Phenom II x6 1100T GTX1060 Bottleneck?


Jul 28, 2015
I'm planning to buy LG 32" monitor tv FullHD and Evga gtx1060 sc gaming.3.8ghz will bottleneck or not for 1080p gaming ? Or should i wait for Volta,Vega GpUs,Zen+,Cannonlake.I mean totally change whole system ?

Sorry about My English.

Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014
The word "bottleneck" basically means either choking if off completely with zero gains or diminished gains.

There is no way that CPU chokes it off completely. On the other hand if you had a INTEL CPU you would see better gains. How much better? When it comes to gaming 10 -20 FPS loss vs INTEL is not going to kill your gaming. You will have plenty of FPS with that card and playing at 1080p.

Go for it and let us know the frame rates you get in games. You can always take the card with you to a new build if you wish.

I'm right behind you with a AMD 960T unlocked to a 6 core. Next card is going to be a 1060.


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2013
The word "bottleneck" basically means either choking if off completely with zero gains or diminished gains.

There is no way that CPU chokes it off completely. On the other hand if you had a INTEL CPU you would see better gains. How much better? When it comes to gaming 10 -20 FPS loss vs INTEL is not going to kill your gaming. You will have plenty of FPS with that card and playing at 1080p.

Go for it and let us know the frame rates you get in games. You can always take the card with you to a new build if you wish.

I'm right behind you with a AMD 960T unlocked to a 6 core. Next card is going to be a 1060.

A 10-20 FPS loss due to a CPU is enormous:

Your CPUs are around the 6100/8150 level, which is horrible for minimums. 40FPS to 70FPS+ is HUGE. Any Phenom II will heavily bottleneck you. If you want to experience games its time for a new system.

Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014
I understand what you did right there escrow4. You picked a game which is dependent on the CPU more than the GPU.

Pick a GPU stressing game and you will see little difference.

Either way I understand PII is old and long in the leg, but for people with little to no income it is still usable. I can afford a new system but I choose to not blow the cash. And I can tell you I game with my chosen games just fine.

So it really comes down to what games you like and buy the hardware suited for those games per any review you can find.
Aug 11, 2008
You are right in that it depends on the game. However, in certain games the cpu will definitely limit the framerate. Not sure what you mean by "choking it off completely", but in the context of the OP's post I consider it a "yes", that cpu will bottleneck a lot of games. Obviously if you pick a "gpu bottlenecked game" the cpu will not bottleneck it by definition. The fallacy in your reasoning is that with a cpu that slow, a lot *more* games will be cpu bottlenecked than with a faster cpu. Will they be unplayable? Probably not, but they will be limited by the cpu. A 1060 is definitely more card than that cpu needs. OP, if you plan to upgrade the entire platform at some point, you could still get a 1060 or RX480, depending on price and availability, and carry that over to a new build. Otherwise I would suggest something like a 470 from AMD, or even something cheaper like a 460 (dont really like that card, too cut down) or a previous gen GTX 950 for slightly over 100.00.v


Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2008
If you can wait until January I suggest waiting so Zen and Kaby will be duking it out, price-wise — and you'll have more choices. Otherwise, a midrange option is Broadwell C. An overclocked 5675C will be plenty for games with a 1060. Even at stock... If you have decent DDR3 you'll be able to move it to the new system. AsRock makes a cheap board that reportedly has the required overclocking features for Broadwell C (ability to independently clock the EDRAM and the ability to bypass TDP). NextWarehouse still has it for $275.


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2013
I understand what you did right there escrow4. You picked a game which is dependent on the CPU more than the GPU.

Pick a GPU stressing game and you will see little difference.

Either way I understand PII is old and long in the leg, but for people with little to no income it is still usable. I can afford a new system but I choose to not blow the cash. And I can tell you I game with my chosen games just fine.

So it really comes down to what games you like and buy the hardware suited for those games per any review you can find.


Another title from the past year. See a pattern? Games are increasingly CPU heavy (especially minimums) thanks to multi-core consoles. Phenoms are junk. If you know what you can get with Intel and can afford it and still don't build a new box, I give up.

Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014
[QUOTE=" . A 1060 is definitely more card than that cpu needs. [/QUOTE]

This statement is often heard on forums where upgrading is common place and upgrading without reason as well.

This CPU is deserving of a videocard like a 1060. We are not talking about a
Pentium D
here, we are talking about a 6 core CPU that blew the socks off of INTEL some years ago.

The whole concept of a video card being too good for someones system is absurd and only justified by the same people who make themselves feel better by upgrading every 2 years.

Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014

Another title from the past year. See a pattern? Games are increasingly CPU heavy (especially minimums) thanks to multi-core consoles. Phenoms are junk. If you know what you can get with Intel and can afford it and still don't build a new box, I give up.

Just another game nobody plays. Care to post another graph of a game nobody plays? Post some of the top games played.

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
The items you listed are totally transferable to another system.

Go ahead and make the plunge. Phenom II X6's are still solid processors (nowhere close to 'junk'). I have one at 3.35GHz while yours is at 3.8GHz, mine is paired with a GTX 960 4GB and plays Witcher 3 like a top with everything on ultra but hairworks and shadows (and really, who cares) Shadow of Mordor rocks as well with the majority of settings on high (maybe shadows on low, once more -- again, who cares) ... all this with a 960 and several hundred less MHz on the CPU side than you.

You may want to wait for Zen if you want to re-do everything all at once (if you innately lean toward AMD), but you could easily swap over the video card into a new box whenever.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2001
The bottleneck will be real, but that doesn't mean games will be unplayable, minimum frames rate will suffer, and you may get hitching here and there. So to answer your question OP, Yes, a Phenom X6 will bottleneck a GTX 1060, but depending on the game the performance could be fine.
Reactions: Headfoot
Aug 11, 2008
The bottleneck will be real, but that doesn't mean games will be unplayable, minimum frames rate will suffer, and you may get hitching here and there. So to answer your question OP, Yes, a Phenom X6 will bottleneck a GTX 1060, but depending on the game the performance could be fine.

Exactly, an excellent analysis, compared to some of the highly suspect statements being propagated in this thread. I still contend though, that unless the OP intends to carry the gpu over to a new system, a somewhat cheaper card like the 470 will be more than sufficient for that cpu.
Reactions: Face2Face

Loser Gamer

May 5, 2014
The bottleneck will be real, but that doesn't mean games will be unplayable, minimum frames rate will suffer, and you may get hitching here and there. So to answer your question OP, Yes, a Phenom X6 will bottleneck a GTX 1060, but depending on the game the performance could be fine.

There is no hitching involved with this CPU. I don't know where you get your info but you need to stop spreading bull.

Insulting others members is not allowed

Anandtech Moderator
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dark zero

Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2015
Exactly, an excellent analysis, compared to some of the highly suspect statements being propagated in this thread. I still contend though, that unless the OP intends to carry the gpu over to a new system, a somewhat cheaper card like the 470 will be more than sufficient for that cpu.
In fact he can under clock the card and the bottleneck goes away...

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
ROFL, nobody played the Witcher 3 or ROTTR. How about Mankind Divided? Your poky 960T will melt. Your username is most apt. Phenom II is fit for the bin in 2016.

You really don't know how Phenom II X6's hold up today. I played through Witcher 3 just fine with mine, and Shadow of Mordor was fluid as far as recent games go. What you're saying is purely subjective, dropping as low as character attacks. This isn't P&N where 99% of everything goes. Note, I also have a Haswell rig so it's not like reality is lost on me.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
On a 965 BE 'ere, and me 7850 is tae weak for me Phenom II; turn down the shadow resolution, disable SSAO, lower texture resolution, etc., et voila the fps rises. Probably wouldn't benefit from something vast like the 290x due tae AMD's single threaded D3D 11 drivers, but with a modernish NVidia card? Yah, you'll be fine.

Magical Nerd

Junior Member
Nov 11, 2017
[QUOTE=" . A 1060 is definitely more card than that cpu needs.

This statement is often heard on forums where upgrading is common place and upgrading without reason as well.

This CPU is deserving of a videocard like a 1060. We are not talking about a
Pentium D
here, we are talking about a 6 core CPU that blew the socks off of INTEL some years ago.

The whole concept of a video card being too good for someones system is absurd and only justified by the same people who make themselves feel better by upgrading every 2 years.[/QUOTE]


Dude, from one AMD fanboy to another, you need to tone it down. The "concept of a video card being too good for someone's system" is NOT absurd. The truth of the matter is often not super simple. Bottlenecks are often not hard, in that a given CPU won't necessarily limit gpus to some exact performance limit, but rather, there will be a relative bottleneck, diminishing returns. A gtx 1060 might still run better on an 1100T (or similar) AMD cpu, than other, slower video cards, but the relative difference between a 1060 and a slower card like the 1050ti, is going to be a lot smaller than on a system with a newer and faster CPU, and the value of a 1060 paired with a 1100T is suspect, although I'm sure that some applications will benefit from it more than others, and a 1060 might still be worth it depending on what exactly someone is running... but probably not worth it for most people!

I am an owner of a 960T which unlocked to 6 cores and which overclocks super well, but sadly, cpus like this really are quite far behind modern cpus. Even though DX 12 does, in general, reduce bottlenecking issues for CPU's, it looks like these old phenom X2's don't work very well with it. Furthermore, these cpus really are quite slow compared to new intel or amd ryzen cpus, even though the core count and frequency is about the same or even better than many of them.
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Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Thread necro on first post, that offers relevant info. Wonders will never cease.


Golden Member
Aug 29, 2010
Wow, just saw the dates on this thread, epic thread necro indeed.

To stay on topic though - yes, any Phenom II (overclocked or not) would be a bottleneck for a GTX 1060. How much so, depends on the game and resolution used. At 1080P it will be quite significant, at 1440P, not so much, though a GTX 1060 isn't really a great card for 1440P to be frank, a GTX 1070 or better is much better suited for that resolution, but there is no way I would recommend pairing a GTX 1070 with a Phenom II unless you are looking to upgrade your platform in the near future.


Senior member
Jul 3, 2017
I'm planning to buy LG 32" monitor tv FullHD and Evga gtx1060 sc gaming.3.8ghz will bottleneck or not for 1080p gaming ? Or should i wait for Volta,Vega GpUs,Zen+,Cannonlake.I mean totally change whole system ?

Sorry about My English.

People and its bottleneck, in some games even i7 8700K won't deliver 30fps (GW2).

- You should be oriented on a game that you play and Hz of your monitor, unless you want less input lag in some competitive games. Example here is CS:GO. Since you monitor is not for gaming...

Let me give you an example :
Rainbow six siege @ 60Hz monitor
1. As you play you are getting around 90-100fps while you GPU is showing 80% usage, which means CPU bottleneck. Many would recommend you to upgrade CPU, but your CPU can easily keep up with refresh rate of your monitor. So basically you are getting bottlenecked by monitor .

2. Even if you will still get 90-100fps and with 144Hz monitor it will fell much better than 150fps on 60Hz monitor.
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Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Something to keep in mind is how spoiled most here are. Conversely, if you have a kid trying to go pc instead of console, on a shoestring budget and old or hand me down hardware, it is not as glum as some make it out to be. My personal experience, is that for a budget gaming, freesync is the best investment. But even that exceeds some people's budget.

This kid adds a gtx970 to a phenom II 955 OC rig and games like GTAV and Witcher III are very playable@1080p with sensible settings depending on game.



Jul 25, 2014
For what it's worth, going from my old Phenom II X4 965 to a 6700K made a very noticeable difference in gaming performance even though I was just using a GTX 660Ti for graphics. A modern card should definitely still provide an acceptable experience, but it will be held back by the processor.

There's also the platform improvements. PCIe 3.0, DDR4, SATA 6 Gb/s, NVME storage, etc.

dark zero

Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2015
Exactly, an excellent analysis, compared to some of the highly suspect statements being propagated in this thread. I still contend though, that unless the OP intends to carry the gpu over to a new system, a somewhat cheaper card like the 470 will be more than sufficient for that cpu.
Actually a 470 would bottleneck the CPU too... sadly any pre Sandy Bridge/Ryzen processor will get bottlenecked with a 470/1060.
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