Please don't watch "V for Vendetta"

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Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
The OP reminds me of a teenage stoner/druggie that tries to pick out, or thinks everything relates to drugs.


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: Don Rodriguez
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Don Rodriguez
Originally posted by: Ichinisan
This post does discuss conservative and liberal ideals, but there is no discussion of a political nature in this original post. I don't mind if a moderator moves the thread if it somehow becomes political or if my agreeable opinion is not welcome.

There are no spoilers in this post.

I just watched an early screening of the Wachowski Brothers' latest film: V for Vendetta

Before I get started, I'll let you know....

I'm behind you Ichinisan in regards to the POV of the movie (if what you say is true, haven't seen it yet). I consider myself a tolerant conservative as well. **the following isn't meant to be a chauvinistic remark, so if that's how you take it, you have your "freedom of belief** Liberals remind me of women, they try to set double standards for themselves. Women expect men to be chivilrous, yet expect to be treated equally in the work place. Liberals demand all this free speech, same way liberals cry that our government isn't giving the liberties and siding with the radical islamists who want to murder people for defaming mohammad in a cartoon, yet say that the pi** Christ is freedom of speech.
BTW Geniuses, the story takes place in Britain not America.

It wouldn't matter if it took place in Koalalampour, the background is what matters, not the minute details, and yes the setting is a minute detail.

LOL little sad, but more pathetic, that you take a movie so personally... especially since it's not reflective of your current society!

You spew 'liberals cry' for the government not giving liberties... but here you are whining, about a FICTIONAL movie that doesn't even reflect the US.


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: DPmaster
Well enough people haven't been riled up yet so here goes <takes a really big breath>

Canada sucks
France sucks
Zimbabwe sucks
Conservatives suck
Liberals suck
Jessica Alba sucks
Natalie Portman sucks
Led Zeppelin sucks
Nintendo sucks
Sony sucks
Microsoft sucks
Honda sucks
Ford sucks
BMW sucks
Ferrari sucks
LCDs suck
CRTs suck
Money sucks
Having no money sucks
Sweet, succulent meat sucks
PETA sucks
Family Guy sucks
Wal-Mart sucks
South Park sucks
Nvidia sucks
ATI sucks
AMD sucks
Predator sucks
Aliens suck
Robocop sucks
California sucks
Hippies suck
ATOT sucks

If I missed anyone, just let me know and I'll add you to the list.

WTF is Canada at the top?!


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2001
When I saw the trailer, I kind of figured it would spark a debate much like the one in this thread. The OP has an opinion about the movie, and it concerns him that its message points to many fingers at current political figures. Maybe I agree, maybe I don't.

I figure conservatives will come out of this movie saying "part x, y, and z made a good point, but this part was BS b/c....." I also figure liberals will come out of this movie saying "part a, b, and c made a good point, but this part was BS b/c.....". You'll go in with a set of beliefs, and you'll hand pick parts of the movie and interpret it to support your belief.

Like others have said, go see it if you think it will be entertaining for you. If you agree with it politically, then talk about why with your friends and family. If you disagree with it politically, then talk about it with your friends and family. If you don't give a damn about the political message, talk about the acting, the costumes, the soundtrack, the effects, etc.

I'll go see it; I don't expect it to shake up my world though.


Senior member
Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: DPmaster
Well enough people haven't been riled up yet so here goes <takes a really big breath>

Canada sucks
France sucks
Zimbabwe sucks
Conservatives suck
Liberals suck
Jessica Alba sucks
Natalie Portman sucks
Led Zeppelin sucks
Nintendo sucks
Sony sucks
Microsoft sucks
Honda sucks
Ford sucks
BMW sucks
Ferrari sucks
LCDs suck
CRTs suck
Money sucks
Having no money sucks
Sweet, succulent meat sucks
PETA sucks
Family Guy sucks
Wal-Mart sucks
South Park sucks
Nvidia sucks
ATI sucks
AMD sucks
Predator sucks
Aliens suck
Robocop sucks
California sucks
Hippies suck
ATOT sucks

If I missed anyone, just let me know and I'll add you to the list.

WTF is Canada at the top?!

Sorry was the first thing to pop into my mind. that I think about it, I'm supposed to offend people so NO, I'm not sorry!



Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003

It's a movie, get over yourself.



Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2000
Originally posted by: DPmaster
Well enough people haven't been riled up yet so here goes <takes a really big breath>

Canada sucks
France sucks
Zimbabwe sucks
Conservatives suck
Liberals suck
Jessica Alba sucks
Natalie Portman sucks
Led Zeppelin sucks
Nintendo sucks
Sony sucks
Microsoft sucks
Honda sucks
Ford sucks
BMW sucks
Ferrari sucks
LCDs suck
CRTs suck
Money sucks
Having no money sucks
Sweet, succulent meat sucks
PETA sucks
Family Guy sucks
Wal-Mart sucks
South Park sucks
Nvidia sucks
ATI sucks
AMD sucks
Predator sucks
Aliens suck
Robocop sucks
California sucks
Hippies suck
ATOT sucks

If I missed anyone, just let me know and I'll add you to the list.

Damnit you forgot Ohio!



Apr 17, 2004
Originally posted by: SampSon
The OP reminds me of a teenage stoner/druggie that tries to pick out, or thinks everything relates to drugs.
ROFL, I know someone just like that and now that I think of it, he does remind me of the OP.

Al Neri

Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2002
i don't think that the OP cares about your guys opinions, he was just stating his. liberals without tolerance should really educate themselves. kthxbye


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2000
I have to see this movie for Portman. I had no idea it was political, but now I think I want to watch it even more


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Originally posted by: crownjules
Originally posted by: Shadowknight
After reading all of this thread, discussing how this film is neo-conservative-liberal-left-right-nazi-republican-democratic-green party-Independent party-Liberalist-pro/anti-homosexualism, enviromentalist-pro/anti-gun ownership, pro/anti-abortion with socialist leanings, my response is this:

I don't care about politics. At all. In movies, newspapers, tv, or other media. The day I go into politics, I'll care. As a poster on AToT, owner of cats, and overweight guy, I've got better things to get riled up about. Hemerroids for one. Running out of gas on the highway, for another. I just really really don't care.

There. Now THAT was carthetic.

You are extremely ignorant.


Well my friend, I wisened up a few years ago after getting out of college. Politics DOES effect you, whether you want to believe it or not. Look at the world you're growing up in: the US isn't looked upon favorably by a large portion of the people we depend upon for oil, a valuable natural resource we can't live without. A growing nation could very well rival us for top superpower in the world. Potential epidemics and devastating natural disasters crop up every few years. Choose to ignore politics and you give up any say in your future, for better or for worse.
I'm not ignorant, I simply do not care. A lot of debate by people in this forum, and in real life, is simply a form of mental masturbation that gets people riled up. As an accounting major in grad school, what can I do about oil in Alaska? Nothing. What can I do about homosexual marriage? Nothing. Gun laws? Same deal.

All I do can do is vote, providing there is actually something that a non-politician can vote on. The rest of the time, you have these old, fat people who stay in office forever, who are either out of touch with their constituents or are solely pursuing their own agenda, whatever polls by people in their city/county/state think. It happens at frigging school administration level all the way up to the presidency.

I'm being realistic here.

I will care about politics about the day I choose to run for office, believe it or not. I've been kicking the idea around for the last couple of years, and once I have a little money saved up to help fund a campaign, I might do it. Or not. But as a private citizen there is nothing I can do.

In the meantime, you have all of these private individuals who foam at the mouth about any side other than their own. It's arguing for the sake of arguing, nothing constructive. It turns individuals into a faceless, souless party or association, such as "right" left" and "center".

I don't mind the occasional discussion, or bull session, but when it comes to politics, people can get a vicious when it comes to parties, wars, political movements, and particular figures in office.

As for V... IT'S A MOVIE. There's no reason to care about any message that may or may not refer to the Bush administration or a 20 year old bashing of Margret Thatcher in Britain. What does a movie do in terms of influencing the politics of a nation?

Nothing. Because it's a movie. It's not talking on CNN about its personal views. It's not holding protests in abortion clinics, it's not writing books on the Bush administration, its's not even one of those people on the local news who gets asked fluff questions.

In the meantime, if I see the movie, I like, or dislike, the thing based on whether it's entertaining, if the acting is any good, and how the writing and special effects stand up. In the meantime, I'm not going to pretend whining and yelling about how important a particular political issue is unless I do something about it instead of just talking about it, like in the Politics and News section of Anantech, or in a thread about some harmless piece of entertainment.... like this one.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Uh I don't think the movie is necessarily targeting conservatives. Its more directed towards fascists.


Oct 24, 2005
How can one expect any less from the Hollywood left? I hope this movie loses millions.

I wonder if a movie depicting evil baby killing sticking penis in men's anus liberals taking over government and rounding up conservatives and Christians and sodomizing them and mass murdering them would be made. I would definitely see that movie.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: JS80
How can one expect any less from the Hollywood left? I hope this movie loses millions.

I wonder if a movie depicting evil baby killing sticking penis in men's anus liberals taking over government and rounding up conservatives and Christians and sodomizing them and mass murdering them would be made. I would definitely see that movie.

Um.. What?


Dec 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Again, you need to read up on fascism. Completely fictional? Read up on Germany's National Socialist Worker's Party circa 1933-1945.
Fascism is a leftist movement. A collectivist movement by definition.
OK, ripped straight from Wikipedia:

Merriam-Webster defines fascism as "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"[1]. The American Heritage Dictionary instead describes it as "A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism."[2].

Mussolini defined fascism as being a right-wing ideology in opposition to socialism, liberalism, democracy and individualism. He said in The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism:

"Granted that the 19th century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the 20th century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy. Political doctrines pass; nations remain. We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right', a Fascist century. If the 19th century was the century of the individual (liberalism implies individualism) we are free to believe that this is the 'collective' century, and therefore the century of the State." [3]

Fascism is associated by many scholars with one or more of the following characteristics: a very high degree of nationalism, economic corporatism, a powerful, dictatorial leader who portrays the nation, state or collective as superior to the individuals or groups composing it.

Stanley Payne's Fascism: Comparison and Definition (1980) uses a lengthy itemized list of characteristics to identify fascism, including the creation of an authoritarian state; a regulated, state-integrated economic sector; fascist symbolism; anti-liberalism; anti-communism [4]. A similar strategy was employed by semiotician Umberto Eco in his popular essay Eternal Fascism: Fourteen Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt[5]. More recently, an emphasis has been placed upon the aspect of populist fascist rhetoric that argues for a "re-birth" of a conflated nation and ethnic people[6].

Many scholars hold that fascism as a social movement employs elements from the political left, but eventually allies with the political right, especially after attaining state power. See: Fascism and ideology.



Golden Member
Sep 28, 2005
seemed like the govt being overthrown was liberal not conservative.... they hated war and didn't think for themselvs untill someone made them

and V was not a terrorist.. he was only assigned that label from the govt. he was a freedom fighter!


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: UNCjigga
Again, you need to read up on fascism. Completely fictional? Read up on Germany's National Socialist Worker's Party circa 1933-1945.
Fascism is a leftist movement. A collectivist movement by definition.
OK, ripped straight from Wikipedia:

Merriam-Webster defines fascism as "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"[1]. The American Heritage Dictionary instead describes it as "A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism."[2].

Mussolini defined fascism as being a right-wing ideology in opposition to socialism, liberalism, democracy and individualism. He said in The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism:

"Granted that the 19th century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the 20th century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy. Political doctrines pass; nations remain. We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right', a Fascist century. If the 19th century was the century of the individual (liberalism implies individualism) we are free to believe that this is the 'collective' century, and therefore the century of the State." [3]

Fascism is associated by many scholars with one or more of the following characteristics: a very high degree of nationalism, economic corporatism, a powerful, dictatorial leader who portrays the nation, state or collective as superior to the individuals or groups composing it.

Stanley Payne's Fascism: Comparison and Definition (1980) uses a lengthy itemized list of characteristics to identify fascism, including the creation of an authoritarian state; a regulated, state-integrated economic sector; fascist symbolism; anti-liberalism; anti-communism [4]. A similar strategy was employed by semiotician Umberto Eco in his popular essay Eternal Fascism: Fourteen Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt[5]. More recently, an emphasis has been placed upon the aspect of populist fascist rhetoric that argues for a "re-birth" of a conflated nation and ethnic people[6].

Many scholars hold that fascism as a social movement employs elements from the political left, but eventually allies with the political right, especially after attaining state power. See: Fascism and ideology.

Dude, Wiki is written by people, not "unbiased" scholars. Liberalism is all about taking individual rights away; it transfers power from the individual to the government, which they dub "people" to make it sound like they're noble. Capitalism and democracy go hand in hand. This is threatened when the "working class" (i.e. lazy people who just want an easy job or mooch off government) gets together and overthrows the individual. First they get rid of religion (personal freedom is a God given right) then they start confiscating private assets and make them state owned. That's communism. An alternative is to jack up tax rates so the government ends up taking anything anyways. This is called "socialism."

People forget corporations are owned by a group of individuals. Blaming corporations is essentially blaming people. Socialism and communism are most close to facism than a democratic capitalism.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: JS80
How can one expect any less from the Hollywood left? I hope this movie loses millions.

I wonder if a movie depicting evil baby killing sticking penis in men's anus liberals taking over government and rounding up conservatives and Christians and sodomizing them and mass murdering them would be made. I would definitely see that movie.

For the love of god, stop posting.


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: BDawg
Originally posted by: JS80
How can one expect any less from the Hollywood left? I hope this movie loses millions.

I wonder if a movie depicting evil baby killing sticking penis in men's anus liberals taking over government and rounding up conservatives and Christians and sodomizing them and mass murdering them would be made. I would definitely see that movie.

For the love of god, stop posting.

For the love of God, stop being a liberal.
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