PNY 7900GS (OC) vs ATI x1950PRO (cost $50 more)


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
There are in BestBuy:
1. PNY 7900GS that can be OC based on ppl experience
2. ATI x1950PRO that has very limitted ability to OC (core to 620 from 580 only)

x1950PRO cost $50 more

I need the card for HTPC and some gaming (FEAR, PREY, SS2, HL2) above 800x600 res - I have 1920x1080 LCD.

I went through many reviews, but in one from xbitlabs
they tested OCed 7900GS that outperforms x1950pro in every test!!!

Can some one confirm that PNY 7900GS could be OCed to such speeds? I know about YMMV
but in general?
I know that no one OCed (based on public info, may be some one did) ATI x1950PRO above 621 mhz.

What's your opinion?
which card would you recommend for HTPC use for then next 6 - 10 months until DX10 cards be in $200 price range and DX10 games be there?



Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
x1950 pro is faster than a single 7900gt. 7900gt is much faster than a single 7900gs.

plus you get ATI's better IQ as well.

depends on you whether you wanna spend 50 more buck really @!!@

Cookie Monster

Diamond Member
May 7, 2005
For HTPC you cant go wrong with either card. Pure Video is in good shape, if not better than AVIVO. Its your choice really.


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: tanishalfelven
x1950 pro is faster than a single 7900gt. 7900gt is much faster than a single 7900gs.

thanks for the reply.

That ATI Radeon X1950 Pro against Nvidia GeForce 7900 GS really confuses me.
All other sites compared stock speed 7900GS vs x1950pro vs 7900GT

Who is running 7900GS at 450 mhz speed if it can be run at 550+?

All other sites are in favor of x1950PRO at stock speeds.

p.s. both cards are PCI-Express



Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
3D performance is similar and as you said, an OCd 7900GS will outperform an X1950Pro.

6 months ago, I would have said the ATI card was the sure bet because AVIVO was better than PureVideo, but the most recent PureVideo review that Cookie Monster created a thread about shows PureVideo has really matured and in my opinion makes the 7900GS the better card IMO.

Also, I briefly had a 7900GT and I got 580mhz on the core with no voltage mods and 700mhz with a volt mod. I dont see why the 7900GS would be any different.

Actually, I just read the benchmarks and it looks like the X1950Pro is a very strong card at stock speeds compared to a stock 7900GS.

If you want to take the chance on OCing the 7900GS then I would say go for it, but the X1950Pro is going to be very close in performance even with a mild overclock. Is the X1950Pro HDCP ready?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
Battlefield 2 1600x1200x32 4xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 64.2
$250 7900GT : 59.7

Halflife 2 Lost Coast 1600x1200x32 4xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 43.5
$250 7900GT : 40.9

Fear 1600x1200 0xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 35
$250 7900GT : 34

Quake 4 1600x1200x32 4xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 40.1
$250 7900GT : 45.4

Call of Duty 2 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 32
$250 7900GT : 30.7

Farcry HDR 1600x1200 0xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 44.1
$250 7900GT : 39.5

Oblivion HDR Mountain Area 1600x1200 0xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 31.3
$250 7900GT : 24.1

Oblivion HDR Foliage Area 1600x1200 0xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 21.3
$250 7900GT : 12


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
So you're going to spend the extra money on an OC'd 7900GS in attempts to defeating the x1950pro at stock? Try installing a new cooler?
Wait a second, what if we overclocked the x1950pro? I'm sure you can figure out the math yourself. Something that already does stock to do roadkill on the 7900GS.

The x1950pro maintains integrity of heavy usage, that is where the card will truly shine. Even if the 7900GS can be overclocked to provide better results than an x1950pro, it still would be good to question to ask if the OC'd 7900GS will still be able to keep up with it's high performance runs and not fall back in high jumps. The 7900GT even falls behind in several tests, as far as secure minimum framerates go, as opposed to the strong fps median-holding, x1950pro.

In fact, the x1950pro is capable of reaching the top in benchmark tests, often coming very close to/matching some of the high performance 512mb video cards. Ultimately, the 7900GS is cheaper, however for fifty dollars more, you could be getting a card that will remain immensely competitive in high resolution 3D applications.

Both cards are very good, the 7900GS and the x1950pro. You will not likely see much of a loss if you get the 7900GS. However, should you decide that the x1950pro is right for you, do not hesitate to purchase one with confidence.

p.s. there is an x1950pro 512mb version. it is quite impressive to see it for generally, 70 dollars more, and it will be noted that the 512mb version will offer just as much goodness if it's own 256mb cards comes close enough to upper-end 512mb video cards in benchmarks. but for $270 on a 512mb version, I wonder what else there is... (^-6)


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: fire400
So you're going to spend the extra money on an OC'd 7900GS in attempts to defeating the x1950pro at stock? Try installing a new cooler?
Wait a second, what if we overclocked the x1950pro? I'm sure you can figure out the math yourself. Something that already does stock to do roadkill on the 7900GS.

The x1950pro maintains integrity of heavy usage, that is where the card will truly shine. Even if the 7900GS can be overclocked to provide better results than an x1950pro, it still would be good to question to ask if the OC'd 7900GS will still be able to keep up with it's high performance runs and not fall back in high jumps. The 7900GT even falls behind in several tests, as far as secure minimum framerates go, as opposed to the strong fps median-holding, x1950pro.

In fact, the x1950pro is capable of reaching the top in benchmark tests, often coming very close to/matching some of the high performance 512mb video cards. Ultimately, the 7900GS is cheaper, however for fifty dollars more, you could be getting a card that will remain immensely competitive in high resolution 3D applications.

Both cards are very good, the 7900GS and the x1950pro. You will not likely see much of a loss if you get the 7900GS. However, should you decide that the x1950pro is right for you, do not hesitate to purchase one with confidence.

p.s. there is an x1950pro 512mb version. it is quite impressive to see it for generally, 70 dollars more, and it will be noted that the 512mb version will offer just as much goodness if it's own 256mb cards comes close enough to upper-end 512mb video cards in benchmarks. but for $270 on a 512mb version, I wonder what else there is... (^-6)

It's definately not THAT close to high end performance. In fact its only marginally faster than an X1900GT. Also, in the link to the benches the OP posted, that was the 512mb card.

The OP also said that this card was going to be used in an HTPC. So it makes sense to look into Pure Video vs. AVIVO.

Cookie Monster

Diamond Member
May 7, 2005
A x1950 pro dont OC much where as a 7900GS OC alot. You are talking in the 600+/1600+ level at least. While drawing less power, you get better performance due to the OC, and could even spend a little extra for a 3rd party cooler for silence while maintaining the heat at acceptable levels.

Noting that the X1950pro isnt faster than the X1900GT because both cards use the same specs. A 7900GT isnt that much faster than a 7900GS. You are talking about 5~10% faster in some situations. An OCed GS will beat both stock X1950pro/7900GT.

Some say why not OC the X1950pro, but the whole point of OCing a product is to pay less to get something bigger in return. G71 tend to OC very well, some of them reaching GTX speeds or surpassing them from vmod.


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2006
I went through the same thing, even bought the 7900gs and returned it to get the x1950pro. Then after ready that many people (mostly Sapphire) are having problems with the vrms overheating when gaming, unless you use 3rd party software to run the fan at 100% 24/7 and even then maybe still have issues. So I returned it and got the 7900gs again. For me the bottom line was not needing a card that either overheated or was getting minimum cooling. So, great card, but sucky cooling.


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2005
There is always the IceQ3 version. Dont the sink on that one cover the vrms ? Or the fan helps cool them ?


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
The X1950Pro seems to excel when compared to the 7900GS, if the 7900GS is properly benchmarked with High Quality enabled. The firingsquad review did this.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
A stock 7900gs vs a stock x1950pro is not even a contest, the 7900gs is totally outlcassed - see some benches here. However, the 7900gs usually oc's very well, so purely from a bang/buck factor an oc'd 7900gs is a better deal and will often outperform a stock x1950pro. The x1950pro does however have more features, like angle-independent AF and the ability to do HDR with AA.


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2006
Originally posted by: x80064
There is always the IceQ3 version. Dont the sink on that one cover the vrms ? Or the fan helps cool them ?

Yes, it does and does it well, but that is not the card at BB for 199.99 as per the question. If that was the x1950pro I had got, I would have keep it.

Originally posted by: munky
A stock 7900gs vs a stock x1950pro is not even a contest, the 7900gs is totally outlcassed - see some benches here. However, the 7900gs usually oc's very well, so purely from a bang/buck factor an oc'd 7900gs is a better deal and will often outperform a stock x1950pro. The x1950pro does however have more features, like angle-independent AF and the ability to do HDR with AA.

Not going to start a flame war on Nvidia vs. ATI, I have owned and still do own both brands, but did you actully look at those linked benchmarks? They are both neck and neck for the most part and in some and that is some games ATI is ahead by 6-7 FPS. Not what I would call outclassed. I did a lot of checking around and about 12 reviews before I got the x1950pro and that was only because it had HDCP and VIVO other than that they were to close to compare. Again, it was only because of the VRMs and lack of after market cooling that would correct this that I retuned it for the 7900gs. So get the 7900gs and if you really want to spend 200 bucks pickup a copy of Medieval Total War 2 and have some fun.



Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2000
Does anyone know why the x1950PRO initially appeared in stores with a $299 price when all the reviews said the retail price would be $199? I have never seen such a large mark-up over suggested retail price before. Or were the initial reviews wrong on the price?


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2006
I had the same dilemma and went with the 7900GS, simply because it was much quieter, even when overclocked. So I figured I could give up a frame or two, overclock the hell out of the 7900GS (525/1550 was easy), and save 40 bucks or so. I am happy with the choice.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: smitbret
I had the same dilemma and went with the 7900GS, simply because it was much quieter, even when overclocked. So I figured I could give up a frame or two, overclock the hell out of the 7900GS (which it does, easily), and save 40 bucks or so. I am happy with the choice.

Yet another guy admitting to being happy with a low mid range card! I agree with an average monitor, things like how quiet a card is are more relevant. With xbox360 and playstation 3 firmly rooted in old tech, am wondering if we will ever get games that really challenge our computers.



Junior Member
Dec 4, 2006
I just ordered an eVGA 7900GS. With the sale price it was $75 (CND) cheaper than any other x1950 pro offered at, plus it's eVGA so I'll be able to use the step up program when I build a new system in February.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2005
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: smitbret
I had the same dilemma and went with the 7900GS, simply because it was much quieter, even when overclocked. So I figured I could give up a frame or two, overclock the hell out of the 7900GS (which it does, easily), and save 40 bucks or so. I am happy with the choice.

Yet another guy admitting to being happy with a low mid range card! I agree with an average monitor, things like how quiet a card is are more relevant. With xbox360 and playstation 3 firmly rooted in old tech, am wondering if we will ever get games that really challenge our computers.

wtf? games that challenge "our" computers? I'm wondering what kind of games you play, lol ---


Platinum Member
May 14, 2006
Originally posted by: tuteja1986
Battlefield 2 1600x1200x32 4xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 64.2
$250 7900GT : 59.7

Halflife 2 Lost Coast 1600x1200x32 4xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 43.5
$250 7900GT : 40.9

Fear 1600x1200 0xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 35
$250 7900GT : 34

Quake 4 1600x1200x32 4xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 40.1
$250 7900GT : 45.4

Call of Duty 2 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 32
$250 7900GT : 30.7

Farcry HDR 1600x1200 0xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 44.1
$250 7900GT : 39.5

Oblivion HDR Mountain Area 1600x1200 0xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 31.3
$250 7900GT : 24.1

Oblivion HDR Foliage Area 1600x1200 0xAA 8xAF
$200 X1950PRO : 21.3
$250 7900GT : 12

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