piece of crap k7s5a

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Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Sometimes penciling the remaining L7 bridges of the CPU to make the default Vcore 1.85v will fix the no boot issue with 1.2-1.4T-Birds and weak PSUs on the K7S5A. I had the same no boot issue when going from an 800 Duron to a 1.4T-Bird on the K7S5A using a Sparkle300w PSU and it not only resolved the problem but allowed me to run it rock solid@146.6 FSB=1.54ghz thereafter. Another fix that I've seen posted repeatedly is to try holding the reset and power buttons simutaenously at power up, some have had success booting there otherwise dead boards using this trick.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2001
I must be one of the few people that have the K7S5A and have had no problems with it. I don't like it cause there's not very many oc'ing features but it's gotten me through the last couple of months. Now time to sell it to a friend and buy what i really wanted!!!!


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001

<< I must be one of the few people that have the K7S5A and have had no problems with it >>

No my friend, you're not. There are many of us that have had no significant problems with that board. It's just that this is like a Dr's office; usually only "sick" folks post here. Of course that is fine because we all like to help others. But trust me, for every person that posts with a problem, there are hundreds or perhaps many thousands that have no problems whatsoever. Of course there are some that make more "noise" than others. You just got yourself a bargin priced, high performance, temporary solution. Hey, what more could you ask for? Congrats!!


Senior member
Mar 7, 2001
Well, I'm one of the one's who's having trouble with it. My current setup is:

AXP 1500+
256 MB PC133
Seagate 80 gig Barracuda IV
Intel I740 video (just as a spare to get it going)

My problem is that after trying to install Win2K MULTIPLE times, with formats in between each attempt, the damn thing won't finish booting into Win2K. The install goes smoothly and it says it installed fine yet when I do the initial reboot, it goes through the post fine, through the first "windows 2000 is loading" screen (black background, white text) and then goes completely through the Win2K splash screen (with the blue progress bar at the bottom). At this point, the screen goes blank and nothing else happens.

I've turned off APCI (ACPI?), set AGP to 1X, and basically left everything else in a "safe" or normal setting. Nothing seems to work. Any suggestions? Hopefully there is just something I'm overlooking (I've put together 4 computers from scratch and have never had a problem like this, even with overclocking)


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
What brand is the RAM? Also, what is the model and size PS you have? Did you try resetting the CMOS? When doing so it is very important to remove ALL cables from the MB; especially the ATX power connector. Is the processor recognized properly? Need Input.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
Man, this board is getting me pissed off!

Athlon 1 gig.
256mb Kingston RAM (SDR)
320 Watt P/S (same on I've used on an XP 1800+ and Athlon 1400mhz)

It worked fine installing XP and everythign. I set it all up and gave it to my friend. He takes it home and BAM! it is having problems. It is now having alot of trouble posting. I tried a Geforce 2 MX 400 64mb and a GeForce 3 Ti200 on it and it just won't post every single time! Out of 15-20 tries, it POST once or twice.

I've tried clearing the bios, reseating the memory, reseating the AGP card, and even tried another one of these boards I had laying around (both boards are new).

Same exact problems with both boards with different video cards and memory. I can't flash the bios because the ECS web site has the link to the ami bios utility but the link doesn't work!


Senior member
Mar 7, 2001
Oops, sorry I forgot, I'm using an Antec SX830 so the PS is a 300w Antec unit, the ram is a single stick of Kbyte (from OfficeMax), I haven't tried resetting the CMOS, the processor is correctly identified, the hard drive and CD rom are also correctly identified. I've also re-seated both the ram and video card out several times, I did this after the first failed install attempt.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
PullMyFinger: Sorry but the first thing I did was check out the PS you are using and it is only rated to an Athlon 900. On some boards this would probably not be a big issue, but the ECS board is a bit finicky about the PS it uses. You can check out what is rated for what at this site. The first thing I would try is a better PS. The RAM would be second on the list but you might want to try clearing the CMOS first anyway. Remember though, unplug the ATX power connector from the board (I just unplug all cables) and then put the jumper in the "Clear" position. Then go have a cup of cofffee or something. Come back, place the jumper back in the "Normal" position, plug back in the cables and reboot. You'll have to go into the BIOS to reset the FSB and any other ones you want. Start with "normal" settings to verify stability for a while. Then, if all is well you can get more aggressive with the RAM timings and such.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
dude: Same as above, I'm betting your PS is a bit weak. It makes no difference if it worked on another system with the same hardware, the ECS board is picky on power supplies; especially with the 1.4 Athlon. That was the biggest complaint when this board first came out. No one wanted to believe the PS was at fault. Check the AMD recommendations site for options.
As far as getting the latest BIOS and flash utility, you can go to the OC Workbench ECS forum for those items.


Platinum Member
Jun 26, 2001
The K7S5A is a 50$ gamble!!! I bought mine as a transistion from SDRAM to DDR and thed thing wouldnt work until I flashed the BIOS. The board is for experts only and not for new system builders since it is so problematic! Once you got all the probs ironed out it is a rather enjoyable cheap board!


Nov 6, 2001
Sometimes they work and sometimes they are rma, you need to lucky, I had couplt that ran fine and couple they suck.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
Oh well, I gave up on the board. I put in a POS ECS K7SEM board and it worked from the start!

Yeah, it's generic on-board junk but it works.


Aug 11, 2001

4 built...1.4Tb, 1000Duron, 950Duron, 900TB Only the 1.4 has a name PS(deer 300) all the others have generics and are 300watts. Heck I didn't pay more than 50 bucks for the cases they came in. ALL machines are running fine with minimal problems(mostly brought on by me).

To the original problem on this thread, I had the same issue and checked the PSU...it was set to 220...could you have accidently(or a little brother/sister) flipped it from 115? I literally set the board on fire and still got it to run. AND BTW this board was and is more stable than the overpriced ASUS I had before it. Don't belive the hype, we've been overpaying for MB's for years now.


Senior member
Jun 25, 2001
I'm not going to say the k7s5a is "all that" but this $55 wonder has completely changed my perspective on motherboards. I dont think I will ever pay more then $100 for a mobo ever again. I ran 3 asus boards befor I went on a k7s5a rampage (14 so far the only asus board I feel was worth the money was my beloved Cusl2. they were both great boards. the cusl2 for its near perfection. and the k7s5a for its price vs performance


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
Hell No!
This is the best board u can have adn it will stay this way for another couple of months
10 systems build no problems, all of the stuff bought from newegg


Junior Member
Mar 14, 2002

<< As I have said in several forums - it is pointless to buy a $50 board and a $75+ PS to run it. Add to that the number of times the video card/Ram needs to be reseated to get it to work if at all. I learnt the hard way not once but twice. A fellow by the username of Mr Athlon and a few others revealed a number of short comings about the board before we were practically kicked off www.ocworkbench.com for challenging ECS to respond. They did all right byt telling us to shut up pr face legal action.
Trash the board or use it for a wall hanger or somethin useful and get a real board - the one thing you should never go cheap on anyway is the main component - motherboard. A real shame Asus or MSI did not choose to market their version of the K7SiS boards and allowing the likes of ECS to thrive.

LOL!! I DID get banned from Ocworkbench. They sent me some nasty emails (nice guys, told me to FO and a few other colorful metaphors). I simply told the truth about Mr. Athlon's fix which worked for my k7s5a ver 4 1.4 athlon after weeks and countless hours of frustration. I called ECS tech twice and if I listened to them, I would have replaced every piece of hardware except the mobo. "it's your psu, it's your ram, etc." . Horse puckey! Mr. Athlon was right and ECS was CYA. ECS obviously has those guys at OCWB shakin in their boots with the threat of a lawsuit......they pulled all references to Mr. Athlon, mine and anyone else that dared post problems these boards have that requires physically altering the mobo like the resistor fix. ECS should be the ones quaking from a class action lawsuit in my opinion. These mobo's are a crapshoot......a blind squirrel finding a nut; every once in while, you find one that works. BTW, I was warned on the forum to never come back.
I also have a Duron 1 ghz in another k7s5a and it's out of action. My son was playing on it and the next morning I found the screen froze up, so I tried to reboot and nothing....the hdd and cdrom lights stay on and that's it. I've heard the battery can go bad (cheap), so that will be my last try before I RMA it.
This mobo, once you figure it out (be forewarned!!!) is ok, but I'll never buy another ECS. I will say though the SiS 735 chipset is less buggy than the via kt133......but you have to know these things inside and out. I agree, it's too bad the other board makers didn't run with the SiS.
BTW, speaking of chipset, removing the heatsink, reapplying it and adding a fan is supposed to help a lot. I experimented by blowing a fan directly on it and did seem to help. HOWEVER, Mr. Athlon, on his own website, says there is a potential power problem on the mobo to the chipset. I'll believe him before I'd take the word of those cowtows on Ocworkbench. By the time you get done, you could have gone out and bought a Soltek Dragon LOL.
I also built a pc with a Shuttle AK31a, and so far it's been rock stabile with no problems. Now this is a great card for the money. Of course, there will those who say it's not, but compared to the ECS crap, it's a great mobo. The Soyo I built is "ok", but not as good as the Shuttle. Yeah, I know ECS builds the Shuttle boards, but they didn't design them. The next pc is a Gigabyte......we'll see how it does.


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2002
my k7s5a killed the cheapy 320w PS that came with the case. anyways my system is up and running again with a enermax 350
i am happy


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
I sorta wish this thread was here last week before I ordered my K7S5A. I just (and I mean like over the past 2 hours) put the machine together and booted it for the first time. All was well. But I have yet to put an OS on the machine too.

Only complaints:

Alpha PAL8045 is supposed to be compatible with this board, however it was a very tight squeeze eith the two capacitors right between the CPU socket and the DDR socket (the heatsink actually has moved the cap/squished into them a bit). I don't know if this is a rev issue or what.

Why the hell can't mobo makers and case makers get the hole alignment specs ever right?

Anyway, ECS board, 1ghz Duron, and 256meg crucial SDR works for now with an Enlight 300watt PSU. Finishing off the system tomorrow and putting it into action.

Oh yeah, and what's up with the power LED header? It's two pins side-by-side... it's supposed to be two pins with an empty inbetween. No power LED for me? WTF?


PS - My views- it's a throw-away board. If it goes bad, I hit the boss up for something else.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2001
Maybe it could be that some folks get "kicked off" of forums because they advocate hardware mods that could ruin MB's and have not been tested, approved or even needed. The "fix" from Mr. Athlon is an old argument that, while it may have "helped" some few individuals, was being touted as a fix for a defective Motherboard; neither of which is true. The numbers just don't add up. Also, while I did not do a great deal of posting there, the OC Workbench -ECS Forum was, and is still, the most informative and helpful site for that I've seen for a particular board in some time. That site and many others like this one here will usually tolerate a lot of BS from folks. To put it plainly, one really has to step over the line to be in a position where they are not welcome anymore. I don't think I would wear it like a badge of honor. I'm sure that this will attract the same type of attacks as it did before but I can't help it if I'm one of the hundreds of thousands that built a system (or several) and have had zero trouble with them (other than the ones I brought on myself). And for the record, the only threat from ECS was to forum users that constantly posted accusations and unsubstantiated claims of defects about their product. And they did it for all to see, no back door threats.


Junior Member
Feb 26, 2002

<< Has anyone had problems with it? ya, thousand, like all ECS boards, they aren't good, just cheap.

If it just stopped working, its probably dead, typcial ecs, return it.

There maybe that many problems, but because its one of the most popular boards of all time, and of course, bought by a lot of first time BYO's. You're bound to have a few learning experiences. I've had this board for six months, and I've had to clear the CMOS ONCE. I bought a 350W Antec with the new board, still use the same 384MB SDRAM. No problems.

By the way, did you say that you tried to run the system without RAM and then without the CPU? And, it wouldn't beep?


Junior Member
Feb 26, 2002


Oh yeah, and what's up with the power LED header? It's two pins side-by-side... it's supposed to be two pins with an empty inbetween. No power LED for me? WTF?



Take a paper clip and push out the end connector, and put it in the middle slot. That should do it.

Apo, Jr.


Junior Member
Feb 26, 2002

<< Guys...

4 built...1.4Tb, 1000Duron, 950Duron, 900TB Only the 1.4 has a name PS(deer 300) all the others have generics and are 300watts. Heck I didn't pay more than 50 bucks for the cases they came in. ALL machines are running fine with minimal problems(mostly brought on by me).

A Deer 300W came with the case I bought. I thought the board was DOA because it wouldn't work. I put in the Antec 350W and it worked. For good measure I put in a 250W PSU that came with my Compaq, and it worked. I got an RMA, but didn't bother sending it back. The cost to ship it was a third of the price. I think it weighed about 1/2 a pound.



Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001



Oh yeah, and what's up with the power LED header? It's two pins side-by-side... it's supposed to be two pins with an empty inbetween. No power LED for me? WTF?



Take a paper clip and push out the end connector, and put it in the middle slot. That should do it.

Apo, Jr.

I was trying to do that last night, but all I had was a small precision screwdriver. It's an Enlight case, that the plastic clip is very stiff. What I'm saying is... the motherboard doesn't seem to conform to the standard spec, every other board I've seen has had the 3 pin configuration.

Either way, I've got some concern on the board - I agree, it's a cheap (costing) board, but the quality of the construction and all seems to be above average. The layout is relatively clean, though I did notice some of the traces on the board literally "wiggle" around as if to waste space. I'm no EE, but that just doesn't seem right to me.

Anyway, the machine goes live today, so we'll see.

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