Poll: What are your religious/theologic beliefs


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
We often have many lively debates regarding religion on ATOT. So I did a search to see if anyone has ever taken a poll about the demographics of religion is ATOT.

This isn't meant to criticize or preach any one religion or belief structure. I just am interested in the numbers.

I appoligize if this has been done before, but I couldnot find it.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I voted other. I'm a part of the I Don't Give a Shit religion. Thinking about it is a pointless waste of time, even to go as far as agnostic, or athiest. It might be fun to speculate while laying around, kind of the way I wonder what it would be like to travel to the other side of the universe. In the end though, it's pointless....


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
I voted other. I'm a part of the I Don't Give a Shit religion. Thinking about it is a pointless waste of time, even to go as far as agnostic, or athiest. It might be fun to speculate while laying around, kind of the way I wonder what it would be like to travel to the other side of the universe. In the end though, it's pointless....

Interesting, I didn't think about that. Someone who finds the discussion of metaphysics as moot. Do you find your apathy is universal to the subject or just certain parts, such as speculating on existance after death; the nature of good and evil; or morality and ethics.
This is not meant to be sarcastic just asking for more clarification.


Nov 18, 2005
speculating while... ahem....is fun, but I just like good narratives.

atheist through and through, but respect the right to believe in nonsense. It just doesn't do it, doesn't settle anything. Hell, to me religion just makes more questions. I have enough questions, and I hate when jesus answers questions with more questions. In fact, I think science has done a good job and simply making a pure and simple root of everything. It's called batshit crazy stuff that makes up the universe. Something quantum something.... pops in and pops out. It allows for a universe to just... pop up out of nowhere, thus making something out of nothing. Considering the stuff we see only accounts for a third of the mass of the stuff we see (heh heh chew on that one for a bit), it's rather insignificant to what has always been there... the flux.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Interesting, I didn't think about that. Someone who finds the discussion of metaphysics as moot. Do you find your apathy is universal to the subject or just certain parts, such as speculating on existance after death; the nature of good and evil; or morality and ethics.
This is not meant to be sarcastic just asking for more clarification.

Pondering the unknowable is a waste of time other than for mental amusement. Existence after death? waste of time. There's only 1 way to find out, and nobody's coming back to tell the rest of us.

Nature of good and evil? Those are just words describing proper behavior, or lack thereof. There is no good or evil in the supernatural sense. "Evil" would probably be best described as a mental illness, where a particular person didn't connect the right neural pathways during development. A sociopath, or psychopath is a good example.

Morality and ethics? That's pretty clear cut. Most people should have learned that before starting school. It seems that a large part forget over time, or their parents sucked. That boils down to "don't be a dick". Remove your own wants and desires from the equation, and see what's left. If a dick is left, you're doing it wrong.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Wow a religious thread in OT. This is something new here. I am sure everyone here can talk religion like educated grown adults.


Nov 18, 2005
Interesting, I didn't think about that. Someone who finds the discussion of metaphysics as moot. Do you find your apathy is universal to the subject or just certain parts, such as speculating on existance after death; the nature of good and evil; or morality and ethics.
This is not meant to be sarcastic just asking for more clarification.

Since I'd say you seem quite interest in how others see life, I'll give my response to that.

Man is just man, I see every culture as having their own version of good and their own interpretation of evil. We are capable of some truly disturbing things, and equally capable of feats that are incredibly heroic.

What happens after death? I have my own rather comforting way of approaching it. We are self-aware, something that life ultimately shouldn't have, but then again, life itself is a rather pointless affair. Since we can think about life itself, think within instead of just observing and reacting to the world, we know we will die. We know what it means. And we build our world up to make everything carry so much value, we demand from the gods that we must be special. We have to be, we see ourselves as unique and therefore there is no other way to explain it, we say we are special and worthy of immortality. We don't die, we merely transcend different realms of existence.
So what do I think? Well aside from accepting that after death is absolutely nothing, we can still have a valuable life, and reach immortality in a spiritual sense. We just have to continue doing what we do. People are remembered when they are worth remembering. People are held on tall pedestals for they have done, or cast into the deepest pit for their actions. Figuratively, of course. Unless it's a statue, than the figure is literal.
We should all strive for that. Everyone has to make life valuable in their own way, and religion has a way of breeding that in some individuals. They do it for the wrong cause, and some can go to the opposite and terrible lengths to spread their faith, but... in the end some people do some damn awesome things for their fellow brethren. I respect those, and only those, that actually do something for others. Sacrifice for the betterment of all is the only thing we should ultimately concern ourselves with.
We can still get rich, we can still have large free markets, but people just have to change their character. We have to instill the belief that we can all be remembered if we do something worth remembering. Take action when there is a call to arms, figuratively of course. Because quite honestly, that siren's song will always be there. There is a positive way to approach every moment you will ever live, a negative way, and the approach most individuals take, the apathetic approach of zero value.

Ultimately, I am apathetic to every little question of mankind. I long to understand the universe, but I have come to terms with my life quite a long time ago. There is zero value to the physical aspect of life, but we are here, there is no turning back. We can have nearly a century each of time spent on this Earth, we might as well all try and make something of that time trying to do everything possible to make life better for the future generations. Sadly, most people like to look at the problems we all face, and simply pass the problem to the next generation, figuring they'll be smarter and more capable of handling it. Inaction does nothing, at least failure will ultimately breed success in the end. That's how we learn, we always try. If you try something to change things for the better and fail, you won't be remembered as a failure, you'll be remembered as someone who wasn't afraid to try and paved the way for the future.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
Pondering the unknowable is a waste of time other than for mental amusement. Existence after death? waste of time. There's only 1 way to find out, and nobody's coming back to tell the rest of us.

Nature of good and evil? Those are just words describing proper behavior, or lack thereof. There is no good or evil in the supernatural sense. "Evil" would probably be best described as a mental illness, where a particular person didn't connect the right neural pathways during development. A sociopath, or psychopath is a good example.

Morality and ethics? That's pretty clear cut. Most people should have learned that before starting school. It seems that a large part forget over time, or their parents sucked. That boils down to "don't be a dick". Remove your own wants and desires from the equation, and see what's left. If a dick is left, you're doing it wrong.

Thank you. So you seem to be a pragmatist with regard to conceptual thought. If you can't prove it why contemplate it. Do you feel that behavior has intrinsic value beyond the reprocutions in society. Ie, if you could get away with it, is it wrong? Do morals and ethics only apply to human to human interactions or does it include human - nonhuman interactions. When do you know if your being "a dick"?


Nov 27, 2001
I don't really care about religion. I was raised a Baptist for quite a few years, but I never really "caught on"; however, being forced to go sucks.

My thoughts...

Religion was designed by smurt people that realized humans can be easily controlled by one emotion specifically: Fear. Humans tend to be ghastly afraid of things they cannot comprehend or explain and typically search to explain it with anything that is remotely plausible or cannot be easily denied. Religions tend to do this with the "ever-present" being. Religion has kept a majority in line with a specified moral belief with claims of eternal damnation and such if you stepped out of line. Some people also do things such as milking money out of others.

Frankly, they were quite smart.

I don't mind religion so much. As long as someone isn't a horrid zealot (for pro-religion or anti-religion), it's usually alright... as long as they don't hurt themselves or others.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Do you feel that behavior has intrinsic value beyond the reprocutions in society. Ie, if you could get away with it, is it wrong? Do morals and ethics only apply to human to human interactions or does it include human - nonhuman interactions. When do you know if your being "a dick"?

Absolutely not on both accounts. That's also to say that law doesn't make right. Just because something's codified in a book somewhere, doesn't mean you have any moral obligation to follow it. Marijuana laws are a good example. Marijuana is just a plant. It grows, and people can use it, or not. Using it isn't morally wrong, but forbidding others to because... well just because "they" say so(?!) is.

As far as animals go... It's pretty obvious how they'd want to be treated. an animal can be happy, or not. If you're the cause of the animal's unhappiness, you're being a dick. I don't take it to the level Buddhists do, maybe I'm just a dick, but ticks and mosquitoes can go to hell; along with the ants on my counter :^D


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
We often have many lively debates regarding religion on ATOT. So I did a search to see if anyone has ever taken a poll about the demographics of religion is ATOT.

This isn't meant to criticize or preach any one religion or belief structure. I just am interested in the numbers.

I appoligize if this has been done before, but I couldnot find it.

You didn't put the largest group on Earth?

It's called Agnosticism.


Dec 27, 2001
I believe in God.
I believe that Jesus died for our sins.
I believe the Bible is inerrant.

I don't know if I should classify myself. I don't know if its wrong that I don't. I don't know if my dislike of organized religion is a message from God or just Satan messing with me.

I choose pudding.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
You didn't put the largest group on Earth?

It's called Agnosticism.

I appoligize. Would you say that the "Unsure" category was inaccurate regarding Agnosticism. I stated it so in order to allow for those who might not feel comfortable with the title agnostic or are unclear as to what the title entails.


Diamond Member
Nov 4, 2009
I appoligize. Would you say that the "Unsure" category was inaccurate regarding Agnosticism. I stated it so in order to allow for those who might not feel comfortable with the title agnostic or are unclear as to what the title entails.

Your question:

What religion/theology or metaphysical idea do you believe?


I'm unsure what religion/theology or metaphysical idea I believe in.

That means you are confused on whether you are a Jew, a Christian, a Buddhist, an Atheist etc.

That does not mean I am Agnostic, where I accept that there is a possibility of a God/Creator/Entity which is unlikely to be any of the above organized religions.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
Since I'd say you seem quite interest in how others see life, I'll give my response to that.

Man is just man, I see every culture as having their own version of good and their own interpretation of evil. We are capable of some truly disturbing things, and equally capable of feats that are incredibly heroic.

What happens after death? I have my own rather comforting way of approaching it. We are self-aware, something that life ultimately shouldn't have, but then again, life itself is a rather pointless affair. Since we can think about life itself, think within instead of just observing and reacting to the world, we know we will die. We know what it means. And we build our world up to make everything carry so much value, we demand from the gods that we must be special. We have to be, we see ourselves as unique and therefore there is no other way to explain it, we say we are special and worthy of immortality. We don't die, we merely transcend different realms of existence.
So what do I think? Well aside from accepting that after death is absolutely nothing, we can still have a valuable life, and reach immortality in a spiritual sense. We just have to continue doing what we do. People are remembered when they are worth remembering. People are held on tall pedestals for they have done, or cast into the deepest pit for their actions. Figuratively, of course. Unless it's a statue, than the figure is literal.
We should all strive for that. Everyone has to make life valuable in their own way, and religion has a way of breeding that in some individuals. They do it for the wrong cause, and some can go to the opposite and terrible lengths to spread their faith, but... in the end some people do some damn awesome things for their fellow brethren. I respect those, and only those, that actually do something for others. Sacrifice for the betterment of all is the only thing we should ultimately concern ourselves with.
We can still get rich, we can still have large free markets, but people just have to change their character. We have to instill the belief that we can all be remembered if we do something worth remembering. Take action when there is a call to arms, figuratively of course. Because quite honestly, that siren's song will always be there. There is a positive way to approach every moment you will ever live, a negative way, and the approach most individuals take, the apathetic approach of zero value.

Ultimately, I am apathetic to every little question of mankind. I long to understand the universe, but I have come to terms with my life quite a long time ago. There is zero value to the physical aspect of life, but we are here, there is no turning back. We can have nearly a century each of time spent on this Earth, we might as well all try and make something of that time trying to do everything possible to make life better for the future generations. Sadly, most people like to look at the problems we all face, and simply pass the problem to the next generation, figuring they'll be smarter and more capable of handling it. Inaction does nothing, at least failure will ultimately breed success in the end. That's how we learn, we always try. If you try something to change things for the better and fail, you won't be remembered as a failure, you'll be remembered as someone who wasn't afraid to try and paved the way for the future.

So if I may seem so bold as to condense. To be metaphysical you, neither believe in a creator god nor do you believe in a soul. This may seem indivisible but many Hindu believe in a soul that reincarnates but do not believe in a creator god. Some are panentheistic and believe that all life is one big soul that has variable penitrance into the physical realm.

You have atheistic beliefs, but contend that ones actions have lasting effects. you believe
But do these effects fade with time, or is there a true "butterfly" effect. Do we produce just ripples in the stream or do we alter its course?
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