Plea to non-smokers everywhere

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Aug 12, 2001
as long as you keep the smoke away from us non-smokers, it's none of my business. but if you are choking me with that damn smoke then i hate you


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: Busie23
I will tell them whatever I want. If they can smoke and I smell it then they can hear whatever I have to say about it.

Stop smoking it is killing all of us........

Stop driving your car, using your ac, buying products in containers that aren't biodegradable, etc. It's killing us all.... Moron.

I love the non-smokers argument. It's hypocricy at it's best nine times out of ten. Kind of the same thing as the fat pig who goes to McDonalds and orders a super sized value meal and gets a diet bucket of coke with it. Makes complete sense.

Boy some people really are stupid. Those things (driving, etc.) are a necessity to survive in this world. If you live in a place where public transportation is not too good and your work place is too far, you really have no choice. Smoking is NOT necessary. I'll repeat. It is NOT necessary. If you can not understand that, then there's no hope for you.

Yes, some people really can be stupid.... If you think everyone in this nation really needs a car there's no hope for
you. "a necessity to survive in this world". Very intelligent comment. I wonder how all the people in the world "survived" before cars
Poor bastards must have been dropping like flies.


Oct 16, 2002
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: dman
You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you. I just wanted to let you know, because you may not have heard.
I don't smoke, but even if I did it is none of you damn business to tell me (or any other smoker) how to live.

think about it this way...we're being good citizens and trying to save lives...


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: YayiFury
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: dman
You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you. I just wanted to let you know, because you may not have heard.
I don't smoke, but even if I did it is none of you damn business to tell me (or any other smoker) how to live.

think about it this way...we're being good citizens and trying to save lives...

If christians/mormons/islamists/etc try to push their religion on you because according to their beliefs they're trying to save you life are you ok with that? I somehow doubt it. Therein lies the flaw in your logic.

Everyone knows smoking is bad for you. If they chose to kill themselves/put themselves at risk for health problems that's their descision and absolutely none of yours. As long as they're not exposing you to second hand smoke that is.


Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: Busie23
I will tell them whatever I want. If they can smoke and I smell it then they can hear whatever I have to say about it.

Stop smoking it is killing all of us........

Stop driving your car, using your ac, buying products in containers that aren't biodegradable, etc. It's killing us all.... Moron.

I love the non-smokers argument. It's hypocricy at it's best nine times out of ten. Kind of the same thing as the fat pig who goes to McDonalds and orders a super sized value meal and gets a diet bucket of coke with it. Makes complete sense.

Boy some people really are stupid. Those things (driving, etc.) are a necessity to survive in this world. If you live in a place where public transportation is not too good and your work place is too far, you really have no choice. Smoking is NOT necessary. I'll repeat. It is NOT necessary. If you can not understand that, then there's no hope for you.

Yes, some people really can be stupid.... If you think everyone in this nation really needs a car there's no hope for
you. "a necessity to survive in this world". Very intelligent comment. I wonder how all the people in the world "survived" before cars
Poor bastards must have been dropping like flies.

Let me try to explain it to you. It is true that people survived before cars but you do realize that the world before cars was a world that is completely different from the one we live in now? Or are you still living in the past?


May 12, 2001
I think everyone here is missing the's about common cortesy(sp?).......smokers need to realize that they DO piss people off, and while i'm sure that there are a lot of things that "non-smokers" do to piss you off, just be a little considerate, and respect other people......that's all......i don't want to take away your rights or anything, go ahead and smoke, but LOOK AROUND , and see that you ARE affecting people. My mother smoked for at least 10 years, she constantly said "man, i hate the smell of smoke"?!?! That's blazing she continued to light up....UGH. That's all you have to do guys, is "walk in their shoes" and be compassionate...


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: dman
You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you. I just wanted to let you know, because you may not have heard.
I don't smoke, but even if I did it is none of you damn business to tell me (or any other smoker) how to live.

Hmm, i think I saw a pic of minendo waving a cigarette. Anyway, it's his body so I better shut up.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by: minendo
Originally posted by: dman
You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you. I just wanted to let you know, because you may not have heard.
I don't smoke, but even if I did it is none of you damn business to tell me (or any other smoker) how to live.

Hmm, i think I saw a pic of minendo waving a cigarette. Anyway, it's his body so I better shut up.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: Busie23
I will tell them whatever I want. If they can smoke and I smell it then they can hear whatever I have to say about it.

Stop smoking it is killing all of us........

Stop driving your car, using your ac, buying products in containers that aren't biodegradable, etc. It's killing us all.... Moron.

I love the non-smokers argument. It's hypocricy at it's best nine times out of ten. Kind of the same thing as the fat pig who goes to McDonalds and orders a super sized value meal and gets a diet bucket of coke with it. Makes complete sense.

Boy some people really are stupid. Those things (driving, etc.) are a necessity to survive in this world. If you live in a place where public transportation is not too good and your work place is too far, you really have no choice. Smoking is NOT necessary. I'll repeat. It is NOT necessary. If you can not understand that, then there's no hope for you.

Yes, some people really can be stupid.... If you think everyone in this nation really needs a car there's no hope for
you. "a necessity to survive in this world". Very intelligent comment. I wonder how all the people in the world "survived" before cars
Poor bastards must have been dropping like flies.

Let me try to explain it to you. It is true that people survived before cars but you do realize that the world before cars was a world that is completely different from the one we live in now? Or are you still living in the past?

No, I'm not living in the past. I'm just quoting exactly what you said. I don't see why that's a problem. And yes, things were different in the past. Problem is none of this backs up your argument one little bit. As the worlds population grows everything gets closer together making the need for a car that much less in a lot of cases. Cars would have been a hell of a lot more usefull and nescesarry 200 years ago than they are now. But, you've obviously diluded yourself into thinking that the technology that we have today is esential and can't be lived without so I wont waste my time arguing with you.

From my first post my very simple (but obviously hard to comprehend) point is that when rating things that are bad for the world as a whole smoking is not top of the list. If you want to be the blazing poster child for hypocricy that's certainly up to you. I just choose not to agree with you.


Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2002
Me waving a cigarette in my pal's girlfriend's Jeep. She told me not to smoke in it, so I blew it out the window. She was pissed when she saw this pic! hehe.


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: MattCo
Originally posted by: LadyJessica
You're right. Smokers should keep smoking since they: 1) die earlier so we save on medical costs and 2) pay a lot of taxes on cigarettes. So keep on smoking people.

The taxes on cigarrettes comment is good but the medical costs one is WAY off. Think how much extra burden the cancer and emphazema treatments put on the health care industry.

Also, minendo, sometimes people don't want you to smoke because they care about you. I know it sucks but some people do. My grandfather died a horrible death and put his whole family through hell. Still think it only affects you?

She's right about the medical costs. Plus, an added benefit is that their SS won't have to be paid out!


May 9, 2001
If I have to breathe even a little bit of your smoke I have the right to complain or get violent if necessary.


Q]Boy some people really are stupid. Those things (driving, etc.) are a necessity to survive in this world. If you live in a place where public transportation is not too good and your work place is too far, you really have no choice. Smoking is NOT necessary. I'll repeat. It is NOT necessary. If you can not understand that, then there's no hope for you. [/quote]
Funny, I don't see how anything he listed is needed to live. They all seem to be comfort items. Like potato chips.

Let me try to explain it to you. It is true that people survived before cars but you do realize that the world before cars was a world that is completely different from the one we live in now? Or are you still living in the past?
Let's see, diversion, excellent way to "win" an arguement. Whenever you want to go about backing up your arguement, be my guest.

I guarantee that 75% of what you think you "need" is really just what you "want". That is the American lifestyle, and you are fully blinded by it.

But, I guess being way high up in that ivory tower of yours makes you a little more distant from the rest of us.. right?


Aug 15, 2000
If im outside standing at some random place like a bus stop and your smokin up the whole area i can tell you whatever i want.


Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Ulfwald
Sorry bud, but I have to disagree with you on this.

When my wife was pregnant, I asked a man to step away from her so his smoke would not be around her. It made her sick. This bast@rd got in my face and told me that he was outside and he could smoke anywhere he d@mned well pleased. I explained that she was pregnant, he said SFW. We had been on the park bench for about 20 mins when he walked up and lit up and stood there.

When I began to get lound with him, he told me to STFU. Just as I was going to "convince" him that it would be in his best intrest to move, a cop came up and wanted to know what all the noise was about. I gave him my story, and the guy said that he had walked up to us and lit up, he did not deny it. The cop basically told him to move his arse or else I could file assault chages against him for my wife. Whether or not they would stick would be up to a judge, but he would earn a trip to the Marietta Jail for the night.

@sshole moved and, we thanked the cop, whose wife just happened to due any day then.

Smokers affect us all whether you want to believe it or not, your nasty habit affects everyone around you.

How about if he was sitting there by himself on the park bench and you and your wife decided to stand by there. Would you then tell him to move?

what the hell is your point, smoking is a terrible habit that other people shouldn't be subjected to, clearly the man was an ass for walking up and smoking right around can spin the story any way you want but it just sounds like you are trying to argue a worthless point


Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Ulfwald
My mother in law smokes, and because she does, I will not allow my 8 month old son to go visit her at her house. She is so selfish, she will not acknowledge the risks to my son's health. She says I discriminate against her because I hate smoking. Well, I discriminate against her smoking, but not her. She can only see her grandson at my house, and she may not smoke whatsoever around him, me, or my wife.

I lost my grandfather to lung cancer that moved to the brain, I lost my grandmother to alzhiemers, no history of it in my family, Dr. concluded that smoking helped decrease the O2 flow to the brain, thus causing the disease.

My Mom's dad is bed ridden, he cannot even stand 10 mins to shave because of the damaging effects of smoke on his lungs.

My great grandmother had lung cancer due to smoking, was bed ridden because of it. She decided to no longer suffer, she took her own life with a gun.

So those who say smoking does not affect anyone but those who smoke, BULLSH!T!!!!! It affects those you love worse, because they have to sit there and watch you kill yourself slowly.

How about if he was sitting there by himself on the park bench and you and your wife decided to stand by there. Would you then tell him to move?

No Red, I would not tell him to move because he was there before we were. I would just simply tell my wife that we need to move on. It is our choice to either move or not in that case. But since we had been there for over 20 mins so she could rest, and fight back the sickness, he should have moved. He actually just walked right up stood there and lit up a cancer stick. She was obviously quite preggars at the time. I think he just wanted to start some sh!t. Thing is, I am 5'10" 300 (yeah I need to lose a few) and he was all of about 5'4" and 120.
I think the scenario you painted is fine then. As long as you respect his rights he should respect your rights and I do believe that you have the right to not breath his smoke if you were at the location first.

BTW, being overwieght is as bad for your health as second hand smoke. If you really are worried about your families well being take care of yourself. I'm sure you would want to be around for your childs wedding and to see your grandchildren.

and i see your a doctor now...since when is being over wieght as bad as second hand smoke, last time i checked being heavy doesn't cause lung cancer or the need for suplimental oxygen...before you start making claims be able to back them up


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: leeland

BTW, being overwieght is as bad for your health as second hand smoke.

and i see your a doctor now...since when is being over wieght as bad as second hand smoke, last time i checked being heavy doesn't cause lung cancer or the need for suplimental oxygen...before you start making claims be able to back them up

Obesity causes cancer and heart disease

Obesity causes diabetes

Obesity as dangerous and "expensive" as smoking (smoking, not "second hand smoke," but SMOKING)

Meanwhile, there is very real doubt that second hand smoke causes ANY health problems in non-smokers.

The EPA report this claim is tied to has been thrown out of federal court for being biased and flawed. The studies it refers to are but a minority, where the majority could make no link between ETS and disease in non-smokers.

Maybe you should take your own advice?



Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: leeland

and i see your a doctor now...since when is being over wieght as bad as second hand smoke, last time i checked being heavy doesn't cause lung cancer or the need for suplimental oxygen...before you start making claims be able to back them up

Obesity causes cancer and heart disease

Obesity causes diabetes

Obesity as dangerous and "expensive" as smoking

Meanwhile, there is very real doubt that second hand smoke causes ANY health problems in non-smokers.

The EPA report this claim is tied to has been thrown out of federal court for being biased and flawed. The studies it refers to are but a minority, where the majority could make no link between ETS and disease in non-smokers.

Maybe you should take your own advice?

Those might be true but keep one thing in mind. Someone being obese does not affect someone else's health like smoking does.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: leeland

and i see your a doctor now...since when is being over wieght as bad as second hand smoke, last time i checked being heavy doesn't cause lung cancer or the need for suplimental oxygen...before you start making claims be able to back them up

Obesity causes cancer and heart disease

Obesity causes diabetes

Obesity as dangerous and "expensive" as smoking

Meanwhile, there is very real doubt that second hand smoke causes ANY health problems in non-smokers.

The EPA report this claim is tied to has been thrown out of federal court for being biased and flawed. The studies it refers to are but a minority, where the majority could make no link between ETS and disease in non-smokers.

Maybe you should take your own advice?

Those might be true but keep one thing in mind. Someone being obese does not affect someone else's health like smoking does.

And you have no valid proof ETS causes disease. So there we are.


Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: leeland

and i see your a doctor now...since when is being over wieght as bad as second hand smoke, last time i checked being heavy doesn't cause lung cancer or the need for suplimental oxygen...before you start making claims be able to back them up

Obesity causes cancer and heart disease

Obesity causes diabetes

Obesity as dangerous and "expensive" as smoking

Meanwhile, there is very real doubt that second hand smoke causes ANY health problems in non-smokers.

The EPA report this claim is tied to has been thrown out of federal court for being biased and flawed. The studies it refers to are but a minority, where the majority could make no link between ETS and disease in non-smokers.

Maybe you should take your own advice?

Those might be true but keep one thing in mind. Someone being obese does not affect someone else's health like smoking does.

And you have no valid proof ETS causes disease. So there we are.

Actually plenty of proof has been presented already. I can't hold your hand and walk you through it. You're a big boy, you can find it yourself.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: leeland

and i see your a doctor now...since when is being over wieght as bad as second hand smoke, last time i checked being heavy doesn't cause lung cancer or the need for suplimental oxygen...before you start making claims be able to back them up

Obesity causes cancer and heart disease

Obesity causes diabetes

Obesity as dangerous and "expensive" as smoking

Meanwhile, there is very real doubt that second hand smoke causes ANY health problems in non-smokers.

The EPA report this claim is tied to has been thrown out of federal court for being biased and flawed. The studies it refers to are but a minority, where the majority could make no link between ETS and disease in non-smokers.

Maybe you should take your own advice?

Those might be true but keep one thing in mind. Someone being obese does not affect someone else's health like smoking does.

And you have no valid proof ETS causes disease. So there we are.

Actually plenty of proof has been presented already. I can't hold your hand and walk you through it. You're a big boy, you can find it yourself.

Actually, no, it hasn't. The "proof" used (the infamous EPA report and the studies it refers to) has been discredited.

And the latest study shows what the majority of earlier studies have shown: They could find no link between ETS and disease in non-smokers.


Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: leeland

and i see your a doctor now...since when is being over wieght as bad as second hand smoke, last time i checked being heavy doesn't cause lung cancer or the need for suplimental oxygen...before you start making claims be able to back them up

Obesity causes cancer and heart disease

Obesity causes diabetes

Obesity as dangerous and "expensive" as smoking

Meanwhile, there is very real doubt that second hand smoke causes ANY health problems in non-smokers.

The EPA report this claim is tied to has been thrown out of federal court for being biased and flawed. The studies it refers to are but a minority, where the majority could make no link between ETS and disease in non-smokers.

Maybe you should take your own advice?

Those might be true but keep one thing in mind. Someone being obese does not affect someone else's health like smoking does.

And you have no valid proof ETS causes disease. So there we are.

Actually plenty of proof has been presented already. I can't hold your hand and walk you through it. You're a big boy, you can find it yourself.

Actually, no, it hasn't. The "proof" used (the infamous EPA report and the studies it refers to) has been discredited.

And the latest study shows what the majority of earlier studies have shown: They could find no link between ETS and disease in non-smokers.

give me a break, i can't believe you don't think that second hand smoke doesn't increase your risk for cancer and lung disease. I have smoke enduced asthma due to my ass hat mother's 2 pack a day smoking habit and also see this everyday at my a Respiratory Therapist...i would like for you to come and see someone who has lung cancer because of isn't a pretty site when they have a mass the size of a tennis ball in the chest and can't breath...i would like you to explain to them how they aren't dying because they smoked

and as far as your articles i have one for you

second hand Smoking increases cancer chances

The group of 29 experts from 12 countries found second-hand tobacco smoke was carcinogenic to humans and that typical levels of passive exposure have been shown to cause lung cancer among people who have never smoked.

This means hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide from these cancers could now be linked to smoking.

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