Post Riddles


Dec 1, 2000
0) You get on a boat with a large boulder in it. You push the boat off into the middle of the lake where it floats. Now you take the boulder and shove it off; it sinks. Does the water level raise, sink, or stay the same? Second, now you jump off the boat, but because of your wide girth you float. What happens to the water level now?

1) A guy walks into a coffee shop. He orders a regular coffee and sits down, and the waitress brings over the coffee. After a few minutes, he notices a cockroach at the bottom of his coffee. He immediately tells the waitress to get him a new cup instead (he probably should have walked out). After a few minutes, she walks out with a cup without a roach in it which is full and hands it to him. The guy gets up accuses the girl of giving him the same cup of coffee and demands to speak to the manager. How did he know?

2) You are given a two strings which both at their lengths burns at variable times (differential rates, example - burn at 1 inch/sec than in an instant 4 inch/sec than back). The total amount that one string burns is one hour (i.e. both strings burn in an hour). You are given a match and are told that unless you measure 15 minutes with these strings you will be killed, what do you do?

Explanation for those who don't know what differential is. The rope/string will burn at variable rates, i.e. - the string can burn a yard a sec at one point and then burn at an inch a sec at another. All you are given is two string, both of which burn for a total of one hour. In other words, one string lit at one end will burn for a total of one hour. Same for the other string. I have given a clue here.
(Solved by tasburrfoot7862)
3) There are 3 lights in a closed room and three switches outside. You must correlate the switches to the lights while only entering the room once. Assuming all lights are off. How do you do it?
(Solved by tasburrfoot7862)
4) You are a detective and have found a man, hanging by his neck from a rope from the ceiling, dead. There is no furniture or place for this man to stand to get to the hanging point. The room is humid and stale at the same time. How did the man kill himself?
(Solved by Mwilding)
5) A man lives on the top floor of his building (36th floor). Everyday he gets up cooks breakfast, prepares a lunch, kisses his wife and goes to work. One day while going to work, the elevator stops on the 16th floor, and the man suddenly cries out, "My wife is dead." After 3-5 minutes, his prediction comes true. How does he know? (not homicide, the man loved his wife)
(Solved by dds14u)
6) 3 POWs are taken into a dark room with three chairs. The 3 chairs are lined up all facing forward (i.e. the back chair is facing the first 2 chairs, the middle chair is facing the 1st chair, the first chair is facing the wall). The men are seated and all are shown 3 white hats and 2 black hats. Each man has a random hat place on top of his head. He cannot see his own hat, but can see the color of the hats that are in front of him (the back seat can see the two front seat hats, the middle seat can see the front hat, the front seat can see nothing). Men can never take off the hats to look at them, but whoever guesses the color of their hat, can leave the POW camp. The other two will be killed. You only get one guess, and if you are wrong you are shot. AFTER AN EXTREMELY LONG TIME, one of the POWs gets up, names his hat color and walks out of the camp. Which POW according to chair placement figured it out, and what was his color?
I have some harder ones, but that is it for now.

Solutions below.

***Solution 0:***
The water level lowers when the boulder is dropped. It remains the same when you float.

Explanation: Imagine the boulder is flattened out to an infinitesimal sheet with the same density in it. With the same density it will still sink. It will displace the amount of water relative to its surface area. Now imagine that I take that sheet and curve it so that it barely floats. Now I have displaced the surface area of the rock plus the amount of space displace by the curvature (This is the same as saying I decreased the density of the rock so that it floats). So when something floats it displaces more water than if it sinks.

Alternate explanation: Take a piece of wood that floats. It displaces a lot of water. Now crush it in a compactor to increase the density, and it sinks. It displaces less water.

Now, since the rock's weight is held up by the boat, it will displace more water on the boat then when it sinks. Since you float either way, on the boat or by yourself (hypothetical of course), you displace the same amount of water either way.

***Solution 1:***
1) The man had sweetened his coffee. So when he tasted the coffee he knew it was the same cup. (No one got it)

***Solution 2:***
2) <Discounting the marginal human err> Light one string on both ends and light the other string on one end. When the first string burns out, use the lit end of the remaining string and light the other end. (No one got it)

Math explanation: Since the string burns at differential rates, you cannot fold the ends and do anthing of that nonsense. But since you know that the string burns at a full hour, lighting both ends will burn at half that amount (i.e. 30 minutes). If you can time thirty minutes than, if you light one end of the remaining string for 30 minutes (using the other string as a timer) you know that the string will burn for a remainder of 30 minutes. You can half that time by lighting the other end and telling the killer to start timing from then.

***Solution 3:***
3) Turn on two lights for five minutes, turn off one light switch. Check bulb for warmth but off, correlates to on turned off switch; Bulb that is on, on switch; Bulb off, off switch (Solved by tasburrfoot7862)

***Solution 4:***
4) He used a block of ice. (Solved by tasburrfoot7862)

Will post the first two if someone doesn't get it in 30 minutes.

***Solution 5:***
5) The man's wife is on life support. The elevator stopped on the 16th floor due to a power failure. Wife dies. The only way for the man to instantaniously know his wife will die is if something in the elevator told him that something has or will happen in his apartment. The most likely or simple answer is a power failure. Why would someone die after 3-5 minutes if there is a power failure.... they are on life support. (Solved by Mwilding)

***Solution 6:***
6) If 1 & 2 are black, 3 would instantaneously know white.
If 1 is black, and 3 doesn't answer immediately, 2 should realize he is white.
... Neither case fits the EXTREMELY LONG TIME.
The one condition that is equivalent in these two combonations should be switched.

The first chair POW (1) should realize that 2 and 3 cannot answer the question because his hat is white. (Solved by dds14u)

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
A guy walks into a coffee shop. He orders a regular coffee and sits down, and the waitress brings over the coffee. After a few minutes, he notices a cockroach at the bottom of his coffee. He immediately tells the waitress to get him a few cup instead (he probably should have walked out). After a few minutes, she walks out with a cup and hands it to him. The guy gets up acuses the girl of giving him the same cup of coffee and demands to speak to the manager. How did he know?

The roach was still in the coffee?


Dec 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Zim Hosein
A guy walks into a coffee shop. He orders a regular coffee and sits down, and the waitress brings over the coffee. After a few minutes, he notices a cockroach at the bottom of his coffee. He immediately tells the waitress to get him a few cup instead (he probably should have walked out). After a few minutes, she walks out with a cup and hands it to him. The guy gets up acuses the girl of giving him the same cup of coffee and demands to speak to the manager. How did he know?

The roach was still in the coffee?

Nope try again

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
There are 3 lights in a closed room and three switches outside. You must correlate the switches to the lights while only entering the room once. How do you do it?

Look through the crack under the door?

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
You are given a two strings which both at their lengths burns at variable times (differential rates, example - burn at 1 inch/sec than in an instant 4 inch/sec than back). The total amount that one string burns is one hour (i.e. both strings burn in an hour). You are given a match and are told that unless you measure 15 minutes with these strings you will be killed, what do you do?

Realize that I won't figure it out and use the match to enjoy one last cigarette?

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
You are a detective and have found a man, hanging by his neck from a rope from the ceiling, dead. There is no furniture or place for this man to stand to get to the hanging point. The room is humid and stale at the same time. How did the man kill himself?

Where's that CSI episode when you need it?

Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Originally posted by: DaShen
A guy walks into a coffee shop. He orders a regular coffee and sits down, and the waitress brings over the coffee. After a few minutes, he notices a cockroach at the bottom of his coffee. He immediately tells the waitress to get him a few cup instead (he probably should have walked out). After a few minutes, she walks out with a cup without a roach in it and hands it to him. The guy gets up acuses the girl of giving him the same cup of coffee and demands to speak to the manager. How did he know?


You are given a two strings which both at their lengths burns at variable times (differential rates, example - burn at 1 inch/sec than in an instant 4 inch/sec than back). The total amount that one string burns is one hour (i.e. both strings burn in an hour). You are given a match and are told that unless you measure 15 minutes with these strings you will be killed, what do you do?


There are 3 lights in a closed room and three switches outside. You must correlate the switches to the lights while only entering the room once. How do you do it?


You are a detective and have found a man, hanging by his neck from a rope from the ceiling, dead. There is no furniture or place for this man to stand to get to the hanging point. The room is humid and stale at the same time. How did the man kill himself?

I have some harder ones, but that is it for now.

#3: Turn on one light, and leave it on for five minutes, then turn it off. Turn on another light. Go in the room, and whatever light is warm but off is the first switch. And then you go off of whatever is on / off for the remaining two.

#4: He stood on a block of ice.




Aug 14, 2000
Originally posted by: BrianH1
How can he see a roach at the bottom of his cup? Coffee is darrrrrrk.

yeah, he would have had to drink the coffee before he could see the roach .. so maybe she fished it out and didn't refill the cup?

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: eakers
Originally posted by: BrianH1
How can he see a roach at the bottom of his cup? Coffee is darrrrrrk.

yeah, he would have had to drink the coffee before he could see the roach .. so maybe she fished it out and didn't refill the cup?

Ewww... :Q


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by: DaShen
Originally posted by: Zim Hosein
A guy walks into a coffee shop. He orders a regular coffee and sits down, and the waitress brings over the coffee. After a few minutes, he notices a cockroach at the bottom of his coffee. He immediately tells the waitress to get him a few cup instead (he probably should have walked out). After a few minutes, she walks out with a cup and hands it to him. The guy gets up acuses the girl of giving him the same cup of coffee and demands to speak to the manager. How did he know?

The roach was still in the coffee?

Nope try again
The coffee was cold?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2003
How do you make 30 cents with 2 coins if one of them cannot be a nickel? (American money)

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: rnp614
How do you make 30 cents with 2 coins if one of them cannot be a nickel? (American money)



Jun 2, 2000
Originally posted by: DaShen
You are given a two strings which both at their lengths burns at variable times (differential rates, example - burn at 1 inch/sec than in an instant 4 inch/sec than back). The total amount that one string burns is one hour (i.e. both strings burn in an hour). You are given a match and are told that unless you measure 15 minutes with these strings you will be killed, what do you do?

I would tell the Killer to reword the challenge so it's understandable, or else I'm not playing.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: rnp614
How do you make 30 cents with 2 coins if one of them cannot be a nickel? (American money)
A quarter and a nickel.

ONE of them cannot be a nickel. A quarter is not a nickel.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by: DaShen
You are given a two strings which both at their lengths burns at variable times (differential rates, example - burn at 1 inch/sec than in an instant 4 inch/sec than back). The total amount that one string burns is one hour (i.e. both strings burn in an hour). You are given a match and are told that unless you measure 15 minutes with these strings you will be killed, what do you do?
Your grammar is so terrible for these that I can barely understand what you're getting at. If I understand you correctly, you have two strings that burn at different rates, but they both would burn to nothing in exactly one hour. You want to burn a piece of each that, in total, would burn for 15 minutes (so one piece of one burns for, say, 5 minutes, and one piece of the other would have to burn for 10 minutes). If that's the case, just fold them both in half, then in half again, then in half again. Take that length of string from each and you should have 7 1/2 minutes of burn in both.

Seriously, learn to write.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2003
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: rnp614
How do you make 30 cents with 2 coins if one of them cannot be a nickel? (American money)
A quarter and a nickel.

ONE of them cannot be a nickel. A quarter is not a nickel.



Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by: DaShen
There are 3 lights in a closed room and three switches outside. You must correlate the switches to the lights while only entering the room once. How do you do it?
Flip the switches and watch the light from under the door? I don't see a part that stipulates I can't see light coming from under the door.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: rnp614
How do you make 30 cents with 2 coins if one of them cannot be a nickel? (American money)
A quarter and a nickel.

ONE of them cannot be a nickel. A quarter is not a nickel.

haha, nice

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
I found one:

How many letters are in the alphabet?


Diamond Member
May 25, 2005
Originally posted by: rnp614
How do you make 30 cents with 2 coins if one of them cannot be a nickel? (American money)

a quarter and a nickel (the quarter is not a nickel)

edit: a bit late


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2000
Originally posted by: tasburrfoot78362
#3: Turn on one light, and leave it on for five minutes, then turn it off. Turn on another light. Go in the room, and whatever light is warm but off is the first switch. And then you go off of whatever is on / off for the remaining two.

Assuming all three lights are off when you start...
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