Please critique my am2 build


Sep 27, 2001
Well, after much deliberation I have chose to go with a new am2 build. My current pc is running an xp barton 2800+ with biostar nforce2 2gig ram and 9800pro. I'm going to give the system to my brother, and will be building from scratch.

I play alot of games, so I want a machine that will stay competative for at least 2 to 3 years. I have never overclocked, but want to learn and will most likely try some light OCing with this machine so any advice in hardware choice is appretiated.

I will need to order this stuff by mid july so I doubt that I will wait for price cuts or new chips to be released. I would like the budget to stay around $1200 which leaves pretty much no room for added cost.

With that all said, here is what I have picked out:

Updated: SeaSonic S12-430 PSU - $99.99

Updated: Lian Li PC-7B ATX Mid tower case - $89.99

ASUS M2N-E Socket AM2 NVidia nForce 570 Ultra MCP ATX AMD mobo - $96.99

AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Orleans - $141.99

Corsair XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-pin DDR2 800 - $204.00

Sapphire Radeon X1800XT 512MB GDDR3 PCIe16 - $319.00

WD Cavair SE16 250GB 7200RPM SATA - $89.99

BenQ 16X DVD Burner - $34.99

Windows XP Pro - $137.99

Total - $1,214.93 As I stated earlier I would like to keep everything around $1200 but this isn't absolutely neccessary.

Also as I stated I will begin experementing with overclocking so any advice in that department is appreciated. Otherwise thanks in advance for whatever you got.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Looks pretty good.

A few changes / improvements....

I would get something better then the Centurion; I did one build in it and wasn't impressed with it enough to do another. Lian Li has a pretty good lock on the high-end mid-tower case market, I'd look there.

Drop down to a 430 watt S12, use the money saved for improved case.

XMS RAM isn't really worth it from a dollar to performance ratio. Stick with the Corsair, Crucial, ect but value RAM makes more sense.

If want a quieter machine consider aftermarket cooling for the Radeon and X2, Zalman in particular gets my vote.


Sep 27, 2001
Thanks for the input, Operandi. I looked into it and swapped the psu for the 430W and changed to the Lian Li case which I must tell you looks excellent for any build. My total cost is now only $12 more which is spot on! Excellent advice.

I did notice you mentioned aftermarket cooling for my Radeon and X2. Were you under the impression that I mean to order the dual core 3800 because I listed the single core. Do you think the build is still good with with the single core cpu, or should I consider dual core? (my 1200 budget isn't set in stone, so if money really should be spent it can be)

any thoughts?


Senior member
Feb 4, 2006
Looks good to me. But you might want to drop down to 430watts? I think 500watts is a waste of money, IMHO.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Drew1082
Thanks for the input, Operandi. I looked into it and swapped the psu for the 430W and changed to the Lian Li case which I must tell you looks excellent for any build. My total cost is now only $12 more which is spot on! Excellent advice.

I did notice you mentioned aftermarket cooling for my Radeon and X2. Were you under the impression that I mean to order the dual core 3800 because I listed the single core. Do you think the build is still good with with the single core cpu, or should I consider dual core? (my 1200 budget isn't set in stone, so if money really should be spent it can be)

any thoughts?

Well dual core is really the wave of the future. The only situations were a single core CPU even be considered is if the machine is going to be used for gaming only. Even then game developers will start programming with dual core in mind in the near future.

X2 or not, it?s really the same situation. I've become addicted to quiet machines so stock HS/Fs are out for me, especially loud GPU fans. Besides stock is just boring.

Also the Lian Li PC-60B you selected isn't the best in terms or air flow; 3x 80mm fans, and the restrictive exhaust specifically. I would suggest something like the PC-7B or PC-V600B (my personal fav).


Sep 27, 2001
Well I'm searching for RAM alternatives but it seems that DDR800 runs about $100 a GB lowest.

EDIT and yes this machine is for gaming mostly. The main reason I am buying am2 is so I can upgrade down the line. Maybe a X2 4800 for xmas


Senior member
Feb 4, 2006
Originally posted by: Drew1082
Thanks for the input, Operandi. I looked into it and swapped the psu for the 430W and changed to the Lian Li case which I must tell you looks excellent for any build. My total cost is now only $12 more which is spot on! Excellent advice.

I did notice you mentioned aftermarket cooling for my Radeon and X2. Were you under the impression that I mean to order the dual core 3800 because I listed the single core. Do you think the build is still good with with the single core cpu, or should I consider dual core? (my 1200 budget isn't set in stone, so if money really should be spent it can be)

any thoughts?

You might don't need dual core processor now because 98% of games don't take benefit from dual core processor as for now but probably in year or so. You can buy dual core after Vista release in 2007.


Sep 27, 2001
Originally posted by: fx

You might don't need dual core processor now because 98% of games don't take benefit from dual core processor as for now but probably in year or so. You can buy dual core after Vista release in 2007.

That'd be the idea, m8



Sep 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Operandi

Also the Lian Li PC-60B you selected isn't the best in terms or air flow; 3x 80mm fans, and the restrictive exhaust specifically. I would suggest something like the PC-7B or PC-V600B (my personal fav).

Thanks for the tip! I didn't even notice the ridiculously restricted exhaust on the back of that case. That was probably a life saver. Decided on the PC-7B and it's even cheaper!

Then again, that's why I come to these forums


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Drew1082
Originally posted by: Operandi

Also the Lian Li PC-60B you selected isn't the best in terms or air flow; 3x 80mm fans, and the restrictive exhaust specifically. I would suggest something like the PC-7B or PC-V600B (my personal fav).

Thanks for the tip! I didn't even notice the ridiculously restricted exhaust on the back of that case. That was probably a life saver. Decided on the PC-7B and it's even cheaper!

Then again, that's why I come to these forums



Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Drew1082
I will need to order this stuff by mid july so I doubt that I will wait for price cuts or new chips to be released. I would like the budget to stay around $1200 which leaves pretty much no room for added cost.

AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Orleans - $141.99


The price cuts are slated for July 23rd/24th, you are ordering mid-July, and you can't wait?

That really sucks, as your 3800+ processor could be an X2 3800+ processor in 1 week for $20 - $40 more. Yes, with computers you could always be waiting, and you can always have buyers remorse...

But I'll still cry for you.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'd stick with the 3800X2 and go for 667 RAM instead. That should save you enough money to be looking at a X1900XT instead of the X1800XT 512.


Sep 27, 2001
Originally posted by: jelifah

The price cuts are slated for July 23rd/24th, you are ordering mid-July, and you can't wait?

Well I'll be going on vacation July 26 and returning August 1 then I'm moving the next day and really would like my new computer to be alive and well with all my files transfered before then. However the switch to X2 would be worth the one day scramble to get my rig setup. I believe you are right in this, and any inconvinence the dates cause are worth a practically free dual core upgrade.

Then again, gaming is the most resouce intensive thing I use my computer for as of now, so I think a single core will suit my needs just fine.

The price cut will benefit me no matter what I do. It just makes my future upgrade paths that much cheaper in the near or far future. Still, I'm going to consider this.

Originally posted by: Bobthelost
I'd stick with the 3800X2 and go for 667 RAM instead. That should save you enough money to be looking at a X1900XT instead of the X1800XT 512.

My motherboard says it's rated for 800 RAM. Is there any risk involved if I try running 667 instead? If not then I'm all for the cheaper memory.

I also plan to OC the X1800XT, and I hear dx10 is about a year away now so I'm not too concerned about the upgrade.



Aug 27, 2001
You have some OC potential in that Orleans, so you might enjoy the extra memory bandwith offered by the 800.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Drew1082
So I can assume that using 667 RAM in a 800 board won't muck anything up?

If you are considering buying an X2 3800+ now, I would seriously reconsider.

In 30 days, Core 2 Duo will be released, and like others said, price cuts will happen on X2's as well as Pentium D 900's.

But if you wait 30 days, and you should, I would go with C2D over X2, and wouldn't think twice about it.

If you are dead set on buying now, stick with an AM2 3500+ and go X2 later this year. But be ready to hear everyone talking about their C2D's.


Sep 27, 2001
I'm not really pressed to get the X2 now, as it would just be a luxury more than a necessity.

I am aware of the price cuts and am considering waiting untill after July 24th, in which case I will buy the x2 since the price will be comparable to the Orleans version now.

And as far as Conroe goes, I am hearing around the boards that most people don't expect to actually get thier hands on one anytime too soon, and I can say that makes sense to me.

I have no real need to stay on the bleeding edge of technology, as it is impossible to keep up, and I feel confident sticking with AMD because this industry plays leap-frog and I can tell already that AMD will stay ahead of my budget and needs forever.

I do appreciate the feedback though and did, infact, decide to stay with the 800 RAM


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Drew1082
I'm not really pressed to get the X2 now, as it would just be a luxury more than a necessity.

I am aware of the price cuts and am considering waiting untill after July 24th, in which case I will buy the x2 since the price will be comparable to the Orleans version now.

And as far as Conroe goes, I am hearing around the boards that most people don't expect to actually get thier hands on one anytime too soon, and I can say that makes sense to me.

I have no real need to stay on the bleeding edge of technology, as it is impossible to keep up, and I feel confident sticking with AMD because this industry plays leap-frog and I can tell already that AMD will stay ahead of my budget and needs forever.

I do appreciate the feedback though and did, infact, decide to stay with the 800 RAM

Well, if you are going to wait until July 24th, you might as well at least look at the availability of C2D rather than just jumping on the AMD bandwagon. If the availability is there, C2D not only will be faster, but will be cheaper than its AMD counterparts.

Plus you can use DDR2-667 and still get the full power of the cpu, rather than having to go with the more expensive DDR2-800 (however we will not know what those memory prices will be like in 4 weeks).


Sep 27, 2001
Well those of you who are pushing me to wait untill July 24 win! I see your points and who
could argue really.

It's going to be a bit crazy because I'll be out of town then moving right after that, but I guess building a new PC in the middle of that adds to all the fun

I suppose I even could wait until August to build... it's just that waiting sucks

Thanks for the PSU link, pkme2! Deffinately going to go with those. And the +2 is the case I am going with. (just didn't type that in the link )

Well I think sometime this week I will order my case, psu, and os. Which reminds me to ask:

Do you think I would be wise to go with the 500W over the 430W because I will be able to keep it longer and OC farther with it?

or is that dumb......


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Drew1082
Well those of you who are pushing me to wait untill July 24 win! I see your points and who
could argue really.

It's going to be a bit crazy because I'll be out of town then moving right after that, but I guess building a new PC in the middle of that adds to all the fun

I suppose I even could wait until August to build... it's just that waiting sucks

Thanks for the PSU link, pkme2! Deffinately going to go with those. And the +2 is the case I am going with. (just didn't type that in the link )

Well I think sometime this week I will order my case, psu, and os. Which reminds me to ask:

Do you think I would be wise to go with the 500W over the 430W because I will be able to keep it longer and OC farther with it?

or is that dumb......
Well you could go with a dirt cheap 3000+ now, and upgrade to something higher-end once the price drop kicks in.

Since the high-end CPUs are getting the big cuts and the lower-end parts remain pretty close to current prices you would be able to sell 3000+ and easily come out ahead.

I see no reason to buy the 500 watt S12, the 430 is plenty.


Aug 24, 2004
It looks good but I think you should get a cheaper power supply, such as Antec SmartPower 500W or Fortron 450W. No need to spend that much on it. Even a Enermax Liberty 400W is quite a bit less. Put that money into a dual core processor. Yes, that would not save enough. Or you could get the Antec Sonata 2 for $80 or so and get a great case and a nice power supply all in one. That would save you about $110 to get a X2 3800+. I really wish I had a dual core right now although I am very happy with my processor. Get the dual core for the future.


Sep 6, 2003
my opinion would be to go a 939 setup. this is a very mature platform and has enough ooomph to last you as long as this am2 build will. the amd platform is not bandwidth starved so there really is not any benefit by going to ddr2. and since this is a gaming rig, the weak point is going to be the gpu regardless.

plus you can get 2GB of pc3200 for ~$120AR, pick up the x2 3800 939 after 07/24, get a decent 939 board and save some $$$$.


go the conroe route, i think the whole am2 family is able to be skipped for most of us here - not a real performance gain over 939 and gets beat by conroe. plus in 2-3yrs i am sure ddr3 will be out so you probably won't be able to move your ddr2 ram then either.
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