Potential Hot Deal on AMD CPU/Mobo/XP x64 Combo

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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: lsman
Too bad. Hope they will get a better bundle list to replace..

maybe they'll make some sandy or x2 bundles :Q


Senior member
Jan 17, 2000
Gah this blows! The tour hasn't even made all it's stops yet. I hope they make the bundles available for order again. :/


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
i'll be pissed and shocked if they don't replenish the supply by the time it hits boston. its a freakin month away.


Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: najamesThey said over 1000 attended, more than expected evidently since there were not enough chairs.

They're idiots if they didn't expect that many peeps. They should be able to tell how many registered attendees they have. And if they couldn't facilitate over a certain amount, they ought have have limited registration.

I am surprised however about the grumbling you heard regarding non-IT/Tech folks attending. I've been to 2 previous Tech Tour events here in Seattle (and won both times!). The first one was very general, definitely not targeted to any one particular niche of computer users/admins. The second one however, I have to say was heavily targeted toward gamers. They had game stations set up and everything.


Senior member
Nov 12, 2002
Its easy to say MS has NO shortage of copys of XP64 or SERVER 2003/64 - and Its easy to say that AMD has no shortage of 3200+ 64 939's as well as ASUS haveing plenty of A8N-E's
The question remains does TYAN have more of these older boards to meet these demands and does AMD have older version C Opterons 246's that do not run on the Newer more current TYAN boards with PCI-E.
Would be sweet if AMD uped the anty with a more current server bundle.
If not AMD's representation and Marketing team are a bunch of INCOMPETENT group of individuals.There is no way a company like this should be SOLD OUT after 4 shows out of 13
This said people around the Boston NJ Seattle events may not have even attempted to register @ this point because its so far away in the futor.People do have ever changeing lives and may have been sitting back to see how the calander looks befor comitting and dumpping out a bunch of cash to attending an event such as this.
So AMD if your reading this your disclaimer stated you must register and pay with in 24 hours in advance to the show to qualify for the bundles -or some thing like that and there was no mention WHILE SUPPLYS LAST.
That said these are some bad/sad numbers 4 out of 13 and ansd sold out - plenty of people may have not registered for the futor upcomeing events as of yet.
If AMD sold 1000's at begining events and didn't save any for the later events then they don't deserve to have any of those markets Buisness.:thumbsdown:

EDIT:I think AMD should disclose the Bundle count per event sold and give us the enduser who were emailed an opertunity to see whats really going on.


Senior member
Oct 11, 2004
HeroOfPellinor & Codeyf

They were HEAVILY targeting people that build systems in quantities for a living. They are also looking for people that want to do HTPCs in volume. The guy next to me built and serviced PCs and small servers for other smaller companies in Tampa that couldn't afford IT staff. They wanted these folks to sign up to be AMD/Micro$oft parnters. Based on the volume of business you do, you get different levels of help from them. The sales pitch for HTPCs was, "if they can afford a plasma TV, they will be looking for a computer to go with it and you need to build it for them". The dual core pitch was how much power you would save with a full rack of AMD64's vs regular Opterons vs "the competitor". I don't think many normal users will be building racks of servers trying to save the $50k per year in power that they claimed.

I got a laugh out of a guy from AMD that they had take the CPUs out of a dual Opteron and put in new dual cores without any changes to the OS. He put a dab of thermal compound on the first CPU and nervoulsy replaced the heatsink, but on the second CPU he forgot to put on the thermal compound. There was likely some still on the heatsink from the original install, but I wondered if it was still running when we left.

The Microsoft stuff REALLY made me gag. "Now that there is a 64bit O/S, you can fully take advantage of your AMD64s". I guess they haven't read that Unix has been 64bit for a long time. I just checked and it looks like Sun's 64bit goes back to November 1995, while Win95 was in diapers. They were pushing the Microsoft OS for HTPCs too. They forgot to mention that it saves data in prorietary formats that are not standard. It was funny when the guy kept saying that you only need a remote to use it, but then needed to enter some text and someone yelled, "Let's see you do it with the remote!!". Microsoft also discussed their new "licensing strategy" for Windows. They will allow anyone to get critical security patches, but if your machine is not in their database, you will not be able to get any upgrades for IE, Media Player, etc. I can't remember if they said it will hose the OS you have if you try to upgrade. It all sounded like crap. I guess they just want people to migrate to Linux sooner rather than later, which isn't that hard.

Oddly, a question was actually asked about Dell becoming a vendor and they said not to expect a Dell AMD box real soon, and that it would only benefit PC builders with less competition. They also said they could not discuss any more and didn't have access to that type of high level information.


Feb 14, 2000
I just got back: way too many people. Food line was longer than a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving. It was more than I had patience for. I grabbed an ice cream bar, my bundle, and came home and made my own dinner.

Now I'm just waiting on my DDR memory and PCI-e video card: this is my first upgrade since my old celeron days.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2000
I just got back from the show in Atlanta. Like others have mentioned, this Tech Tour is heavily targeted toward small to medium OEM System Builders. There's lots of talk about licensing and how "revolutionary" XP x64 is by Microsoft. Both companies do quite a bit of exaggeration as to the benefits of using AMD64 + XP x64. Of course, that's kinda what this tour is about; still, I wish their marketing speech was a bit more grounded in reality. Yes, 64-bit may be a bit faster. Yes, you can theoretically have a ton more memory with 64bit, except who can stick 12GB of ram in a motherboard with 4 DIMM slots that only support up to 1 or 2 GB per slot? Anyway, I'm happy to get my bundle at any rate. I thought about staying around for the second half and the prizes, but there were too many people there to make it worth while.

To everybody concerned about bundle availability: hope is not lost. They specifically addressed restocking with a nice definitive "maybe." The deal is that if you turn in the little registration thing at the end of the show and didn't get to buy a bundle they'll contact you if they restock in the future. Thus, if bundles are still sold out when your show comes around you can still have a chance at it.

Additionally: as far as I can tell there is little to no benefit to showing up before 6pm (when ours broke for bundles and dinner). I'd recommend waiting unless you really want to hear a bunch of marketing speak.

edit: spelling


Senior member
Dec 14, 2002
What a waste of time. They didnt give much away, the place was hot, and the food got devoured before 6:30 I think, didnt look at my watch. It seemed really small though. Tiny hall way with a few venders that didnt have much to show that I had not seen already. The only good reason for coming was to get my bundle.

Also, there was a guy there who is Also in a wheelchair, I didnt get his name... he reads these forums.... drop me a line... my friend definitely wants that 20gb CF reader deal you have. josh(at)grinn[dot]net


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2005
I just got back from the Atlanta one and I'll agree that it was a waste of time. It was filled with old people and some fat guy (amongst many) who kept shaking my chair. The food was pretty bad, but the chicken fingers were noteworthy. The place was too small and it got pretty hot after a few hours. Way too many "I'm a cocky computer guy and I know everything so I'm gonna laugh at any slip ups and make 'clever' comments and one-liners" people. Anyone who skipped out after the first half, you didn't miss much aside from Darth Vader and people asking a bunch of irrelevant questions or questions that could have easily been answered with a Google search. Majority of everything covered is available online somewhere and the prizes aren't really worth the stay. As someone else already stated, unless you're actually running a business and want to peep in on some of their marketing packages, you won't miss much if you grab your bundle and go.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2002
Originally posted by: Katalyst
I just got back from the Atlanta one and I'll agree that it was a waste of time. It was filled with old people and some fat guy (amongst many) who kept shaking my chair. The food was pretty bad, but the chicken fingers were noteworthy. The place was too small and it got pretty hot after a few hours. Way too many "I'm a cocky computer guy and I know everything so I'm gonna laugh at any slip ups and make 'clever' comments and one-liners" people. Anyone who skipped out after the first half, you didn't miss much aside from Darth Vader and people asking a bunch of irrelevant questions or questions that could have easily been answered with a Google search. Majority of everything covered is available online somewhere and the prizes aren't really worth the stay. As someone else already stated, unless you're actually running a business and want to peep in on some of their marketing packages, you won't miss much if you grab your bundle and go.

you know, I almost said that same thing about the know-it-all attitude that seemed to run rampant. I just thought maybe I was being pretentious. I am glad I was not the only one who thought that.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2004
I went to the ATL one too..I was there late..got there around 4:30ish..there were not enough chairs and I stood near the door..the place was hot as crap and I didn't even get the chance to eat the buffet because I had too many stuffs on my hand already (my cousin brought me there, I didn't drive there). Most of the presentation were somewhat boring..they had some little dumb stuffs like ROLLING tires, swapping regular dual opteron to dual amd x2, do a little bench which I thought it was somewhat interesting..and showed you some videos about how the movies used AMD ATHLON 64 CPUS...


you can go there around 5:30 (break) and pick up the bundle and leave, you DON'T even have to sign in, just go there and show the ID/DRIVER's LICENSE and Credit card if you pre-ordered online.


Oct 22, 2003
What are the prizes that have been given out and in what quantities? Sounds pretty lame, imo.


Oct 16, 2003
Wow, I'm glad to know myself and the people I went up with weren't the only ones who thought the show in ATL was a joke. I had gotten up a group of about 15 people from Columbus (about a 2 hour drive) to check this out, and we all left fairly disappointed.

I actually work in the system builder market they're targetting, and most of the presentations even then were fairly worthless. The actual useful material that was presented could have been condensed easily into a couple of hours, instead of 5 1/2 hours of drawn out, repetitive content. Things like AMD's revised solution provider program and a few of Microsoft's new programs are worth knowing about, but I don't know that it was worth the time involved to get the information.

To top things off, two of the guys I went with were there to pick up a server bundle for their work and weren't allowed to take it since they had used their company credit card to order it, which had the accountant's name on it. Nevermind that all the confirmation paperwork was in their name, along with proof of ID ranging from his driver's license to work ID badges. The manager from AMD was a bit of a jerk about it, and didn't really even want to talk about it to them. The way it's looking now, that Opteron is going to be replaced with a Xeon based Dell simply because of the way these guys were treated by AMD reps at the show.

Personally, I'm about as big an AMD fanboy as you can get while still remaining somewhat rational, and rather than promote their product, it's left a bitter taste in my mouth, if anything. I'm glad I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the bundle, since without it, the trip would've been a complete waste of time. I was genuinely hoping to come away from this thing with some kind information I could put to use. Instead I walked away from hour upon excruciating hour of marketing drudge.

AMD definitely has the product to beat right now, but they're going to have to do a better job of learning to sell it if they want any kind of real success. If I feel this way about the show as someone who *wanted* to see the upside of it, I'd hate to think about how it must have looked to people who were already ambivalent about AMD product.


Sep 18, 2002
Apart from the bundle, the show really wasnt that good. If you've ever been to ICC you know intel usually gives loads of motherboards, processors (some are EE versions too), networking cards, and more they draw for. AMD just drew for a half dozen shirts and hats, as well as four low speed opterons that 500 people were trying for.

AMD has the better processors, but Intel still has the better vendor shows.


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2000
Maybe somebody should edit the thread title to say that the bundles are currently out of stock and might be available again.

I'm still debating whether to go to the Sunnyvale, CA one, since I couldn't get the A64 bundle. :-\


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2004
I went to the Atlanta show, and all I could think of was how much that guy sounded and looked like Adam Corolla. It was hilarious. I got to see the Tyan board with SLi so I was happy.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2004
Originally posted by: RobinR
What are the prizes that have been given out and in what quantities? Sounds pretty lame, imo.

1 x opteron 246

1 x AOpen 17 in LCD

1 x ATI AIW x600 Pro video card

1 x mp3 player (dunno what brand/size)

8-10 x Ferrari t-shirt (red)

3 x ferrari hats

1 x AMD Hawaian shirt (wtf?)

I think those are it..but I think I am missing something.


Senior member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
Originally posted by: manno

might not be that hot RTFA

Um, most people who were going to attend and buy bundles already did and will still be going to pick them up. It's the snoozers and those trying to save themselves a few bucks on CC interest who will not be attending and, for some reason, I don't think AMD will miss them.

Yeah, they make it sound as if they were selling these things "by the show" and sold out after only 4 shows.

Fact of the matter is any of the shows could have bought, and HAD to buy ahead of time. If they had 10,000 of these things, and the NJ show (last) bought 9,000 of them then that would leave 1,000 for the rest of the shows. Doesn't mean they ran out "4 shows in"

Maybe they should have limited it to 100 (or whatever) per show and only offered them 1 or 2 weeks before the show was scheduled.

I ordered my two bundles soon after this post was made, and I'm only going the the NJ show. I figured the worst thing that would happen is I don't show up and get credited back.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2000
By the way, the A8N-E I got came with the old style heatsink fan. Asus support makes the process to get the replacement version very easy. Just call 510-739-3777, use option 3, and tell them you need a new heatsink fan. You may or may not need you motherboard's serial number. YMMV
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