Porn damnit!

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Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: AndrewR
In this respect, the US has more in common with Muslim countries than with Europe. Porn is so titillating because it's hidden and shunned. We can't look at a woman's breasts without buying a magazine wrapped in plastic and hidden on the top shelf. We make it sordid by creating a mystique of elicitness. In France, where I lived for a little while, nudity was more common but less shocking.

We all have bodies, and most of us have sex so why is it considered so awful to see them both? As someone said, as long as it doesn't control your life, I see no harm in it. I also think most men can differentiate between porn stars and real women, unless they are also making themselves feel very inadequate watching the horse hung male porn stars.

do you want to see people having sex in public? there is such a thing as decency. i don't care whether people watch porn, even though it is my opinion that you shouldn't (and yes i've watched tons and tons of porn, i'm not perfect). i agree with the life controlling part, as that would cause a huge problem in relationships.

"Decency" and "modesty" in this context are nothing more than cultural affectations taught to us by a society that is for some strange reason ashamed of sexuality and the human body.

yes, because it's perfectly reasonable for children to see sex, try and emulate that, and wind up with their own kids at the age of 12:disgust:

i'll repeat part of a previous post of mine: at my home, every single daycare in public high schools in the tri-county area is at maximum capacity. that's unacceptable. it's money taxpayers shouldn't have to spend, and responsibility those kids shouldn't have to bear, because they're sure as hell not in a great position to raise a family.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2005
Originally posted by: TheGingerbreadGenius
If we can hold a mature (yadda yadda) conversation about whether we think it's a good or bad thing, what ages people should access it at, whether it's too prevelant on the internet or whatever. Anything like that.

This thread's sorta sparked by me reading the thread in the OS Forum about removing porn from someone's PC. So I'd like to hear some opinions si vous plait.

It'd be very interesting to hear some female points of view on this subject too. Do you enjoy porn, find it repulsive?

If you're in a relationship, do you still view porn, does your partner know?

Personally I'm not a fan of porn. I'm a 15yr old male teenager and I've been there and done that. I quit by force of will but I'll be honest and say that IMO it had got to a vague addiction level. I've got lots of friends who look at it though and it doesn't have an affect on their personality, never did for me either. I just didn't like being sucked into something like that. I'll explain why I don't like the porn industry:

It seems to me that our society is becoming increasingly obsessed by sex. It's used everywhere, marketing and the like. I don't like living in a world where six year old kids can watch near naked women on TV easily? It's rammed down our throats too much. I think that sex is a part of love and needs to be seen and celebrated for that, but we teenagers need to be left to discover it. We need to be allowed to discover the different intimacies of whatever. We shouldn't be seeing some porn star do something and then think 'Should I be doing that during sex?'. Sex education should stay of course and the contraception message needs to be increased but I don't think that people should have all this eroticism surrounding them all the time. It takes the magic etc out of it. It gives sex the wrong image and IMO stuff like the teen porn is very borderline.

Heck, I'm coming to the conclusion that the 'stereotypical' attractive woman image that most teenage males is only held because it's been pushed onto them. If they thought about it enough it wouldn't appear attractive. S'what happened to me. I find it disturbing that this 'ideal' woman touted by a load of porn circles is basically a pre-pubescent girl with huge breasts (lack of pubic hair etc). We should be allowed to make up our own minds from scratch about what we think is attractive.

I just don't like the way sex is used to sell so much, and the way that what used to be the ultimate expression of love has become this warped image of lust etc.

Kids are being pushed to become sexual too young IMO, we ARE growing up too fast in that respect, I don't think it's right in society that I can have 11yr old kids yell at me insulting and disgustingly intimate questions pertaining to my girlfriend and I.

Btw: I know that I'm using the wrong words for some of this when I say things like 'porn is pushed on us' it's obviously 100% on when we view it or not but I do feel like society encourages us to take to it too much.

But still, I don't think it's really that harmful to most people and I'm a huge advocate of free choice so people should do whatever they want. Whether it's looking at porn or not. I just choose not to and dislike the porn industry in general.


I think that violence is much worse of a problem and innately harmful, as opposed to sex.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: AndrewR
In this respect, the US has more in common with Muslim countries than with Europe. Porn is so titillating because it's hidden and shunned. We can't look at a woman's breasts without buying a magazine wrapped in plastic and hidden on the top shelf. We make it sordid by creating a mystique of elicitness. In France, where I lived for a little while, nudity was more common but less shocking.

We all have bodies, and most of us have sex so why is it considered so awful to see them both? As someone said, as long as it doesn't control your life, I see no harm in it. I also think most men can differentiate between porn stars and real women, unless they are also making themselves feel very inadequate watching the horse hung male porn stars.

do you want to see people having sex in public? there is such a thing as decency. i don't care whether people watch porn, even though it is my opinion that you shouldn't (and yes i've watched tons and tons of porn, i'm not perfect). i agree with the life controlling part, as that would cause a huge problem in relationships.

"Decency" and "modesty" in this context are nothing more than cultural affectations taught to us by a society that is for some strange reason ashamed of sexuality and the human body.

yes, because it's perfectly reasonable for children to see sex, try and emulate that, and wind up with their own kids at the age of 12:disgust:

i'll repeat part of a previous post of mine: at my home, every single daycare in public high schools in the tri-county area is at maximum capacity. that's unacceptable. it's money taxpayers shouldn't have to spend, and responsibility those kids shouldn't have to bear, because they're sure as hell not in a great position to raise a family.

And you have evidence to support your hypothesis that porn is the cause of this? Please detail any research you have done on the subject, other than just mindless ranting here.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
yes no kidding, violence, ignorance, bigotry, poverty... but oh noes, the penis is teh evil!


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: AndrewR
In this respect, the US has more in common with Muslim countries than with Europe. Porn is so titillating because it's hidden and shunned. We can't look at a woman's breasts without buying a magazine wrapped in plastic and hidden on the top shelf. We make it sordid by creating a mystique of elicitness. In France, where I lived for a little while, nudity was more common but less shocking.

We all have bodies, and most of us have sex so why is it considered so awful to see them both? As someone said, as long as it doesn't control your life, I see no harm in it. I also think most men can differentiate between porn stars and real women, unless they are also making themselves feel very inadequate watching the horse hung male porn stars.

do you want to see people having sex in public? there is such a thing as decency. i don't care whether people watch porn, even though it is my opinion that you shouldn't (and yes i've watched tons and tons of porn, i'm not perfect). i agree with the life controlling part, as that would cause a huge problem in relationships.

"Decency" and "modesty" in this context are nothing more than cultural affectations taught to us by a society that is for some strange reason ashamed of sexuality and the human body.

yes, because it's perfectly reasonable for children to see sex, try and emulate that, and wind up with their own kids at the age of 12:disgust:

i'll repeat part of a previous post of mine: at my home, every single daycare in public high schools in the tri-county area is at maximum capacity. that's unacceptable. it's money taxpayers shouldn't have to spend, and responsibility those kids shouldn't have to bear, because they're sure as hell not in a great position to raise a family.

And you have evidence to support your hypothesis that porn is the cause of this? Please detail any research you have done on the subject, other than just mindless ranting here.

i'm not trying to argue that porn is the cause of this, i'm arguing that a overly liberal attitude towards sex, which has serious consequences (having kids), is the cause of this. widespread porn is a part of that. i'm not suggesting regulation of it by any means, just stating an opinion about it.


Senior member
Mar 16, 2005
Once in a while, I admit I spend a night looking at free porn on the net. I paid for it once, to download a bunch of movies that were pretty good, but there's so much free stuff out there, it's crazy to pay. They do really need to make a law that makes all porn have .XXX at the end. This is to make it easy to pretty much totally block it, so that people like the religious fanatics I work with don't see it. One guy I work with constantly rants and raves about how it "destroys families", but when pressed, never really comes up with a rational explanation as to how/why it does, except for the truly addicted guys who spend huge amounts of money on it, and that could jsut as well be caused by being hooked on gambling, cars, or even radios. I know people who have gotten into trouble for all those reasons.

But most normal guys like to look at pics of attractive women. A lot of women don't understand this at all. It really has nothing to do with their looks, etc, it's just the way we are.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: AndrewR
In this respect, the US has more in common with Muslim countries than with Europe. Porn is so titillating because it's hidden and shunned. We can't look at a woman's breasts without buying a magazine wrapped in plastic and hidden on the top shelf. We make it sordid by creating a mystique of elicitness. In France, where I lived for a little while, nudity was more common but less shocking.

We all have bodies, and most of us have sex so why is it considered so awful to see them both? As someone said, as long as it doesn't control your life, I see no harm in it. I also think most men can differentiate between porn stars and real women, unless they are also making themselves feel very inadequate watching the horse hung male porn stars.

do you want to see people having sex in public? there is such a thing as decency. i don't care whether people watch porn, even though it is my opinion that you shouldn't (and yes i've watched tons and tons of porn, i'm not perfect). i agree with the life controlling part, as that would cause a huge problem in relationships.

"Decency" and "modesty" in this context are nothing more than cultural affectations taught to us by a society that is for some strange reason ashamed of sexuality and the human body.

yes, because it's perfectly reasonable for children to see sex, try and emulate that, and wind up with their own kids at the age of 12:disgust:

i'll repeat part of a previous post of mine: at my home, every single daycare in public high schools in the tri-county area is at maximum capacity. that's unacceptable. it's money taxpayers shouldn't have to spend, and responsibility those kids shouldn't have to bear, because they're sure as hell not in a great position to raise a family.

And you have evidence to support your hypothesis that porn is the cause of this? Please detail any research you have done on the subject, other than just mindless ranting here.

i'm not trying to argue that porn is the cause of this, i'm arguing that a overly liberal attitude towards sex, which has serious consequences (having kids), is the cause of this. widespread porn is a part of that. i'm not suggesting regulation of it by any means, just stating an opinion about it.

I would view with a great deal of skepticism your suggestion that an "overly liberal attitude towards sex" is the root cause, unless you can provide evidence. In response, I would put forth the hypothesis that factors such as lack of education, poor economic situations, and poor family environments play a much greater role.

It's quite possible that what is needed is more liberal attitude with regard to sexuality, rather than a more draconian and religiously motivated sexual repression. This could promote better sexual education so that young people know how to more safely engage in sexual activity with better knowledge of the risks and consequences, and thus be better prepared to both avoid them and to deal with them if they do occur.

Do other countries with a more liberal attitude toward sex have the same issues?


Golden Member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: eits
i look at porn daily.... can't help myself.

however, i don't agree with it... i think it's bad. i think that it gives girls who were abused as kid an unhealthy outlet. it also desensitizes people to the joys, thrills, and feeling of exclusiveness during sex.

hey, i'm a hypocrit on this issue... i know i am. at least i've got the balls to say it rather than try to justify it.

That's the funniest thing I ever read....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Reck
american culture is the only culture that HATES sex. :disgust:

this should read....
we are one of the only countries in the world where sex is bad but violence is fine..
we have a very puritanical view of sex and nudity which is very unhealthy.
Sex and the Human body are a beatiful thing and our country frowns upon both...

travel the globe and you will see that I am correct.. Europe Canada and even Asia are way less uptight about nudity sex than we are here.


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: stnicralisk
Originally posted by: eits
i look at porn daily.... can't help myself.

however, i don't agree with it... i think it's bad. i think that it gives girls who were abused as kid an unhealthy outlet. it also desensitizes people to the joys, thrills, and feeling of exclusiveness during sex.

hey, i'm a hypocrit on this issue... i know i am. at least i've got the balls to say it rather than try to justify it.

You really believe that girls who were abused as a child are going to go out and find some alternative to doing porno if porno wasnt around? You dont think they might just slut around?

i never implied that. what i was trying to say is that there's something wrong about getting your jollies from a girl who got the way she is because she was abused as a kid. rather than sort out her problems constructively and see a therapist, she resorted to porn. that's not to say that ALL pornstars were abused or that all abused people end up in porn.

as for people who were abused and couldn't get into porn, sure... they'd probably end up being sluts or junkies or whatever, but at least it's not plastered all over society to readily and progressively desensitize people to sex.

So its better that they get aids and become drug addicted then make mad bank getting fvcked on camera...

And who are we to say these women were abused. Surely some of them were. But should we do anything about there anything we could do about it? Ban the production of porn, it'll just go underground and these women will strip...maybe become prostitutes. What is a safer industry to be in...the porn industry or prostitution? You can't save people that don't want to be saved. We banned drugs...that sure got rid of the problem. We tried banning booze for awhile...that didn't seem to go over to well.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Sad to see them being brainwashed so young... Sex is natural and without it none of us would be here. Only in the US and the middle east is it demonized while violence in its stead is encouraged :roll: I think more porn, and less stigma attached to it, would do us a world of good.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: meltdown75
i can't imagine going through puberty with the amount of pr0n available these days.

honestly, i would have wacked myself to death!

I did my fair share of it without any porn. It's not entirely necessary for the process, after all

thats what the W*nk Bank is for, no porn is better than the images your mind generates


Senior member
Oct 5, 2005
I couldn't help but post to this one.

The concept of pornography does not really bother me as much as the method of execution. Yes, we in America tend to be a lot less open about the ideas of sex and nudity in comparison to those in Europe. If you want to sit down and look at a couple pictures of people getting it on, that's fine, enjoy yourself, and I think Europeans are much better about that. I will never forget being in Germany for the first time a few years ago, sitting down at an internet cafe, and having the guy one foot away from me perusing porno sites while drinking a coffee, not in the least bit worried I would notice what he was looking at.

But where I have the problem is in exactly what the OP said. I do not like the image pornography portrays about what is attractive in a woman. Coming from a girl, I do not like the idea of younger girls trying to live up to an image of a 14-year-old's body with enormous breasts and a bald *****.

When I was 12 (10 years ago), I was hardly thinking about sex. Over the past few years, I worked with kids, and this past summer I had a 12-year-old girl approach me and tell me that she made-out with another one of the girls her age. I know there will be a few guys that jump on this and say, "That's awesome!" but they weren't doing it because they truly liked each other or had an interest in doing that, but rather because that's what they thought would be attractive to the other guys.

I know I'm focused on the image of women in pornography, because I'm a girl, but I'm sure the same goes for men a lot of the time. I don't happen to find huge beefy men with lots of muscles attractive. But that's an image that a lot of guys are taught to aim for.

But overall, I agree with a lot of what the OP said. I think sex is becoming more and more an idea of lust instead of an idea of love. I think it's great to be open about it, and we should, but it is presented in a such a poor manner nowadays that kids get a completely warped idea of what it is and what it means.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: stnicralisk
Originally posted by: eits
i look at porn daily.... can't help myself.

however, i don't agree with it... i think it's bad. i think that it gives girls who were abused as kid an unhealthy outlet. it also desensitizes people to the joys, thrills, and feeling of exclusiveness during sex.

hey, i'm a hypocrit on this issue... i know i am. at least i've got the balls to say it rather than try to justify it.

You really believe that girls who were abused as a child are going to go out and find some alternative to doing porno if porno wasnt around? You dont think they might just slut around?

i never implied that. what i was trying to say is that there's something wrong about getting your jollies from a girl who got the way she is because she was abused as a kid. rather than sort out her problems constructively and see a therapist, she resorted to porn. that's not to say that ALL pornstars were abused or that all abused people end up in porn.

as for people who were abused and couldn't get into porn, sure... they'd probably end up being sluts or junkies or whatever, but at least it's not plastered all over society to readily and progressively desensitize people to sex.

So its better that they get aids and become drug addicted then make mad bank getting fvcked on camera...

And who are we to say these women were abused. Surely some of them were. But should we do anything about there anything we could do about it? Ban the production of porn, it'll just go underground and these women will strip...maybe become prostitutes. What is a safer industry to be in...the porn industry or prostitution? You can't save people that don't want to be saved. We banned drugs...that sure got rid of the problem. We tried banning booze for awhile...that didn't seem to go over to well.

so, all pornstars will become prostitutes if they couldn't do porn?


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: stnicralisk
Originally posted by: eits
i look at porn daily.... can't help myself.

however, i don't agree with it... i think it's bad. i think that it gives girls who were abused as kid an unhealthy outlet. it also desensitizes people to the joys, thrills, and feeling of exclusiveness during sex.

hey, i'm a hypocrit on this issue... i know i am. at least i've got the balls to say it rather than try to justify it.

You really believe that girls who were abused as a child are going to go out and find some alternative to doing porno if porno wasnt around? You dont think they might just slut around?

i never implied that. what i was trying to say is that there's something wrong about getting your jollies from a girl who got the way she is because she was abused as a kid. rather than sort out her problems constructively and see a therapist, she resorted to porn. that's not to say that ALL pornstars were abused or that all abused people end up in porn.

as for people who were abused and couldn't get into porn, sure... they'd probably end up being sluts or junkies or whatever, but at least it's not plastered all over society to readily and progressively desensitize people to sex.

So its better that they get aids and become drug addicted then make mad bank getting fvcked on camera...

And who are we to say these women were abused. Surely some of them were. But should we do anything about there anything we could do about it? Ban the production of porn, it'll just go underground and these women will strip...maybe become prostitutes. What is a safer industry to be in...the porn industry or prostitution? You can't save people that don't want to be saved. We banned drugs...that sure got rid of the problem. We tried banning booze for awhile...that didn't seem to go over to well.

so, all pornstars will become prostitutes if they couldn't do porn? But if you're in the business of getting fvcked for money then you're better off in porno then on a street somewhere.


Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Crescent13
I'm a 14 y/o male teenager

Like you said, been there, done that, and I'm tired of porn now.


Found a GF already ?
Oct 19, 2005
Sorry for the HORRENDOUS necro Anandtech. But moving house and exams etc made me have to forgo the 'net for a while. Still, I wanted to come back to this thread.

I don't think that porn in itself is inherently evil, and as I said I think it should be allowed, I'm just not a fan personally. The .xxx domain idea is a really good idea in my mind.

I don't have a problem with nudity (ie, people sunbathing topless), it's just when it gets to the whole: 'sister on siter lesbian action!' sort of thing that I start to disagree with it. Think about it, when you get right down to it isn't it a bit strange (and in my mind vaguely disturbing) that people get aroused by seeing two sisters pleasure each other like that? I dislike the way sex is used to sell stuff and the way it's become the focus for a lot of things.

I'll agree with the statement that porn probably does cut down on the amount of violence we feel as teens though, the way I see it testosterone has to get out somehow.

Another thing that surprised me is that it seems like a lot of people with partners are absolutely fine with their partners looking at porn or vice versa, I'd never be OK with that and neither would my partner. I suppose I'm naive (and at 15 there's no way I'm going to claim to know everything) but I'm a believer in relationships where the partners satisfy each other totally in all areas like that. As I said, naive I suppose.

Someone commented on what I said about people being 'forced' to find this 'ideal' woman attractive, I didn't say that everyone was slavishly attached to it. Quite frankly I'm glad to see that other people don't find it so attractive anymore. Took me a while to realise that it wasn't. I applaud the man who looks outside of that 'box' (and I don't criticise the guy who doesn't either, personal choice etc).

It seems from some of what I've read around here and a few other places that some people get 'hooked' on porn in a bad way and others don't. I looked at it for years straight and it didn't affect my idea of women at all.

I agree with the woman who talked about it destroying the 'innocence' of discovering that sort of thing for yourself. Yet again, I guess this is where I'm being 'naive' again but I like the idea of people discovering it for themselves instead of thinking 'Oh crap! I should be doing THIS at this stage of sex!'. When you get down to it, people are seeing a bunch of rules where there are none.

It's probably different for different age groups too, but I suppose my generation is the first to grow up with such easy access to this sort of thing.

I have no idea if I'd like things to change, it's something I'm going to think about I suppose.

Religion has nothing to do with my opinions here either, I used to be Christian, but not anymore.

As for all my comments about being naive, I had a thought: Is it really a bad thing?
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