Congratulations, Peter Trend! Well crunched!
It certainly does feel crunchy! ^^
Congratulations to these team mates for milestones achieved on Monday/Tuesday/Today...
kimmyl __________ 4,500,000 BOINC combined
idlorj ___________55,000,000 BOINC combined
allio ______________ 350,000 BOINC combined
sochams __________ 250,000 BOINC combined
rabrittain ________ 2,500,000 BOINC combined
Alyx _________________ 500 RNA World
biodoc ______________ 5,000 RNA World
kenneth ___________ 200,000 Rosetta@Home
Peter_Trend _________ 3,000 QuantumFIRE Alpha
Dr. Stephen Morrow___80,000 Poem@Home
waffleironhead _______ 4,000 Eon
Peter_Trend ________ 40,000 Collatz Conjecture
Neurodog __________ 30,000 Primegrid
kimmyl __________ 4,500,000 Primegrid
Alyx __________________100 Virtual Prairie
Alyx _______________ 10,000 NFS@Home
Alyx _______________ 25,000 Leiden Classical
Alyx ________________ 4,000 FreeHAL@Home
Alyx _______________ 10,000 Edges@Home Beta
Alyx ________________ 2,000 DNETC@HOME
Rebel Alliance _______ 90,000 Einstein@Home
Neurodog __________ 150,000 DNETC@HOME
Sofa King___________ 90,000 Collatz Conjecture
Xeltrix _____________ 50,000 World Community Grid
ElFenix ____________ 350,000 Climate Prediction
Perry Maskell ____ 20,000,000 Collatz Conjecture
CrimsonWolf ________ 700,000 Milkyway@Home
Robert Everly _____ 1,500,000 Milkyway@Home
chusteczka _________700,000 QMC@Home
Fardringle ___________ 7,000 WUProp@Home
Wiz ________________ 40,000 Rosetta@Home
petrusbroder _________ 2,000 Eon
Evadman ___________ 80,000 Einstein@Home
Xeltrix _____________ 200,000 Einstein@Home
Way to go!