PlanetSide - Why FPS gamers might want to upgrade to 1GB RAM and a faster Vid Card before Doom 3

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Dec 19, 2002
Originally posted by: Thera
Also interesting that the Beta doesn't appear to have a NDA. Times change I suppose.

Oh the game had a NDA. It just got lifted not to long ago.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
If its a beta, its usually run in debug mode. Debug mode usually chews away system resources and CPU time, because it makes it easier to track errors and bugs in the coding. War3 beta in a large game was consistently over 500MB of memory usage. However, war3 Final now rarely goes over 200.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
If its a beta, its usually run in debug mode. Debug mode usually chews away system resources and CPU time, because it makes it easier to track errors and bugs in the coding. War3 beta in a large game was consistently over 500MB of memory usage. However, war3 Final now rarely goes over 200.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Sound like there are a few recurring themes in your quotes, which is nothing new from the Beta whiners:

1) The pay-per-month fee:
Sure, this is an issue for many of those that don't have jobs or are admittedly cheap (as noted in their own quotes), but for those who are constantly buying games only to be disappointed in its online aspect and those that find themselves constantly upgrading their machines anticipating the next great game only to be disappointed, $12.95 a month is a drop in the bucket. I typically purchase 2 to 3 games a month because they're either boring or shallow. I don't even waste my time with single player games for the most part b/c lack of game depth and multiplayer strategy.

I like to tweak my machine and upgrade it as much as anyone on this board so that I'm "ready" for the next big thing, but when a game comes along that puts those plans on hold, I know I've found it.

2) Replay value:
It sounds like a lot of the replay value concerns are tied in to the objectives and again the monthly fee issue. People are comparing PS to UT2K3 and Tribes, which I find amusing. Perhaps its this mentality that leads them to believe the game lacks replay value or depth. If you play the game like UT2K3 or Tribes, that's what you'll get out of it, a mindless shooter with little tactical strategy. As for different gaming modes, PS incorporates any game type found on the standard FPS and then some. You have infiltration/CS-style objectives, death match, assault, defense, capture the flag elements, etc. except they're all incorporated into the same map and game.

The perpetual element of the game allows you to cater your loadout to YOUR preferences each and every time. Instead of plane camping ala BF1942, you've got a shiny new Reaver with your name on it if you choose that cert. If you see incoming enemy aircraft, you can switch out of your engineer gear and load up your AA gear from your favorites tab pre-loadout. If you know you need to hold the command console and you see enemy MAX on your HUD radar, you can slip into a MAX in seconds. Once the threat is eliminated, you can switch back into your pilots jumpsuit and blast off in a Reaver to assault a nearby gun tower and support your infantry. I typically do all of that within a few minutes, so I'm rarely bored, but I guess it depends on how you choose to play the game. Once again, I've barely scratched the surface of the possibilities out there.

Also, SOE has said PS will have downloadable elements that should keep the game fresh over time. This could come in the form of new weapons, certs, vehicles, game objectives etc. that will keep the game fresh. Once a chain of command is established, there's a possibility that GMs can set special ops for each faction which will trickle down the chain of command. With squads and outfits, there's the opportunity to distinguish yourself from the masses of other players through your accomplishments on the battlefield.

The tactical strategy elements to the game are endless even if the objectives are pretty similar. If you want to spam a tower or base with an AMS and a ton of infantry, you can do that, but I'm sure it could get very old very quickly. On the other hand, the squad I've been running with tends to take different approaches to assaults. We were on Esamir last night holding off some Terrans. A few squads figured it would be a good idea to rush a gun tower with Terran Max Cyclers *planted* in doorways and stairwells. They didn't get much accomplished for 30 minutes other than pumping those TR defenders with ungodly XP, while getting little to none in return (for those that don't know, you get little XP for killing fresh spawns). We pulled up a Galaxy; loaded up with 13 Troops and 2 MAX and did a hot drop on the top of the tower. We had it capped about 60 seconds later. That's just *one* possibility.

Those who are complaining of boredom waiting for base caps simply don't know how the game works. You don't need to wait for the cap to go down, you just need to be in the Sphere of Influence when it goes down. That extends to a large perimeter around the base and both towers. Securing and holding those towers or manning the walls to repel defenders has never left me bored. If I'm really itching to do something, I'll go on a Reaver run and harass some enemies a few bases over with plenty of time to get back for hack completion. Also, if you have a squad member near the CC, they can keep you informed how much time remains. Once again, good communication within the squad is invaluable.

3) Lag/bugs/server stability:
I didn't once say there weren't problems, but considering I've Beta tested at least a dozen games, this really doesn't concern me as I know they'll be worked out by release to a playable level at the minimum and fixed along the way. SOE isn't a mom and pop dev. house that is short on resources to fix any issues related to bugs or server stability. Lag and stability have improved dramatically in only 1 week since I've been playing. If similar progress is made up until release, the game should be completely lag free. If you didn't get last night's patch (11pm PST), you should really check it out before commenting further. If not, you're working off dated info (as is often the case with Beta testimonials). I'm not sure what those movies are supposed to depict, I don't see anything about lag or server stability. Looks like a bad edit of "Shaft" by some geek with too much free time on his/her hands. If you had provided links to actual gameplay movies, that would've been a different story. Resorting to a poor attempt at satire just undermines your arguments further.



Senior member
Mar 9, 2003
I think I am one of those that said I don't have a need for 1Gb of RAM. However that isn't to say I would get more to bump it up to 1Gb of RAM . I am an avid BF1942 and BF1942-DC fan (man that mod rocks!) and I don't have any issues with my 512Mb of RAM in the game. I have the settings up relatively high and I don't run into any problems with it at all. I haven't tested PlanetSide but I totally agree that IF I was to buy PlanetSide in the future, I would definitely have at least 768Mb of memory first and I'd wait to see what people say about Doom III first. Of course, I really don't do much gaming anymore, and do more things that don't require 1Gb of RAM so I guess I am not as concerned with that issue as others are. Well I just felt like adding my 2 cents!


Golden Member
Feb 16, 2002
Heres what sums of all the bitching and whining...

1. The game is currently in beta, and is in debug mode.
2. These arent the retail server farms.
3. There will be a patch within 7 days of hitting store shelves.
4. Monthly fee covers the server costs(hundreds of leased servers), bandwidth costs(several OC-3s), server techs, tech support and monthly/bi monthly updates to the game and the games content. And yes profit, which every project needs.

Pretty standard for every MMOG.



Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: xerosleep
I feel you need to let people know the other side of it.

I'm getting bored out of my mind with this game after only a couple weeks.
The graphics are only "ok"
Me and a LOT of people don't like the lattice system
Need to be able to use more skill in combat (game feels like it is for FPS noobs).
TONS of lag and downtime ALL the time. Constantly getting kicked (a LOT of us). I'm assuming this will eventually get fixed though. And were talking doors taking 3-4 mintues to open at times.

I must say I was initially dissapointed but It's a decent game and has potential but it's got a ways to go yet. Everyone on the beta forums can't believe they are still planning on realeasing it on the 19th. And if they don't find a reason to get us to keep playing month after month then nobody is going to want to pay to play. A large group of Beta testers already feel that there is just nothing that is worth paying for. And at best maybe they would pay for a couple months. They need more content and more reason to keep playing.

This game is not CS, nor will it ever be. If you expecting CS with 4000 players on a giant map, you were gravely mistaken. Bitching about downtime in a beta... right. And over 90% of the players in the poll in the beta site said they like the new lattice system. The server optimization patch went in yesterday. Dont discourage people with stability issues on a game that isnt out, they will be fixed by then easily. The servers are still running in debug mode, which cuts the performance way down.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: xerosleep
I feel you need to let people know the other side of it.

I'm getting bored out of my mind with this game after only a couple weeks.
The graphics are only "ok"
Me and a LOT of people don't like the lattice system
Need to be able to use more skill in combat (game feels like it is for FPS noobs).
TONS of lag and downtime ALL the time. Constantly getting kicked (a LOT of us). I'm assuming this will eventually get fixed though. And were talking doors taking 3-4 mintues to open at times.

I must say I was initially dissapointed but It's a decent game and has potential but it's got a ways to go yet. Everyone on the beta forums can't believe they are still planning on realeasing it on the 19th. And if they don't find a reason to get us to keep playing month after month then nobody is going to want to pay to play. A large group of Beta testers already feel that there is just nothing that is worth paying for. And at best maybe they would pay for a couple months. They need more content and more reason to keep playing.

This game is not CS, nor will it ever be. If you expecting CS with 4000 players on a giant map, you were gravely mistaken. Bitching about downtime in a beta... right. And over 90% of the players in the poll in the beta site said they like the new lattice system. The server optimization patch went in yesterday. Dont discourage people with stability issues on a game that isnt out, they will be fixed by then easily. The servers are still running in debug mode, which cuts the performance way down.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: xerosleep
I feel you need to let people know the other side of it.

I'm getting bored out of my mind with this game after only a couple weeks.
The graphics are only "ok"
Me and a LOT of people don't like the lattice system
Need to be able to use more skill in combat (game feels like it is for FPS noobs).
TONS of lag and downtime ALL the time. Constantly getting kicked (a LOT of us). I'm assuming this will eventually get fixed though. And were talking doors taking 3-4 mintues to open at times.

I must say I was initially dissapointed but It's a decent game and has potential but it's got a ways to go yet. Everyone on the beta forums can't believe they are still planning on realeasing it on the 19th. And if they don't find a reason to get us to keep playing month after month then nobody is going to want to pay to play. A large group of Beta testers already feel that there is just nothing that is worth paying for. And at best maybe they would pay for a couple months. They need more content and more reason to keep playing.

This game is not CS, nor will it ever be. If you expecting CS with 4000 players on a giant map, you were gravely mistaken. Bitching about downtime in a beta... right. And over 90% of the players in the poll in the beta site said they like the new lattice system. The server optimization patch went in yesterday. Dont discourage people with stability issues on a game that isnt out, they will be fixed by then easily. The servers are still running in debug mode, which cuts the performance way down.

Edit: nice forum bug there >< i got a 404 and hit back and submitted again, got a 404 again and repeated, and it posted all 3, yey! and AT forums arent beta


Aug 28, 2001
Also the clients are no longer in debug mode, you can and will use 700+ MB system memory along with a 1GB+ Pagefile, there is a LOT of detail and the continents are huge. That being said, i dont hear people in beta complaining with systems with 512-768MB, but there are a LOT of peeps complaining that run 256-384MB.


Platinum Member
Mar 7, 2001
No offense to anyone, but I think the game absolutely sucks, and is only playable when you're with a group of people you know on such a program as Teamspeak 2. Even then, it gets boring after an hour or two. This is not to mention the constant disconnects I receive (roughly 4-5 per hour - no other program/game disconnects me like that) and amazing amount of general connection lag AND FPS slowdown. I have 1GB memory, 1.53GHz XP, Ti4600 - it still slows down tremendously with 30 people in the immediate area.

Anyway, I seriously doubt it will live up to the hype, the beta is so popular right now because it's free; I can't imagine people consistently paying $10-$15 per month to play the game in its current state. It needs something more, something new, something never seen before. The way it is now, you just endlessly kill a few dudes, die, respawn, and capture a facility (sounds like BF, except in BF they keep score and the time period eventually ends, PS is just endless without any significant feeling of accomplishment; the base you helped capture is already in enemy hands once again less than a few hours after your hard work).

If the developers can find that extra layer to make the game something unique, it has a chance - othwerise, I wish them good luck, they will need it.


Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Ilmater
will the video card's RAM size (64 vs. 128 vs. 256) make a difference in these games in your opinion?

I'd have to say hell yes... 64 vs. 128 would probably be a more noticeable difference than 128 to 256. Texture sizes are increasing as games are made more visually appealing. And there's more and more textures being used... not to mention people using higher resolutions which is an even greater demand for onboard RAM.


Aug 21, 2002
Nobody has mentioned it... who makes PlanetSide? If it's, I won't even try it... is a bunch of loosers in my opinion.


Jun 13, 2000
The reason the game uses so much RAM is because the maps are absolutely HUGE. What is amazing about this PS is that it rarely loads, so what you get is a basically seamless gaming experience across an entire continent.

You ever play Asheron's Call? They don't have 'zones', but work just fine with 512mb.


Dec 4, 2000
i got in on the exclusive beta.i wandered, got lost andf got lost some more.
The game has real promise,but i am not going to spend $50 on a game, and then $10 per month to play it online.
it isnt becuase i am cheap,and it isnt becuase i cannot afford to.
its simply principle, selll the game for $10 if you plan on charging a monthly fee.
or sell it for $50 with some type of free online play.



Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: ncircle
i got in on the exclusive beta.i wandered, got lost andf got lost some more.
The game has real promise,but i am not going to spend $50 on a game, and then $10 per month to play it online.
it isnt becuase i am cheap,and it isnt becuase i cannot afford to.
its simply principle, selll the game for $10 if you plan on charging a monthly fee.
or sell it for $50 with some type of free online play.

You have no clue what the costs is to just run this game. These games aren't running on your typical P4 servers... they're runnning on $300,000+ servers, and then you have to take into account the cost of bandwidth and a full time staff. $50 is paying for the development of the game (and of course some profit)... and $10 a month is for running the game (and i'm sure a little profit as well). What's the average amount of TV an individual watches a week? 20 hrs? What's the average a player plays a MMOG for? 20 hrs a week? LOL MUCH higher than that.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: jamison
No offense to anyone, but I think the game absolutely sucks, and is only playable when you're with a group of people you know on such a program as Teamspeak 2.
"Absolutely sucks"? That's either poor use of hyperbole or a case of limited vocabulary. So does every FPS suck unless they use Teamspeak 2? They put in VoiceIP last night, so the kludginess of Teamspeak or any other external VoiceIP isn't necessary. Not to mention the normal text and sound chat functions are as good if not better than many games on the market. Using simple quick voice macros, you can signal pretty much any warning or strategy which will appear in text and in voice to local friendlies. You can also quickly communicate to your squad, units in the immediate vicinity, broadcast, outfit, or local by simply using "/" backslash and a single letter followed by your message. Default messages will be sent to your squad.

Even then, it gets boring after an hour or two.
We must not be playing the same game, or at least playing it the same way. I had no problems killing 6 hours straight last night smacking the Terrans back through Amerish, into Solsar and onto Hussin last night. I don't recall being bored a single time either.

This is not to mention the constant disconnects I receive (roughly 4-5 per hour - no other program/game disconnects me like that) and amazing amount of general connection lag AND FPS slowdown. I have 1GB memory, 1.53GHz XP, Ti4600 - it still slows down tremendously with 30 people in the immediate area.
There must be something seriously wrong with your configuration/internet connection or you simply haven't played recently or downloaded the patches. There have been 4 significant patches since Friday evening, with each significantly improving lag, framerate and CTDs. I ran PS with 1/2 the memory and a Ti4200 with a similar CPU and the game ran acceptably at 1024, with some choppiness b/c of a lack of RAM. Still very smooth though compared to UT2K3 on that machine. That's funny you say "no other program/game disconnects" you like PS. That comment tells me that you've also never Beta tested a game before and are judging PS as if it were a retail product. Its not.

Anyway, I seriously doubt it will live up to the hype, the beta is so popular right now because it's free; I can't imagine people consistently paying $10-$15 per month to play the game in its current state.
They won't have to, its still in BETA. Its current state is not going to be what's shipped, and as of last night, I would argue that many people would consistently pay $12.95 per month to play. I also think it will exceed its "hype" and become the best selling and most played FPS since CS/HL.

It needs something more, something new, something never seen before. The way it is now, you just endlessly kill a few dudes, die, respawn, and capture a facility (sounds like BF, except in BF they keep score and the time period eventually ends, PS is just endless without any significant feeling of accomplishment; the base you helped capture is already in enemy hands once again less than a few hours after your hard work).
LoL! Where in BF do they keep score? You have tickets that gradually run to zero, and the only sense of accomplishment you are greeted with is a map load and victory music. I've already detailed the perpetual nature of PS, which have never been seen before in your run-of-the-mill FPS. What other game perpetually logs your kill stats, allows character progression, allows profession/role/inventory changes on-the-fly in real-time, keeps track of planetary assault, and manages to do this with thousands of players within the same server? What other game allows clans/units/outfits within the game interface tracked perpetually? What other game integrates VoiceIP into the game interface seamlessly without an external client? What other game gives you such a variety of vehicles AND weapons along with armor and skills to allow you to specialize your role in a game? What other game tracks your Rank and acknowledges this by increasing your abilities and upgrading your uniform and giving your Outfit its own ensignia seen in the game (I have seen it mentioned before in MW3 or 4, but it was never implemented)? If you need some sense of accomplishment from your efforts, just hit "M" and look at the map!!! You'll know how well you're doing by how much of the map you've taken and held. If losing a base you just captured frustrates you, defend it or set-up defenses. You can easily see if a base is under attack or under hack from the map. Unless there's a sizeable enemy assault force; a single well-organized squad should be able to easily repel the attack and recapture the facility, which yields experience points.

If the developers can find that extra layer to make the game something unique, it has a chance - othwerise, I wish them good luck, they will need it.
I've seen (and listed) many extra layers that make the game unique to me and others; I suppose extra layers may still have trouble penetrating the dense skulls of those accustomed to your typical mindless FPS.



Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: ncircle
i got in on the exclusive beta.i wandered, got lost andf got lost some more.
The game has real promise,but i am not going to spend $50 on a game, and then $10 per month to play it online.
it isnt becuase i am cheap,and it isnt becuase i cannot afford to.
its simply principle, selll the game for $10 if you plan on charging a monthly fee.
or sell it for $50 with some type of free online play.
Yah, that's unfortunate. It sounds like you had the same experience Tec699 had in the exclusive beta. That's actually how my gaming experience began as well. I spawned into instant action and found myself in a gun tower in the middle of a snowy area with no clue where the hell I was. We blew up an enemy Galaxy with a guy running a rear turret; I have no idea how since most of us were brand n00bies with standard vests and suppressors with anti-infantry ammo. No idea where to go after that, so I ran...and ran....and found some other n00b. We ran over some hills, ran some more and lucked upon a base under siege. There was a guy in a MAX unit that knew what he was doing and quickly rounded us up into a squad to coordinate our attacks and our movements...and that's when I got hooked.......

If you still have access to the Open Beta, you should give it another shot. As I said to Tec699, they addressed the issues that probably soured your experience, not to mention they added tens of thousands of more players.

I used to feel paying a monthly fee was excessive, but realistically, not every company is Blizzard (which is also going to a monthly fee with WoW btw). Games that maintain their own dedicated servers are infinitely better in my gaming experiences; I hate being at the mercy of P2P gaming relying on another person's or game site's goodwill or hoping a company like nVidia hosts servers for a game. I also hate waiting/competing to get onto a particular server for whatever reason (speed, latency, number of players, player skill etc.). I've also seen great potential ruined by the decision to use P2P instead of dedicated servers that allow you transfer progress seamlessly across servers. This also mitigates the potential for cheats and hacks b/c your progress isn't saved on the local client. Lack of dedicated servers and character vaults killed the NWN experience for me; the game had so much potential too. Also, imagine how good FreeLancer could've been if there was a dedicated server where instead of running into random NPCs throughout your adventures, each ship you encountered was another player?

PS is run on dedicated servers where EVERYTHING is run server side, so I have no problem paying for the type of performance returned. As MoralPanic mentioned, these aren't your run-of-the-mill P4's or XP servers with an OC-3 that start hurting at 64 players, these server clusters hold THOUSANDS of players. Honestly, I didn't think that was possible given the fast-paced FPS nature of PS, but its obviously a feat many people take for granted.

Also, dedicated servers offer a level of community involvement and recurring gameplay that P2P or gaming services don't offer, or don't do as well. GameSpy is decent but its a lot of bloat; Zone just plain sucks. In-game client to server interfaces offer no community aspect at all, and once you're in the game, there isn't much chance to chat. In PlanetSide, I've already joined an outfit and run with the same squad and players consistently. You can invite anyone into your squad as long as they are on that server and are online. You don't have to see them, and they don't even need to be on the same continent. I've also run into a few familiar faces, both friendly and hostile. If I'm ever without a squad, I'm never without means as the chances are good another Squad Leader I've played with before is on and has an opening in their squad. If not, I toggle my status to LFS (looking-for-squad) and briefly advertise my certifications. It usually doesn't come to that though, as my uniform quickly tells other people that I'd be a worthy addition to the squad.



Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Nobody has mentioned it... who makes PlanetSide? If it's, I won't even try it... is a bunch of loosers in my opinion.

No answers yet?


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Nobody has mentioned it... who makes PlanetSide? If it's, I won't even try it... is a bunch of loosers in my opinion.

No answers yet?

SOE, same company as EQ and SWG. It's been mentioned already.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 1999
That monthly fee is still too damned much. I could care less about whether i play on a server with 1000 people, or 10,000--it's all the same. What are the chances that you'll interact with each and every one of those 1,000 players? I say they shrink the servers, maybe this lessen the workload/bandwidth, and then the monthly fee may just be reasonable.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
actually if you go on fileplanet, they have planetside beta for download (you have to be a fileplanet member)

they also give you a key to go and play it too !


Dec 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Stealth1024
For anyone who has played Sim City 4, you can certainly testify for the case of 2GB of RAM! I would say 1GB is minimal... And to think there is still so much more they could do to enhance gameplay if given more powerful computer. Hello 64 bit!

not really after the 2.0 patch... the 2.0 patch makes SC4 use much less ram, and runs much better, really well tweaked.


Mar 24, 2003
heh, 1 gig ?

i just got a new rig, 7205 chipset, p4 3.06 and 2 Gig (not one) of corsair xms.

why would i want to upgrade to 1 gig when ram nowadays is so readily available and becoming moreso all the time ?

what to do with the extra ram ? well, for starters you can have your page file located in it and let me tell you that ROCKS. you can get some really sweet programs out there, load up all the most common used execs into ram and keep em tehre on startup. man, you have no idea what a boost it is when your rig doesnt need to acess the HD (well not as much anyways). its freagin unbelievable.

and i am very much looking forward to SWG, Planetside and a lot of things coming out this summer

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