Please do not purchase Corsair products if you are from India


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2016
I was refused refund/replacement both just because I am not from the US.
Such a thing does not happen to US buyers.
I submitted a legitimate tax paid bill and they refused to accept it, they can easily verify it. Also they claim the seller was not authorised which is non sense, he is one of the biggest re-sellers of Corsair products in my country.
Save your money, go elsewhere, they give a step motherly treatment towards buyers in India. The so called "legendary" service is only for some US buyers, they differentiate with others.

They also do not allow any critical response to their behaviour and my previous thread was modified and closed as if to make it look like the issue was solved. They can keep editing my thread and banning me but I will keep posting as much as I can.
I am forced to pursue legal action now because am not going to let my hundreds of dollars go down the drain . Hence I repeat, save your valuable time and money and invest in a brand like EVGA and NZXT that not only make quality products but also care about their customers.


Jul 13, 2005
There is a Corsair rep who hangs out in the Power Supply forum.......
Your first post and you come into OT crying about Corsairs service. You should have asked for help.......


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Since I'm in the US of A...I don't care.

Would you like some cheese to go with your whine?


Aug 8, 2001
Being a big reseller doesn't mean you are an authorized seller, unfortunately. I'd say your complaint should be about whoever sold you the memory, not Corsair, since apparently they aren't giving you any service. Or have you not tried contacting the reseller?

You failed to state who the reseller is, by the way. Did "he" tell you he was an authorized seller?


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2016
There is a Corsair rep who hangs out in the Power Supply forum.......
Your first post and you come into OT crying about Corsairs service. You should have asked for help.......

This is not just about crying, since many Indians do read AnandTech am trying to inform them.
Am not shy to ask for help, but I have asked for help multiple times to Corsair through chat, phone and even on their forums where they found it convenient to delete my posts, modify my existing posts and put their own content and then close the thread.

Since I'm in the US of A...I don't care.

Would you like some cheese to go with your whine?

Good thing for you good Sir. Enjoy being in the US of A, let me enjoy my whine!

Being a big reseller doesn't mean you are an authorized seller, unfortunately. I'd say your complaint should be about whoever sold you the memory, not Corsair, since apparently they aren't giving you any service. Or have you not tried contacting the reseller?

You failed to state who the reseller is, by the way. Did "he" tell you he was an authorized seller?

At the time of purchase the seller claimed to be an Authorised one, he even showed me a certificate he received from Corsair for his outstanding work.

Even if you purchase from an Authorised seller, Corsair deals with warranty not the re-seller.
Corsair is responsible for honouring their warranty not the re-seller. For example, If you buy from a Micro center or Newegg, after 30 days they are not responsible for a Corsair Product.
And what even if he was not Authorised by Corsair but the distributor sold him the products? I do not see Corsair taking action against it. And what's the point really? They can easily check with a serial number if its a genuine product or not or some hologram sticker. All I see is they just refusing to even discuss the matter, they neither give any response on chat or phone.

And just to mention, I have replaced the PSU 4 times already with my own money paid for shipping, now 5th time I told them it is ridiculous that it has failed the 4th time, you should pay for the shipping isn't it. Also I raised a refund request. Now because I insisted they pay for the shipping or they did not like the word "refund" they are coming out with stupid excuses. If they really had a problem with the seller, why not object the last 4 times, why the double standards. Because they do not want to stand behind their junk. I am talking about the AXi 860. I am having a Seasonic since many years, a pico psu etc nothing has failed upon me yet, so its not a power problem either.

You tell me how did they find the seller authorised the last 4 times when I paid for the shipping from my own pockets. Is it not ridiculous?

Have you tried calling tech support?

Yes sir I have, I was told will get a reply on my ticket and all I get is a refusal.


Aug 8, 2001
You still haven't named the seller, you used the word "claimed" to be an authorized reseller, and you state that "he" (which indicates we are probably talking about an individual and not a large business) offered to show you some certificate. All of this makes it sound like it's a shady seller, not an authorized reseller.

I haven't looked at Corsair's warranty terms, but assuming that it is a requirement you buy from an authorized reseller, I don't know how you can fault them. Again, name the reseller if it's an authorized reseller.


Golden Member
May 14, 2000
Wait a minute, wait a minute.... You've replaced the PSU four times? I see a common denominator here and it isn't Corsair.


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2016
You still haven't named the seller, you used the word "claimed" to be an authorized reseller, and you state that "he" (which indicates we are probably talking about an individual and not a large business) offered to show you some certificate. All of this makes it sound like it's a shady seller, not an authorized reseller.

I haven't looked at Corsair's warranty terms, but assuming that it is a requirement you buy from an authorized reseller, I don't know how you can fault them. Again, name the reseller if it's an authorized reseller.

I cannot give the seller's name openly when I do not think they are at fault.
HE= salesperson, couple of awards from Corsair for excellent sales are hung on the walls like trophies. Am very surprised if Corsair is handing out trophies to "unauthorised" re-sellers.
Anyways I have asked the seller to give a mail confirmation that he is in fact an authorised seller since people here are inclining to believe Corsair.
I am not talking about some seller, the firm is the biggest retailer of computer hardware here.
You can doubt on me all you want and claim I purchased stuff from "shady" seller. "Shady" sellers do not give bills with federal and local tax Ids with their permanent address. Might be possible in USA not in India. I am not a fool either that I purchase some "shady" stuff, complain about it openly on online forums. Corsair could easily sue me if that was the case, but I invite them to sue me because am totally clean.
In fact I have applied to register a complaint against Corsair to a local consumer forum. I have opened up another ticket requesting their postal corporate address which I need to mention in the form then I ll go ahead.


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2016
Wait a minute, wait a minute.... You've replaced the PSU four times? I see a common denominator here and it isn't Corsair.

I will wait as long as you want me to .
Sure dear Sherlock, care to explain why nothing else fails at all since years? I have multiple PCs, only Corsair stuff has failed so far, rest others are working like new.
I had connected this PC to same the power line to which I have connected other PCs, TV, refrigerator,Hvac, My Intel Nuc, my laptop, my mobiles, etc etc. All my electronics are on the same line.
But nothing has ever failed, the only time I have had to replace something non-corsair is because they are old or outdated. Even my low wattage psu which I use for my AMD E350n is working, if that does not fail, how does a high end platinum spec with all sorts of protection fails?

I am waiting for 100 more guys to come, innovate and find ways to push the blame on me.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
I cannot give the seller's name openly when I do not think they are at fault.
HE= salesperson, couple of awards from Corsair for excellent sales are hung on the walls like trophies. Am very surprised if Corsair is handing out trophies to "unauthorised" re-sellers.
To be perfectly frank, I have never heard of Corsair giving out sales awards to outside salespeople period. If they're doing this, this would be new.
You can doubt on me all you want and claim I purchased stuff from "shady" seller. "Shady" sellers do not give bills with federal and local tax Ids with their permanent address.
What you're looking at is a grey market import. It is not illegal, but the importer is breaking the manufacturer's own rules. Which is why you don't get support. It's a lousy situation all around and you're definitely a victim here, but it's also not Corsair's problem since your conflict is with the retailer.

For future reference, a good way to tell if your retailer is authorized is to check Corsair's where to buy page. They list all of their 1st tier authorized retailers for every region they operate in.
Reactions: Ns1


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
An Indian customer being screwed over by a US Customer Service Rep?

What a country!


Golden Member
Feb 18, 2008
India has some ridiculous import restrictions. This affects a lot of electronics manufacturers who have to get a certification to import their products into India. It is essentially an artificial restriction to milk money out of manufacturers. My best guess is Corsair no longer has the certification to import the power supply into India and that is why they won't ship you one.


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2016
To be perfectly frank, I have never heard of Corsair giving out sales awards to outside salespeople period. If they're doing this, this would be new.
What you're looking at is a grey market import. It is not illegal, but the importer is breaking the manufacturer's own rules. Which is why you don't get support. It's a lousy situation all around and you're definitely a victim here, but it's also not Corsair's problem since your conflict is with the retailer.

For future reference, a good way to tell if your retailer is authorized is to check Corsair's where to buy page. They list all of their 1st tier authorized retailers for every region they operate in.

Thank you for your decent reply, much appreciated.
A lot of firms do that in India, they give milestone certificates etc for good sales performance. For eg Youtube sends a framed thing once you cross a certain no of subscribers and views. Gskill, Samsung, etc many firms do it, might be its an India thing?
I have seen this Corsair certificate with a couple of other sellers. I will try an explain how things work in India.
A distributor or importer has a license of a particular region. Most of them have one place where they sell the product, otherwise they distribute it to local retail chains who in turn sell the product. India is a huge country and the real estate cost is pretty high, these people cannot afford to set up shop everywhere and hence they do their sales through various channels. If this is the case Corsair should take action against them, not me, am just an average person who is passionate about computers and spends on it. They should reprimand their authorised sellers for outsourcing the sales. But then again why would Corsair gives these people sales certificates if they were not aware of them.
None of my friends has faced any issue with their RMAs with EVGA, Antec, Seasonic, Gskill, or any other brand. I have had no failure except Corsair all my life. The only reason I chose to buy Corsair is cause I thought they had a repute for their service.

Grey market import is absolutely illegal in India.
Grey market imports do exist I will not deny that, but no grey market seller will ever give a proper tax paid bill with a permanent office address.
Because by law it is illegal in India, these sellers never give any bill from what I know. I have not purchased anything grey in my life because I always value warranty even if I have to pay some extra amount for it but I have heard stuff from some people so have some idea.

And the grey market in India is not for computer hardware because if someone wants to buy a cheaper product, we have Chinese and Indian brands which do give wonderful warranty too but they are not that reliable and frankly even if they offer a good product, they do not have the brand value at all and resale value is terrible. There is no craze or fanfare as such for computer products. I do not know what could be grey cause I never buy from such people. A product without warranty is useless to me.

Why would I buy a grey import AXi if I could buy a RM or HX serious for half the price or CX or similar serious for a quarter of the price? And there are cheaper options too from Antec who also gives very nice support.
I bought AXi cause of the product they claimed it to be. I agree that was my mistake, never Corsair again in my life.

An Indian customer being screwed over by a US Customer Service Rep?

What a country!


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2016
India has some ridiculous import restrictions. This affects a lot of electronics manufacturers who have to get a certification to import their products into India. It is essentially an artificial restriction to milk money out of manufacturers. My best guess is Corsair no longer has the certification to import the power supply into India and that is why they won't ship you one.

Hi Sir, am not sure where you got that from. Corsair and many other brands import products legally into the country mostly from HK, Taiwan and then some from UK(source: retail boxes have to mention place of import). I have mailed and received my PSU 4 times to and from the HongKong Corsair centre so am sure that is not an issue.
From what I know most importing rules are pretty flexible except for fully built cars, they are madly taxed like double the amount of original cost of manufacture, rest Indian customs are fine.

All in all I would have liked if Corsair made a little effort. They refuse to talk to me, chat also no reply except we will reply on your ticket. I waited for their reply for over a month only to see a big refusal on the screen. And even that reply came after I pointed it out on their forum. Am not sure where this goes but there is certainly some helpful information for some Indian buyers.
I feel pretty tired and sad, anyways thanks to those who replied respectfully. Cheers


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Wait a minute, wait a minute.... You've replaced the PSU four times? I see a common denominator here and it isn't Corsair.

Yep. Sounds like there's more to this story than we're getting. I'm running a Corsair HX PSU that's 8-9 years old...and it hasn't skipped a beat yet.

An Indian customer being screwed over by a US Customer Service Rep?

What a country!

Oh, the huge ironing...


May 7, 2002
Having a PSU fail that many times in such a short time span is exceedingly difficult if they were legit products, and not refurbs or grey market, or pulls..
If the power coming into the PSU is crap, that would be the #1 cause, I sure hope you are using a UPS system.

If these were all corsair PSUs, why would you keep purchasing the same PSU over and over and over and over again? I think your seller is trying to pull a fast one on you.
Give us some pics of the PSU in question.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
You are attacking Corsair but refusing to name the seller who most likely lied to you about being authorized.

You claim this is because "I cannot give the seller's name openly when I do not think they are at fault." but if you listed their name we might be able to verify that they are authorized.

As long as you keep the name hidden we have no reason to trust you that Corsair is at fault.

So, I am going to continue to believe you bought a grey market product even if it was not intentional.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Go to the Corsair website for India. Look up "Where to buy" vendors. See if yours is on the lists.

If so, you MIGHT have a legitimate bitch...if not...................
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