Poll: Do You/Will You/Would You Spank your kids?

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Oct 9, 1999
IMO, spanking kids is pretty pathetic and lazy. Kids should be disciplined, no question, but that does not mean spanking is required. Damn, this is something that REALLY should be taught at school. One of the most important things we do as members of society is raise children. Yet, not one lick about parenting is taught in public schools. THIS IS STUPID!

Here's a copy and paste from the past. It sums up my opinion on the whole subject:
  • I can see that Ela and I are on the same page. I think the problem that keeps creeping in, is mistaking punishment for discipline. Spanking is a quick punishment. It's used as a consequence of not doing as told. Parents have to be disciplined about disciplining their kids. There are generally more logical steps and consequences that could be employed before it reaches a spanking point. This may take a little more time at first, but saves countless future arguments and... spankings!

    It seems so easy in hindsight. Just a matter of laying down reasonable rules and seeing that they're followed. It's got to be done in a "disciplined", consistent manner. Mom can't allow things that dad prohibits. You can't say one thing one day and something different the next. You have to lay down the ground rules early, so there is no misunderstanding. My boys have NEVER defied either of us, because that was not an option. I can't ever remember them telling me no. Never.

    You guys have got to read the Montessori method before even having kids. It should be a mandatory class in all schools. Hell, the kids in public schools should all be taught using these methods.

    A quick example that might explain why our boys weren't "terrible" in their twos would be the way we dealt with things that they weren't "allowed" to touch. In the Montessori method, all their toys have a place. No toy is removed from it's place, till the last toy is put back. Sound impossible? Nope, it's easy. Just a matter of setting up the rules and following through.

    At two years old, they liked to watch Sesame Street videos. Instead of telling them not to touch the TV and VCR, we showed them how to turn them on and operate them. They could find their own tapes and play them when they wanted. The tapes were rewound and put away when done. Like I said, you have to read up on this whole Montessori teaching program. It's a way of life that saves a LOT of stress.
And another:
  • IMO, people confuse discipline with spanking. I believe in discipline, but not spanking. One other thing to consider is when to discipline. If you're constantly harping at your child, it will fall on deaf ears when important issues crop up. Lastly, a parent has to be consistent. When you tell a child to do, or not do something, you have to follow through. Personally, I tell them once and only once. After that they face the consequence of not listening the first time.

    My children are 10 and 15 years old now, but I still remember dealing with 2 year olds. The trick is to keep them busy with their own toys or activities. Don't merely tell them no from across the room. You'll have to frequently get up and direct them to an activity that they are allowed and encouraged to do. Say, "That's grandma's vase, here are your toys to play with." No need to tell them no, over and over. Doing that only lessens the meaning of the word, no.

    The consequences of continuing to do something that they have been told not to, could range from spanking to time outs or anything in between. I never resorted to spanking or time outs. I have been known to yell, but only once every ten days or so. That's really all that was required to discipline our boys. Their manners are always commented on and I couldn't be more proud of them.

    I wish our local schools offered lessons in parenting. By the time someone has started down the road to poor parenting habits, it's really hard to change. Again, the keys are consistency, following through and not sweating the small stuff.

    Sorry to go mouthing off like this in only my second post, but it's a huge issue and I wouldn't say anything if I hadn't been down this road already. A good source for more info can be found in any Montessori based training guides.


Nov 27, 2000
Yeah. I'm not cruel enough to start taking stuff away from my kids. I'd much rather be smacked around a little than lose priveledges and so forth.


Aug 11, 2000
Too lazy to read? Uh, another typical parent in the making...

Obviously your too lazy to read. if you had read my posts you'd see, I'm not a Parent in the MAKING but am a parent of 3 children.


Oct 9, 2001

<< IMO, spanking kids is pretty pathetic and lazy. >>

No, not teaching discipline and responsibility is pathetic and lazy. Spanking is one method of many that can be used and I don't think spanking, when applied in the appropriate circumstance, is any less effective than any other method or means when applied in the appropriate circumstance. The problem I think you have with spanking is that some parents tend to use it as a catch-all for instilling discipline and teaching responsibility.


Oct 9, 2001

<< I never resorted to spanking or time outs. I have been known to yell, but only once every ten days or so. >>

I don't like "yelling". That doesn't mean it's not appropriate for you with your children. I just won't use that means of discipline with mine.

edit: and why can "spanking" be viewed by some as physical abuse when "yelling" or other means of intimidation and coersion are not viewed as psychological abuse.


Aug 11, 2000

i agree.

primarily you have to lay the groundwork when they are VERY young. if you do that then you will find you spank them less and less.

Families are about relationships the better the relationship develops the less likely you will have to spank. but relationships don't happen w/ infants instantly. they don't understand the idea of relationship. their needs are much more primal, teaching discipline begins from infanthood.

I hardly EVER spank my oldest, he's 5 now. I do occasionaly spank my 2nd she's 2.5. my youngest is i'm still laying the groundwork.



Oct 9, 1999
"...if you had read my posts..."

I read and replied: ...spanking kids is pretty pathetic and lazy!

Been a parent for 16 years and am STILL a parent in the making, but NOT a typical one... thank GOD!


Feb 2, 2000
Speaking as a child that was spanked, anyone who thinks spanking your kid does some permanent damage is way off base. Yes, if you beat your kids, or spank them to hurt them, then you will. But my dad, who was the best father I ever could have asked for, spanked me once. And I survived, and learned my lesson. He didn't hurt me at all physically, but knowing what I did upset him that badly stayed with me, and I learned from it. My dad was an awesome guy, always there for me, and ready to talk anytime I needed to. He would do anything for his kids, but he also made it clear that there was a point that he would not be pushed past, and I respect him for that.

Is spanking the answer for everyone? Of course not. But neither is screaming at your kids to get a point across. And I would never condemn another person for the way they raise their kids, unless they were actually abusing them. To me, as long as a parent cares enough to be involved in their kids lives, then they have at least half the parents today beat.


Oct 9, 1999
"...spanked me once..."


LOL, I got spanked almost daily. Had a belt used on me quite frequently as well as paddle. Grounded quite often as well as yelled at routinely. I KNOW how lame that type of "discipline" is!

Honestly, it's just too bad this isn't taught in school. Nothing is taught about how to buy real estate, buy a car or manage those large transactions. Nothing about parenting. These are THE MOST IMPORTANT things you'll do in your life and none of it is even touched on. Talk about pathetic!


Aug 11, 2000
Been a parent for 16 years and am STILL a parent in the making, but NOT a typical one... thank GOD!

HAHAHAHAHA. this is the kind of liberal feel good BULLSH!T that pisses people off.


this is no such bullsh!t as a PARENT IN THE MAKING.

OMFG. You change the meaning of words to suit your small minded little world even tho it has no communication value when you do that.


And you have NO IDEA what kind of parent i am. Just because I don't believe SPANKING is wrong says NOTHING about my actual parenting SKILLS.


Feb 2, 2000

<< "...spanked me once..."


LOL, I got spanked almost daily. Had a belt used on me quite frequently as well as paddle. Grounded quite often as well as yelled at routinely. I KNOW how lame that type of "discipline" is!

Well, not to put down your parents, but obviously that is NOT the way to raise a child, ever. And I don't blame you for going the totally opposite route. As for the spanking me once, I was not using that for a dramatic poor me affect, like I said, my dad rocked. He has been gone for 14 years now, but everything he taught me is still with me. But he was middle of the road, and while he only spanked me once, that threat was there enough to keep me in line. But IMO, a belt, paddle, or any other instrument is wrong, to me, you can't tell how hard you are hitting if you are not using your hand, and you could do some serious damage.


Oct 9, 1999
"...communication value..."

Yeah, if I were you I'd work on that, or do you consider yourself an accomplished writer as you are a parent?

Spanking is lame. Just that plain, simple, lazy and desperate.


Aug 11, 2000
It is now clear to me why you use "ORNERY". You are an ornery cuss aint you?

well, I don't want to spend the whole day verbally jabbing with you about nothing of substance. the only thing you've been able to say is "Anyone who spanks is LAZY". which in itself is quite lazy, It's what is known as a GENERALIZATION.

If you want to discuss the merits of Not spanking, FINE, If you just want to Flame, I'm out.

The only reason i responded to you was to point out that GENERALIZATIONS like that are FLAME BAIT.


Oct 9, 1999

...I think the problem that keeps creeping in, is mistaking punishment for discipline. Spanking is a quick punishment. It's used as a consequence of not doing as told. Parents have to be disciplined about disciplining their kids. There are generally more logical steps and consequences that could be employed before it reaches a spanking point. This may take a little more time at first, but saves countless future arguments and... spankings!

It seems so easy in hindsight. Just a matter of laying down reasonable rules and seeing that they're followed. It's got to be done in a "disciplined", consistent manner. Mom can't allow things that dad prohibits. You can't say one thing one day and something different the next. You have to lay down the ground rules early, so there is no misunderstanding. My boys have NEVER defied either of us, because that was not an option. I can't ever remember them telling me no. Never.

You guys have got to read the Montessori method before even having kids. It should be a mandatory class in all schools. Hell, the kids in public schools should all be taught using these methods.

A quick example that might explain why our boys weren't "terrible" in their twos would be the way we dealt with things that they weren't "allowed" to touch. In the Montessori method, all their toys have a place. No toy is removed from it's place, till the last toy is put back. Sound impossible? Nope, it's easy. Just a matter of setting up the rules and following through.

At two years old, they liked to watch Sesame Street videos. Instead of telling them not to touch the TV and VCR, we showed them how to turn them on and operate them. They could find their own tapes and play them when they wanted. The tapes were rewound and put away when done. Like I said, you have to read up on this whole Montessori teaching program. It's a way of life that saves a LOT of stress.

In other words:

IMO, people confuse discipline with spanking. I believe in discipline, but not spanking. One other thing to consider is when to discipline. If you're constantly harping at your child, it will fall on deaf ears when important issues crop up. Lastly, a parent has to be consistent. When you tell a child to do, or not do something, you have to follow through. Personally, I tell them once and only once. After that they face the consequence of not listening the first time.

My children are 10 and 15 years old now, but I still remember dealing with 2 year olds. The trick is to keep them busy with their own toys or activities. Don't merely tell them no from across the room. You'll have to frequently get up and direct them to an activity that they are allowed and encouraged to do. Say, "That's grandma's vase, here are your toys to play with." No need to tell them no, over and over. Doing that only lessens the meaning of the word, no.

The consequences of continuing to do something that they have been told not to, could range from spanking to time outs or anything in between. I never resorted to spanking or time outs. I have been known to yell, but only once every ten days or so. That's really all that was required to discipline our boys. Their manners are always commented on and I couldn't be more proud of them.

I wish our local schools offered lessons in parenting. By the time someone has started down the road to poor parenting habits, it's really hard to change. Again, the keys are consistency, following through and not sweating the small stuff.

...I wouldn't say anything if I hadn't been down this road already. A good source for more info can be found in any Montessori based training guides.


Aug 11, 2000

This is not an easy topic to get a handle on. it's also not a topic for which you can provide complete answers in one soundbite.

pundit, for someone that doesn't have kids you are extremely oppinionated.

I have 3 kids, oldest is boy, then girl and finally boy.

You can't talk about spanking unless you understand the complete context of the relationship between the parents and their children. I'm a STRONG believer in positive reinforcement, but, Just as positive reinforcement has it's place so does Negative reinforcement.

I have and continue to spank my children, it doesn't happen often, once every 2 months or so, but it does happen. It's not just about safety, it's about establishing hierarchy in the household. Despite what many of you want to believe everyone in the family is not EQUAL. As the Parent(s), you must establish your place in that hierarchy and maintain it.

It's like the liberals that want to free all society's and make them democratic. IT DOESN'T WORK. Democracies REQUIRE EDUCATION. You have to GROW PEOPLE into DEMOCRACIES. the same principle holds for children. YOU HAVE TO RAISE them to understand DEMOCRACIES and that requires they understand AUTOCRACIES first. Children are not born with enough knowledge or wisdom to instantly become members of a democratic society.

I think both extremes are bad, abusing children is VERY bad, not raising them w/ understandings of LIMITS in life is just as bad. there are things for which they will be spanked.

I'm actually familiar with Montessori. I'm by no means an expert on it. What i do know about children is that they crave to learn and BE TAUGHT. IF you establish limits, they try to work within those limits. but children are people to, they don't always want to stay w/in those limits. You say, spanking is just lazy, that implies that not spanking requires more effort. This is probably true. There are many circumstances where people spank just because the alternatives are too time consuming or they are just plain tired. GUESS WHAT, parents are people too.

No where did i say i thought parents SHOULD ALWAYS use spanking, In my household the number of times spanked any of my children throughout calender year is less than 5. I don't make it a habit to spank my children, neither do i leave out the possibility. there are times when extreme measures must be taken.

when the oldest child accidently puts the youngest child in harms way, even if accidental, even the most anti spanking parent will feel alarm. the severity of that feeling of alarm and the reaction to it can all impact that older child. If you don't express alarm, if you try and calmly talk your way out of it, it will not have the necessary impact on that oldest child to respond correctly if the situation arises again. there are things that are ABSOLUTELY forbidden in my household, playing w/ knives, putting things in electircal sockets, etc etc. I thought about child proofing my home and originally i did, but decided that this wasn't the best way to deal with things because we often visit friends and relatives who's HOUSES are not child proofed. I find that IF THEY LEARN THE LESSONS WELL at home, they aren't tempted by those things when visiting elsewhere.

I don't spank my children because they don't approve of my choice in their clothing, or because one spits up, or because one cry's when hungry or needs a diaper change etc. I am not capricious in my discipline, but I have chosen to use certain forms of discilpline for certain circumstances.

How do you call that lazy??


Senior member
Feb 28, 2002

<< You can't talk about spanking unless you understand the complete context of the relationship between the parents and their children. >>

PlatinumGold, who says I don't? You don't need to own a car to understand how it works.

<< I think both extremes are bad, abusing children is VERY bad, not raising them w/ understandings of LIMITS in life is just as bad. >>

Just what limits are you talking about? There is a spectrum of right and wrong. There is something wrong with a parent censoring his or her child from pleasure.

<< When I tell my 3 year old that he can't go to McDonald's today, and he takes the plate with his ham sandwich and throws it on the ground, and says "I don't care", you think he has good intentions? No. He has an attitude, because he didn't get his way. And he is going to get a smacked bottom. Next time, he will realize, "Hey, dad didn't like it when I threw my plate and yelled last time. Maybe I should not do that this time." >>

Murphyrulez, have you ever tried treating your son like you treat adults? I highly suggest you start doing so. You can reason with children just the same as you can reason with adults.

<< stop babying your kids >>

Exactly! Talk to them like you would talk to an adult. You'll see a difference.

<< that has to be one of the biggest loads of freakin crap right there, you guys and your phyco babal >>

<< LOL, what crap. >>

It happens to be true. Please attack my argument and tell me where I'm wrong. I'm waiting...


Aug 11, 2000
<< You can't talk about spanking unless you understand the complete context of the relationship between the parents and their children. >>

PlatinumGold, who says I don't? You don't need to own a car to understand how it works.

Pundit, this statement was not an accusation at anyone, it was a general statement, and I can say w/o a shadow of a doubt that YOU DON'T understand the FULL context of MY relationship w/ MY CHILDREN.

Driving a car has NOTHING to do w/ this statement.


Senior member
Feb 28, 2002
My mistake, PG. Your post was right after mine so I thought it was directed to me.

<< Pundit, this statement was not an accusation at anyone, it was a general statement, and I can say w/o a shadow of a doubt that YOU DON'T understand the FULL context of MY relationship w/ MY CHILDREN. >>

If you are referring to the details of your relationship, then no. But I do understand how a child's mind works much better than those who use pain as a behavioral modifier.


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2001
My parents used to give me a choice. Either swats with a paddle or grounding. I always chose swats. They caught on and quit spanking me around age 12 and only grounded. Much more effective. People are very different from one another which excludes this question from being cut and dry. Just like any other hot/warm topic.


Senior member
Feb 28, 2002

<< Driving a car has NOTHING to do w/ this statement. >>

It certainly does. People have suggested that because I don't have children of my own yet, that I do not qualify to disseminate information about raising them. A mechanic may know how to fix automobile problems without owning a car.


Mar 19, 2001
My 4 year old has had no problem understanding me when we discuss why she should not "run towards the road" "touch a hot stove" etc. The actions you take as a parent should be, I think, predicated on the child themselves. My oldest happens to be a pretty cautious person so I haven't had too much to worry about with her. Her sister may be a different story though.

No child that is to young to understand don't run toward the road, should ever be in a position where they can run to the road before thier parents can catch them.

I do not think spanking could make my point better than talking about it. So far I feel justified in that belief.
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