Please don't watch "V for Vendetta"


Oct 9, 2002
This post does discuss conservative and liberal ideals, but there is no discussion of a political nature in this original post. I don't mind if a moderator moves the thread if it somehow becomes political or if my agreeable opinion is not welcome.

There are no spoilers in this post.

I just watched an early screening of the Wachowski Brothers' latest film: V for Vendetta

Before I get started, I'll let you know that I've always considered myself to be a "tolerant conservative." I won't try to hide or pretend that I didn't have an some opinion before seeing the movie. Please don't demonstrate intolerance by reading this post with pre-conceived bias. I just want to let people know what to expect so that they can resist the negative polarizing effect or avoid watching the movie altogether.

I know that this is a terrible way to start, but my ignorant opinion is that I've never seen such a retarded piece of brainwashing garbage as this. While the cinematography is excellent, any piece of dramatic or thematic material was drawn from other works and used completely out of context in such a way that the story makes no sense to anyone who actually looks for meaning or reason. Like it's title, the directors had a clear agenda: They want to polarize the country. The Wachowski brothers don't want there to be a such thing as a "tolerant conservative." They would have you believe that:

-Conservatives don't like homosexuals.
The Wachowski's would have you believe that, in fact, conservatives hate homosexuals. They hate them enough to have them rounded up, tortured, and executed. There is no such thing as a conservative that is OK with homosexuality or one who does not care what other people do. There is most certainly no such thing as a homosexual who believes in a single conservative ideal, or a conservative homosexual for that matter.

If I were homosexual, I would be offended. As a heterosexual, tolerant, conservative; I do not feel that another person's sexuality affects me in any way. What possible reason could I have to hate homosexuals? You know what I actually do hate? Perversion. Perversion is completely different from homosexuality.

-Religious conservatives are raging perverts.
In the movie, religious leaders are depicted as the most horrific perverts of all...yet they are so opposed to homosexuality that they are driven to mass murder?! The concept of "morality" as we know it is defined by beliefs. Morality is not in our genes. True religious leaders use their own lives and discipline as an examples of self control, forgiveness, and willingness to teach all who will listen. Is it too much to ask that religious leaders be depicted as those who actually believe in their convictions?

A well-played character in the movie states that he invited Natalie Portman's character into his home only to disguise the fact that he was homosexual. The directors would have you believe that the same intolerant religious conservatives who would murder homosexuals don't care at all when a man has sex out of wedlock with a woman? They're forgetting that conservative religions don't condone premarital sex. The premarital-sex = sin belief is part of the very reason why homosexuality is considered to be a sin in these religions. Conservative religions also teach that sinners should be loved and converted; not executed. Did Jesus set an example by executing "sinners?" No. It is taught that he loved them, healed them, and forgave their sins. The key word is "love". To say that Christianity teaches "tolerance" is a grievous understatement. After seeing the way religious leaders are depicted in this movie and nearly all liberal depictions in Hollywood, I have to ask: Who is being intolerant?

-Terrorism is OK for overthrowing oppressive (read: "conservative") governments.
The movie spells it out clearly. There is no symbolism here. Fictional news reports show pie charts, graphs, and video clips detailing the rise of the conservative party; which is somehow more oppressive and evil than the most one-dimensional villains in childrens' stories.

I completely agree with a statement from the main character in the movie. He says that "People should not be afraid of their government; Their government should be afraid of them." Actual conservatism tries to protect the safeguards that ward off complete totalitarianism and oppressive governments like dictatorships. Many people don't understand the reason why the US Bill of Rights protects Americans' right to bear arms. It becomes obvious that people don't understand when we hear gun-control activists reasoning that assault weapons are useless for hunting and should therefore be banned. In their rhetoric, conservatives are labelled as evil murderers for allowing the ban to expire. Barring purely offensive weapons including chemical, biological, nuclear, and ballistic weapons (like missiles), and most explosives; there should never be any kind of restriction on what you can use to defend yourself or protect your rights from being violated. Would you be able to use a pistol to protect yourself against an oppressive government with enforcers carrying automatic weapons? What if you had to use your bare hands with your fingernails removed? Conservatism has always promoted the ideal of less government interference in our personal lives.

-Conservatives are the enemies of art.
I for one believe that the most primal function of art is to make something that is pleasurable to behold. The Wachowski brothers seem to like art that is revolting, perverted, hateful, or inciteful. Anyone who expresses distaste for something that is meant to cause disgust is an enemy of free expression? The inflammatory Pi-- Christ is actually an example of hate speech. Hate speech is protected by another basic American right: Freedom of Speech. Conservatives defend free speech because they enjoy freedom, just like everyone else. Free speech is an important tool to help prevent government corruption. When conservatives denounce hate speech like this, they are portrayed as "intolerant." The intended purpose of Pi-- Christ was to disgust and incite anger. It's certainly not a pleasure to behold and you're not supposed to enjoy it. Should we all pretend to like Pi-- Christ and ostracize those who speak against it?

-Conservatism equates to pure evil.
Again: Who is intolerant here? This movie's ultimate purpose is to polarize the world. I will not be a gullible fool to fancy cinematography, fake drama, and pseudo-intellectualism. Also, I refuse to become an ignorant, stubborn, intolerant, liberal-hating, gay-bashing, racist, redneck. Judging by the reaction from some in the theater, some viewers were intelligent enough to realize this and resisted the impulse to become hyper-liberal activists; voicing disbelief during the film and disapproval as the credits began to roll. I felt a sense of hope. However, I don't know that the other viewers have not succumbed to the polarizing effect of the film.

We can't expose the flaws of this movie by insulting liberals and liberalism. In fact, there is nothing wrong with true liberalism. Criticizing "art" like this appears as intolerance to many. It's best to show disapproval by simply not watching the film.

I know there are probably a lot of typographical errors here, but it's late and I'll use the "edit" button later.

Expect lots of edits as your responses may reveal unintentional statements that need correction...I only skimmed over this once before submitting.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
newsweeks review just said it wasn't a good movie, no matter what "discussion" its supposed to start. i'll wait for dvd. the fact that the bastards left a bad taste in my mouth with matrix 2-3 doesn't help either, i don't trust em..and i'm not going to just hand them more of my money.


Feb 12, 2001
Your post made me want to watch it more.

BTW, most of us here are adult enough to make up our own minds about the information presented to us, without having our movies/books/games/etc be pre-screened for content by you or anyone else.


Jan 3, 2006
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
usa todays review just said it wasn't a good movie, no matter what "discussion" its supposed to start. i'll wait for dvd. the fact that the bastards left a bad taste in my mouth with matrix 2-3 doesn't help either, i don't trust em.

yeah, matrix reloaded and matrix re-whatever sucked. Okay, the soundtrack was decent.


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2001
Sorry dude, despite the work you put into that post, it will convince exactly zero people not to see this movie.


Oct 9, 2002
Originally posted by: CorporateRecreation
You do realize that this is based on a book...
From 20 years ago, everything is used out of context for the directors' agenda.

Originally posted by: notfred
BTW, most of us here are adult enough to make up our own minds about the information presented to us, without having our movies/books/games/etc be pre-screened for content by you or anyone else.

Actually, most people that I know have no idea how easily manipulated they are. My friend was with me watching the movie and he thought it was "great." I still haven't talked to him about it because I don't want him to get defensive or feel insulted.


Sep 15, 2002
Your posts makes me want to see the movie, thanks. I'll make up my own damn mind.


Apr 20, 2000
This should be the actual response for Topic Title: Please don't watch "V for Vendetta"

"Because I want to be able to buy tickets w/o having to wait in line + have plenty of good seating :thumbsup: "
Dec 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Ichinisan
Originally posted by: CorporateRecreation
You do realize that this is based on a book...
From 20 years ago, everything is used out of context for the directors' agenda.

Originally posted by: notfred
BTW, most of us here are adult enough to make up our own minds about the information presented to us, without having our movies/books/games/etc be pre-screened for content by you or anyone else.

Actually, most people that I know have no idea how easily manipulated they are. My friend was with me watching the movie and he thought it was "great." I still haven't talked to him about it because I don't want him to get defensive or feel insulted.

So everyone that disagrees with you is "easily manipulated"?

The world's out to get you too, y'know.


Oct 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Schadenfreude
Originally posted by: Ichinisan
Originally posted by: CorporateRecreation
You do realize that this is based on a book...
From 20 years ago, everything is used out of context for the directors' agenda.

Originally posted by: notfred
BTW, most of us here are adult enough to make up our own minds about the information presented to us, without having our movies/books/games/etc be pre-screened for content by you or anyone else.

Actually, most people that I know have no idea how easily manipulated they are. My friend was with me watching the movie and he thought it was "great." I still haven't talked to him about it because I don't want him to get defensive or feel insulted.

So everyone that disagrees with you is "easily manipulated"?

The world's out to get you too, y'know.

People who do agree with me are easily manipulated. Polarization, by definition, goes both ways.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2006
Having not seen the film and therefore I cannot make any judgements from the film itself, I will however make a conjecture. I would assume they are talking about neo-conservatism which is evil.

Do you believe they are synonymous?


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2005
So I assume this movie is making radical "left" seem heroic and radical "right" seem evil is that about it?


Dec 12, 2000
Please research the words "fascism" and "dystopia". I love how the neo-cons all hate "leftist pinko communists" i.e. liberals, but when far-right fascist ideals are derided then its just the liberals "taking things too far with their agenda".

OH and by the way, your argument makes no sense because in the story its the Labour party that rose to power and became fascist. Labour Party != conservative.


Senior member
May 13, 2004
Ever read 1984? It's not like the concept is really that original, from what I've seen in the trailers.

Oh, and terrorism SHOULD BE a decent option if intended to oust a bad government. If civil disobedience doesn't work, and clearly voting won't work, any means nesessary to make the government for the people (and not the opposite) should be welcomed and used.


Oct 9, 2002
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Please research the words "fascism" and "dystopia". I love how the neo-cons all hate "leftist pinko communists" i.e. liberals, but when far-right fascist ideals are derided then its just the liberals "taking things too far with their agenda".

OH and by the way, your argument makes no sense because in the story its the Labour party that rose to power and became fascist. Labour Party != conservative.

In the movie, a clear pie chart and narrative shows the labor party with only a tiny percentage of the popular vote, with the "conservative" vote overwhelming all other parties.

Originally posted by: LcarsSystem
Having not seen the film and therefore I cannot make any judgements from the film itself, I will however make a conjecture. I would assume they were talking about neo-conservatism which is evil.

Whatever kind of "conservatism" they depict in this movie is completely fictional.


Dec 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Ichinisan
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Please research the words "fascism" and "dystopia". I love how the neo-cons all hate "leftist pinko communists" i.e. liberals, but when far-right fascist ideals are derided then its just the liberals "taking things too far with their agenda".

OH and by the way, your argument makes no sense because in the story its the Labour party that rose to power and became fascist. Labour Party != conservative.

In the movie, a clear pie chart and narrative shows the labor party with only a tiny percentage of the popular vote, with the "conservative" vote overwhelming all other parties.

Originally posted by: LcarsSystem
Having not seen the film and therefore I cannot make any judgements from the film itself, I will however make a conjecture. I would assume they were talking about neo-conservatism which is evil.

Whatever kind of "conservatism" they depict in this movie is completely fictional.
Again, you need to read up on fascism. Completely fictional? Read up on Germany's National Socialist Worker's Party circa 1933-1945.



Senior member
Mar 13, 2006
Originally posted by: Ichinisan
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Please research the words "fascism" and "dystopia". I love how the neo-cons all hate "leftist pinko communists" i.e. liberals, but when far-right fascist ideals are derided then its just the liberals "taking things too far with their agenda".

OH and by the way, your argument makes no sense because in the story its the Labour party that rose to power and became fascist. Labour Party != conservative.

In the movie, a clear pie chart and narrative shows the labor party with only a tiny percentage of the popular vote, with the "conservative" vote overwhelming all other parties.

Originally posted by: LcarsSystem
Having not seen the film and therefore I cannot make any judgements from the film itself, I will however make a conjecture. I would assume they were talking about neo-conservatism which is evil.

Whatever kind of "conservatism" they depict in this movie is completely fictional.

Ehh from your op alone it seems to me they are pretty accurately describing neo-conservatism, which is not fictional by any means. Hell we have some neo-conservatives in the White House right now!


Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Ichinisan
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Please research the words "fascism" and "dystopia". I love how the neo-cons all hate "leftist pinko communists" i.e. liberals, but when far-right fascist ideals are derided then its just the liberals "taking things too far with their agenda".

OH and by the way, your argument makes no sense because in the story its the Labour party that rose to power and became fascist. Labour Party != conservative.

In the movie, a clear pie chart and narrative shows the labor party with only a tiny percentage of the popular vote, with the "conservative" vote overwhelming all other parties.

Originally posted by: LcarsSystem
Having not seen the film and therefore I cannot make any judgements from the film itself, I will however make a conjecture. I would assume they were talking about neo-conservatism which is evil.

Whatever kind of "conservatism" they depict in this movie is completely fictional.

So you're getting angry at a fictional political system of a dystopia in a movie?


Nov 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Ichinisan
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Please research the words "fascism" and "dystopia". I love how the neo-cons all hate "leftist pinko communists" i.e. liberals, but when far-right fascist ideals are derided then its just the liberals "taking things too far with their agenda".

OH and by the way, your argument makes no sense because in the story its the Labour party that rose to power and became fascist. Labour Party != conservative.

In the movie, a clear pie chart and narrative shows the labor party with only a tiny percentage of the popular vote, with the "conservative" vote overwhelming all other parties.

Originally posted by: LcarsSystem
Having not seen the film and therefore I cannot make any judgements from the film itself, I will however make a conjecture. I would assume they were talking about neo-conservatism which is evil.

Whatever kind of "conservatism" they depict in this movie is completely fictional.

So the movie bashes some made up branch of hard right conservative beliefs and you get offended?


Oct 9, 2002
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Originally posted by: Ichinisan
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Please research the words "fascism" and "dystopia". I love how the neo-cons all hate "leftist pinko communists" i.e. liberals, but when far-right fascist ideals are derided then its just the liberals "taking things too far with their agenda".

OH and by the way, your argument makes no sense because in the story its the Labour party that rose to power and became fascist. Labour Party != conservative.

In the movie, a clear pie chart and narrative shows the labor party with only a tiny percentage of the popular vote, with the "conservative" vote overwhelming all other parties.

Originally posted by: LcarsSystem
Having not seen the film and therefore I cannot make any judgements from the film itself, I will however make a conjecture. I would assume they were talking about neo-conservatism which is evil.

Whatever kind of "conservatism" they depict in this movie is completely fictional.
Again, you need to read up on fascism. Completely fictional? Read up on Germany's National Socialist Worker's Party circa 1933-1945.

The movie tries to spread ignorance about what actual conservatism is. Repeatedly the actual word "conservatism" is used to name the evil governmental powers. I highly doubt that Nazis or Neo-cons would ever adopt the slogan: "Strength Through Unity, Unity Through Faith."


Dec 17, 1999
eh......... I thought the bad guys where "Fascist"? Was not the premise of the story ..... what if the Fascists won WWII and the story is set in a fascist future.



Dec 4, 2004
There is this crazy concept in life called, "entertainment," and believe it or not...some people actually know how to simply enjoy it.
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