Please Help With Media Bridge Dropping Off Network


Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
Update in post 12 below:

Original post: I have 3 Asus routers: an RT-AC87U and a pair of RT-AC66U's. The 87 is my main router, connected to the cable modem and beaming wifi through the house. One of the 66's is used as a Media Bridge, to connect a PC, printer, and laptop docking station in a home office.

The issue is that I constantly lose connection from the 66 Media Bridge to the 87 router. It can last minutes or hours, sometimes a day or two, but will always drop. Doesn't seem to matter if the PC is on or off when it happens, but I am not 100% sure on that. I have tried (but perhaps not sufficiently):

* Swapping the 66's as the Media Bridge (one is left over from its earlier job as the main router)
* All manner of DHCP and / or assigned IP's
* Settings on the routers from internet searches as well as default settings
* Various firmwares including Merlin's

All to no effect. I feel like I've tried some pretty common stuff, and some ways to avoid silly mistakes. And I feel like once a network is up and running, generally speaking it should stay that way. I solve it by logging into the media bridge, finding the router, and reconnecting, and so it's not difficult just getting annoying!

I would love any suggestions as to what it might be and / or how to help narrow it down!
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Nov 4, 2004
got a landline phone with wireless handsets?

I know it sounds crazy, but many moons ago I was losing my bridge connection, after about a month I realized it happened when the phone rang. Had to upgrade 2.4Ghz "spread spectrum" (aka channel hopping) tech to DECT 6.0

if not you, possibly a neighbor?

if not possible, what config are you using to join the bridge to the main? which frequency, channel range, etc...


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Not sure what exactly you Mean by Media bridge (probably a Wireless Router configured as Client Bridge).

Your description of the connection seems to indicate that the signal at the "Media Bridge" is Not strong enough to maintain solid connection.



Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
if not possible, what config are you using to join the bridge to the main? which frequency, channel range, etc...

We don't have wireless phones, but interesting idea. No idea about the neighbors. I could ask, but something I'm sorry I didn't make clear earlier was that with the pair of 66's acting as router and bridge, I didn't have dropping issues. Only when I "upgraded" to the 87.

As for it, I've tried 2.4GHz and 5GHz and they both have the same issue. I let it auto choose the channels. I've gone through the work of checking network traffic and nearby signals but there weren't any clearly good or bad channels to choose from, our neighborhood is reasonably spread out and I seem to have the only 5GHz in range enough to be picked up.

Not sure what exactly you Mean by Media bridge (probably a Wireless Router configured as Client Bridge).

Your description of the connection seems to indicate that the signal at the "Media Bridge" is Not strong enough to maintain solid connection.

Perhaps Client Bridge, but Media Bridge is what ASUS calls it in the router, that's the button I click on and what it says.

Link Rate is 975Mbps, RSSI is -32dBm. These numbers vary of course but are consistently around this. Both are better now (Link Rate higher, RSSI lower) than they were when just the 2 66's were working together one as router and one as bridge. I think this is pretty good, the office is just around a corner and about 25' from the router, not too bad.


Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
I recently put both 66's into play as Bridges, one connected to the printer and laptop, the other connected to the PC. I've found that it's only the one plugged into the PC that drops out, regardless of which one it is.

So it appears that the PC is doing something to get the Bridge kicked off the network?

The PC can still see the bridge and log into it, but they don't see the network. Everything else on the network is running fine, but can't see this particular bridge (searching by its IP comes up blank).
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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
When using such configuration it is a Good idea to assign all components with a static IP of the Main Router's subnet and also assign the Gateway on the peripherals as the Main IP address of the source Router.



Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
Thanks. I have done that and that's how it is set up now, it has been that way for weeks. The main router IP is the gateway for the bridges, and everything has the same subnet masks. All have static IP's set on their menu screens and doubled up on that by assigning them at the router as well. Doing this, and letting DHCP handle it all, neither has been effective.

I think I spoke too soon thinking the PC was doing something - I came back to update my last post. In one instance, the Bridge w/ the PC dropped offline, and in a later instance it was the one with the laptop & printer. I think that while I've been checking in on everything w/ the phone, the phone itself got kicked off the network.

So it seems the new router is randomly booting things. It is new to me, but was a refurb, perhaps an intermittent problem was missed at the factory and I've now discovered why it got sent back by someone?
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Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
I'm still putzing with this. Thinking perhaps the AC66U had some sort of random internal issues, I swapped it with another, and had the same thing. Thinking about the signal strength idea, though it seems good, I tried another AC87U (Newegg refurb) to put in the office. Seemed a sure bet it'd be a stronger unit for acting as a bridge, but it turns out to have worse performance - lower connection speed and higher RSSI. I'm going to give it a run for a while, see if it drops off, but a disappointing start.

My posts are probably too long for most to read, but if anyone gets this far I'd sure love some ideas as to why my media bridge router can't stay on the network.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 1999
The only thing I can think of is to start breaking down variables to find the weak link. I would get a used 11n router from Tp-link or Dlink that can take gargoyle firmware as gargoyle has the easiest setup of client bridges I've ever messed with and rock solid.


Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
Thanks. Yeah I am basically at this point just swapping things around, seeing where it does or doesn't work. Frustratingly, nothing so far works (any combo of stuff). I'm a bit of a geek, and this stuff isn't (normally) that hard. Not sure why this one is getting me.

But yeah, will keep poking at it. Wish there was a more solid way to find out but this will eventually get me there.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 1999
I know the feeling, even with complete control of the hardware sometimes these little gremlins find a way to screw things up. Does the media bridge have anywhere a repeating function? I know with gargoyle, I have to disable that for the bridge to work efficiently. Sometimes it can be something silly like the network cable to the computer or disabling auto negotiation. It sounds a lot like a WAN port bug that I think Asus AC routers had a while back. I want to say it was the AC68 though.


Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
I've discovered a few things trying to find the issue here:

With the new 87 as the main router: A 66 working as a bridge in the basement connected to a Tivo will stay on the network for a solid week straight. A 66 working as a bridge in the office will drop off the network several times a day, and once it drops it must be either rebooted or logged into and told to go find and join the network again. It will indicate that it is on the network (shows data speed and RSSI), but it will not actually be able to communicate w/ the network. It doesn't matter which 66 is used in which spot, they behave according to where they are and the issue doesn't stay with a particular unit.

With a 66 as the main router: Another 66 as a bridge in the basement w/ Tivo also stays connected a week straight, and again as a bridge in the office it will drop a few times a day. But it rejoins on its own and so it doesn't actually seem like it has ever dropped off to start with.

So there's 2 interesting things happening here: 1) Location matters, the office bridge drops a few times a day (PC, printer and laptop attached normally, but the scenario is the same if any or all of them are disconnected) where the basement bridge stays online (Tivo only). Confusingly in both cases their RSSI's are in the mid 40's and so it doesn't seem to be a signal strength issue or an issue with what is connected. Impossible! 2) The 66 as the main router will allow a bridge to reconnect after it drops and so it doesn't seem as if anything even happened. The 87 as the main router does not allow a bridge to reconnect after it drops.

I think I've probably typed too much over too many posts and if I was anyone here I wouldn't be keeping up or willing to read this much! But I wanted to keep up w/ what I found in case anyone's bored enough to read this far and / or it actually helps someone some day.
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Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
More and more that sounds like external interference is the problem, and the network recovery works better or worse depending on the router in the room with the interference. I don't think there is much you can do other than try changing location/position of the routers and/or try changing the antenna (might not be possible with those particular routers). It is possible that there are firmware builds which work better recovering from a dropoff, and they might help in your situation.


Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
Thanks for the reply! I am beginning to think that as well. My conclusions aren't necessarily right... just because the office router gets a good signal, doesn't necessarily mean it's enough, or that something else isn't knocking it off. I'm going to go through the devices connected to it again in singles and pairs and with none at all and see if I can't narrow it down to one of them, perhaps I missed something last time I did that.

I wish I knew what was different between the 66 and 87 when used as the main router, why a 66 as a router drops bridges but they can reconnect, and the 87 apparently doesn't allow them to reconnect. It's funny that the bridges believe they have reconnected, but the router itself thinks otherwise.


Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
I've got a combo / combos that work, and have abandoned figuring out why one of them doesn't, and only w/ one router in one location. Just a final followup in case it helps someone some day.

RT-AC66U as router, RT-AC66U as bridge (AP): works great anywhere in the house
RT-AC66U as router, RT-AC87U as bridge (AP): works great anywhere in the house
RT-AC87U as router, RT-AC87U as bridge (AP): works great anywhere in the house
RT-AC87U as router, RT-AC66U as bridge (AP): works great anywhere in the house EXCEPT the office, where it drops off and doesn't reconnect.

It will forever remain a mystery.


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2019
I've got a combo / combos that work, and have abandoned figuring out why one of them doesn't, and only w/ one router in one location. Just a final followup in case it helps someone some day.

RT-AC66U as router, RT-AC66U as bridge (AP): works great anywhere in the house
RT-AC66U as router, RT-AC87U as bridge (AP): works great anywhere in the house
RT-AC87U as router, RT-AC87U as bridge (AP): works great anywhere in the house
RT-AC87U as router, RT-AC66U as bridge (AP): works great anywhere in the house EXCEPT the office, where it drops off and doesn't reconnect.

It will forever remain a mystery.

Well - I have "lived" with this EXACT SAME SHIT as you have in years now.
Dropout every 1-4 hour of active use with a Windows 7 PC. Network discovery = Net BIOS. Fixed IPs
I have been on several Merlin versions, but same problem on all of them so the culprit is likely within the router.
The "media bridge" router is allways found,- so its the main router that "drops out" EVERY time.

My story.
Main router has cabled: 2*NAS'es (ON) + 1 PC (OFF) + 1 Samsung printer (sleeps)
Media bridge has cabled: 1HTPC (ON) + 1Reciever (ON) + 1 Cable box (sleeps) + 1 Sony PS-3 (sleeps)

Network variants:
1. AC-66U (main router) + RTN-66U in media bridge mode = NO PROBLEM, but a tad slow so upgrade - see step 2

2a. AC-66U (previous - still as main router) + AC-66U (new) = DROP OUTS roughly every 1-4 hours
2b. Switch above as main/bridge = same problem.

3. AC-2900/AC-86U (main router - above 66U replacement on warranty 3 years) + AC-66U (the "old one") = same issue

4. Now my final idea....replace the "old AC-66U" with a AC-2900/AC-86U. If that does not work I am really lost.
The funny thing is that it worked with the old bandwidth of the N66U

I also had a very old Asus Draft N router that I gout issues with before, but totally different. That time it was the POWER SUPPLY that just died.
I am thinking that maybe my "old AC-66U" power supply drops off from time to time (overheat or compenent ESD issue) so I might try changing that.
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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Is the above based on LAN performance or Internet performance.

I hoped that people are other simple inexpensive ways to set Media Server beside tweaking Wirless Routers.



Junior Member
Jan 31, 2019
Not media server...
Media bridge is different. Its a way to replace Ethernet cables with two AC routers while maintaining great speed.


Junior Member
Feb 28, 2019
I had the same issue using an AC-68U as media Bridge with a TG3482G as main router. First I tried with different versions of original ASUS firmware and trying all different configurations with same result: dropped connection after few minutes, sometimes hours and ending with a reboot as only solution.

I was reading this thread and other forums and also try with Merlin probing to be more stable and lasting one or two days before got disconnected. Merlin 384.5_2 (Q12018) was more stable than other versions and also able to reconnect by itself and no reboot needed but at the end having the same issue.

Merlin is a mod of the original firmware and both are buggy at least configured as media bridge, based on what i tested and have read from other users.

Finally I decided give a chance to DD-WRT firmware and worked flawless . I'm running DD-WRT v3.0-r37305 configured as client bridge and my connection has been solid as a rock.
I have use DD-WRT with other routers in the past and it is solid; not so friendly and a little hard to tweak but works very well.

Hope this can help someone else


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2019
I had the same issue using an AC-68U as media Bridge with a TG3482G as main router. First I tried with different versions of original ASUS firmware and trying all different configurations with same result: dropped connection after few minutes, sometimes hours and ending with a reboot as only solution.

I was reading this thread and other forums and also try with Merlin probing to be more stable and lasting one or two days before got disconnected. Merlin 384.5_2 (Q12018) was more stable than other versions and also able to reconnect by itself and no reboot needed but at the end having the same issue.

Merlin is a mod of the original firmware and both are buggy at least configured as media bridge, based on what i tested and have read from other users.

Finally I decided give a chance to DD-WRT firmware and worked flawless . I'm running DD-WRT v3.0-r37305 configured as client bridge and my connection has been solid as a rock.
I have use DD-WRT with other routers in the past and it is solid; not so friendly and a little hard to tweak but works very well.

Hope this can help someone else

THANKS for the possible solution.
New fw makes sense as my issues got A LOT WORSE after in got the 2900 and updated both to the latest (full reset and enter everything all over, no loading od old cfg files, just to be sure)
As old asus fw works, and its reported everywhere its an obvious flaw from ASUS.
DDWRT probably found the caveat or based it on older working Fw
I am guessing ASUS is pushing their "asus ai mesh" and totally "forgot about" users that have media bridges..and maybe frankly dont care anymore as they want users to upgrade (BUY) to new ai mesh routers.

As they totally dont give a damn and the time and issue ive spent on this, this will be my last Asus product ever.

Netgear has caught up on routers and even passed in price/performance.
Gigabyte and other on MoBo's and expansion cards.
So, bye bye Asus. If you dont listen to your customers it doesnt matter if you have 3 years free replacement if that doesnt solve the issue.

Will return all asus equipment on warranty (3years which is good) and change to netgear or lilewise...a real pity as i liked Asus products up to now, especially their warranty, now i will act upon their good side of the warranty in hope that they fixed the bad side = Fw and listen to the voice of customers)

I have been a loyal asus customer since their first draft n router, but this is it. The issue is widely known and so many have reported it that Asus know for sure its a Fw issue.

Thanks all
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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Netgear has caught up on routers and even passed in price/performance.
Gigabyte and other on MoBo's and expansion cards.
So, bye bye Asus. If you dont listen to your customers it doesnt matter if you have 3 years free replacement if that doesnt solve the issue.

Hopefully the problem is solved.

That said, to avoid future stress.

Netgear, Asus, or any other consumers' Wireless Routers are Not better or worse.-

They are All Horrible. ---

Reactions: VirtualLarry


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Netgear, Asus, or any other consumers' Wireless Routers are Not better or worse.-

They are All Horrible. ---
LOL. Too true. Asus is, for the most part, the least worst of the bunch, but they can have firmware issues too.

That's why, the ability to load 3rd-party firmware, is so important. Asus is actually fairly excellent in this regard. Netgear too.


Junior Member
May 1, 2019
I have the new ASUS RT-AX88U that I am using as the main router. I bought 2 new RT-AC68U in the hopes of setting up the AiMesh, had many problems so decided to give up that idea. Now I am using the 2 AC68U's as media bridges. I noticed that when no devices, attached to the bridges, are working for a few hours, it drops the connection. I find this out when I start a device that is connected to the bridge. After a few minutes it automatically starts working again. I also have an old RT-AC68U that I am using as a repeater, for some reason that works fine. The repeater is connected to a bunch of IOT's that always stay on. My bridge problems are similar to the ones addressed here. I wanted to say this here to add additional info to the discussion with hopes that someone may have a solution.
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