Plane used by Sen. Wellstone crashes in Minnesota - Senator Paul Wellstone confirmed dead :(

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Nov 14, 1999
Originally posted by: shinerburke
I don't really think God has the time to get involved in American politics. If he did Ted Kennedy would have gone down a long time ago.[/quote]

I said nothing of politics, but of life and death.

As for Kennedy, it is not for me to judge his final outcome, that is for God alone.

I will judge his actions, many of which have been evil.



Aug 11, 2000
This is a terrible needless tragedy.

Athough the point has been made with more heat than light, it is a legitimate one.

That point, the relationship between a power broker that facilitated the deaths of innocent babies, and his own hideous and awful death.

Is there a relationship?

Tragically the answer is....... yes.

I think pretty much everyone here can agree that mrpalco is a complete moron.


Sep 7, 2001
Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.), who died Friday in a plane crash, was a conference champion wrestler at the University of North Carolina and was a member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame's Hall of Outstanding Americans in Stillwater, Okla.

Wellstone was undefeated in two seasons as a 126-pound wrestler at North Carolina, and won the Atlantic Coast Conference title in 1964.

I wrestled at that weight in High School. Lost only twice.
A friend of mine was [x]-time National Collegiate Champion (NCAA Division 1), [x]-time All American, in his weight class, and was on the US Freestyle Wrestling Team, even went behind the Iron Curtain to wrestle in the World Championships - he got knocked out on the mat by an [allegedly] errant elbow to the temple by (IIRC) some Bulgarian dude. heh

His spot on the US Olympic team was virtually guaranteed, but being a star athlete on a Big Ten Campus has certain advantages, and being the social era that it was, he discovered "free love" and, worse, all went down the crapper from there.

I won't provide any more specific details since he probably wouldn't appreciate me telling people he became addicted to heroin (among other things). But, as long as nobody can figure out who it is, no harm done.

Its actually quite a depressing story, one of those "I had the world in the palm of my hand...and threw it all away over drugs" stories. At his former college, a couple of his records still stand, 20+ years later. Yet, he is NOT a member of the wrestling hall of fame.

Apparently, when you drop-off the face of the earth for 20+ years because of a drug problem, you don't get nominated. heh

Hell I didn't even know about this for over a year, until he mentioned the time he spent in Europe, which led to me asking how he came to be in Europe, which then led to him dragging out an old scrapbook packed with newspaper and magazine articles. I was like..."Holy Sh-t! What the hell happened?"

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: shinerburke
Here are a few quotes from a Democratic my question about when the conspiracy talk would start still illegitimate?

"I agree with Bob Ferrell, another Democratic liberal with a lead in the polls and their plane crashes. Seems a little strange that two men, in such a short time, died in plane crashes when they were leading their Repuglican opponent. Do all Democratic Senators have to fear for their lives if they are the people's favorite?"

and anotther

"What are the odds of two Senators (actually, Carnahan was a sitting Governor) dying days before an election, just two years apart, under the exact same circumstances, when total control of the Government hangs in the balance?
The chances of this being a coincidence are pretty damn small. I am not ready to label this an assassination, but can we at least agree that there had better be a DAMN good investigation as to the circumstances of this crash?

Oh, by the way, Ted Kennedy was supposed to be on that plane. Another coincidence? "

and another

"I agree with the poster that suggested this is more than coincidental. "


"Paul Wellstone was killed today in a plane crash.
Mel Carnahan was killed two years ago in a plane crash.

John Kennedy, Jr. was killed three years ago in a plane crash.

Eric Rudolph is still at large
and the anthrax terrorist hasn't been arrested. "

These posting are from a small Democratic forum based here in Oklahoma. I'm sure there are hudreds around like it wil similar stupidity posted. I didn't even read all the posts on that site because it was such utter crap.

Now attack me again for posing a legitimate question about when the conspiracy nutjobs would start up.
Wow Democratic Nutjobs from Oklahoma..who would have guessed? I only thought the nutjobs there were Republican

Shinerburke, those idiots are best ignored and barely make a small fraction of a minority of the Demo membership. They no more speak for the average Democrat as a JBS Tinfoil Hat wearing Wanker speaks for the Republicans.


Nov 14, 1999
The Democrats have been destructive to the fabric of this Nation.

Like the Muslims, they have alot of explaining to do.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
The Democrats have been destructive to the fabric of this Nation.

Like the Muslims, they have alot of explaining to do.

You saw the edge and just ran right past it didn't you? Try to come back to reality.....I'm no fan of the Democratic Party but comparing them to extremist Muslims? Come on can't be that stupid.



Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn

Shinerburke, those idiots are best ignored and barely make a small fraction of a minority of the Demo membership. They no more speak for the average Democrat as a JBS Tinfoil Hat wearing Wanker speaks for the Republicans.

I agree 100%'s just that I knew the conspiracy nuts would come out....I just wasn't sure how soon and that's what I brought up in my original post that some seem to see as an attack against Senator Wellstone.



Nov 14, 1999
The Democrats have sown many seeds of destruction. Like the Muslims, we need to hear many words of peace to be convinced of their Honor.

We are waiting.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: KKiller
Hmm... I wonder who here morns the hundreds of innocent babies killed each day by abortion.
Wellstone was a democrat who supported such "choices".... I consider his and his families death a late, late term abortion.
Ironic justice isn't it?

Your account has just been aborted!

Banned for that? I'm pro-choice, but I happen to agree with him.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
doesn't matter either way. you can't force one being to be a slave to another.

the world is over simplified for some people

Actually, you can.

If a couple gets pregnant and the woman doesn't want the baby, we tell her it's OK to get rid of it, because we wouldn't want to be unnecessarily burdened.

But if a couple gets pregnant and the guy doesn't want the baby, she can still have it and force the man to be her slave, sending her a monthly check.

And don't give me any bullsh!t about "you chose to have sex", it's still a double standard.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
The Democrats have been destructive to the fabric of this Nation.

Like the Muslims, they have alot of explaining to do.
This from a guy who claims to speak for that great bunch who brought you the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials.
Originally posted by: shinerburke
You saw the edge and just ran right past it didn't you? Try to come back to reality.....I'm no fan of the Democratic Party but comparing them to extremist Muslims? Come on can't be that stupid.
Sure, he can. This isn't the first time he has worked overtime to prove it, and he always succeeds so admirably.


Nov 14, 1999

We are waiting for you to condemn the radical Muslim and the radical abortionist.

These entities you support are painting themselves and you, into a corner.

We will all be able to see your true colors.

Those colors are all black.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: shinerburke
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
The Democrats have been destructive to the fabric of this Nation.

Like the Muslims, they have alot of explaining to do.

You saw the edge and just ran right past it didn't you? Try to come back to reality.....I'm no fan of the Democratic Party but comparing them to extremist Muslims? Come on can't be that stupid.
Just like the Fundie Muslims, the Fundie Christians such as Paltroll condemn any who think differently than they do.
There's a fine line between the two. It's a good thing that there is no state sponsored Religion in the USA or the Christian Fundies would be just as bad are the Islamic Fundies. Look what happened during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition when Christianity was the Religion of most of the Euro States. They were just as blood thirsty as any Islamic regime of today.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Tragic. Really tragic.

To all the haters, don't waste time and turn this into a soapbox for your views. C'mon now...give it a break for one thread.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: shinerburke
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
The Democrats have been destructive to the fabric of this Nation.

Like the Muslims, they have alot of explaining to do.

You saw the edge and just ran right past it didn't you? Try to come back to reality.....I'm no fan of the Democratic Party but comparing them to extremist Muslims? Come on can't be that stupid.
Just like the Fundie Muslims, the Fundie Christians such as Paltroll condemn any who think differently than they do.
There's a fine line between the two. It's a good thing that there is no state sponsored Religion in the USA or the Christian Fundies would be just as bad are the Islamic Fundies. Look what happened during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition when Christianity was the Religion of most of the Euro States. They were just as blood thirsty as any Islamic regime of today.

Probably more so......



Nov 14, 1999
"It's a good thing that there is no state sponsored Religion in the USA or the Christian Fundies would be just as bad are the Islamic Fundies." -- Red Dawn

Muslims have advocated the destruction of the USA, and have killed 3000 of our fellow Americans. A Farrakan Muslim has hamstrung the Capitol district in recent weeks.

Christians are for life and peace. Muslims are for death and destruction.

Both are fundamentalists, only one is fundamentally wrong.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: MrPALCO

We are waiting for you to condemn the radical Muslim and the radical abortionist.

These entities you support are painting themselves and you, into a corner.

We will all be able to see your true colors.

Those colors are all black.
I have shown my true colors many times, and I'm proud of 'em. I personally believe all religions are meaningless, but respect anyone's right to believe as they choose. That right ends at about the point where they insist that I believe the same as they do. However, I no respect for radical "fundamentalists" of any stripe who insist their mythology or philoloshy is any better than mine. I also fully support a woman's right to choose both her own beliefs and whether she wants to carry a pregnancy to term.

Christians are for life and peace. Muslims are for death and destruction.
Tell it to those who torch and terrorize womens clinics. As I noted, that's the same great bunch who brought you the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials. That's the name the KKK calls up. I bet the few neurons in their skulls actually believe it, too... just like you.
Both are fundamentalists, only one is fundamentally wrong.
Fun-da-mental-ists are neither.

Before you open your mouth to let another foot fall out, you may want to check the news lines to see how many people, including staunch conservatives, have stated their respect for Wellstone as a man of honor and principal, whether or not they agreed with his views. That is what this thread is about, so why not show a little < ummm... > Christian ... charity and STFU!


Nov 14, 1999
Many words Harvey, but none repudiate the evil done by Muslims and Democrats.

You have decided your side.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
Many words Harvey, but none repudiate the evil done by Muslims and Democrats.

You have decided your side.

Dude...STFU!!! It's assmonkeys like you that give the rest of us Republicans a bad name. Have some reasons for your thoughts and stance. Don't just spout off in here because you took a dump and the hairy turd you left is speaking to you and controlling your mind.

Let me see if I can make this plain for you....

Not all Muslims are terrrorists

Not all Democrats are extreme left wing borderline Communists.

Come to Oklahoma and call a Democrat a Communist and I'll come cut you down from the tree in 3 or 4 days after you've learned your lesson.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
You have decided your side.
Yep! I am on any side opposed to brainless twits like you.

Throughout history, religious dogmatists like you are among the greatest causes of hate and destruction. They stand in the way of real knowledge, even when it can be of great benefit to all of humanity. They promote hatred and the destruction of any who disagree with their beliefs, whether or not such beliefs are supported by observable facts. Any group that rejects reality because it undermines their "beliefs" is a house of cards on a shakey foundation.

AFIC, your only value on this forum is as a target drone.


Nov 14, 1999
Not all Muslims are terrrorists -- <FONT size=1>shinerburke

That is correct. But so far all the terrorists have been Muslims.

Throughout history, religious dogmatists like you are among the greatest causes of hate and destruction.-- Harvey

When was the last time Christians attacked the United States and murdered 3000 innocent people?
Grow a set and condemn this awful religious set, the Muslims.</FONT>


Dec 26, 2000
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
That is correct. But so far all the terrorists have been Muslims.

OMG what a revelation in logic. If I may take it one step further, all terrorists have been humans. All humans must be eliminated to stop terrorism! I can't believe it was so simple.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
Not all Muslims are terrrorists -- <FONT size=1><STRONG>shinerburke

That is correct. But so far all the terrorists have been Muslims.

Throughout history, religious dogmatists like you are among the greatest causes of hate and destruction.-- Harvey

When was the last time Christians attacked the United States and murdered 3000 innocent people?
Grow a set and condemn this awful religious set, the Muslims.</FONT></STRONG>
McVie wasn't a Muslim. In fact he probably thought along the same lines as you.


Nov 14, 1999
We are still waiting for someone in this thread to condemn Muslim terrorists and Democrat baby killers.

I suspect we will be waiting a long time. The criminal is seldom willing to admit his crime.


Nov 14, 1999
McVie wasn't a Muslim. In fact he probably thought along the same lines as you. -- Red Dawn

At the end of his lifw, McVeigh chose to quote these words:

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Those are not the words of a man who loves a forgiving and kind God. McVeigh did not acknowledge any bond with God.
It is not for me to judge where Tim McVeigh went, but God alone.

I will ask the question again, where is the outrage from Democrats about the killing of millions of innocent babies and the outrage from Muslims for the killing of many innocents?

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