Poll Shows Majority of Americans Believe Abortion ?Almost Always Bad? for Women

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Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Gravity
Good article.

I believe that abortion is a multi BILLION dollar industry that gets riled when peeps talk about how harmful it is. The resort immediately to slander to protect their cash with reckless disregard for the lives they take or the lives they destroy.

Sounds like most industries.


Apr 25, 2000
There are some good articles on the "Women Deserve Better" website started by Feminists for Life.


Excerpt from one of the articles:

Abortion is not a measure of our society's success in meeting the needs of women, but of our failure. And why celebrate failure?

Instead, this month the Women Deserve Better Campaign - supported by several pro-woman and pro-life groups - begins a long-term public education campaign highlighting this failure of abortion. The campaign is an effort to refocus the nation on why women feel pressured into abortion and to promote women-centered solutions to these problems.

Many women who have had an abortion carry emotional scars from the experience. Studies from Finland, Great Britain, Canada and the United States reveal higher rates of suicide, attempted suicide and psychiatric admissions for women who have had an abortion compared to women who gave birth. Feminists for Life board member Marion Syverson had two abortions as a teenager while living in an extremely abusive home. She supports studies of the impact on women who experienced the most common surgery in America. Reminded that former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop said that it was problematic to study the impact of abortion because half of women would lie about their abortion, Ms. Syverson responded: "Well doesn't that tell you something? If it was such a great thing we'd all be talking about it!"

Women deserve better than this. FFL's honorary co-chair and actor, Margaret Colin recently asked members of Congress to "remember the woman" as we observe 30 years of legalized abortion and asked all of us "is this the best we can do for her?"

Abortion is a symptom of - not a solution to - the problems faced by women. As Americans, we like to say that "failure is not an option." Thirty years of abortion is a tragedy. Abortion has completely failed as any type of social policy designed to aid women. Abortion is a reflection that we have failed women.

After 30 years, let's put an end to this failure.

Feminists for Life of America



Apr 25, 2000
Women Who Abort Are Six Times More Likely to Commit Suicide

by David C. Reardon, Ph.D.
Examining the recent medical history of suicide victims, researchers in Finland found a strong association between abortion and suicide. In their findings, published in the British Medical Journal (Mika Gissler, Elina Hemminki, Jouko Lonnqvist, "Suicides after pregnancy in Finland: 1987-94: register linkage study" British Medical Journal 313:1431-4, 1996) they report that "The suicide rate after an abortion was three times the general suicide rate and six times that associated with birth."

These findings are consistent with previous studies that have found that giving birth reduces the risk of suicide compared to the "normal" population while abortion increases the risk of suicide. Unfortunately, this study looked for an abortion only in the one year before the suicide. Because most women report a delayed post-abortion reaction, it is very possible that most abortion related suicides would occur in subsequent years.



Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Sunner
I know two chicks who have had an abortion, in fact one of them has had two, and both them are fine.
Of course none of them liked it, but neither has any lasting troubles from it, , they're both doing fine now, and it's their choice.

That's the end of the issue for me.

"Many women are known to have committed suicide 20 or more years after having an abortion as a direct consequence of abortion. This generally is accomplished only after years of suicidal thoughts and many failed attempts. Rarely if ever are these suicides recorded as being a direct result of one or more abortions which took place years in the past. Psychiatrists, social workers, and others often deal with women who have a history of abortion but do not realize that abortion is the substantive cause of the problems being presented."



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Sunner
I know two chicks who have had an abortion, in fact one of them has had two, and both them are fine.
Of course none of them liked it, but neither has any lasting troubles from it, , they're both doing fine now, and it's their choice.

That's the end of the issue for me.

"Many women are known to have committed suicide 20 or more years after having an abortion as a direct consequence of abortion. This generally is accomplished only after years of suicidal thoughts and many failed attempts. Rarely if ever are these suicides recorded as being a direct result of one or more abortions which took place years in the past. Psychiatrists, social workers, and others often deal with women who have a history of abortion but do not realize that abortion is the substantive cause of the problems being presented."


Yeah, and that looks like a real trustworthy source. :roll:

At least if they removed the <blink> tags all over the page, I could read their drivel should I feel the urge to.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Sunner
I know two chicks who have had an abortion, in fact one of them has had two, and both them are fine.
Of course none of them liked it, but neither has any lasting troubles from it, , they're both doing fine now, and it's their choice.

That's the end of the issue for me.

"Many women are known to have committed suicide 20 or more years after having an abortion as a direct consequence of abortion. This generally is accomplished only after years of suicidal thoughts and many failed attempts. Rarely if ever are these suicides recorded as being a direct result of one or more abortions which took place years in the past. Psychiatrists, social workers, and others often deal with women who have a history of abortion but do not realize that abortion is the substantive cause of the problems being presented."


Don't you think the reason the woman choose to get an abortion puts them at greater risk then the people who choose to keep the bady.


Apr 25, 2000

David C. Reardon, Ph.D.

In the 1960's, when abortions were available only for "therapeutic" reasons, it was not uncommon for persons with the means and know-how to obtain an abortion on psychiatric grounds. In some states, all that was necessary was to find an agreeable psychiatrist willing to diagnose every woman with a problem pregnancy as "suicidal."

Yet all the studies done on this issue show that pregnancy is actually correlated with a dramatic decreased rate of suicide compared to non-pregnant women. This has led some psychiatrists to suggest that pregnancy somehow serves a psychologically protective role. The presence of another person to "live for" appears to reduce the suicidal impulses of a mentally disturbed or deeply depressed woman.(1)

Although pregnancy weakens suicidal impulses, there is strong evidence that abortion dramatically increases the risk of suicide. According to a 1986 study by researchers at the University of Minnesota, a teenage girl is 10 times more likely to attempt suicide if she has had an abortion in the last six months than is a comparable teenage girl who has not had an abortion.(2) Other studies have found similar statistical significance between a history of abortion and suicide attempts among adults. Thus, the actual data suggests that abortion is far more likely to drive an unstable woman to suicide than is pregnancy and childbirth.

This abortion/suicide link is well known among professionals who counsel suicidal persons. For example, Meta Uchtman, director of the Cincinnati chapter of Suiciders Anonymous, reported that in a 35 month period her group worked with 4000 women, of whom 1800 or more had abortions. Of those who had abortions, 1400 were between the ages of 15 and 24, the age group with the fastest growing suicide rate in the country.

Sometimes a post-abortion suicide attempt is an impulsive act of despair. For example, 18-year-old "Susan" writes: "Two days after the abortion I wrote a suicide note to my parents and boyfriend. I just couldn't fathom how I could possibly live with the knowledge of what I had done. I killed my own baby! I went down to the basement and figured out how to shoot my father's pistol. Hysterical and crying I put the barrel of the gun into my mouth. All of a sudden I heard someone upstairs. For some reason my father had stopped by to pick up something. I stopped what I was doing and went upstairs. He saw that I was upset and asked me if I wanted to have lunch with him at noon. I felt I at least owed him lunch. By the time lunch was over I was too scared to do it."

Other times, the suicidal impulses result from years of repression, depression, and lost self-esteem. A 1987 study of women who suffered from post-abortion trauma found that 60 percent had experienced suicidal ideation, 28 percent had attempted suicide, and 18 percent had attempted suicide more than once, often several years after the event.(3)

Sadly, in at least one documented case, an 18-year-old committed suicide three days after having a suction abortion because of guilt feelings over having "killed her baby." Later examination of the clinic's records revealed that she had not actually been pregnant.

Perhaps one reason for the strong abortion/suicide link exists in the fact that in many ways abortion is like suicide. A person who threatens suicide is actually crying out for help. So are women who contemplate abortion. Both are in a state of despair. Both are lonely. Both feel faced by insurmountable odds.

Some "right-to-die" groups argue that we should legalize suicide and even create suicide clinics where facilitators would ease people through their suicide decisions. If we did so, there would be no shortage of desperate people willing to exercise their "freedom to choose." Promised a "quick, easy and painless" solution to their problems, suicide rates would skyrocket just as abortion rates did in the 1970's.

Like the suicide clinics described above, abortion clinics also exploit desperate people. They promise to release clients from the darkness of their despair. They appeal to our consumer society's demand for instant solutions to all our problems. They pose as places of compassion, but they are actually reaping huge profits through the harvest of the lonely, frightened, and confused people who are "unwanted" by society. In place of life, they offer the "compassion" of death.

Granting the wish for suicide or abortion is not an aid to desperate people. It is abandonment. It is a false compassion that protects us from getting entangled in the "personal problems" of others. It is "cheap love."

To those who look deeply, and care deeply, it is clear that people who express a desire for suicide or abortion are really crying out for help. They are crying out for the support and encouragement to choose life, cherish life, and rejoice in life. They are crying out for an infusion of hope.

Just as a suicidal person is crying out for help when she tells others she wishes she were dead, so a woman who is distressed over a pregnancy is crying out for help when she tells others she is considering abortion. In both cases, the desperate person is reaching out in the hope that someone will announce they truly care, and will truly help them. They need to see the value of life, their own as well as their child's, reflected in the love of those who would help them preserve that life. They need to hear that they are strong enough to triumph in the life that is theirs, and that whenever they grow weak, we will be there to strengthen them and even carry them.

This requires us to engage in "costly love," a love that demands a real sacrifice of time, energy, and resources. Anything less, they will interpret as "You don't really care." Anything less, and they will be right.


1. Hilgers, et al, New Perspectives on Human Abortion (Frederick, Md.: University Press of America, 1981) 156.

2. Garfinkel, et al., Stress, Depression and Suicide: A Study of Adolescents in Minnesota, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1986).

3. Reardon, "A Survey of Psychological Reactions," (Springfield, IL: Elliot Institute, 1987).


Originally published in The Post-Abortion Review 1(2) Summer 1993. Copyright 1993 Elliot Institute



Apr 25, 2000
Mental Health Risks of Abortion
Scientific Studies Reveal Significant Risk


In a study of post-abortion patients only 8 weeks after their abortion, researchers found that 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family, doctor. 2 A 5 year retrospective study in two Canadian provinces found significantly greater use of medical and psychiatric services among aborted women. Most significant was the finding that 25% of aborted women made visits to psychiatrists as compared to 3% of the control group 3 Women who have had abortions are significantly more likely than others to subsequently require admission to a psychiatric hospital. At especially high risk are teenagers, separated or divorced women, and women with a history of more than one abortion. 4

Since many post-aborted women use repression as a coping mechanism, there may be a long period of denial before a woman seeks psychiatric care. These repressed feelings may cause psychosomatic illnesses and psychiatric or behavioral problems in other areas of her life. As a result, some counselors report that unacknowledged post-abortion distress is the causative factor in many of their female patients, even though their patients have come to them seeking therapy for seemingly unrelated problems. 5

Major Psychological Sequelae Of Abortion1


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Riprorin

David C. Reardon, Ph.D.

In the 1960's, when abortions were available only for "therapeutic" reasons, it was not uncommon for persons with the means and know-how to obtain an abortion on psychiatric grounds. In some states, all that was necessary was to find an agreeable psychiatrist willing to diagnose every woman with a problem pregnancy as "suicidal."

Yet all the studies done on this issue show that pregnancy is actually correlated with a dramatic decreased rate of suicide compared to non-pregnant women. This has led some psychiatrists to suggest that pregnancy somehow serves a psychologically protective role. The presence of another person to "live for" appears to reduce the suicidal impulses of a mentally disturbed or deeply depressed woman.(1)

Although pregnancy weakens suicidal impulses, there is strong evidence that abortion dramatically increases the risk of suicide. According to a 1986 study by researchers at the University of Minnesota, a teenage girl is 10 times more likely to attempt suicide if she has had an abortion in the last six months than is a comparable teenage girl who has not had an abortion.(2) Other studies have found similar statistical significance between a history of abortion and suicide attempts among adults. Thus, the actual data suggests that abortion is far more likely to drive an unstable woman to suicide than is pregnancy and childbirth.

This abortion/suicide link is well known among professionals who counsel suicidal persons. For example, Meta Uchtman, director of the Cincinnati chapter of Suiciders Anonymous, reported that in a 35 month period her group worked with 4000 women, of whom 1800 or more had abortions. Of those who had abortions, 1400 were between the ages of 15 and 24, the age group with the fastest growing suicide rate in the country.

Sometimes a post-abortion suicide attempt is an impulsive act of despair. For example, 18-year-old "Susan" writes: "Two days after the abortion I wrote a suicide note to my parents and boyfriend. I just couldn't fathom how I could possibly live with the knowledge of what I had done. I killed my own baby! I went down to the basement and figured out how to shoot my father's pistol. Hysterical and crying I put the barrel of the gun into my mouth. All of a sudden I heard someone upstairs. For some reason my father had stopped by to pick up something. I stopped what I was doing and went upstairs. He saw that I was upset and asked me if I wanted to have lunch with him at noon. I felt I at least owed him lunch. By the time lunch was over I was too scared to do it."

Other times, the suicidal impulses result from years of repression, depression, and lost self-esteem. A 1987 study of women who suffered from post-abortion trauma found that 60 percent had experienced suicidal ideation, 28 percent had attempted suicide, and 18 percent had attempted suicide more than once, often several years after the event.(3)

Sadly, in at least one documented case, an 18-year-old committed suicide three days after having a suction abortion because of guilt feelings over having "killed her baby." Later examination of the clinic's records revealed that she had not actually been pregnant.

Perhaps one reason for the strong abortion/suicide link exists in the fact that in many ways abortion is like suicide. A person who threatens suicide is actually crying out for help. So are women who contemplate abortion. Both are in a state of despair. Both are lonely. Both feel faced by insurmountable odds.

Some "right-to-die" groups argue that we should legalize suicide and even create suicide clinics where facilitators would ease people through their suicide decisions. If we did so, there would be no shortage of desperate people willing to exercise their "freedom to choose." Promised a "quick, easy and painless" solution to their problems, suicide rates would skyrocket just as abortion rates did in the 1970's.

Like the suicide clinics described above, abortion clinics also exploit desperate people. They promise to release clients from the darkness of their despair. They appeal to our consumer society's demand for instant solutions to all our problems. They pose as places of compassion, but they are actually reaping huge profits through the harvest of the lonely, frightened, and confused people who are "unwanted" by society. In place of life, they offer the "compassion" of death.

Granting the wish for suicide or abortion is not an aid to desperate people. It is abandonment. It is a false compassion that protects us from getting entangled in the "personal problems" of others. It is "cheap love."

To those who look deeply, and care deeply, it is clear that people who express a desire for suicide or abortion are really crying out for help. They are crying out for the support and encouragement to choose life, cherish life, and rejoice in life. They are crying out for an infusion of hope.

Just as a suicidal person is crying out for help when she tells others she wishes she were dead, so a woman who is distressed over a pregnancy is crying out for help when she tells others she is considering abortion. In both cases, the desperate person is reaching out in the hope that someone will announce they truly care, and will truly help them. They need to see the value of life, their own as well as their child's, reflected in the love of those who would help them preserve that life. They need to hear that they are strong enough to triumph in the life that is theirs, and that whenever they grow weak, we will be there to strengthen them and even carry them.

This requires us to engage in "costly love," a love that demands a real sacrifice of time, energy, and resources. Anything less, they will interpret as "You don't really care." Anything less, and they will be right.


1. Hilgers, et al, New Perspectives on Human Abortion (Frederick, Md.: University Press of America, 1981) 156.

2. Garfinkel, et al., Stress, Depression and Suicide: A Study of Adolescents in Minnesota, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1986).

3. Reardon, "A Survey of Psychological Reactions," (Springfield, IL: Elliot Institute, 1987).


Originally published in The Post-Abortion Review 1(2) Summer 1993. Copyright 1993 Elliot Institute


Aside from the fact that this study is obviously very biased, the bolded part says quite a bit.
Yeah, if a woman is mentally unstable to begin with, I agree, abortion is probably not a very healthy thing, but then again, neither is pregnancy, a mentally unstable person should be taken care of.

That's like the video game <-> violence link, sure playing CS, Postal, etc etc for hours on might drive an already unstable person into doing things like shooting his friends, teachers, whatever, but that doesn't mean video games are inherently dangerous.

Oh and you can just stop posting "facts" from your antiabortion sites, no $hit they'll have lots of anti abortion propaganda there, I could figure that out just fine without your help :roll:


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Sounds like most industries.
Most industries don't make their money off of deception leading to killing, which is why some of us take special exception to this one.
Originally posted by: Sunner
Aside from the fact that this study is obviously very biased, the bolded part says quite a bit.
Yeah, if a woman is mentally unstable to begin with, I agree, abortion is probably not a very healthy thing, but then again, neither is pregnancy, a mentally unstable person should be taken care of.

That's like the video game <-> violence link, sure playing CS, Postal, etc etc for hours on might drive an already unstable person into doing things like shooting his friends, teachers, whatever, but that doesn't mean video games are inherently dangerous.

Oh and you can just stop posting "facts" from your antiabortion sites, no $hit they'll have lots of anti abortion propaganda there, I could figure that out just fine without your help :roll:
If everyone is going to complain about the bias of his studies, maybe you should comment on the results that I present in more scientific studies. Instead, since they also don't meet your agenda, you just ignore them. Reminds me of third grade all over again - maybe if I ignore it (the facts), they'll just go away!


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Harvey

You are simply not qualified to comment, and you won't know squat about it until you have personally been a pregnant 14 year old girl or any other female who has to live the rest of her life with the burden of an unwanted child, or the woman who has to risk death to continue a pregnancy.

Or maybe she could could give the child up for adoption and live her life with the satisfaction of knowing that she brought great joy to a couple who couldn't have children on their own.
Interesting theory from someone who will never have to live through the experience. I can't argue with your good intentions, but in practice, that doesn't work very easily or very well back on nearby friendly planet Earth.


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Harvey

You are simply not qualified to comment, and you won't know squat about it until you have personally been a pregnant 14 year old girl or any other female who has to live the rest of her life with the burden of an unwanted child, or the woman who has to risk death to continue a pregnancy.

Or maybe she could could give the child up for adoption and live her life with the satisfaction of knowing that she brought great joy to a couple who couldn't have children on their own.
Interesting theory from someone who will never have to live through the experience. I can't argue with your good intentions, but in practice, that doesn't work very easily or very well back on nearby friendly planet Earth.

One study found that a teenager is ten times more likely to attempt suicide if she has had an abortion in the last six months than a teenage girl who has not. Another study of women suffering post-abortion trauma found that 60 percent had suicidal thoughts, 28 percent had attempted suicide, and 18 percent had tried more than once, sometimes years after their abortions. (Garfinkel et al, "Stress, depression and suicide: A study of adolescents in Minnesota," University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1986; Reardon, "A survey of psychological reactions," The Elliot Institute, 1987)

Let's see, have the child, put it up for adoption and have the satisfaction of knowing you brought joy to a childless couple, or kill the child and or place yourself at a 10X greater risk of suicide.

Seems like an easy decision to me.


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Harvey
Interesting theory from someone who will never have to live through the experience. I can't argue with your good intentions, but in practice, that doesn't work very easily or very well back on nearby friendly planet Earth.
By your standards, revenge killing should be legal. After all, after we're wronged, we have no choice but to do something equally wrong in return, correct?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Tabb
For starters, Rip (Cyclo too). Do you believe any type of abortion is wrong? Even the day after pill?

Care to address this Rip? (It looks like CW for some strange reason chooses not to.)



Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Tabb
For starters, Rip (Cyclo too). Do you believe any type of abortion is wrong? Even the day after pill?

Care to address this Rip? (It looks like CW for some strange reason chooses not to.)
I've already addressed it dozens of times on this forum. Instead of reading what I wrote when I discussed it in detail, you want a one-liner for your sig where I say something you think is stupid rather than considering the entire issue. If someone on this forum actually displayed a willingness to discuss the issue rather than just spewing pro-choice rhetoric, then maybe I would indulge you. Until then, no dice.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Tabb
For starters, Rip (Cyclo too). Do you believe any type of abortion is wrong? Even the day after pill?

Care to address this Rip? (It looks like CW for some strange reason chooses not to.)
I've already addressed it dozens of times on this forum. Instead of reading what I wrote when I discussed it in detail, you want a one-liner for your sig where I say something you think is stupid rather than considering the entire issue. If someone on this forum actually displayed a willingness to discuss the issue rather than just spewing pro-choice rhetoric, then maybe I would indulge you. Until then, no dice.

there has been many valid arguements brought up on both sides. you just implied however that anyone who supports a womans right to choose as nothing more "pro-choice rhetoric", therefore you're not capable of have any logical discussion, nor do you wish to have one. So please stop fronting.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Tabb
For starters, Rip (Cyclo too). Do you believe any type of abortion is wrong? Even the day after pill?

Care to address this Rip? (It looks like CW for some strange reason chooses not to.)
I've already addressed it dozens of times on this forum. Instead of reading what I wrote when I discussed it in detail, you want a one-liner for your sig where I say something you think is stupid rather than considering the entire issue. If someone on this forum actually displayed a willingness to discuss the issue rather than just spewing pro-choice rhetoric, then maybe I would indulge you. Until then, no dice.

Damn, sure are a lot of psychics in here.

Sorry CW, don't feel like searching for past conversations.




Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: rickn
there has been many valid arguements brought up on both sides. you just implied however that anyone who supports a womans right to choose as nothing more "pro-choice rhetoric", therefore you're not capable of have any logical discussion, nor do you wish to have one. So please stop fronting.
There have not been many valid arguments brought up on this issue, especially in this thread where the only argument in favor of abortion is an appeal to emotion (what if your 14 year old daughter was raped). There are valid arguments for abortion that can be debated. Unfortunately, no one in this forum is apparently aware of them, so they keep spewing ignorance. One of the books cited on the site in my sig contains many of these arguments. I intentionally left them out to see if anyone here could develop them on their own. No one has yet been able to do so. Maybe in a week or two I'll go back and type up that section so you can see what they are. Until then, try to think of some legitimate reasons that abortion might be allowed rather than just hand-waving arguments that are readily dismissed.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: rickn
there has been many valid arguements brought up on both sides. you just implied however that anyone who supports a womans right to choose as nothing more "pro-choice rhetoric", therefore you're not capable of have any logical discussion, nor do you wish to have one. So please stop fronting.
There have not been many valid arguments brought up on this issue, especially in this thread where the only argument in favor of abortion is an appeal to emotion (what if your 14 year old daughter was raped). There are valid arguments for abortion that can be debated. Unfortunately, no one in this forum is apparently aware of them, so they keep spewing ignorance. One of the books cited on the site in my sig contains many of these arguments. I intentionally left them out to see if anyone here could develop them on their own. No one has yet been able to do so. Maybe in a week or two I'll go back and type up that section so you can see what they are. Until then, try to think of some legitimate reasons that abortion might be allowed rather than just hand-waving arguments that are readily dismissed.

Rapes happen to teenage girls, teenage pregnancy is a problem and is growing. You simply brush it off because you say it only fits into .001% of the equasion, and BTW, that graph you posted, was that some sort of joke? I could do a better job in windows paint. It was absolutely worthless and did nothing to prove anything. And yet you call everyone else ignorant. You're just a profile in compassion aren't you.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
No sh!t it's almost always bad for a woman. I highly doubt anyone is actually arguing against that. That being said, I support the option being there.

Gen Stonewall

Senior member
Aug 8, 2001
Originally posted by: kage69
It's too bad you're more concerned with your idealogical agenda and 'turning your other cheek' than you are addressing why it is people here have such a low opinion of you and your sorry excuses for threads.

But hey, all the best to you too, particularly if it helps you find some integrity. :thumbsup:

I certainly hope that Riprorin will never base his character on the standard set by P&amp;N.:Q


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Gen Stonewall
Originally posted by: kage69
It's too bad you're more concerned with your idealogical agenda and 'turning your other cheek' than you are addressing why it is people here have such a low opinion of you and your sorry excuses for threads.

But hey, all the best to you too, particularly if it helps you find some integrity. :thumbsup:

I certainly hope that Riprorin will never base his character on the standard set by P&amp;N.:Q

Rip has character? :Q


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: rickn
Rapes happen to teenage girls, teenage pregnancy is a problem and is growing. You simply brush it off because you say it only fits into .001% of the equasion, and BTW, that graph you posted, was that some sort of joke? I could do a better job in windows paint. It was absolutely worthless and did nothing to prove anything. And yet you call everyone else ignorant. You're just a profile in compassion aren't you.
Yes, make fun of my graph... I guess that's easier than attacking the point the graph makes. The reason it's slightly distorted is because I scanned it in from a book (Blank, Robert and Merrick, Janna C., Human Reproduction, Emerging Technologies, and Conflicting Rights, Congressional Quarterly, Inc. 1995). The book took the data from a study that I believe is cited on the figure. If you require further bibliographic information, I can supply it - just let me know what you need. Of course, I don't know why I would expect you to consider information presented in a refereed journal, as that would demonstrate an acknowledgement of fact on your part. If you're going to try to demonstrate ignorance on my part in the abortion debate, I suggest learning the difference between your own ass and a hole in the ground first.
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