Poll Shows Majority of Americans Believe Abortion ?Almost Always Bad? for Women

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Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Riprorin
1. Just generally, do you believe that abortion is almost always a good thing for a woman or almost always a bad thing for a woman?

Base ? 1001 respondents
Almost always a good thing ? 230 (or 23%)
Almost always a bad thing ? 609 (or 61%)
Don?t know/refused ? 162 (or 16%)
230+609+162=1001 :thumbsup:

2. Do you personally know someone who has had an abortion?

Base - 1001 respondents
Yes ? 640 (or 64%)
No ? 335 (or 33%)
Don?t know/refused ? 27 (or 3%)
640+335+27=1002 :thumbsdown:

3. From your observation, was that generally a positive or negative experience?

Base ? 640 respondents (those who responded ?Yes? to question 2)
Positive experience ? 256 (or 40%)
Negative experience ? 352 (or 55%)
Don?t know/refused ? 31 (or 5%)
256+352+31=639 :thumbsdown:

Rip added himself to two of the polls! :laugh:



Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
Rip your red kettle thread was good, but you're back to posting useless things again.


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Men looking at women as SEXUAL OBJECTS is bad for women.

Any plans to stop that?


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Well Rip

You could tell Big Business to stop using sex as a marketing tool.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: Riprorin
1. Just generally, do you believe that abortion is almost always a good thing for a woman or almost always a bad thing for a woman?

Base ? 1001 respondents
Almost always a good thing ? 230 (or 23%)
Almost always a bad thing ? 609 (or 61%)
Don?t know/refused ? 162 (or 16%)
230+609+162=1001 :thumbsup:

2. Do you personally know someone who has had an abortion?

Base - 1001 respondents
Yes ? 640 (or 64%)
No ? 335 (or 33%)
Don?t know/refused ? 27 (or 3%)
640+335+27=1002 :thumbsdown:

3. From your observation, was that generally a positive or negative experience?

Base ? 640 respondents (those who responded ?Yes? to question 2)
Positive experience ? 256 (or 40%)
Negative experience ? 352 (or 55%)
Don?t know/refused ? 31 (or 5%)
256+352+31=639 :thumbsdown:

Rip added himself to two of the polls! :laugh:

You owe me a new keyboard. I just spit my water all over the place. HAHAHA


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Isla
Well Rip

You could tell Big Business to stop using sex as a marketing tool.

Think they'll listen?

You tell me.

This is a patriarchal, Judeo-Christian nation. Women, until fairly recently, were considered chattel. It's not like mothers and children are in power here. The state in which mothers and children find themselves is still very much related to the Powers That Be.... which are Male, and "Judeo-Christian" in the US.


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Isla
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Isla
Well Rip

You could tell Big Business to stop using sex as a marketing tool.

Think they'll listen?

You tell me.

This is a patriarchal, Judeo-Christian nation. Women, until fairly recently, were considered chattel. It's not like mothers and children are in power here. The state in which mothers and children find themselves is still very much related to the Powers That Be.... which are Male, and "Judeo-Christian" in the US.

Here's what Jesus said in Matthew 5:27, 28

?You have heard that it was said, ?Do not commit adultery.? But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Sounds to me like Christianity is opposed to viewing women as sexual objects. Do you interpret Jesus' word differently?


Apr 25, 2000
Let's examine what the Bible says about how men should treat women:

With purity. Paul told Timothy to treat younger women as if they were his sisters, "with all purity" (1 Tim. 5:2). Impure sexual joking (Eph. 5:3,4) or sexual activity outside of marriage is forbidden (Heb. 13:4).

With understanding. Husbands are to be understanding as they live with their wives (1 Pet. 3:7). Even though the command has primary significance for marriage, the principle would seem to be applicable for the way men, single or married, should treat all women. Men need to invest the time and energy it takes to try to understand how a woman thinks, feels, and acts. Men must not expect women to be like them.

With dignity and honor. The apostle Paul instructed Timothy to treat an older woman as if she were his mother (1 Tim. 5:2). Peter told husbands to honor their wives (1 Pet. 3:7). Though the primary application of this command is to a husband-wife relationship, the same truth should apply to any male-female relationship (Rom. 12:10).

Peter said the reason for giving such honor is that Christian women are co-heirs with Christian men of all the spiritual riches in Christ (1 Pet. 3:7; cp. Eph. 1:3,18). Husbands are to honor their wives so their "prayers may not be hindered."

With love. No other command is so demanding or all-inclusive. Love encompasses all the other commands of how men are to act. Husbands are to love their wives with a love that imitates the kind of love Christ has for the church (Eph. 5:25-33). A man should treat a woman as he would want to be treated (Matt. 7:12; 22:39).

With an awareness of their giftedness. The apostle Paul stated that "there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all" (1 Cor. 12:4-7). Both men and women are gifted by the Holy Spirit. No one is excluded. And the New Testament gives us many examples of women who demonstrated a giftedness in the church. Romans 16 contains a list of the many women that Paul mentioned who had a notable impact on the spiritual life of the churches.

With submission. "Wait a minute," you might say. "Isn't the man supposed to be the leader?" Yes, but the Scripture also says, "submitting to one another in the fear of God" (Eph. 5:21). That doesn't contradict the headship of the husband, but it does mean that the man is to be self-sacrificing--loving as Christ loved us and gave His life for us. Christ's concept of leadership is not that of a dictator, but it is that of a servant-leader.



Apr 25, 2000
(5 Hebrew and 5 Greek words are so rendered, namely:

(1) nephesh,

(2) sheriruth,

(3) ta'awah,

(4) chamadh,

(5) 'awah;

(1) epithumia,

(2) hedone,

(3) epipotheo,

(4) orexis,

(5) pathos):

The word both as verb and as substantive has a good and a bad meaning. It probably meant at first a strong desire, a craving, abnormal appetite, not only for physical but for spiritual satisfaction. It has come, however, to be confined in its use almost entirely to the bad sense. Some old translations are not accepted now, the word being used in connections which at present seem almost irreverent. Shades of meaning are learned from an examination of the Hebrew and Greek originals.

1. The Old Testament Use:

The substantive and verbs are:

(1) Nephesh, in Ex 15:9 and Ps 78:18 translated "desire"; "My desire shall be satisfied"; "by asking food according to their desire." A strong but not sensual sense.

(2) Sheriruth, meaning "obstinacy," evil imagination. Yahweh said (Ps 81:12), "I let them go after the stubbornness of their heart," a willful self-satisfaction.

(3) Ta'awah, "a delight" "a longing satisfaction," and so it came to mean "sinful pleasure." Translated in Ps 78:30, "that which they desired," intensely longed for, referring to Yahweh's provision of food in the wilderness. Also in Nu 11:4 concerning "flesh to eat" it is said the multitude "lusted exceedingly" i.e. "craved eagerly.

(4) Chamadh, the verb meaning "to delight in," "greatly belove," "covet," probably for evil purposes. The young man is warned against the evil woman (Pr 6:25): "Lust not after her beauty." Here the bad sense is evident, for in the same connection are used such expressions as "harlot," "adulteress," "evil woman."

(5) 'Awah, meaning "greatly to desire," long after, with undue emphasis, with evil spirit though not perhaps with impure thought. In Nu 11:34 reference is made to a place called qibhroth ha-ta'wah, "the graves of lust, where "they buried the people that lusted." Ps 106:14 also refers to the Israelites who "lusted exceedingly." Translated in De 12:15,21 "desire of thy soul"; 12:20; 14:26, "thy soul desireth." These Deuteronomy passages evidently mean lust only in the good sense.

2. The New Testament Use:

As in the Old Testament, so in the New Testament we find both meanings of the word.

(1) Epithumia is used most frequently, and means a longing for the unlawful, hence, concupiscence, desire, lust. The following references hold the idea, not only of sinful desire known as "fleshly," "worldly," as opposed to "spiritual" "heavenly," "the will of man" as opposed to "the will of God," but also the sensual desire connected with adultery, fornication; verb in Mt 5:28; Mr 4:19; Joh 8:44; Ro 1:24; 1Co 10:6; Ga 5:16,17,24; Tit 2:12; 1Pe 1:14; 1 Joh 2:16 f; Jude 1:16,18; Re 18:14.

(2) Hedone, delight in sensuality, hence, wicked pleasures; translated in Jas 4:1,3 "pleasures": "Your pleasures that war in your members"; "Ye ask amiss, that ye may spend it in your pleasures" (the King James Version "lust").

(3) Epipotheo means to crave intensely the wrong possession; translated in Jas 4:5 "long (the King James Version "lusteth") unto envying."

(4) Orexis, used in Ro 1:27, from context evidently meaning "lust" in the worst sense; translated "lust."

(5) Pathos, meaning "passion" inordinate affection, with the idea in it of suffering; translated in 1Th 4:5 "passion of lust."



Apr 25, 2000
Dangers for women:

Induced or elective abortion produces more than a dead fetus. There are dangers for the woman having an abortion as well.

Complications from abortion include:
Heavy bleeding
Tearing of the cervix (opening to the womb)
Puncture or tear of the womb
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Women - especially teenagers - who abort their first pregnancies, or who have a family history of breast cancer, are more at risk of developing breast cancer.

Psychologically, many women report:

Feelings of guilt, depression
Feelings of detachment from others
Lack of interest in sex
Diminished self-worth
Increased drug or alcohol abuse
Nightmares and flashbacks

Sometimes these symptoms don't show up for years after an abortion.

Dangers to future, wanted children

There are also dangers to future, wanted children:

Sterility (one out of twenty women who abort may never again bear children)
Premature births
Ectopic (tubal) pregnancies
Neo-natal deaths

Among teenage women, the effects of abortion on later wanted pregnancies appear to be even worse than among women in general.

Women who have sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia or gonorrhea at the time of their abortions run the risk of spreading the disease to their upper genital tracts. This is known as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, or PID, and is a major cause of miscarriages, ectopic (tubal) pregnancies, and sterility. Some women do not become aware they have PID until they have problems conceiving other children.

If you are experiencing a problem pregnancy, seek help from someone who will tell you about all the risks involved with abortion.



Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Dangers for women:

Induced or elective abortion produces more than a dead fetus. There are dangers for the woman having an abortion as well.

Complications from abortion include:
Heavy bleeding
Tearing of the cervix (opening to the womb)
Puncture or tear of the womb
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Women - especially teenagers - who abort their first pregnancies, or who have a family history of breast cancer, are more at risk of developing breast cancer.

Psychologically, many women report:

Feelings of guilt, depression
Feelings of detachment from others
Lack of interest in sex
Diminished self-worth
Increased drug or alcohol abuse
Nightmares and flashbacks

Sometimes these symptoms don't show up for years after an abortion.

Dangers to future, wanted children

There are also dangers to future, wanted children:

Sterility (one out of twenty women who abort may never again bear children)
Premature births
Ectopic (tubal) pregnancies
Neo-natal deaths

Among teenage women, the effects of abortion on later wanted pregnancies appear to be even worse than among women in general.

Women who have sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia or gonorrhea at the time of their abortions run the risk of spreading the disease to their upper genital tracts. This is known as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, or PID, and is a major cause of miscarriages, ectopic (tubal) pregnancies, and sterility. Some women do not become aware they have PID until they have problems conceiving other children.

If you are experiencing a problem pregnancy, seek help from someone who will tell you about all the risks involved with abortion.


I just love that picture of the woman in chains. That's exactly how they will feel when MEN take away their right to choose.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
So, Rip, the Christian man, how many years will you be sending a 16 year old girl to prison for because she had an abortion? How many years for doctors who perform them? See my sig?

Abortion is bad. I oppose abortion, but I would not make it illegal because to do so would be counter-productive. Furthermore, though I oppose abortion, this issue is between the woman and her doctor and her conscience. We need to focus more on kids using birth control, and public information (correct public information, not the BS the Bush administration is foisting off), and peer pressure.



Senior member
Oct 18, 2004
What this wingnut riprorin and many others on the so-called 'right' fail to respect most importantly in the bible, is that these are Jesus', God's teachings. We are in no position to judge or render judgments on one another. That is expressly stated in the Bible. Yet yahoo's like rip continue to carry on as if they are the harbingers of judgment for us all. It's irresponsible nuts like you that give the Christian faith and faith in general a bad reputation amongst people who don't believe. And very much so in a large way inhibit the possibilities of their coming to their own spiritual understanding because of the negative impact your poor behaviour affects their perceptions of faith. Stop trolling around with your rubbish in here. I ask again, are you a Christian or a Jew ? Do you follow the Old or New Testament. Do you understand what the latter meant in regards to the former ? Or do you just enjoy languishing in your arrogance and sitting back on your high horse thinking you are more beknighted in the sight of God ? Your thread here, and your other one about the belligerant protestors against the gay people is just sickening. Pay some attention when you read your Bible. I ask again and continually, try not to respond with more verses and just answer, do you think Jesus would be protesting against gays ? putting down women who have abortion. Or do you believe he knows us all to be completely equal, and all of us to be equally guilty of sin in one form or another. Don't you get it ?


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: RealityTime
What this wingnut riprorin and many others on the so-called 'right' fail to respect most importantly in the bible, is that these are Jesus', God's teachings. We are in no position to judge or render judgments on one another. That is expressly stated in the Bible. Yet yahoo's like rip continue to carry on as if they are the harbingers of judgment for us all. It's irresponsible nuts like you that give the Christian faith and faith in general a bad reputation amongst people who don't believe. And very much so in a large way inhibit the possibilities of their coming to their own spiritual understanding because of the negative impact your poor behaviour affects their perceptions of faith. Stop trolling around with your rubbish in here. I ask again, are you a Christian or a Jew ? Do you follow the Old or New Testament. Do you understand what the latter meant in regards to the former ? Or do you just enjoy languishing in your arrogance and sitting back on your high horse thinking you are more beknighted in the sight of God ? Your thread here, and your other one about the belligerant protestors against the gay people is just sickening. Pay some attention when you read your Bible. I ask again and continually, try not to respond with more verses and just answer, do you think Jesus would be protesting against gays ? putting down women who have abortion. Or do you believe he knows us all to be completely equal, and all of us to be equally guilty of sin in one form or another. Don't you get it ?

For someone that says "we are in no position to judge or to render judgement" you are awfully judgemental.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
RealityTime.. He won't respond with a straight answer. He'll either post another poll, bible verse, or ask you a question. I repeatedly tried to tell him in another thread that the crime that occured wasn't in the video and he kept on telling me to watch the video. He's in denial.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
i don't think you'll ever find anyone who seriously thinks abortion is a 'good' thing, but you will find droves who believe in personal freedom.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Riprorin
And how is it judgemental to point out the ill effects that abortion has on women?

God forbid this was to happen to you but what if you had a 14 year old daughter and your friend who is we'll say 50 years old raped her, would you not let her have an abortion? Do you really want to put the burden on her to have a bastard child at the age of 14?


Senior member
Oct 18, 2004
i know i give up. its just so frustrating seeing people like this, who to my mind, pervert the faith to persecute and denigrate others. who on earth are they to think they know better. its so sad. agreed with said comments about him being in denial. i give up on these threads. from the response though, its nice to see the majority of people are in agreement that hes out to lunch on his opinions.
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