POLL: Should free lunch kids be allowed to buy from snackline at tax payer's expense?


Oct 27, 2001
Should students receiving free lunch be entitled to purchasing food from snackline?

My answer Hellz no!

It all started this school year 2001-2002. My school district has alot more free and reduced lunch kids enrolling. The regular lunch price hiked up by 25cents, food quality went down by half, and selection went down to 1/4. The rumor is those free lunch kids are using up district's money and the district must charge us more and drop the food quality and selections to compensate for the loss. I don't know the validity of the rumor, though I find it quite believable. Our school keep track of all lunch purchases, so they can keep track of sales and see whose already bought lunch already. Usually we put money in the account and everytime you buy something, it is deducted from your account. You can choose to pay with cash, but you can't go past the check out without scanning your ID card. Reduced and free lunch kids are already tagged in the computer.

The several computers used in cafeteria are hooked up to a "lunch server" by LAN.

You have to pay full price at snackline regardless of who you are and I see free lunch or reduced lunch kids buying at snack line all the time. Given that the school has an excellent ability to track student purchases, should free lunch kids not be allowed to purchase junk food from snackline since having that kind of money means he/she can certainly PAY FOR THEIR OWN DAMN LUNCH? We already have to scan our ID card even on snackline, so it shouldn't be too hard for the cafeteria to deny snackline purchase to free lunch kids.

If the school didn't have the computerized tracking system, adding one would be rather hard. Seeing that we already have one, imposing restrictions should be strokes of keyboard at the server.

I don't think free lunch kids should be allowed to spend their money on junk food as long as they receive free lunch, well at the very least, their snack purchase shall be denied until they have paid for their lunch in whole amount that day.

What do you think?

Info: lunch costs regular studnet $2.25, up from $2.00 last year. Reduced lunch kids get it for 50cents, free lunch kid well... don't pay anything, yet are currently allowed to blow their money on pop machines and snack line robbing the district of $2.25 a day.

There are only a handful of students who gets free or reduced lunch here. Most of the problems are in ghetto schools thats on other side of the city.

GHETTO SCHOOLS are taking our reserve

topic deux

It costs me $200 to retake a semester course at an off-campus site if I fail a class in school.

Reduced lunch kids are entilted to taking the same courses for $50 each even though its their own damn fault they failed the class(just as its my fault I failed my English class soph year). Consideraing its their neglect that lead them to fail the course, it doesn't make sense they are entitled to take the course for a less cost at OUR COST. The cost must be absorbed by the tax payers wealthier than them. Why does my school allow reduced lunch kids to buy stuff at snack lines(at the same cost as everyone else) when they could be spending that money on their lunch so the district doesn't have to absorb their lunch cost?!

In addition to that, I have to put up with those kids... Since they bring in less revenue for the system, that leads to even higher students per teacher ratio.

30kids taking night class. 15 students paying $200 each adds up to $3,000. 15 "failed at their fault, but entitled to taking for less kids" pays $50 each adds up to $750. I believe this is majorly responsible for such a large class at night school. If they pay the full price, the school would get $2,250 more. Enough to split the class into two 15 students per teacher class. Many of the poor students are responsible(even some disitrct statistics shows higher discipline rate among reduced/free meal high skool kids) for class disruption, over crowding the classroom and taking away teachers attention from kids that actually pay for the class cost in whole.

Their crowding of my personal space, nuisane disruptive behavior, incompetant attitude in group project are affecting my education quality!.

[rant three on]

Should people on financial assistance be allowed to purchase alcohol and tobacco?

my answer: simply HELLZ NO. I don't use either and I live fine and they are simply unnecessary
[rant three off]


Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999
Free lunch kid or not, you're still a human being. Some days you might have a bit of money to spend on snacks, so I see no reason to deny you the right to purchase a snack.
Besides, if you think that buying a snack is robbing the district of money, you're crazy. The school makes money on those snacks they sell. If free lunch kids can't buy snacks, you're just going to reduce the school's income even further.


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2001

<< Yes, they should be. Some people don't stand in very high financial status and they want snack too >>



Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Don't know if it is the same everywhere, but, my wife is very active in our school system and this subject has come up. Don't neccessarily blame those kids whom use/are on the "free lunch" program................the government itself REALLY pushed it the last year or so according to our school! A mailer went home with every student apparently, and the requirements are actually quite a bit lower this year they said. I was suprised as hell when my wife told me that single parent families whom total gross income was less than $31,000.00 last year may qualify for reduced price, or free lunch through the government!:Q Dual parent families were somewhere around $40,000.00 from what I recall them saying and the qualifying amounts were highlighted and families meeting the criteria were encouraged to apply!:Q I, along with my wife, and many others locally were stunned when the number of applicants were sent in........seems as though the government caused the whole problem by lowering its standards and now, the rest of us have to "anti-up" for their blunder! I'm not against assistance for those whom need it, but come on..............$30,000.00 a year for a single/$40,000.00 a year for dual parent families and they can't buy their kids school lunch????????
No wonder you see so many kids in the "snack line"..............


Oct 27, 2001

<< If free lunch kids can't buy snacks, you're just going to reduce the school's income even further. >>

If they implemented a system that denies them of buying snacks until they've paid for their lunch that day, I don't think they'd lose money seeing that they won't have to give out lunch.


Golden Member
Apr 22, 2001
I don't think schools should provide free or reduced lunches. First off most of the time these kids end up getting made fun of. Second, it's freaken $2.25. Anyone..even people on welfare should be able to pay this even if they have 4 kids. If they can't they're obviously spending the money on things they shouldn't be. Food for you children should come before the nice dress from the mall.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000

<< I don't think schools should provide free or reduced lunches. First off most of the time these kids end up getting made fun of. Second, it's freaken $2.25. Anyone..even people on welfare should be able to pay this even if they have 4 kids. If they can't they're obviously spending the money on things they shouldn't be. Food for you children should come before the nice dress from the mall. >>

The "school" doesn't...........the federal government is the one whom always has, and now for some reason they lowered their standards and are encouraging people to apply............... I suppose, in a way, if you meet the criteria the government set, people would be fools for not applying..................


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
"What do you think? "

since most kids are totally dependent on their choices made by their parents, let's make sure to make things rougher for them by labeling them and making sure everybody knows what loser families they come from !!!

I would think that someone who practices an alternative lifestyle would be strongly opposed to any attempt to
pubically label and humilate other people,particularly dependent kids and over an issue as basic as food ! I am
ashamed for you that you would even suggest such a thing :Q

Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999


<< If free lunch kids can't buy snacks, you're just going to reduce the school's income even further. >>

If they implemented a system that denies them of buying snacks until they've paid for their lunch that day, I don't think they'd lose money seeing that they won't have to give out lunch.

If they have money for lunch or a snack, but not both, then they will have to just take their free lunch and go without a snack. Baffled makes a very good point as well.


Oct 27, 2001
To make the matter worse, my school is basically a prep school, but there is a few ghetto ultra-poor schools within the same district and funds are shared equally among all schools in the district. We only have a few poor kids and they stand out real well. The parents of students that goes to my school pays alot more taxes than the parents of the kids that goes to ghetto school, meaning ghetto schools are draining the district's limited budget. Had the ghetto schools been separated, my classes won't be 30studnets per class. If 2,500 kids around the district were getting free lunch, thats $5,625 A DAY from district's fund, enough to add about twenty teachers.

ok lets put it in different words

For simplicity sake lets make it into an example:

District wide tax income $40,000

Lets say my school and second prep schools generates $15,000 each totalling $30,000 from tax.

On the other hand ghetto school neighborhood residents tax payment would equate to $5000 per school.

Since the school district budget must be fairy distributed among all schools on the district, tax money from prep-school local areas are being drained into ghetto schools, thus leaving each school with $10,000.

Had the ghetto schools been on a different district, they'd be stuck with well deserved $5,000 per school and we'd have $15,000 for our school since we don't have to drain it to ghetto side.



Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000


<< If free lunch kids can't buy snacks, you're just going to reduce the school's income even further. >>

If they implemented a system that denies them of buying snacks until they've paid for their lunch that day, I don't think they'd lose money seeing that they won't have to give out lunch.

So basicly though, you're saying that if the government sets requirements, and push you to apply, or you genuinely need the assistance, those people should have less rights than you huh??????:Q
You better hope that someday it's not YOU whom needs or is getting the assistance............ I believe everyone whom can pay should, but, this is in effect no different than tax laws and other government subsidies...............like someone just PM'ed me...........if the government is giving away free money..................you'd have to be a fool not to take it!


Oct 27, 2001

<< genuinely need the assistance, those people should have less rights than you huh??????:Q

No they have more right than me lol.. They have the right to take lunch for free, where we have to pay. If it was an equal right thing, everyone would pay same dollars for same stuff. Mr T shouldn't get donuts for less than Ms. S, because that would be unfair to Ms. S.



Mar 19, 2001
I'm sorry aren't we living in America? A kid should be able to by a damn snack anytime anywhere regardless of whether or not some whiney biatch thinks his free lunch is lowering the general quality of food in the lunchroom. Geez you should be happy you're not served Borscht and goatsmilk... get over your damn self....


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Of all the tax dollars our government gives away to our citzens feeding programs are the most effective in serving their intended purpose.WIC, free and reduced price school lunches and breakfast help ensure that the most vulnerable and most helpless among us get at least something to eat each day, something that I'm very happy to help support!


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999


<< genuinely need the assistance, those people should have less rights than you huh??????:Q

No they have more right than me lol.. They have the right to take lunch for free, where we have to pay. If it was an equal right thing, everyone would pay same dollars for same stuff. Mr T shouldn't get donuts for less than Ms. S, because that would be unfair to Ms. S.

Actually what's "unfair" is that some pretty deserving kids have the likes of you, a child born to relative wealth
and good life circumstances, lobbying to make their lives even harder !:Q


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000


<< genuinely need the assistance, those people should have less rights than you huh??????:Q

No they have more right than me lol.. They have the right to take lunch for free, where we have to pay. If it was an equal right thing, everyone would pay same dollars for same stuff. Mr T shouldn't get donuts for less than Ms. S, because that would be unfair to Ms. S.

OK......look at it this way, if the government decided you deserved money for some reason..........tax rebate or whatever, but, you really didn't need it, would you turn it down????? They have no more rights than you, you're just looking at things from your side only! If the government set the standard, and those people apparently qualify, who are you to question them?? Are they smarter, or dumber than you for taking advantage of a program our government pushes???? If they qualify but still have the money for "snacks"....................who are you to say they can't???


Oct 31, 2000
If people cannot afford to consistently feed their children, they never should have conceived.


Oct 27, 2001

<< OK......look at it this way, if the government decided you deserved money for some reason..........tax rebate or whatever, but, you really didn't need it, would you turn it down????? They have no more rights than you, you're just looking at things from your side only! If the government set the standard, and those people apparently qualify, who are you to question them?? Are they smarter, or dumber than you for taking advantage of a program our government pushes???? If they qualify but still have the money for "snacks"....................who are you to say they can't??? >>

It only matters, because with the way our tax system works, people in middle and upper classes are paying for various different kinds of support for the lower class' living, the needle exchange program for druggies, free condoms for people that can't afford it, free STD clinic, and etcetra etcetra etcetra.. What do they pay us? Absolutely NOTHING!

Why is it the upperclass' responsiblity to make sure druggies get to use drug with nice clean needle and ensure that poor prostitute don't die from chlamydia?

Also had the phone company not been offering special rates for the low income people that represent the greater portion of other side of the town here, my DSL service might have only costed $48 a month rather than $50 a month


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001

<< It only matters, because with the way our tax system works, people in middle and upper classes are paying for various different kinds of support for the lower class' living, the needle exchange program for druggies, free condoms for people that can't afford it, free STD clinic, and etcetra etcetra etcetra.. What do they pay us? Absolutely NOTHING! >>

i agree with you there...but other than that you make crappy points


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000


<< OK......look at it this way, if the government decided you deserved money for some reason..........tax rebate or whatever, but, you really didn't need it, would you turn it down????? They have no more rights than you, you're just looking at things from your side only! If the government set the standard, and those people apparently qualify, who are you to question them?? Are they smarter, or dumber than you for taking advantage of a program our government pushes???? If they qualify but still have the money for "snacks"....................who are you to say they can't??? >>

It only matters, because with the way our tax system works, people in middle and upper classes are paying for various different kinds of support for the lower class' living, the needle exchange program for druggies, free condoms for people that can't afford it, free STD clinic, and etcetra etcetra etcetra.. What do they pay us? Absolutely NOTHING!

Why is it the upperclass' responsiblity to make sure druggies get to use drug with nice clean needle and ensure that poor prostitute don't die from chlamydia?

Also had the phone company not been offering special rates for the low income people that represent the greater portion of other side of the town here, my DSL service might have only costed $48 a month rather than $50 a month

LOL! You better just get used to it............the governement says they are making things tougher for those whom cheat the system, but, in the same breath make it easier! The system is taken advantage of everyday, but, it also halps a great many whom genuinely need it. I'm a lot older than you and have paid out a LOT of money in taxes which go to subsidize the poor (and cheaters). It's not changed so far, and I doubt it ever will! Live with it and choose a fight (cause) you can win!


Senior member
Aug 19, 2001
pesonally i think if u have enuff money to blow on the snackline u can afford to pay for the meal... at my high school the snack line was normally more expensive than lunch...
thats my 2 cents...


Oct 9, 1999
Man, you sound like such a brat!

Its not like youre paying taxes as a high schooler.


Oct 10, 1999
I paid $8 for lunch yesterday.
I remember when school lunch was $1. What I wouldn't give to be able to have a hot lunch made for me every day for $1 now, even if it's as crappy as what I had at school

Anyway, I always got annoyed at the kids living off the dole and still have plenty of money. I had a friend who had a job and was making pretty decent money, but was still on the reduced lunch ticket b/c his parent's happened to have low enough income. It always peeved me. School lunch costs in part increased over the years ($1.60 by the time I graduated) in part to absorb the cost of paying for the kids who couldn't afford to buy the lunch at full price.
And that's ok, except I shouldn't have to pay extra just so that kid I just described could get free lunch and then blow $5 on Hostess snack cakes and Slim Jims when he was done eating.

OTOH, This thread was started by Jer "Crappy <$10k van" Boy, which damages it's merit.
Had I started it when I was in HS it would have been started by Jzero "Has to borrow his mom's crappy <$5k car" and at least I'd have a leg to stand on being from the "lower class" myself.

Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999

<< Also had the phone company not been offering special rates for the low income people that represent the greater portion of other side of the town here, my DSL service might have only costed $48 a month rather than $50 a month >>

You're right, your school is obviously lacking the funds to give you the quality education you deserve.
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