have that multi-die latency.

I did said clock for clock. Which is what you want to look at for gaming. 3 ghz vs 3.7 ghz is 23.5% bump. I would hope that it would be faster with that kind of clock advantage. And nope Nehalem is faster clock for clock then C2Q. Here's the Q9650 vs an i5 750. . The 750 is a Lynnfield but their per core performance is pretty much identical. The i5 750 turbos to 3.2 ghz with 1 or 2 cores and 2.8ghz with 3 to 4 cores. But even with a slight clock disadvantage the i5 750 tops the Q9650 at just about every multi-threaded test.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
Jesus Christ, the 1100T goes for ~$180 on Ebay.

Anybody should fly, not run to sell those suckers and upgrade to Skylake if they even remotely value their bang-for-buck.


Golden Member
Oct 28, 2012
If you're gaming, AMD just isn't that viable, really. You want an intel CPU, unless you're budget constrained at want to play the latest games. An i3 is just bad, and I'd take the Phenom II over it, but if the option's there, an i5 is much beter.

Hell, a Nehalem i7 920 will do damn fine for gaming. Four cores, eight threads, good draw call perf, cheap.

Trick would be to get a good condition motherboard and not break the bank in gettin' it.
I don't agree, every i3 Intel has ever made for desktop is better than quad and oct core AMD counter-parts. Probably even first gen i3 or second gen T-version of i3 is better for games and multi-threaded applications.
With i3 you get better initial price, high performance, low heat, low power draw. Taking i3 over 1100T or equal FX is a no-brainer.

Jesus Christ, the 1100T goes for ~$180 on Ebay.

Anybody should fly, not run to sell those suckers and upgrade to Skylake if they even remotely value their bang-for-buck.
Sell? Whom to?


Apr 25, 2016
You're comparing the best C2Q against one of the lesser Phenom IIs. Keep it fair, laddie; compare top beast ta top beast, stock vs stock (a la 965 BE vs i7 920).

But even then, @ 3GHz on both, it's a toss-up, except for Sysmark and Far Cry. Everything else is within the margin of error.

Isn't C2Q a bit faster than Nehalem at the same clocks? Just the latter was less of a power guzzler and didn't have that multi-die latency.

What on earth are you on about? The 980BE is clocked at 3.80GHz and the Q9650 is at 3.00GHz. The fact that the scores are basically tied implies that the IPC of the Phenom II chip is rubbish.

Also, Nehalem almost always outperformed Yorkfield at the same clocks.
Aug 11, 2008
Even Skylake i3 will lose (obviously) to an 8 core FX in heavily threaded applications and in a fair number of newer, well threaded games, and early i3 s will lose even worse. It would for sure be an improvement over a the cpu that you have now, but I would not upgrade to one for gaming.

Like I said before, wait till the AMD 480 comes out, and if the price and performance are what they are being predicted to be, get that and save up for a total system upgrade with Skylake quad or perhaps Zen.
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