Pledge of Allegiance Unconstitutional

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Diamond Member
May 1, 2001
Originally posted by: NightFlyerGTI
Originally posted by: mithrandir2001
Originally posted by: MSNY
We will need to amend the Constitution and take "Creator" out of it. "In God We Trust" on our money will have to go. If any reference to God is banned then chaplins in the armed services must stop preaching God. The Pesident should not go to church. If you need to really worship "God" stop offending those who don't...just stop being free to worship at all....sound farfetched....not really, this IS what these LIBERAL ATHESISTS REALLY WANT!
You should ask what conservative religious freaks want. They want submissiveness and mind control. It's a big business with sizable revenues.

Oh it always is, isn't it? LOL... feel free to chime back in and tell us how anyone's going to make a dime off taking "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Religion is big business. They sell Salvation and Eternal Life (tm), all for some kneeling on Sundays and a nice wad of money in the collection box. But they don't make a dime off of us atheists, much to their chagrin.

If people spend less money on the religious industry, perhaps we can better fund tangible causes that will actually improve mankind's lot.


Apr 26, 2001
I've been saying it without the "under god" part for years. I could care less if they make it official.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: NightFlyerGTI
AGREED. Best post I've read in the entire five pages of this thread. Just when I was starting to doubt ATOT's level of intelligence, this post at least made the falling barometer stabilize.

What does intelligence have to do with belief? Seriously.


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: NightFlyerGTI
Originally posted by: pyonir
Believing in god = intelligence?

Lol, no- I should have rephrased that, sorry. Make that "level of patriotism".

So then it is impossible to love one's country without believing in god?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
OK, let's see if we can count the factual fallacies in your rant...

Originally posted by: MSNY
I don't rant very often but I'M GONNA NOW so if your offended....well to least the Constitution still has free speech it least for now.

Every nation that has turned it's back on God has eventually disintegrated at some point in history. We need to pay attention to lessons learned because if God is pushed out of our society then so goes the rule of law.

Every nation has crumbled, be they religious or not. I do not see any 2000 year old Christian nations. Do you? This is irrelevant.

As has been stated this is but the tip of a large iceberg. We will need to amend the Constitution and take "Creator" out of it.
There is no "Creator" in the Constitution.
"In God We Trust" on our money will have to go. If any reference to God is banned then chaplins in the armed services must stop preaching God. The Pesident should not go to church.

The President is allowed a private life, just as any other government employee.

The Armed forces employ chaplins from every religion, thus the government is staying religiously neutral.

"In god we trust" on our money is only 50 odd years old. It's no big deal and was never the national motto our Founding Fathers intended (E Pluribus Unum).

If you need to really worship "God" stop offending those who don't...just stop being free to worship at all....sound farfetched....not really, this IS what these LIBERAL ATHESISTS REALLY WANT !
Ridiculous. No one here is telling anyone what to do in their private lives. We only wish the government to remain religiously neutral, as was it's original intent.
There goal is take away any rights to religious freedom and gain the right to keep taking away our freedoms and all our other rights as Americans. This is just the beginning, mark my words. They will go for the jugular now. Why is that the Bible is ALWAYS a best seller and the most read book in the world ?
Because people KNOW there is a God and He is part of our lives...and yes our lives include our government. Nations aren't formed by chance, God had a role in starting ours. Our forefathers belived that, but apparently people of this modern age really don't.
Sorry, but you're wrong: "The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion"

(Treaty with Tripoli, 1797. Presented by President and Founding Father John Adams, and ratified unanimously by Congress.)

Remember the P;grims didn't come here to have a good time and eat Turkey, they came here for RELIGIOUS freedom.
Actually, the pilgrims were a theocratic society. They wanted the freedom to practice thier religion, and burn anyone who didn't. They are hardly the example to use if you're preaching freedom of religion. Anyhow, it's moot, they had nothing to do with the founding of our nation 300 years later.
Now were starting to go full circle. Were afraid of "offending" those who don't want to hear about God. Maybe it's about thime they are offended, because I'm offended by there total lack of wanting to hear it. Since when was hearing something you dn't like against the law ? Everyone has the right to accept to reject what they hear, but this ruleing today opens up the "offecsive" nature of free speech.

We don't want people to stop believing or talking about god. We only want it out of government. The religious neutrality of government insures religious freedom.

We soon forget that our laws, when they are just and right have been instituted and passed down generations as "common law". Are these just some great thoughts passed down by our ancestors ? I think not, they came from a higher just being....namely God himself.

Says you. I believe differently. Rather than have either of our beliefs represented by government, how about having neither? That way both of us are free.

And where did these principles stem from that make our laws and this country ? If you read the 10 commandments its plain to see for even a blind man that EVERY law Mankind in it's wisdom would never have made 10 just ones. In fact, in the US we would make a million exceptions to just one commandment if we had a chance. We if left to our devices would have chaos. The very rights that these people want to take from us our God given rights to start with !

It boils down to this. One mans right to say there is no God takes away (eventually) will take awy my right to say there is one. If this ruling should stand then I may someday be a criminal in a police state.

I wonder what God is thinking as He looks down on us today, in our stupidity. Guess we need to pray just a little harder for our country and now we need His forgiveness for wanting to turn our backs on Him.


Again, you are entitled to your beliefs. What you are not entitled to is to have government endorse your beliefs over anyone else's. Why not just have the government remain nuetral, and the people remain religious? The US is, by far, the most religious first world nation on Earth. And it is that way because our government stays out of religion, and religion stays out of government.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2001
Originally posted by: MSNY
You should ask what conservative religious freaks want. They want submissiveness and mind control. It's a big business with sizable revenues.

Since when did taling away the freedom of worship or express there dependance on God, become mind control by conservative Christians. One nation "under God" threatens the interest of men who want all the answers but have nothing to give. It's they who want to control our minds.

I see no "religious freaks" asking any court to enforce but religious standards.

Only those who want to tell me to be totally Godless want to take control.
No, it's just to make things Kosher (pun intended) and keep the Constitution in force. The "Under God" phrase is a clear statement of federally-sponsored religion, something that is forbidden by the Constitution.

It doesn't infringe on anyone's rights if we remove the phrase, but rights are trampled on if we keep it in.



Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: NightFlyerGTI
Originally posted by: pyonir
Believing in god = intelligence?

Lol, no- I should have rephrased that, sorry. Make that "level of patriotism".

So because I'm agnostic, and believe our great nation should have a religiously neutral government as per the original intent of our Founding Fathers, you think to question my patriotism?

Tell me, what have you done to defend our nation? I served four years in the Army as an anti-tank gunner. How dare you think to question my love for this country simply because I wish to maintain what our Founding Fathers intended.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
what a load of crap. POL has nothing to do with endorsing religion. I guess our paper money endorces religion as well as putting our hand on a bible before testifying. I bet if we did that in court they'd throw us in the pokey


Senior member
Oct 29, 1999
Again, you are entitled to your beliefs. What you are not entitled to is to have government endorse your beliefs over anyone else's. Why not just have the government remain nuetral, and the people remain religious? The US is, by far, the most religious first world nation on Earth. And it is that way because our government stays out of religion, and religion stays out of government

So if I want to say the pledge of alligance and include "under God" in it will I be disobeying the law of the land someday ? Will I then be criminal for offecding someone ? Will I have to go to jail because I'm not neutral ? You cannot seperate God from mens's affairs, nor men's from God's. Air must have oxygen in it, it is not neutral but required for survival. If we do not acknowledge God then were cutting off our oxygen to our spirit as a nation.

It's nonsense to state that there is no mixture of religion and goverment. Politicians pray everyday for Gos's wisdom to rule as just leasders. The house and senate both open with prayer. Why ? Because the affairs of men in goverment need men that have wisdom and that comes from God.



Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2001

Every nation that has turned it's back on God has eventually disintegrated at some point in history. We need to pay attention to lessons learned because if God is pushed out of our society then so goes the rule of law.

Even though I believe in God, and that the pledge of allegiance is as consititutional as affirming a Creator as the one who has granted us our inalienable rights, I cannot buy this argument, and most people here won't support it either. Believe it or not, America is not a theocracy, because a self-imposed theocracy (i.e., Bush says, "Let's all believe in God now") will turn into a dictatorship. Is that what you want? Furthermore... who decides when a nation "turns its back on God?" You, or God? And how will God make that known? By "disintegrating" the nation? What if nations have other ways of reaching demise... say... idiocy. Then again, perhaps the fundamentalist Muslim groups haven't turned their back on God. They're still around and causing our demise. Is God sending them against us because we turned away from Him? If you buy that line of logic, then you're going to have to support the terrorists to stay on God's side... yuck.

As has been stated this is but the tip of a large iceberg. We will need to amend the Constitution and take "Creator" out of it. "In God We Trust" on our money will have to go. If any reference to God is banned then chaplins in the armed services must stop preaching God. The Pesident should not go to church. If you need to really worship "God" stop offending those who don't...just stop being free to worship at all....sound farfetched....not really, this IS what these LIBERAL ATHESISTS REALLY WANT !

Actually, I wouldn't mind if they did take it out. If it's not what America as a whole represents, then why should we force people to live a lie? Why get people to support a political system that has as an integral part of it the idea that God exists? That would violate the intellectual integrity of many... even Anandtech. Oh, and just because America takes out references to God doesn't mean that "chaplins" will stop preaching God. And the President is free to go to whatever church he wants to go to. I'm afraid your statements are being perceived with more lunacy than you actually maintain... what with the "LIBERAL ATHEISTS" and all. We've got liberal Christians and liberal Atheists. We've got conservative Christians and conservative Atheists. But what does any of the "Christian" or "Atheist" tagline really have to do with our legal system?

There goal is take away any rights to religious freedom and gain the right to keep taking away our freedoms and all our other rights as Americans. This is just the beginning, mark my words. They will go for the jugular now. Why is that the Bible is ALWAYS a best seller and the most read book in the world ?

First off, I don't think there's an atheist here that gives a rat's tail about whether or not I go to church or practice my own form of religion in my own way. They might think I'm crazy, but none of them really want to take away that right. They might try to convince me that it's invalid. They might say that it violates intellectualism. They might even call me a hypocrite. I still don't see any of my rights taken away with any of that, do you? And part of the reason the Bible is ALWAYS a best seller and the most read book in the world is that it was one of the first books to hit the Gutenberg press. It's also served as the foundation for tons of religions... not just Christian. Furthermore, we've got people who dedicate their lives to the book... and we've had that going on for several thousand years. It's bound to be popular. Of course, if Tom Clancy would have lived during the 16th century and had some of his stuff printed, I bet "Sum Of All Fears" would have had a better turnout... and maybe the novels would have sold better had more people given their lives to follow the leading of some of his stuff. He's a pretty darn good author. But I digress.

Because people KNOW there is a God and He is part of our lives

Naturally I disagree with this statement, for the reasons stated above. I think that *some* people know there is a God and He is part of our lives, but I've never bought the classic line that deep down inside everyone, they just "know" that there's a God. Shoot, I'm a Christian, and I don't just "know" that there's a God. I have reasons for believing what I believe that don't rely solely on some kind of emotive form of a cocaine high. Shoot this up, kid. God is great... all the time.

Nations aren't formed by chance, God had a role in starting ours. Our forefathers belived that, but apparently people of this modern age really don't. Remember the P;grims didn't come here to have a good time and eat Turkey, they came here for RELIGIOUS freedom. Now were starting to go full circle. Were afraid of "offending" those who don't want to hear about God. Maybe it's about thime they are offended, because I'm offended by there total lack of wanting to hear it. Since when was hearing something you dn't like against the law ? Everyone has the right to accept to reject what they hear, but this ruleing today opens up the "offecsive" nature of free speech.

Which is more offensive? To kill off Native Americans for not believing in your flavor of God, or to take out the word "God" from the pledge of allegiance? Do you *really* think people were only looking for religious reasons to start a new nation? Do you still think that the civil war was fought over slavery? Was the war cry "No Taxation without Representation" or was it "Free Us From The Godless King George?" Yeah. It all goes back to money and power.

We soon forget that our laws, when they are just and right have been instituted and passed down generations as "common law". Are these just some great thoughts passed down by our ancestors ? I think not, they came from a higher just being....namely God himself.

I'd look up the Emerson quote about the ruts of conformity, but in my mind, transcendentalist authors wrote themselves out of a living. Anyway... abortion is becoming common law. Would you support Roe v. Wade if it's just been instituted and passed down generations? Slavery was common law. Should we go back to it? Did either of these come from God?

And where did these principles stem from that make our laws and this country ? If you read the 10 commandments its plain to see for even a blind man that EVERY law Mankind in it's wisdom would never have made 10 just ones. In fact, in the US we would make a million exceptions to just one commandment if we had a chance. We if left to our devices would have chaos. The very rights that these people want to take from us our God given rights to start with !

Most of the 10 Commandments can be universally applied in any situation/nation and are not solely Christian concepts. Most of them are common sense. It's easy to see why you shouldn't murder people. It's easy to see why you shouldn't steal. Why you shouldn't commit adultery. Why you shouldn't lie in court. Buddhists could accept the majority of these commandments, for example. And Deuteronomy doesn't stop with just 10 commandments. It also has the million exceptions and the specific details. Were these God-given, or were they a result of "Mankind's" chaotic devices.

It boils down to this. One mans right to say there is no God takes away (eventually) will take awy my right to say there is one. If this ruling should stand then I may someday be a criminal in a police state.

This is perhaps your greatest crime against my intellect. God granted man the freedom to say that there is no God. This has no bearing on the right He gave you to say that there is. To deny someone of the freedom one has to choose God or not to choose God is to become like Constantine, or perhaps the Spanish Inquisition. If there is indeed a God that you and I both believe in, He's not going to want a bunch of brainless clones running around believing in Him because they have no choice. Do you think we should stick the 10 commandments into the pledge of allegiance too? Has omitting them from the pledge of allegiance caused any more murders, robberies, or false witness? I think not.

I wonder what God is thinking as He looks down on us today, in our stupidity. Guess we need to pray just a little harder for our country and now we need His forgiveness for wanting to turn our backs on Him.

The first good idea I've heard from your post. I'm a big fan of that. We *all* have wanted to turn our backs on God. This is the essence of sin. But don't get the impression that you're only praying for the "other people," for none of us is righteous. In layman's terms, "nobody's perfect." This isn't an excuse, but it is true.


AGREED. Best post I've read in the entire five pages of this thread. Just when I was starting to doubt ATOT's level of intelligence, this post at least made the falling barometer stabilize.


Jan 9, 2002
Originally posted by: mithrandir2001
Originally posted by: NightFlyerGTI
Originally posted by: mithrandir2001
Originally posted by: MSNY
We will need to amend the Constitution and take "Creator" out of it. "In God We Trust" on our money will have to go. If any reference to God is banned then chaplins in the armed services must stop preaching God. The Pesident should not go to church. If you need to really worship "God" stop offending those who don't...just stop being free to worship at all....sound farfetched....not really, this IS what these LIBERAL ATHESISTS REALLY WANT!
You should ask what conservative religious freaks want. They want submissiveness and mind control. It's a big business with sizable revenues.

Oh it always is, isn't it? LOL... feel free to chime back in and tell us how anyone's going to make a dime off taking "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Religion is big business. They sell Salvation and Eternal Life (tm), all for some kneeling on Sundays and a nice wad of money in the collection box. But they don't make a dime off of us atheists, much to their chagrin.

If people spend less money on the religious industry, perhaps we can better fund tangible causes that will actually improve mankind's lot.

Hahaha! You think Churches are an industry? They're not a major corporation, nor do they have stock and trade it on the stock exchange. They don't sell salvation and eternal life- where did you get that wild idea? The majority of collections in every Church I've been to around the Country are taken up for the POOR. Enough is taken up to support the priest(s) so he can keep doing his job, have food, a roof over his head, sometimes a vehicle, and in which case, gas money, to tend to the dying and the sick parishioners in remote areas. If Church buildings need to be repaired to meet city codes (uh oh! Church and State collide! Church and State are in contact! Sound the alert!), then donations are collected to repair a roof, expand the building because of a growing population, or even build a new Church. Churches, more times than not, are not wealthy. If they are, then it's because of the parishioner's (or members, if that's more 'P.C.' for you) self-judgement of how much of his or her income to donate. That's none of mine, nor yours or anyone else's business. Nobody pays to go to Church- you don't have to give a dime your entire life and you'll be more than welcome there. Yes, even you. Now that we've cleared that up with words from a Christian who goes to Church every Sunday and donates when he can to help the needy (re: FACTS), I restate my original question:

Feel free to chime back in and tell us how anyone's going to make a dime off taking "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance.


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2001
You cannot seperate God from mens's affairs, nor men's from God's.

Whoa, there, buddy. I like some of your post... but...

Do you really think you can't separate men's affairs from God's affairs? Wouldn't you agree that God was active before men even existed to have affairs?

Boy, that last part sounded pretty bad...


Sep 22, 2001
If you don't think church is an industry you are very naive my friend. The wealth the Catholic Church has accumulated over the years is incredible. Living here in the Mid-South I have seen some churches that are simply amazing. All built with the hard earned money of the working poor and built ready for television. I have seen more than one Reverend in a $1500 suit driving a Lexus while the majority of his congregation is on food stamps. Most organized religions make me want to puke for distance.



Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: rickn
what a load of crap. POL has nothing to do with endorsing religion. I guess our paper money endorces religion as well as putting our hand on a bible before testifying. I bet if we did that in court they'd throw us in the pokey

I still think that all these people who think this isn't about religion or a big deal would be up in arms if the PoA read this way.

I pledge of allegiance
to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the republic
for which it stands
one nation
under Buddah
with liberty and justice for all


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: MSNY
Again, you are entitled to your beliefs. What you are not entitled to is to have government endorse your beliefs over anyone else's. Why not just have the government remain nuetral, and the people remain religious? The US is, by far, the most religious first world nation on Earth. And it is that way because our government stays out of religion, and religion stays out of government

So if I want to say the pledge of alligance and include "under God" in it will I be disobeying the law of the land someday ?

Absolutely not. You can say it any way you please. But the government should not endorse a pledge with any religious conotations in it. What if they endorsed "Unser Buddha" or "Under Allah" in the Pledge? Would you be happy? Of course not. So why not keep the version of the Pledge they endorse religiously neutral?

Will I then be criminal for offecding someone ? Will I have to go to jail because I'm not neutral ?

YOU don't have to remain neutral, the government does. How many times must you be told this?

you cannot seperate God from mens's affairs, nor men's from God's. Air must have oxygen in it, it is not neutral but required for survival. If we do not acknowledge God then were cutting off our oxygen to our spirit as a nation.

Sorry, but that's just your belief. If you believe prayer is essential to our nation, by all means pray. But do not force this government OF the people to endorse prayer and religion not believed by all the people. For then you infringe on the rights of others.

It's nonsense to state that there is no mixture of religion and goverment. Politicians pray everyday for Gos's wisdom to rule as just leasders. The house and senate both open with prayer. Why ? Because the affairs of men in goverment need men that have wisdom and that comes from God.

That is a PRIVATE matter between the politician and their religion. No one is saying politicians cannot be religious. They simply cannot endorse one religion over another in their proffessional duties.

I've explained this so simply, a 2 year old could understand. If you come back again with comparisons of private belief instead of government endorsement, I'm going to ignore you.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Originally posted by: troglodytis
Originally posted by: ToBeMe
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Busch, Cheney and Powell all have called the ruling ridiculous
Of course, they are Republicans and are beneficiaries of the Holy ZHigh Hard One administered by the Religious Ridiculous..err Right.
And who's running the country right now????? They are............ I'll bet this ruling doesn't last the Summer..........I couldn't care less either way............I'll say it the way I feel it should be said no matter what the want to put into it, or delete from it...........all it means to me is that I'm pledging my allegence to our flag and our country.........not your God, their God or anyone elses God.............

i'll take that bet. i've got $20 that says the ruling does not change before the end of the summer. time to put your money where your mouth is.
Sorry, I was eating dinner...............found this though............

  • Lieberman: Amend Constitution to Save Pledge

    Lawmakers of both parties are stampeding to condemn today's decision by two federal judges in San Francisco claiming the Pledge of Allegiance is somehow unconstitutional.

    Among the most vehement on Capitol Hill: White House hopeful Sen. Joseph Lieberman, who immediately called for a constitutional amendment to keep "under God" in the pledge.

    "There may have been a more senseless, ridiculous decision issued by a court at some time, but I don't remember it," the Connecticut Democrat fumed.

    "Let us not wait for the Supreme Court to act on this," said Sen. John Warner, R-Va. "Why don't we go ahead and formulate this amendment, put it together, have it in place, presumably with all 100 United States senators?"

    "What's next?" asked Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo. "Will our courts, in their zeal to abolish all religious faith from public arenas, outlaw 'God Bless America' too?

    "The great strength of the United States is that we are and will continue to be, despite the liberal court's decision, one nation under God."

    Senate President Pro Tem Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., called 9th Circuit Judge Alfred T. Goodwin an "atheist lawyer."

    "I hope his name never comes before this body for any promotion, because he will be remembered," warned Byrd.

So, if you still want it.................September 22nd will be the date. By then, this will be nullified, or overuled, or overwritten by a constitutional ammendment...................

Just found another.............

  • Pledge Ruling Puts Heat on Daschle, Leahy

    Though Senate Democrats are being as loud as anyone in condemning today's anti-pledge decision by the far-left 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the decision is a humiliating bombshell for them.

    Appointees of Bill Clinton dominate the court, the most radical in the nation, and the ruling gives new fuel to Republicans urging Senate Democrats to stop blocking President Bush's judicial choices.

    Fox News analyst Newt Gingrich said tonight that the man who wrote the opinion, "senior" Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, had to be "brought back from retirement to fill a vacancy," all because of Senate obstructionsim.

    Even Senate plurality leader Tom Daschle, called the ruling "nuts."

    As the Associated Press pointed out late today, Daschle, Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick "Leaky" Leahy and many other lead democrats are already in line to support an amendment which would in effect render this decision null and void.


Golden Member
Feb 16, 2002
The USSC already has enough precedent to over turn, the precedent was set by them infact.

Its not going to be a 4/3 split either, its going to be a 5/2, a 6/1 or a 7/0 in favor of over turning the 9th.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: BDawg
Originally posted by: rickn
what a load of crap. POL has nothing to do with endorsing religion. I guess our paper money endorces religion as well as putting our hand on a bible before testifying. I bet if we did that in court they'd throw us in the pokey

I still think that all these people who think this isn't about religion or a big deal would be up in arms if the PoA read this way.

I pledge of allegiance
to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the republic
for which it stands
one nation
under Buddah
with liberty and justice for all

the use of the word god though has more of a plural meaning. It does not say under Jesus, or under Allah. When I said the POA I know Jesus or any other god never crossed my mind. I was just happy to solute the flag of my country.

Frankly, I think it is just a bunch of bored over-paid judges with nothing better to do.
Jan 9, 2002
Originally posted by: DaveSohmer
If you don't think church is an industry you are very naive my friend. The wealth the Catholic Church has accumulated over the years is incredible. Living here in the Mid-South I have seen some churches that are simply amazing. All built with the hard earned money of the working poor and built ready for television. I have seen more than one Reverend in a $1500 suit driving a Lexus while the majority of his congregation is on food stamps. Most organized religions make me want to puke for distance.

I have never seen a priest in a $1500 suit driving a Lexus in my life.
The most 'lavish' priest I've seen was one wearing a t-shirt, slacks, Nike Airs and drove a 3-year old Corolla. Even if what you said was really true, then it's by the help of the paritioners who are helping him and the other priests that work there- again, the donations from them are none of yours or my business. He probably serves a larger than average parish. More donations mean more money- duh. They give, and likewise build, what they can afford. And there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. They still give heartily to other Churches in the area, and most likely as a whole parish community, to some of the more needy families in the parish. That has nothing to do with any of the priest's congregation being on food stamps- it's not his fault, nor is his job to give away the little money he makes to all of the other less fortunate members of his Church. Poor people on food stamps do not join any Churches and win a lottery for full support for the rest of their lives- that's asinine. You're taking this waaaay out of proportion and onto a different tangent, buddy. I just explained this to clue your mislead butt back in- get back on topic.

Jeez, you guys love to stretch out the opposing front as far as you can in different directions, don't you?


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: LH
The USSC already has enough precedent to over turn, the precedent was set by them infact.

Its not going to be a 4/3 split either, its going to be a 5/2, a 6/1 or a 7/0 in favor of over turning the 9th.

So, which 2 USSC judges are not going to vote?
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