Police Brutality...

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Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: mobobuff
Originally posted by: astrocase

I still think some details are missing.

Most assuredly.

No I'm being serious thats all.

I have never disrespected a police officer in my life and I have NO criminal record.

Do you people not believe police brutality exists?

You surely did disrespect the officer when you started arguing with her. You also disrespected the store clerk. The store is not obligated to sell you anything. You don't like that rule and started arguing. Sounds like you got what you deserved.


Platinum Member
May 2, 2004
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: mobobuff
Originally posted by: astrocase

I still think some details are missing.

Most assuredly.

No I'm being serious thats all.

I have never disrespected a police officer in my life and I have NO criminal record.

Do you people not believe police brutality exists?

You surely did disrespect the officer when you started arguing with her. You also disrespected the store clerk. The store is not obligated to sell you anything. You don't like that rule and started arguing. Sounds like you got what you deserved.

So, because he politely argued with her and she freaked out, she has the right to induce wounds to him by throwing him to the floor?
Dude, you have a screwed up sense of reality.
Sounds like the cop freaked out for some reason, as she was hysterical the moment she came over to him.

What a bunch of politically rascist bastards live in ATOT. Especially BigJ.
Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: Forsythe
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: mobobuff
Originally posted by: astrocase

I still think some details are missing.

Most assuredly.

No I'm being serious thats all.

I have never disrespected a police officer in my life and I have NO criminal record.

Do you people not believe police brutality exists?

You surely did disrespect the officer when you started arguing with her. You also disrespected the store clerk. The store is not obligated to sell you anything. You don't like that rule and started arguing. Sounds like you got what you deserved.

So, because he politely argued with her and she freaked out, she has the right to induce wounds to him by throwing him to the floor?
Dude, you have a screwed up sense of reality.
Sounds like the cop freaked out for some reason, as she was hysterical the moment she came over to him.

What a bunch of politically rascist bastards live in ATOT. Especially BigJ.

No, he got his ass beat because he

1) disobeyed a direct order from a cop ("GTFO the store")
2) continued to argue with her
3) disobeyed another direct order ("Stop right the F there")

- M4H


May 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Forsythe

What a bunch of politically rascist bastards live in ATOT. Especially BigJ.
When did dirty hippies get their own "race"? :laugh:



Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2006
We all can't really say anything because we didn't see what happened.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: AMDUALY
We all can't really say anything because we didn't see what happened.

Consideriing the source, I don't think we need to see anything.

Anyone remember the "dogs killed neighbor's cat" thread?
I can't seem to locate it, but Troletariat said that if it were his cat he would basically come over to the dog owner's house and kick their ass. Karma????



Golden Member
Nov 8, 2004
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
Originally posted by: Nebor
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: Nebor
It seems to me that if a police officer jumps on your back, initiates physical contact, shoots first, etc., that they should lose the protection of the badge. Any situation which they instigate should allow you to respond as if anyone else had attacked you.

It would be immensely satisfying to turn around and beat the hell out of her, maybe bounce her head off the tile floor a few times until her eyes rolled back in her head.

Of course you'd be crucified by the other police officers, and the media. Not only would you be a violent crazy person resisting arrest, you'd be a woman beater.

Exactly. She has complete power in this situation.

You disobey a direct order from a police officer (in this case "Stop") and wonder why they subdued you?

Police are too empowered. They should need permission or a warrant to even touch someone. Otherwise cases of abuse like this will continue to be more common.

Well, you're just retarded.

"Pardon me sir, could you pull out of Nebor's mom for a moment? Okay, you can finish up first, I just want to talk to you."

Here's a novel concept - don't be a dumbass, and you won't get the Skittles kicked out of you.

- M4H

I hate you, I sprayed like a half can of diet coke on my moniter.

At least after I showed my co-workers(IT) the post they laughed too.

Skittles, hahaha, it hurts.

BTW I have trouble believeing this because of the conviently left out officer that was added in at the end.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2004
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire

No, he got his ass beat because he

1) disobeyed a direct order from a cop ("GTFO the store")
2) continued to argue with her
3) disobeyed another direct order ("Stop right the F there")

- M4H

Thats just from what he told us. Who knows what he left out. Reading his comments I don't see police brutailty. I see a kid that got smart with the store people then the cops and got what he had comming to him. People scream police brutality when the cops give them a rude look anymore.


Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: mugs
Shouldn't have been spreading that commie b.s.

Seriously, hope it works out for you man.

I honestly look like a normal guy. I was in my work clothes - Dockers Khakis and a dress shirt.

I wasn't saying anything political. The clerk at a Shoppers Food Warehouse was repeatedly rude to me. I called him a jerk. He refused to sell anything to me (apparently its legal here). I call BS. He calls police. Policewoman gets their side of the story (I was on the other side of the room) then comes over and just tells me rudely to get out. I politely argue with her telling her my side of my story. She gets hysterical and just keeps saying get out. After a minute I listen to her and leave, then she says stop, obviously fvcking with me. Knocks me to the ground from behind. I didn't know what happened I unconciously tried to get up. She pulls my hair throws me to the ground again a couple times on the concrete then handcuffs me. Takes me home in car with my car still in the lot. I say this is illegal. She says what you gonna say? A couple of girls beat you up? I say first of all I'm not gonna hit a woman second of all not a police officer.

Did you get her number? She wants your man meat!


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2003
Originally posted by: bluestrobe
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire

No, he got his ass beat because he

1) disobeyed a direct order from a cop ("GTFO the store")
2) continued to argue with her
3) disobeyed another direct order ("Stop right the F there")

- M4H

Thats just from what he told us. Who knows what he left out. Reading his comments I don't see police brutailty. I see a kid that got smart with the store people then the cops and got what he had comming to him. People scream police brutality when the cops give them a rude look anymore.

I agree, no police brutality here, OP was just dumb. You keep your mouth shut and you talk when its your turn and you follow orders.

This could make a good episode on COPS


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: ValkyrieofHouston
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick
Originally posted by: Proletariat
The lawyer says unless I have tons of witness or a videotape I can't really press charges.

He says the system works for the cops.

At this point I haven't done anything except filed a brutality report with Internal Affairs.

I'm very disappointed though - injuries include large scrapes/gashes on both knees, bruise on head, stiches on hand, and handcuff cuts.

I have no criminal record.

Rodney King got beat up by three or four cops. The beating was caught on film. There are recordings of the cops bragging about beating him. The cops got away with it.

Good Luck

Man I have tons of online video tapes of police brutality where the cops get suspension with pay upon pending investigation, and then follow up reports where later they are back on the job! Nope, LE will always back their men in blue... it is sort of a losing battle unless you can get some serious news coverage and take it to a civil court room.
even if you have the media coverage, you have the evidence, everything showing some cop totally disobeying the law he will get off. For example here in Tucson during the recent "imiigrant" protests...they have VIDEO of a cop elbowing a girl that was all the age of 16 while he was just walking through the crowd. The girl from the video did NOTHING to provoke him. Later in the video you see a cop draw his LIVE weapon from holster and go to aim it at the crowd of STUDENTS (ages 14-18) while a guy with a pepper gun is right next to him. No one in the crowd was throing anything but water. No one was coming at him. Neither of these cops is being reprimanded. They are both facing "sensitivity training".


Diamond Member
Nov 23, 2004
Ok, I am only on page 6 but no one has yet asked if she was hot.
I am a bit disappointed.


Jan 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Chryso
Ok, I am only on page 3 but no one has yet asked if she was hot.
I am a bit disappointed.

Most probably figured that

Um because I hit the ground with a 135 pound police officer on my back and a 210 pound fatass officer on my back?

DUDE. that hurts.

answered that question.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: AMDUALY
We all can't really say anything because we didn't see what happened.

Consideriing the source, I don't think we need to see anything.

Anyone remember the "dogs killed neighbor's cat" thread?
I can't seem to locate it, but Troletariat said that if it were his cat he would basically come over to the dog owner's house and kick their ass. Karma????

Pretty much what I've been thinking all along. We have a credibility problem here...


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do

LOL, any white belt training in BJJ for more than 3 months would stomp your ass into the ground.

Go ahead big guy. Talk the big game. I am super macho man who saves cops.

TKD, did you get some fries with your McBlack Belt?


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Armitage
Originally posted by: Mill
Digital photos are useless as evidence for obvious reasons, if you need credible evidence use film

Absolutely false!

Yep - even film is dicey. One of my cousins is an insurance adjuster - he says they will only use polaroid.

That wasn't my point. Digital is accepted as evidence these days. There's a higher burden of proof required to prove it is real, but it is accepted. .


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: FallenHero
Originally posted by: bradruth
Originally posted by: sygyzy
Bradruth - It's your fault.

It usually is.

Originally posted by: Nebor
Police are too empowered. They should need permission or a warrant to even touch someone. Otherwise cases of abuse like this will continue to be more common.

I'm going to assume you're being facetious, because I'd hate to think you're completely stupid.

No. Reading the rest of his posts, he really is that stupid.

He also carries guns. Yay.


Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: mugs
Shouldn't have been spreading that commie b.s.

Seriously, hope it works out for you man.

I honestly look like a normal guy. I was in my work clothes - Dockers Khakis and a dress shirt.

I wasn't saying anything political. The clerk at a Shoppers Food Warehouse was repeatedly rude to me. I called him a jerk. He refused to sell anything to me (apparently its legal here). I call BS. He calls police. Policewoman gets their side of the story (I was on the other side of the room) then comes over and just tells me rudely to get out. I politely argue with her telling her my side of my story. She gets hysterical and just keeps saying get out. After a minute I listen to her and leave, then she says stop, obviously fvcking with me. Knocks me to the ground from behind. I didn't know what happened I unconciously tried to get up. She pulls my hair throws me to the ground again a couple times on the concrete then handcuffs me. Takes me home in car with my car still in the lot. I say this is illegal. She says what you gonna say? A couple of girls beat you up? I say first of all I'm not gonna hit a woman second of all not a police officer.
Which Shopper's was this in Maryland?



Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2004
I think the OP gave up on this post because most of you decided to be dickheads and not take him seriously. Yeah, he should have left. But from his story his behavior did not warrant the police actions, and they actually just told him to leave and took advantage of him walking away calmly to take him down. Plus he was not charged. If some real pics surface then he might have a way of at least getting the cop disciplined, or if he can get a security tape.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Chryso
Ok, I am only on page 6 but no one has yet asked if she was hot.
I am a bit disappointed.

Does it matter? She was lady cop, that makes her a lesbian. He had as much chance of scoring as I have of monkeys flying outta my ass.

The store manager was probably the lady cops girlfriend.


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: rezinn
I think the OP gave up on this post because most of you decided to be dickheads and not take him seriously. Yeah, he should have left. But from his story his behavior did not warrant the police actions, and they actually just told him to leave and took advantage of him walking away calmly to take him down. Plus he was not charged. If some real pics surface then he might have a way of at least getting the cop disciplined, or if he can get a security tape.

why should we believe a guy who trolls and acts like an asshole 99% of the time who's story changes every other post?


Jul 3, 2001
I think that all police officers should be outfitted with cameras/microphones to record what they do. I'd think it would reduce police brutality.


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: ahurtt
Originally posted by: Chryso
Ok, I am only on page 6 but no one has yet asked if she was hot.
I am a bit disappointed.

Does it matter? She was lady cop, that makes her a lesbian. He had as much chance of scoring as I have of monkeys flying outta my ass.

The store manager was probably the lady cops girlfriend.

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