POLL: Public breastfeeding? I say no.

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Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: CKent

The personal attacks and assumptions in them rubbed me the wrong way. But it's not surprising to see this lack of tact and defense of a practice which shows others disrespect from someone living in a rural area, especially a woman.

I think it's kind of funny hearing an "it's too much work" argument against breast pumps when the premise is that you have a kid already. It's like a long haul truck driver complaining about his 10 minute commute. If it truly is too much work though, it's not difficult to find a restroom or other private area to do it.

What it seems to boil down with you is that seeing it makes you uncomfortable (some how you construe this as disrespecting you), so you don't want to see it.

You don't have to. Look away. It's tons easier than requiring all breastfeeding women to carry around pumps, coolers, etc. All it takes is a few muscles to move your eyes to the left or right.

You know what makes me uncomfortable? Seeing a guy begging for cash at a stoplight, people with a hundred facial piercings, or as stated above large women wearing super tight clothes.

You know the difference between you and I? I don't feel being uncomfortable gives me the right to tell people how they should live thier lives.

You needn't carry around the equipment unless you're on an extended vacation. Transport is what bottles are for.

Would you feel uncomofortable if I came across you in the mall, squatted down and dropped a steaming load in front of you? Just look away, right? Hey, it's natural!

You probably think the two are nothing alike, but they're both societal norms. One you accept, the other you don't.

The only people infringing on how others live is those who want to breastfeed in public.

Lastly, I don't feel uncomfortable in the least. Unlike 99% of people here, I've seen real boobs :laugh: That doesn't mean I want to see them in public.

Did you forget that lactating women need to release the pressure every few hrs? Without being able to breastfeed, they will have to carry a pump.

Again, defacation is not the same, societal norm or not. Feces carry bacteria, and are a health risk, seing a child feed is not. Abandon that comparison. It is far too extreme for this discussion.

If it doesn't make you uncomfortable, then why are you opposed to it? Because of some "societal norm" that you feel the majority of people agree on? I refer you to the poll. Your side is losing. Wouldn't it take a majority acceptance to make it a societal norm?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: CKent

The personal attacks and assumptions in them rubbed me the wrong way. But it's not surprising to see this lack of tact and defense of a practice which shows others disrespect from someone living in a rural area, especially a woman.

I think it's kind of funny hearing an "it's too much work" argument against breast pumps when the premise is that you have a kid already. It's like a long haul truck driver complaining about his 10 minute commute. If it truly is too much work though, it's not difficult to find a restroom or other private area to do it.

What it seems to boil down with you is that seeing it makes you uncomfortable (some how you construe this as disrespecting you), so you don't want to see it.

You don't have to. Look away. It's tons easier than requiring all breastfeeding women to carry around pumps, coolers, etc. All it takes is a few muscles to move your eyes to the left or right.

You know what makes me uncomfortable? Seeing a guy begging for cash at a stoplight, people with a hundred facial piercings, or as stated above large women wearing super tight clothes.

You know the difference between you and I? I don't feel being uncomfortable gives me the right to tell people how they should live thier lives.

You needn't carry around the equipment unless you're on an extended vacation. Transport is what bottles are for.

Would you feel uncomofortable if I came across you in the mall, squatted down and dropped a steaming load in front of you? Just look away, right? Hey, it's natural!

You probably think the two are nothing alike, but they're both societal norms. One you accept, the other you don't.

The only people infringing on how others live is those who want to breastfeed in public.

Lastly, I don't feel uncomfortable in the least. Unlike 99% of people here, I've seen real boobs :laugh: That doesn't mean I want to see them in public.

Did you forget that lactating women need to release the pressure every few hrs? Without being able to breastfeed, they will have to carry a pump.

Again, defacation is not the same, societal norm or not. Feces carry bacteria, and are a health risk, seing a child feed is not. Abandon that comparison. It is far too extreme for this discussion.

If it doesn't make you uncomfortable, then why are you opposed to it? Because of some "societal norm" that you feel the majority of people agree on? I refer you to the poll. Your side is losing. Wouldn't it take a majority acceptance to make it a societal norm?

As I've already said, if a pump is truly too much work it isn't difficult to find some privacy. While convenient, ignoring points you can't argue against doesn't make for a very strong debate.

Probably 80% of votes are from virginal teenage boys who want to see breasts in public so they have something to fap to when they get home. ATOT is hardly a representative sample.

It's entirely possible to feel comfortable with something and not want to see it. We all use the bathroom on a daily basis. Like breastfeeding it's a natural bodily function. Do you want to see others urinating and defecating? You dodged the thrust of my example earlier, I'm again reminded how easy it must be to ignore points you can't argue against. Imagine this instead: plexiglass restrooms and toilets, or perhaps open air restrooms - instead of tucking them away, just dedicate sections of the wall in public places to a john and a few urinals. Good idea? It's natural, right?


Senior member
Mar 9, 2003
To me, breastfeeding is more of a respect issue.

Considering its basic for a woman to constnatly cover up her breasts, and considering its indecency to expose them in public, I just see the brestfeeding thing as too loose.

It's not that I have anything aginst nudity, or breastfeeding, but if I do see a woman breastfeeding in public, I will look away. And not worry about it.

To boot: private nursing area / car / concealed is appropriate IMO. But out of respect, I will keep my distance.


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Im sorry, I dont want to see that @ Wal-Mart or McDonalds.

Things are pretty tacky out out there already, the last thing I want to see is you semi naked, since chances are you arent a "10" anyway. I mean why else are you trying to shock the public with your display of nudity under the guise of "feeding your baby" when all you really want to do is expose yourself in public.

Do that at home or in your car if you like, but not at Best Buy. We dont need to see pancake areolas.

The reason I bring this up is because a local woman in Dallas was asked to leave a store when she wanted to breast feed in a waiting area at a furniture store. The store owner told her no and asked her to leave. She called the cops and the cop said if it was his store, he would ask her to leave as well. She left mad and called a local TV station. :roll:

So what do you think?

:roll: hopefully, if or when you are blessed with a child, you will be mature enough to understand one of the most basic natural aspects of human child rearing. Not only does breast feeding serve a purpose feeding wise, but it creates a bond between the mother and child that no man will ever come close to.

get a clue, and get a life, it's people like you who take such a negative stance towards the female body make it so difficult for mothers to be comfortable enough to be able to feed their children when they need.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: jpbelauskas
:roll: hopefully, if or when you are blessed with a child, you will be mature enough to understand one of the most basic natural aspects of human child rearing. Not only does breast feeding serve a purpose feeding wise, but it creates a bond between the mother and child that no man will ever come close to.

get a clue, and get a life, it's people like you who take such a negative stance towards the female body make it so difficult for mothers to be comfortable enough to be able to feed their children when they need.

Yeah, thats great. Do it at home.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Bryophyte

It's none of your business because your opinion on how I feed (fed) my children has absolutely no value whatsoever. You don't get a vote. Why the hell would you?

Are you mentally retarded? Nowhere in my post did I say that I was against it, and nowhere did I say that I get- or even want- to control what other people do.

Re-read my post, correctly this time.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: jpbelauskas
:roll: hopefully, if or when you are blessed with a child, you will be mature enough to understand one of the most basic natural aspects of human child rearing. Not only does breast feeding serve a purpose feeding wise, but it creates a bond between the mother and child that no man will ever come close to.

get a clue, and get a life, it's people like you who take such a negative stance towards the female body make it so difficult for mothers to be comfortable enough to be able to feed their children when they need.

Thanks for the essay but I think you missed the point.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2001
Better this than bedroom behavior in public. I hate people who are all over in public, talk about low class.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: djheater
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: CKent
ps. There are high quality, affordable breast pumps out there, I used to work in a store which sold them in fact. And I'm sure you've heard of bottles. Now combine the two and what do you have? That's right, the same thing, but faster, cleaner and in accordance with societal norms.

I fail to see how the breast pump is faster or cleaner. And who says what the societal norm is? According to the poll, the norm seems to be in favor of discreet public breastfeeding.

As Bryophyte said, you don't get a say in how any woman besides your wife chooses to feed her child. You (as a man) especially don't get to tell them to use a pump. Why must everybody be in eveeryone elses' business in the USA?

Breastpumps are not faster, they're slower, and they're not cleaner. They're expensive and very often painful to use. They have to be sterilized, as do the bottles and nipples, and you have to keep the breastmilk cold while in storage, so you need some way of chilling it, and then you have to have some way of warming the milk back up later. Introducing a breastfeeding infant to a bottle often causes nipple confusion and ultimately rejection of the breast (breastfeeding requires a baby to work harder than bottle feeding, so some babies get to where they prefer a bottle.) So then, if you wish to continue giving the child breastmilk, you're stuck pumping and storing it every day for the rest of the child's infancy. So what this uptight boy is saying is that he's uncomfortable with the idea of breastfeeding, so he thinks that women should do him a favor and stop doing it. When my children were infants, I could leave the house with a small pack with a couple diapers and wipes, and baby. When (not if, babies eat every 2 to 4 hours) baby got hungry, we'd find somewhere to sit and discreetly nurse. No more hungry, fussy baby. If this kid had his way and women parented the way he thinks they should, I would've had to bring along a damn cooler, bottle warmer, breastpump (guess what? breasts need to be emptied about on the same schedule that babies need to eat!), and god knows what else. Childrearing really doesn't have to be complicated.

Cliffnotes: CKent is an idiot.

Couldn't be more wrong in any of your assumptions, but if it makes you feel better, go ahead. I'll assume you weigh 500 lbs. and have a moustache, for the record

No she's not. List exactly where she's wrong otherwise she wins. (though she could have done it without the personal attack)
Her asessement of breastfeeding with and without a pump is in line with my personal experience as well.

The personal attacks and assumptions in them rubbed me the wrong way. But it's not surprising to see this lack of tact and defense of a practice which shows others disrespect from someone living in a rural area, especially a woman.

I think it's kind of funny hearing an "it's too much work" argument against breast pumps when the premise is that you have a kid already. It's like a long haul truck driver complaining about his 10 minute commute. If it truly is too much work though, it's not difficult to find a restroom or other private area to do it.
you seem like a smug prudish pig, and that's not an insult cause i'm sure it's fact.



Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jpbelauskas
:roll: hopefully, if or when you are blessed with a child, you will be mature enough to understand one of the most basic natural aspects of human child rearing. Not only does breast feeding serve a purpose feeding wise, but it creates a bond between the mother and child that no man will ever come close to.

get a clue, and get a life, it's people like you who take such a negative stance towards the female body make it so difficult for mothers to be comfortable enough to be able to feed their children when they need.

Yeah, thats great. Do it at home.

you are a sick individual...not everyone can be a model..and since when do we only want to see perfect 10s with their shirt off? give me a break


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
2 things:
1. When something is done in public, it becomes the public's business. The public can bitch all it wants at your poor judgement/indecency.
2. Breastfeeding is a mother/child act. If it is not the public's business, then don't do it in public. Otherwise, expect to get comments on it.


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2000
Originally posted by: KrillBee
yay for breasts!

seriously, i dont care if an ugly woman wants to breastfeed her kid. one can just look the other way. and as has been said its a part of life.

plus its well worth it, for the times that you may get to see a woman with nice breasts feeding her kid. just dont stare

what's wrong with staring?
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Hyperblaze
So who has something against one of the most natural acts of nature?

Next thing I know, you'll be saying to let the poor baby starve to death because YOU find breasts offensive.

PS: are you gay?

and sitting around all day on your ass is natural? :roll:


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: djheater
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: CKent
ps. There are high quality, affordable breast pumps out there, I used to work in a store which sold them in fact. And I'm sure you've heard of bottles. Now combine the two and what do you have? That's right, the same thing, but faster, cleaner and in accordance with societal norms.

I fail to see how the breast pump is faster or cleaner. And who says what the societal norm is? According to the poll, the norm seems to be in favor of discreet public breastfeeding.

As Bryophyte said, you don't get a say in how any woman besides your wife chooses to feed her child. You (as a man) especially don't get to tell them to use a pump. Why must everybody be in eveeryone elses' business in the USA?

Breastpumps are not faster, they're slower, and they're not cleaner. They're expensive and very often painful to use. They have to be sterilized, as do the bottles and nipples, and you have to keep the breastmilk cold while in storage, so you need some way of chilling it, and then you have to have some way of warming the milk back up later. Introducing a breastfeeding infant to a bottle often causes nipple confusion and ultimately rejection of the breast (breastfeeding requires a baby to work harder than bottle feeding, so some babies get to where they prefer a bottle.) So then, if you wish to continue giving the child breastmilk, you're stuck pumping and storing it every day for the rest of the child's infancy. So what this uptight boy is saying is that he's uncomfortable with the idea of breastfeeding, so he thinks that women should do him a favor and stop doing it. When my children were infants, I could leave the house with a small pack with a couple diapers and wipes, and baby. When (not if, babies eat every 2 to 4 hours) baby got hungry, we'd find somewhere to sit and discreetly nurse. No more hungry, fussy baby. If this kid had his way and women parented the way he thinks they should, I would've had to bring along a damn cooler, bottle warmer, breastpump (guess what? breasts need to be emptied about on the same schedule that babies need to eat!), and god knows what else. Childrearing really doesn't have to be complicated.

Cliffnotes: CKent is an idiot.

Couldn't be more wrong in any of your assumptions, but if it makes you feel better, go ahead. I'll assume you weigh 500 lbs. and have a moustache, for the record

No she's not. List exactly where she's wrong otherwise she wins. (though she could have done it without the personal attack)
Her asessement of breastfeeding with and without a pump is in line with my personal experience as well.

The personal attacks and assumptions in them rubbed me the wrong way. But it's not surprising to see this lack of tact and defense of a practice which shows others disrespect from someone living in a rural area, especially a woman.

I think it's kind of funny hearing an "it's too much work" argument against breast pumps when the premise is that you have a kid already. It's like a long haul truck driver complaining about his 10 minute commute. If it truly is too much work though, it's not difficult to find a restroom or other private area to do it.
you seem like a smug prudish pig, and that's not an insult cause i'm sure it's fact.


This has nothing to do with the thread though, I guess when logic fails, nothing beats a good personal insult. Will the wonders of the internet never cease?


Apr 30, 2004
Originally posted by: tk109
If you want to breastfeed go here: http://www.waba.org.my/womenwork/pics/lesotho5.jpg

I want to live in civilized society. It has it's place and it's not in public. Go find a room somewhere in private.

Having some 500lb whale who hasn't showered in 5 days munching on a burger with his mouth open is a billion times more disgusting than breast feeding, but I doubt you'll be able to get it banned, even in "civilized society".

Let's list some other things that are much more revolting than breast feeding.
People who don't brush their teeth.
People picking their nose in public.
Gas station bathrooms.

and oh, about a billion other things.

So here's an idea...LET'S BAN THEM ALL!
Seriously, tk109, do you ever leave your room? Because your posts don't seem to reflect that you have ever been outside of a sterile 10'x10' box, where magic fairies take care of removing all your, err, products before they can soil your virgin mind.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: djheater
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: CKent
ps. There are high quality, affordable breast pumps out there, I used to work in a store which sold them in fact. And I'm sure you've heard of bottles. Now combine the two and what do you have? That's right, the same thing, but faster, cleaner and in accordance with societal norms.

I fail to see how the breast pump is faster or cleaner. And who says what the societal norm is? According to the poll, the norm seems to be in favor of discreet public breastfeeding.

As Bryophyte said, you don't get a say in how any woman besides your wife chooses to feed her child. You (as a man) especially don't get to tell them to use a pump. Why must everybody be in eveeryone elses' business in the USA?

Breastpumps are not faster, they're slower, and they're not cleaner. They're expensive and very often painful to use. They have to be sterilized, as do the bottles and nipples, and you have to keep the breastmilk cold while in storage, so you need some way of chilling it, and then you have to have some way of warming the milk back up later. Introducing a breastfeeding infant to a bottle often causes nipple confusion and ultimately rejection of the breast (breastfeeding requires a baby to work harder than bottle feeding, so some babies get to where they prefer a bottle.) So then, if you wish to continue giving the child breastmilk, you're stuck pumping and storing it every day for the rest of the child's infancy. So what this uptight boy is saying is that he's uncomfortable with the idea of breastfeeding, so he thinks that women should do him a favor and stop doing it. When my children were infants, I could leave the house with a small pack with a couple diapers and wipes, and baby. When (not if, babies eat every 2 to 4 hours) baby got hungry, we'd find somewhere to sit and discreetly nurse. No more hungry, fussy baby. If this kid had his way and women parented the way he thinks they should, I would've had to bring along a damn cooler, bottle warmer, breastpump (guess what? breasts need to be emptied about on the same schedule that babies need to eat!), and god knows what else. Childrearing really doesn't have to be complicated.

Cliffnotes: CKent is an idiot.

Couldn't be more wrong in any of your assumptions, but if it makes you feel better, go ahead. I'll assume you weigh 500 lbs. and have a moustache, for the record

No she's not. List exactly where she's wrong otherwise she wins. (though she could have done it without the personal attack)
Her asessement of breastfeeding with and without a pump is in line with my personal experience as well.

The personal attacks and assumptions in them rubbed me the wrong way. But it's not surprising to see this lack of tact and defense of a practice which shows others disrespect from someone living in a rural area, especially a woman.

I think it's kind of funny hearing an "it's too much work" argument against breast pumps when the premise is that you have a kid already. It's like a long haul truck driver complaining about his 10 minute commute. If it truly is too much work though, it's not difficult to find a restroom or other private area to do it.
you seem like a smug prudish pig, and that's not an insult cause i'm sure it's fact.


This has nothing to do with the thread though, I guess when logic fails, nothing beats a good personal insult. Will the wonders of the internet never cease?
you are welcome, and like a said, it wasn't an insult unless the truth hurts.



Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: djheater
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: MrPickins
Originally posted by: CKent
ps. There are high quality, affordable breast pumps out there, I used to work in a store which sold them in fact. And I'm sure you've heard of bottles. Now combine the two and what do you have? That's right, the same thing, but faster, cleaner and in accordance with societal norms.

I fail to see how the breast pump is faster or cleaner. And who says what the societal norm is? According to the poll, the norm seems to be in favor of discreet public breastfeeding.

As Bryophyte said, you don't get a say in how any woman besides your wife chooses to feed her child. You (as a man) especially don't get to tell them to use a pump. Why must everybody be in eveeryone elses' business in the USA?

Breastpumps are not faster, they're slower, and they're not cleaner. They're expensive and very often painful to use. They have to be sterilized, as do the bottles and nipples, and you have to keep the breastmilk cold while in storage, so you need some way of chilling it, and then you have to have some way of warming the milk back up later. Introducing a breastfeeding infant to a bottle often causes nipple confusion and ultimately rejection of the breast (breastfeeding requires a baby to work harder than bottle feeding, so some babies get to where they prefer a bottle.) So then, if you wish to continue giving the child breastmilk, you're stuck pumping and storing it every day for the rest of the child's infancy. So what this uptight boy is saying is that he's uncomfortable with the idea of breastfeeding, so he thinks that women should do him a favor and stop doing it. When my children were infants, I could leave the house with a small pack with a couple diapers and wipes, and baby. When (not if, babies eat every 2 to 4 hours) baby got hungry, we'd find somewhere to sit and discreetly nurse. No more hungry, fussy baby. If this kid had his way and women parented the way he thinks they should, I would've had to bring along a damn cooler, bottle warmer, breastpump (guess what? breasts need to be emptied about on the same schedule that babies need to eat!), and god knows what else. Childrearing really doesn't have to be complicated.

Cliffnotes: CKent is an idiot.

Couldn't be more wrong in any of your assumptions, but if it makes you feel better, go ahead. I'll assume you weigh 500 lbs. and have a moustache, for the record

No she's not. List exactly where she's wrong otherwise she wins. (though she could have done it without the personal attack)
Her asessement of breastfeeding with and without a pump is in line with my personal experience as well.

The personal attacks and assumptions in them rubbed me the wrong way. But it's not surprising to see this lack of tact and defense of a practice which shows others disrespect from someone living in a rural area, especially a woman.

I think it's kind of funny hearing an "it's too much work" argument against breast pumps when the premise is that you have a kid already. It's like a long haul truck driver complaining about his 10 minute commute. If it truly is too much work though, it's not difficult to find a restroom or other private area to do it.
you seem like a smug prudish pig, and that's not an insult cause i'm sure it's fact.


This has nothing to do with the thread though, I guess when logic fails, nothing beats a good personal insult. Will the wonders of the internet never cease?
you are welcome, and like a said, it wasn't an insult unless the truth hurts.

Calling someone a smug, prudish pig isn't an insult? More female logic at work? /duck


Aug 14, 2000
I am looking forward to having children and breastfeeding them. I think it is one of the most important choices a woman can make for her family.

As for doing it in public, if you don't like it, don't look. Most women I have seen have put a blanket over themselves so you can't see anything anyways. What is wrong with that?


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Stumps
agreed, boobs are fine and natural(and fun to squeeze )...any guy who objects to boobs in public are homosexaul's plain and simple

Ah, so any guy who doesn't watch women breastfeeding in public, mentally storing it for future spank material, is teh ghey. I see. Thanks for exposing the true motivation behins this pro-public-breastfeeding sentiment on ATOT. Now get back to Ms. Jpg, I think she misses you.

Another poster put it very succinctly. I want to see this no more, and no less, than some hairy fat guy whipping out his moob in public.

ps. There are high quality, affordable breast pumps out there, I used to work in a store which sold them in fact. And I'm sure you've heard of bottles. Now combine the two and what do you have? That's right, the same thing, but faster, cleaner and in accordance with societal norms.

my wife had a duel action breast pump for at work. as you know women need empty out the breast even when the child is not eating. so at a 8 hour stretch of working she has to pump. wich is fine because we can store it for the kid while she was working.

the pump is NOT faster or easyer. it actually was slow and painfull for her. WE had (lost it in a move. grr now have to buy a nother one) a high end medela that was close to $400. sopposed to be one of the best on the market. it was still slow and painfull for my wife.

i would rather make some uptight person uneasy for 10 minutes then force my wife to be hooked up to one.


Jul 18, 2006
I'm pretty uptight when it comes to sex and modesty etc, and I say let women breastfeed anywhere they need to. Heck, it happens ALL the time in my church.....bible studies, fellowships, during service. Its natural and easily done very discreet-like. Half the time, you can't even tell if they are just holding the baby or breastfeeding.
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