Poll: U.S. Whites More Solidly Behind Republican Party

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Jun 3, 2002
I disagree, we should have kept Geosurface around. His banter was entirely pseudo-intellectual and therefore rather easy to dismantle, but he performed the act with well written prose of a sort, and certainly with lots of passion. It was all misplaced and terribly easy to denigrate, but I would take an educated guess that his perspective is not a rare one, particularly in rural areas outside of cities. And that as a result, his perspective should have been allowed to continue. It's just as important to let that speech run its course and allow people to refute it for all to see, as it is to demean it (and it certainly deserves the latter).


Dec 13, 2013
I disagree, we should have kept Geosurface around. His banter was entirely pseudo-intellectual and therefore rather easy to dismantle, but he performed the act with well written prose of a sort, and certainly with lots of passion. It was all misplaced and terribly easy to denigrate, but I would take an educated guess that his perspective is not a rare one, particularly in rural areas outside of cities. And that as a result, his perspective should have been allowed to continue. It's just as important to let that speech run its course and allow people to refute it for all to see, as it is to demean it (and it certainly deserves the latter).

my only objection might be freedom of speech as such

also he is more or less technically still around

hard to defend him so i have to go with the princaples


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I disagree, we should have kept Geosurface around. His banter was entirely pseudo-intellectual and therefore rather easy to dismantle, but he performed the act with well written prose of a sort, and certainly with lots of passion. It was all misplaced and terribly easy to denigrate, but I would take an educated guess that his perspective is not a rare one, particularly in rural areas outside of cities. And that as a result, his perspective should have been allowed to continue. It's just as important to let that speech run its course and allow people to refute it for all to see, as it is to demean it (and it certainly deserves the latter).

I'm sorry, but you are quite naive. You cannot win against someone with an axe to grind. After you have mapped the supremacist out, found their conclusions exist solely so they can bestow unearned accomplishment on themselves, found that your words do not have the power to break the hold this has over them, and so move on, they will still be there, spouting the same things day after day.
A post comes with no history attached. Disprove a point a thousand times and it means nothing to a person coming in at iteration #1001. Unless you are willing and able to tirelessly and endlessly repeat the same argument without ever skipping over into the meta, you are not the janitor to be cleaning up after their shit.

Geosurface wasn't potty trained and he was proud of it.
"I made poo!"
*smears in on the forum*
*turns his back and sniffs his hand*

The antics of poo-sniffers get old.
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Nov 25, 2013
I'm sorry, but you are quite naive. You cannot win against someone with an axe to grind. After you have mapped the supremacist out, found their conclusions exist solely so they can bestow unearned accomplishment on themselves, found that your words do not have the power to break the hold this has over them, and so move on, they will still be there, spouting the same things day after day.
A post comes with no history attached. Disprove a point a thousand times and it means nothing to a person coming in at iteration #1001. Unless you are willing and able to tirelessly and endlessly repeat the same argument without ever skipping over into the meta, you are not the janitor to be cleaning up after their shit.

Geosurface wasn't potty trained and he was proud of it.
"I made poo!"
*smears in on the forum*
*turns his back and sniffs his hand*

The antics of poo-sniffers gets old.

Nicely put.


Oct 15, 1999
Geosurface never challenged non-compliant thinking. He masked true supremacist thinking behind pseudoscientific, heavily biased "data" conglomerations and tried to pass that off as reality behind pretty words and sketchy statistical analysis.

While there is a good deal of honesty behind ideas that "like prefers like," and that biology, invariably, trends towards this notion, it takes a fascist to pervert that into a sweeping, narrow judgement of human social and cultural interaction, much less as a means to form policy over population control.

There isn't a credible animal behaviorist that would look at how herds of buffalo and gazelle interact with each other, and translate that to: we should kill all the blacks.

That is Geosurface and his ilk. Not an ounce of credibility if you engage his posts from the perspective of an educated upbringing.

Seriously--dude was clever to choose Starscream as his avatar. The point was not lost on some of us.

There must be a hell of a lot of his writing that I missed, because I never saw anything like what you describe. Though given that I have no way to tell what threads are new or contain new posts, that's entirely possible.

You lost me with the starscream reference. I don't know what it is or what it means.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
There must be a hell of a lot of his writing that I missed, because I never saw anything like what you describe.
Here are some examples of what some here perceived you to defend:

My understanding is that blacks commit ALL types of crime at a higher rate than whites, even surprising types like white collar crime, paedophilia, and serial killing which are commonly thought to be the province of whites.

Making the situation even more lopsided is the fact that Hispanics are rolled into the white category for offenders but are kept distinct when victims. Some of the mugshots I've seen listed as "white" were gut-bustingly hilarious in how obviously non-white they were. Egyptians are also categorized as white. I think a very sizable portion of whites' already low crime rates are attributable to people nobody would consider white if passing them on the street. Primarily Mestizo Hispanics.

On my iPhone so I can't verify right now but perhaps nehalem can help a brotha out (particularly regarding what I said in my first paragraph)

The true crime rate of full blooded Northern European descended folk like myself and like most people think of when you say "white" is very low. East Asians are even lower though I believe.

Originally Posted by geosurface:

Race, genetics and crime

The Thug Gene

A year ago I [Geosurface] was a devoted racial egalitarian and liberal. I then got my "nose under the tent" of information like this, and simply by virtue of not successfully burying my head in the sand, and accepting the truth of these studies, and their obvious connection to observed crime rates, social problems, etc... I am now, according to many, a "racist"

I'm curious. What does it mean to be a racist? Does one automatically become a racist when exposed to certain truths unless they successfully avoid taking said truths on board?

Is it meaningful to be considered a "racist" when you fully acknowledge that this is all just about AVERAGES and that every group, including blacks, produces plenty of amazing, brilliant, gentle people too?

But if some groups produce certain problematic types of people at a far higher rate than other groups do, or other types of very desirable (for civilization) people at a much lower rate... should this have implications for say, immigration policy?
Unfortunately, the mechanism for this honing process is death. It isn't pleasant. It is, however, necessary.

We understand the power of selective breeding and population control just fine when we're talking about other animals. When we're talking about dog shows and horse races which ultimately just show off the talent of the breeders who selected for the traits.

Why is it that we have fooled ourselves into thinking we don't have to apply this knowledge and understanding IN ANY WAY to our own species, and that somehow this will never have any negative impact? It is madness.

Originally Posted by Geosurface
I reflect that I would have absolutely no problem with every European nation putting out a message saying if you're first or second generation Muslim immigrant, depart now. You have one week, after which time the army of each nation will simply enter the heavily Muslim districts with a shoot on sight policy.
Originally Posted by Geosurface
Exactly. The upper hand will be gained by them [Muslim immigrant population] in the near future if through no other means, then through birth rate alone.

So this is why I say, violence may be the only answer.

I know it seems harsh, but I truly believe the choice is between doing some really, really distasteful shit (killing lots, and lots of people) or watching European civilization, culture, and tradition be utterly wiped out or nearly so.

To me, the killing sounds better.
Greenman, a few snippets of a violently white supremacist and racist individual who for over a year felt to have grown a home to here to consistently spread his clear and concise racist agenda.

I humbly request you upgrade it to a permaban, tired of dancing around the censorship crap here.
'Dancing around the censorship?' The only alteration in his presentations had been eliminating his open call for massacring genocide against targeted and undesirable immigrants. Many months later he self edited such incrimination posts to dishonestly rewrite his forum persona from that of a well warranted and earned relation to Anders Breivik. He learned a limit for his expressions for violence were too far, yet strongly kept forth with the blatant agenda for racism and bigotry.

This character retained to this end, a white supremacist bigotry against blacks and other groups, straight down to recently proclaiming euthanasia progroms (~'death being necessary mechanism)' as a societal solution to eliminate his self declared 'undesirables' from the population.

Greenman, what type of forum and society ought this be? A place to tolerate, foster, and ferment more Anders Breiviks to be unleashed into the world? Such forums do exists in the margins where extremism is tolerated, encouraged, and thereby discouraging reasonable people and business' from any contact and association. Extremism brings costs.

Or ought this be a place with a zero tolerance against open incitements to general hatred, racism, and bigotry?

On a personal note, I rarely participate in this forum because some of the above has become the expectation for published content. Set and permit a bar to be too low -- it stays low.
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Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
And P&N takes another step down the road of homogenized thinking. Thank whatever politically correct object thats used in place of a deity that we'll never be exposed to Geos non compliant thought process again.
Following up my previous post, there are social responsibilities of forum owners and their membership, those of decorum for the hosts of the site you wish to participate in, and certainly business interest for private sites that receive advertising revenue.

The presentation of extremism can bring costs.

On that last point, advertising companies become responsible to their clients for where their ads may be present. Many brands, reasonably, have a strong aversion for having their products associated with offensive material. Integrity for the advertising company and their clients can be paramount. For that reason, ad companies now often require flags from sites they do business with to identify what will be offensive and thereby limit what ad business may be conducted at that location.

Here's a snippet of Google's AdSense policy:

Content that advocates against an individual, group, or organization

What's the policy?

Google believes strongly in the freedom of expression, but also recognizes the need to protect the quality of the AdSense network for users, advertisers, and publishers.

Google ads aren't permitted on sites that contain harassing or bullying content, or on content that incites hatred or promotes violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.

Additionally, Google ads may not appear on content that incites or advocates for harm against an individual or group.

However, websites containing educational, documentary, historical, scientific, or artistic content related to such subjects are permitted to participate in AdSense.
Oct 30, 2004
Lots of people want to protect their privileges.

Race is part of what's holding our nation back from doing things such as implementing socialuzed medcine. There's so much fear that a member of a racial minority who takes drugs or gang bangs or has more kids than she can afford will benefit from some of the outlay of taxpayer dollars that the sheeple are blinded to the huge cost savings that come from having socialized medicine.


Senior member
Jan 28, 2013
i guess if this wasnt your average non white democrat,maybe more of the whites would vote democratic

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Senior member
Jan 28, 2013
Google believes strongly in the freedom of expression
to bad they dont believe in privacy,which is why i stopped using that liberal shitbag search engine

although i dont even know if the whole selling search information to the goverment thing that came out about google even matters anymore after the whole nsa spying thing.probably doesnt even matter what search engine you use now
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Dec 13, 2013
i guess if this wasnt your average non white democrat,maybe more of the whites would vote democratic


cheap shit partisan bastard

who says all democrats think that any one can guess what actually happened with that shit

and no i am not democrat or republican

although with the breadth of your thinking you would think any one who is not a republican is a democrat and communist and fascist at the same time. even the libertarian party. oh yah you guys violated the actual rules of the republican convention just so you guys could have your partisanship.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2008
Meanwhile 50+ years of White Flight that spawned the demographic dynamics that many/most of you were raised in get swept under the rug while everyone "doth protest too much" about the racist crank.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Meanwhile 50+ years of White Flight that spawned the demographic dynamics that many/most of you were raised in get swept under the rug while everyone "doth protest too much" about the racist crank.

That trend has reversed. Big cities are growing and property values are skyrocketing. Gentrification is the complaint now.


Dec 3, 2013
i guess if this wasnt your average non white democrat,maybe more of the whites would vote democratic

I vote Democrat in FL and I still think that was properly settled myself.


Sometimes it's a justice thing and not racial, even if I didn't like the white guy either.


And I'm white and half German more or less, both ends can go to extremes.
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Jun 23, 2004
Here are some examples of what some here perceived you to defend:

It is not honest to be mismatching speaking of differences between groups of people - and commentary towards the "War on Terror". After September 11th many Americans feel VERY strongly on the subject.

I myself will opine on heavily concentrated populations who share loyalties to our opponents overseas and whether or not their continued immigration presents a real threat, such as it did 13 years ago. In my posting history you will see me struggle with the subject. Ultimately I sided with a pragmatic solution to push for, but to think of this in terms of war and violence is quite easy.

I digress, but stop bringing up Geo's posts on Islam as related to whether some races average out more testosterone, poverty, and violence than others. Show us where there has been any call to violence towards a race.


Dec 3, 2013
i guess if this wasnt your average non white democrat,maybe more of the whites would vote democratic

Justice for OJ.

Sorry *slight cough*

This we're being persecuted shit has went on way too long.

He was a big guy that messed up s bad as the idiot the police told to not follow him and when the guy moved off he attacked him, they were both wrong but if someone was beating my head on the pavement I probably would have shot him myself.

They both were wrong, shit happens.

The dipshit shouldn't have been ghosting him to begin with.

*shrug* like a few people most people work with, an idiot with too much free time that pissed someone off when they shouldn't have been sticking their nose in, you do not pound their head into the pavement and give them no alternative other then shooting you in defense over it though even they are an asshole.
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Oct 15, 1999
I hope Hell.........................

Seems unlikely. Outside the P&N environment, he's a pleasant enough fellow, he sent me a pm a couple days back with some information he wanted to share with me. If he gets permed from here he'll go live well and enjoy his life.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
Seems unlikely. Outside the P&N environment, he's a pleasant enough fellow, he sent me a pm a couple days back with some information he wanted to share with me. If he gets permed from here he'll go live well and enjoy his life.

Yeah, he's a pleasant enough fellow..

...for a raging bigot.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Seems unlikely. Outside the P&N environment, he's a pleasant enough fellow, he sent me a pm a couple days back with some information he wanted to share with me. If he gets permed from here he'll go live well and enjoy his life.

Like he's been told several times....he needs to find a forum where his White Nationalist views are welcomed.

I'm sure he's a nice guy...but after what he posted in this thread, it should have become very clear that all of his threads on race as well as his comments on other topics are fueled by his belief that he would really like to see non-whites removed from his society.
Nov 25, 2013
Sorry folks, but anyone who not only believes that hateful garbage but actively spreads it is *not* a "nice" or "pleasant" person.


Oct 15, 1999
Like he's been told several times....he needs to find a forum where his White Nationalist views are welcomed.

I'm sure he's a nice guy...but after what he posted in this thread, it should have become very clear that all of his threads on race as well as his comments on other topics are fueled by his belief that he would really like to see non-whites removed from his society.

He's said some pretty inflammatory things, but I've heard as bad from non whites, that's not to excuse the things he's said, but it does add some perspective.

Bottom line is he's not here anymore, and I'm certainly not going to try and defend the things he's said, I was simply answering classy as to what the outcome for Geo will likely be.
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