POLL: Public breastfeeding? I say no.

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Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Stumps
agreed, boobs are fine and natural(and fun to squeeze )...any guy who objects to boobs in public are homosexaul's plain and simple

Ah, so any guy who doesn't watch women breastfeeding in public, mentally storing it for future spank material, is teh ghey. I see. Thanks for exposing the true motivation behins this pro-public-breastfeeding sentiment on ATOT. Now get back to Ms. Jpg, I think she misses you.

Another poster put it very succinctly. I want to see this no more, and no less, than some hairy fat guy whipping out his moob in public.

ps. There are high quality, affordable breast pumps out there, I used to work in a store which sold them in fact. And I'm sure you've heard of bottles. Now combine the two and what do you have? That's right, the same thing, but faster, cleaner and in accordance with societal norms.

my wife had a duel action breast pump for at work. as you know women need empty out the breast even when the child is not eating. so at a 8 hour stretch of working she has to pump. wich is fine because we can store it for the kid while she was working.

the pump is NOT faster or easyer. it actually was slow and painfull for her. WE had (lost it in a move. grr now have to buy a nother one) a high end medela that was close to $400. sopposed to be one of the best on the market. it was still slow and painfull for my wife.

i would rather make some uptight person uneasy for 10 minutes then force my wife to be hooked up to one.

Ok, I'll concede this one. Pumps aren't an ideal solution. But making a footnote of mine the focal point of the argument just shows how little of an argument there is. There is nothing stopping nursing mothers from using discretion, finding a private area, a restroom, etc. I certainly would, not only out of respect for others (a quickly eroding notion in our society) but also because I wouldn't want to make a private moment public. I do the same thing when I have to evacuate my bladder. Rather than unzipping and letting loose into a bottle or something, I find a restroom.

I'm the last person you'd call uptight, and it doesn't make me uneasy. I'd just rather people keep their private moments private. This extends to PDAs and using the bathroom, among other things about which you'd probably agree with me. It's like there's some kind of law that having kids entitles people to do whatever they want, whenever they want, the rest of the world be damned.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Originally posted by: CKent
As I've already said, if a pump is truly too much work it isn't difficult to find some privacy. While convenient, ignoring points you can't argue against doesn't make for a very strong debate.

Probably 80% of votes are from virginal teenage boys who want to see breasts in public so they have something to fap to when they get home. ATOT is hardly a representative sample.

It's entirely possible to feel comfortable with something and not want to see it. We all use the bathroom on a daily basis. Like breastfeeding it's a natural bodily function. Do you want to see others urinating and defecating? You dodged the thrust of my example earlier, I'm again reminded how easy it must be to ignore points you can't argue against. Imagine this instead: plexiglass restrooms and toilets, or perhaps open air restrooms - instead of tucking them away, just dedicate sections of the wall in public places to a john and a few urinals. Good idea? It's natural, right?

My entire point is that the woman should not have to alter her behavior to make you comfortable. that includes finding "some privacy." Your comfort is no more important than hers or the child's.

Since we are dodging points, how about answering why it's so hard for you to just look away? I know most people do that when they see something that discomforts them.

Or how about the fact that most women do it so discretely you can hardly tell what they are doing. Or if you can it's only because of the towel over the shoulder.

I am sick of your analogies to waste excretion. Yes, both are natural. The difference, and maybe you just dont feel the same, is that one is a nasty mundane task, the other is one of the most beautiful of all interactions between two humans.

I am done with this thread, peoples' minds don't change.

Nice talk, though! :beer:

Edited to be a bit nicer.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: MrPickins
My entire point is that the woman should not have to alter her behavior to make you comfortable. that includes finding "some privacy." Your comfort is no more important than hers or the child's.
More parental entitlement. With that baby in their arms they feel like they're the pope, the president and a king all in one. Make way for baby!
Since we are dodging points, how about answering why it's so hard for you to just look away? I know most people do that when they see something that discomforts them.
I certainly wouldn't gawk or start masturbating, unlike most people replying here But once seen it's done. Like taking a whiff of someone's particularly fragrant bowel movement, averting your nose/eyes doesn't change the fact it's there.
I am sick of your analogies to waste excretion. Yes, both are natural. The difference, and maybe you just can't comprehend, is that one is a nasty mundane task, the other is one of the most beautiful of all interactions between two humans.
A good number of Germans and Japanese might disagree with you about which is which :laugh: But this is a matter of opinion, one I don't share.
Nice talk, though! :beer:
Always nice to have a civil discussion :beer: Too many people have some sort of god complex where anyone who disagrees with their holy opinion is wrong and must be dealt with by way of personal attacks. From most of AT it's to be expected, but bry should know better. I suppose no one's perfect.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
I personally don't have a problem with it but if someone doesn't want it done in their store, I don't see why they should be forced to allow it.

It's just a tit for pete's sake.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: sixone
Originally posted by: moshquerade
I don't think "Americans" in general have an issue with breast feeding public. just the geeky virgin males of ATOT do.

QFFT. God forbid a breast should be used for anything non-sexual. :roll:
you guys are still talking about covering up though right ?

A nasty fat man who breastfeeds (just so there's no double-standard) without covering up is nasty... even if his boobs were sex objects when not feeding. Cover up. Everyone. Have some courtesy for people around you, even if it's allowed by law.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: CKent
The personal attacks and assumptions in them rubbed me the wrong way. But it's not surprising to see this lack of tact and defense of a practice which shows others disrespect from someone living in a rural area, especially a woman.

I think it's kind of funny hearing an "it's too much work" argument against breast pumps when the premise is that you have a kid already. It's like a long haul truck driver complaining about his 10 minute commute. If it truly is too much work though, it's not difficult to find a restroom or other private area to do it.

Your original assumptions rubbed me the wrong way. I'll explain a few things to you in a different way. I welcome your insight into any of the following that you disagree with.

1) "There are high quality, affordable breast pumps out there, I used to work in a store which sold them in fact."
----NO, there are NOT high quality, affordable breastpumps out there. There are high quality expensive ones, and there are low quality cheap ones out there. Never the twain shall meet. And even the best, most expensive ones are a major PITA to use. So your first statement is not true and is based on your limited experience with the subject. You used to work in a store that sold inexpensive breastpumps. How does that make you an authority on the subject? And WHY would a breastfeeding mother feel obliged to buy a breastpump?

2) "And I'm sure you've heard of bottles."
----So? What is there about bottles that makes it inherently a good choice for a breastfeeding baby? Your statement that something exists is not related to the usefulness of a product for the situation at hand. Bottles are discouraged with breastfeeding infants for good reasons that you apparently know nothing about.

3) "Now combine the two and what do you have? That's right, the same thing, but faster, cleaner and in accordance with societal norms."
----Ok, as I've said, you're wrong on several points. Let's go over them one by one, shall we?
Point 1: "the same thing"----no, it is NOT the same thing
Point 2: "faster"----nope, it's infinitely more time-consuming
Point 3: "cleaner"----nope, it is NOT cleaner
Point 4: "in accordance with societal norms"----I don't think so. People rarely object to a woman breastfeeding discreetly in public, they very rarely even know that she is breastfeeding, and most people recognize that breastmilk is the best thing for an infant and that it's no big deal for an infant to eat when he/she is hungry. And very few people will damn all women who breastfeed away from home for the actions of a VERY VERY few idiots who might whip off their tops and flop the breast around for everyone at the mall to see (which I've never witnessed and I bet you haven't either.) You are assuming societal norms line up with your own opinions. Your explanation for why 2/3 of the people polled in this thread find public breastfeeding to be fine is laughable. "Probably 80% of votes are from virginal teenage boys who want to see breasts in public so they have something to fap to when they get home."

4) "I think it's kind of funny hearing an "it's too much work" argument against breast pumps when the premise is that you have a kid already. It's like a long haul truck driver complaining about his 10 minute commute. If it truly is too much work though, it's not difficult to find a restroom or other private area to do it."
----What the fvck are you talking about? That analogy defies logic. You are again making your ignorance about the subject obvious. A better comparison would be a long haul truck driver that is told he can't make a ten minute commute to work in a car anymore because it offends someone so he should instead spend two hours walking on his hands backwards to make the 5 or 10 mile commute. Or he could do it at 3 in the morning when nobody's out to see him if that's too much work.

5) In another post you opine: "You needn't carry around the equipment unless you're on an extended vacation. Transport is what bottles are for. "
----Bottles have to be transported in a safe manner. They must be kept cold until they're ready to be used (because breastmilk can spoil like regular milk), then it should be warmed up for baby to drink. This involves carrying the bottles in a cooler and then finding some method of warming them (and a microwave is not an option in this instance. It damages breastmilk.) The other container for storing and transporting breastmilk is also conveniently the same one that's used for feeding the baby and requires no work whatsoever: the breast.

6) In the same post you claim: "Would you feel uncomfortable if I came across you in the mall, squatted down and dropped a steaming load in front of you? Just look away, right? Hey, it's natural!"
----Um, if someone is defecating in public, you will see their feces, smell their feces, and most likely see their butt and possibly their genitals. If a person is nursing a baby, you will not see any breastmilk, you will not smell any breastmilk, and there is almost no chance you will see a nipple. As far as the rest of the breast is concerned, you will most likely see none of that either, but "societal norms" are that a woman's cleavage is not a horrifying thing to view.

It was rude to call you an idiot. That was an opinion that I should have kept to myself. I apologize for that. I should have stated that based on your posts, it's clear that you are ignorant and misinformed with regard to breastpumps and "societal norms". But that's ok, because we live in a free country. Everyone is entitled to an opinion including people that you disagree with. You're free to feel smug imagining me to be a 500 pound, moustached, ignorant hillbilly. Your imagination really doesn't affect me. I find it sweet that you remember that I live rurally. Evidently I must've made some kind of impression on you in another thread.

To address what really seems to be the crux of your argument (after you got off the pumping issue), that women aren't "finding some privacy" to nurse, this is what really puzzles me. Explain to me where you see women nurse in a way that isn't discreet and how often you see it. If someone is nursing and you see no breast, how is that a violation of your rights or somehow bad manners or disrespectful? Sitting in a park or mall or restaurant with your baby in your arms and a blanket over your shoulder covering the baby for ten minutes is doing what to harm society? I just really don't get it.

The Mailman

Senior member
Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Im sorry, I dont want to see that @ Wal-Mart or McDonalds.

Things are pretty tacky out out there already, the last thing I want to see is you semi naked, since chances are you arent a "10" anyway. I mean why else are you trying to shock the public with your display of nudity under the guise of "feeding your baby" when all you really want to do is expose yourself in public.

Do that at home or in your car if you like, but not at Best Buy. We dont need to see pancake areolas.

The reason I bring this up is because a local woman in Dallas was asked to leave a store when she wanted to breast feed in a waiting area at a furniture store. The store owner told her no and asked her to leave. She called the cops and the cop said if it was his store, he would ask her to leave as well. She left mad and called a local TV station. :roll:

So what do you think?

i agree

there is absolutely no need to be breast feeding while in a store. if you're so concerned about the nourishment of your child maybe you should be doing something other than shopping.

The Mailman

Senior member
Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: NanoStuff
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
You see a whole lot less when a woman breastfeeds than the average teenaged girl shows just walking down the street.

Not quite the same thing is it?

What do you mean? That people who object to women breastfeeding in public just want flesh shown in a sexual way but not in a non-sexual way?

When a woman breastfeeds in public, the most you'll see is the back of a kid's head (or a blanket covering her and the kid) unless there's an accident when the kid moves too quickly for mom to cover everything up, which is rare.

I could whip my cock out and take a piss in some bushes

doesnt make it something that should be okay because "its not sexual"

theres a little something called CLASS that these people who breastfeed in public do not possess

Let me help you.
AnandTech Moderator


Oct 13, 2004
I don't have a problem with it.

I can't see how any mature, sensible person would have a problem with it.

Grow up.



Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: The Mailman
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: NanoStuff
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
You see a whole lot less when a woman breastfeeds than the average teenaged girl shows just walking down the street.

Not quite the same thing is it?

What do you mean? That people who object to women breastfeeding in public just want flesh shown in a sexual way but not in a non-sexual way?

When a woman breastfeeds in public, the most you'll see is the back of a kid's head (or a blanket covering her and the kid) unless there's an accident when the kid moves too quickly for mom to cover everything up, which is rare.

I could whip my cock out and take a piss in some bushes

doesnt make it something that should be okay because "its not sexual"

theres a little something called CLASS that these people who breastfeed in public do not possess

I don't think i've anyone makes such a rude, ridiculous and retarded comparison in my life :roll:

Did you even bother reading that person's post before replying?

As they said, you can't usually see any more than you'd see from most young women on a nice summers day, so unless you've got a problem with that too, you're showing a ridiculous double standard because you don't find it attractive :roll:

I can't really understand why you'd be looking anyway, unless you do like that sort of thing, but are disgusted by a desire you percieve as 'unnatural'. so you're overcompensating by bashing it like crazy, gay dad in American beauty style

The Mailman

Senior member
Aug 11, 2006
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: The Mailman
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: NanoStuff
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
You see a whole lot less when a woman breastfeeds than the average teenaged girl shows just walking down the street.

Not quite the same thing is it?

What do you mean? That people who object to women breastfeeding in public just want flesh shown in a sexual way but not in a non-sexual way?

When a woman breastfeeds in public, the most you'll see is the back of a kid's head (or a blanket covering her and the kid) unless there's an accident when the kid moves too quickly for mom to cover everything up, which is rare.

I could whip my cock out and take a piss in some bushes

doesnt make it something that should be okay because "its not sexual"

theres a little something called CLASS that these people who breastfeed in public do not possess

I don't think i've anyone makes such a rude, ridiculous and retarded comparison in my life :roll:

Did you even bother reading that person's post before replying?

As they said, you can't usually see any more than you'd see from most young women on a nice summers day, so unless you've got a problem with that too, you're showing a ridiculous double standard because you don't find it attractive :roll:

I can't really understand why you'd be looking anyway, unless you do like that sort of thing, but are disgusted by a desire you percieve as 'unnatural'. so you're overcompensating by bashing it like crazy, gay dad in American beauty style

same could be said with taking a leak by a tree

both are objectionable and classless gestures


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: rh71
Originally posted by: sixone
Originally posted by: moshquerade
I don't think "Americans" in general have an issue with breast feeding public. just the geeky virgin males of ATOT do.

QFFT. God forbid a breast should be used for anything non-sexual. :roll:
you guys are still talking about covering up though right ?

A nasty fat man who breastfeeds (just so there's no double-standard) without covering up is nasty... even if his boobs were sex objects when not feeding. Cover up. Everyone. Have some courtesy for people around you, even if it's allowed by law.
who doesn't cover up? yeh, i don't think it's right to not be discreet about it, but the way some of you have been posting here you'd think every woman who breastfeeds in public whips her tit out as far as she can for the whole world to see.

and those of you comparing breastfeeding to taking a dump or a piss at someone's feet really have some issues. i recommend you get some counseling immediately.



Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: The Mailman
Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: The Mailman
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
Originally posted by: NanoStuff
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
You see a whole lot less when a woman breastfeeds than the average teenaged girl shows just walking down the street.

Not quite the same thing is it?

What do you mean? That people who object to women breastfeeding in public just want flesh shown in a sexual way but not in a non-sexual way?

When a woman breastfeeds in public, the most you'll see is the back of a kid's head (or a blanket covering her and the kid) unless there's an accident when the kid moves too quickly for mom to cover everything up, which is rare.

I could whip my cock out and take a piss in some bushes

doesnt make it something that should be okay because "its not sexual"

theres a little something called CLASS that these people who breastfeed in public do not possess

I don't think i've anyone makes such a rude, ridiculous and retarded comparison in my life :roll:

Did you even bother reading that person's post before replying?

As they said, you can't usually see any more than you'd see from most young women on a nice summers day, so unless you've got a problem with that too, you're showing a ridiculous double standard because you don't find it attractive :roll:

I can't really understand why you'd be looking anyway, unless you do like that sort of thing, but are disgusted by a desire you percieve as 'unnatural'. so you're overcompensating by bashing it like crazy, gay dad in American beauty style

same could be said with taking a leak by a tree

both are objectionable and classless gestures

'objectionable' to you for no real reason that i can fathom, and do you have any idea what 'classless' actually means?

Your comparison is still retarded. Breatsfeeding is an important & natural part of motherhood, public urination is illegal and unhygenic

REad my post again, and explain why chicks showing lots of boob at the beach is fine, but breastfeeding isn't? What people object to is that they either find the chicks at the beach 'hawt', and the breatfeeding mums 'gross', which is a ridiculous double standard, or are incredibly, inanely prudish (IMHO )


Dec 1, 2000
I would say NO, but meh, I won't make a big fuss about it.

But I would say it is polite and proper to use a bottle in public. If a woman breast feeds in a public place, I won't bring up a big stink about it, but I expect the woman to not have a fit if someone asks her to be polite and use a bottle. It is a natural process and beautiful in its own right, but so is sex, and I would say it is improper to do that in public.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2002
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Im not against. I just dont want to see it in places that arent appropriate for it, like in places of business. Thats just tacky. Do that at home. Thats all I ask.
Do you eat in public places? I bet you chew with your mouth open too! A baby needs feeding and you want to get all offended that a mother would feed the baby they nature intended? Yet you'll watch some crack head blow his brains out on the 6 o'clock news and ................my lord, grow up people.

Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Even George Bush and Bill Clinton would agree.
And that means what? Not exactly mental giants are they? An imbecile and bloke who wouldn't know sex from a blue dress.


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: mulletgut
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Im not against. I just dont want to see it in places that arent appropriate for it, like in places of business. Thats just tacky. Do that at home. Thats all I ask.
Do you eat in public places? I bet you chew with your mouth open too! A baby needs feeding and you want to get all offended that a mother would feed the baby they nature intended? Yet you'll watch some crack head blow his brains out on the 6 o'clock news and ................my lord, grow up people.

Yes, feeding is a natural process, but the bottle is more proper in a business/public environment. If you can't understand that, it is a perspective issue.

But again, it isn't an issue that most normal, educated people will throw a fit over (either for or against it). There are so many more important issues to really be incensed about. I would actually be more perturbed if there was someone who was annoyingly yelling into a phone and not watching where they are going or being aware of their surrounding at all, but I enjoy times of complete quiet (my mind races otherwise).


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Stumps
agreed, boobs are fine and natural(and fun to squeeze )...any guy who objects to boobs in public are homosexaul's plain and simple

Ah, so any guy who doesn't watch women breastfeeding in public, mentally storing it for future spank material, is teh ghey. I see. Thanks for exposing the true motivation behins this pro-public-breastfeeding sentiment on ATOT. Now get back to Ms. Jpg, I think she misses you.

Another poster put it very succinctly. I want to see this no more, and no less, than some hairy fat guy whipping out his moob in public.

ps. There are high quality, affordable breast pumps out there, I used to work in a store which sold them in fact. And I'm sure you've heard of bottles. Now combine the two and what do you have? That's right, the same thing, but faster, cleaner and in accordance with societal norms.

my wife had a duel action breast pump for at work. as you know women need empty out the breast even when the child is not eating. so at a 8 hour stretch of working she has to pump. wich is fine because we can store it for the kid while she was working.

the pump is NOT faster or easyer. it actually was slow and painfull for her. WE had (lost it in a move. grr now have to buy a nother one) a high end medela that was close to $400. sopposed to be one of the best on the market. it was still slow and painfull for my wife.

i would rather make some uptight person uneasy for 10 minutes then force my wife to be hooked up to one.

Ok, I'll concede this one. Pumps aren't an ideal solution. But making a footnote of mine the focal point of the argument just shows how little of an argument there is. There is nothing stopping nursing mothers from using discretion, finding a private area, a restroom, etc. I certainly would, not only out of respect for others (a quickly eroding notion in our society) but also because I wouldn't want to make a private moment public. I do the same thing when I have to evacuate my bladder. Rather than unzipping and letting loose into a bottle or something, I find a restroom.

I'm the last person you'd call uptight, and it doesn't make me uneasy. I'd just rather people keep their private moments private. This extends to PDAs and using the bathroom, among other things about which you'd probably agree with me. It's like there's some kind of law that having kids entitles people to do whatever they want, whenever they want, the rest of the world be damned.

QFT!!... Totally agree.

When my sister was nursing, she used the bottle in public, but if she is somewhere in "public" where she can find a discrete area, she will feed the baby the old fashioned way. Trust me on this, even though it is a natural process that is beautiful, I really appreciate the fact that my sister didn't just whip them out while I was around.

It is just a thing of personal edicate.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2000
When your baby is hungry you gotta do what you gotta do. I think most women who brest feed already take time into being discrete about it. I dont think any lactating momies WANT to show themeselves in public. Americans ARE really uptight about this issue. Get over it, see what happens when you get a baby.


Jul 18, 2003
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Oh no boobies!!! Raise the status to orange alert!

American's are such pussies when it comes to nudity. Grow up. It's a female breast. Let's not make a world-ending clamor about it like the SuperBowl incident.

Im not against. I just dont want to see it in places that arent appropriate for it, like in places of business. Thats just tacky. Do that at home. Thats all I ask.

Even George Bush and Bill Clinton would agree.

Yes, because stay-at-home moms should never go out in public or shop for the necessities of life during times when her baby might be hungry (which for an infant is like every 1.5hours). There are many benefits to breast feeding and IMO the benefits to the little kid outweighs your right to not have to (possibly) see a boobie in public. Now, should they use a towel or burp rag to cover the infant? Absolutely, that's just common courtesy.


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
As someone who breastfed her children for several years, I find the ignorance of young men to be fascinating.

Edit: also fascinating is the audacity of young men who think that their opinions on the subject mean jack sh1t.
To me, it's like the abortion issue. I may or may not have an opinion on the matter, but it is up to the women to make those determinations...

single males under the age of 30 do not have a relevant opinion on this matter.


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2006
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Oh no boobies!!! Raise the status to orange alert!

American's are such pussies when it comes to nudity. Grow up. It's a female breast. Let's not make a world-ending clamor about it like the SuperBowl incident.

Im not against. I just dont want to see it in places that arent appropriate for it, like in places of business. Thats just tacky. Do that at home. Thats all I ask.

Even George Bush and Bill Clinton would agree.

Spoken by someone who clearly does not understand how babies work. Having a baby automatically makes everything more difficult. Going everywhere is suddenly a much bigger hassle. Since we had our baby, we rarely go out to eat, shopping, etc. Sometimes when we do, we don't want to stop the entire trip or leave the restraunt mid-meal just because the baby is hungry. Seriously, have a little tolerance. Breastfeeding is hardly boob display...


Aug 26, 2000
I think its uncomfortable for men only because they want to stare but know they'd get busted for it.

Get over it. The health of babies far outweighs others' insecurities.


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Mwilding
Originally posted by: Bryophyte
As someone who breastfed her children for several years, I find the ignorance of young men to be fascinating.

Edit: also fascinating is the audacity of young men who think that their opinions on the subject mean jack sh1t.
To me, it's like the abortion issue. I may or may not have an opinion on the matter, but it is up to the women to make those determinations...

single males under the age of 30 do not have a relevant opinion on this matter.

Good point. Shutting up now



Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: The Mailman

I could whip my cock out and take a piss in some bushes

doesnt make it something that should be okay because "its not sexual"

theres a little something called CLASS that these people who breastfeed in public do not possess

Let me help you.
AnandTech Moderator

LOL - pwned by AT MOD. :laugh


Aug 14, 2000
Originally posted by: dug777
I don't have a problem with it.

I can't see how any mature, sensible person would have a problem with it.

Grow up.


/thread indeed.

I wonder if this is an American thing or if many people feel the same way in other countries. I suspect not.
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