Prediction: G.O.P. will not win another presidential election until 2024 or later.

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Mar 25, 2001
Other than Bernie (whom a large portion of the country thinks is a nut, albeit a principled one) the dems don't seem to have any overall message or direction. Biden isn't running and Hillary at this point seems unelectable, I think the presidential fight will be a lot tougher than the left would like to imagine.

Other than Rand I don't see anyone on the GOP side I care for either, but so far the left hasn't offered up any legitimate contenders (I voted for Obama twice just for reference, and that was once too many).


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Other than Bernie (whom a large portion of the country thinks is a nut, albeit a principled one) the dems don't seem to have any overall message or direction. Biden isn't running and Hillary at this point seems unelectable, I think the presidential fight will be a lot tougher than the left would like to imagine.

Other than Rand I don't see anyone on the GOP side I care for either, but so far the left hasn't offered up any legitimate contenders (I voted for Obama twice just for reference, and that was once too many).
Can't stand the Hildabeast personally but I don't see why she's inherently any more unelectable than Trump or Bush or Carson or indeed, any of the Pubbies except maybe Rand or Kasich who don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning even the primary.

We've reach the point of bifurcation where neither party has an agenda that appeals to a majority of Americans, so it's safest for both to simply bash the other. If one side can sell the public on the other side being horrible, then the public is free to imagine they must be less horrible and therefore each voter can imagine what he or she wants to see. Give the Dems credit for one thing though - they can actually point to one accomplishment, Obamacare. It's not my preferred solution and it had some severe teething problems, but it's an actual major change in our society.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
What do repubs have to offer? Go ahead and lay it out for us because obviously we missed it. To make things easier go ahead and lay out the actual policies the top top primary candidates are running on. After you do that I'll look through the various threads and see if anyone has spoken about those policies.
Oh, I can tell you their policy proposals.

They all want the same thing. Which is, of course, the same things they've been selling the past 35 years that haven't worked. Of course, the reason why they haven't worked is because taxes haven't been cut enough, you see.

And there's 20 candidates, all backed by their own oligarch puppet master, vying to give their particular puppet master the best view from the White House.

I think one of the reasons why Trump is doing so well, is that everyone damn well knows that each of these candidates has their own oligarch backer, whereas at least with Trump...Trump is the one pulling his own strings.


Aug 5, 2000
Oh, I can tell you their policy proposals.

They all want the same thing. Which is, of course, the same things they've been selling the past 35 years that haven't worked. Of course, the reason why they haven't worked is because taxes haven't been cut enough, you see.

And there's 20 candidates, all backed by their own oligarch puppet master, vying to give their particular puppet master the best view from the White House.

I think one of the reasons why Trump is doing so well, is that everyone damn well knows that each of these candidates has their own oligarch backer, whereas at least with Trump...Trump is the one pulling his own strings.

In this way, wouldn't it be magical that the power brokers who own and operate the conservative wing of the USSC, and of whom persuaded these robed sock puppets to give their blessing regarding Citizens United, to have this ruling backfire on them just as so many idiotic moves by the radicals in the party have had to suffer from.

It would reinforce my conviction that there is such a thing as karma and that what goes around comes around........with a vengeance.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
In this way, wouldn't it be magical that the power brokers who own and operate the conservative wing of the USSC, and of whom persuaded these robed sock puppets to give their blessing regarding Citizens United, to have this ruling backfire on them just as so many idiotic moves by the radicals in the party have had to suffer from.

It would reinforce my conviction that there is such a thing as karma and that what goes around comes around........with a vengeance.

Kinda like the old adage: Be careful what you wish for.

When money = speech, the people with the most money have the most speech. It works out well for people with a lot of money, everyone else, not so much. But then again, our entire system has been "reformed" to benefit the people with a lot of money over the past 35 years (even longer, but most of the payoff has come since 1980). In essence, Citizens United is just a continuation of of the past 35 years. Positive feedback, and all that.

Ultimately, what we're seeing is the "establishment" of the GOP lose control of what it carefully crafted and cheered on for the past 50 years. For a long time, the "establishment" paid lipservice to social issues that they actually didn't give a shit order to get reliable, enthusiastic voters. Of course, eventually, they lost control as it became clear that the "establishment" doesn't really care about their social issues. Well, not even that. They just can't appease the crazy shit that the enthusiastic values voters want, and so...they've lost control.

It's taken out Cantor and Boehner.

Next up...could be the party itself. Either a massive restructuring happens, the moderate non-lunatics join the right-wing of the Democratic party, or something else occurs.

Political parties that don't have a viable path to winning the White House tend to restructure.

The Know-Nothing party of 1854-1856 had about 5 sitting senators and 27 sitting House members. They had been Whigs, but split because the Whigs just didn't do it for them anymore.

By 1860, the Whig party was dead and reforming as the Republican party. Just one of a few times the political parties restructured.

One can only hope the lunatics lose their power, and we can have a sane conservative party again. There's nothing wrong with a conservative party, but the one we have now is CINO. In reality, it's a Reactionary party. Reactionary parties are gross. And dangerous. It's why a bucket of urine could probably win against 3/4 of the GOP candidates. People know there's something wrong, even if they can't exactly specify what it is.


Jul 13, 2005
Prediction: Democrats, no matter how much of a majority they have in congress and no matter whether or not they control the White House, will continue to spend every last ounce of energy talking about Republicans. They're such whiny motherfucking pieces of shit that they'd rather talk shit 24/7 about Trump, Boehner, Fox News, and Jeb Bush than say anything positive about what they have to offer, because they have nothing and the best they can say about themselves is that they're not Republicans.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Already.
<-- prime example of what is wrong with the Republican party today!!


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
What do repubs have to offer? Go ahead and lay it out for us because obviously we missed it. To make things easier go ahead and lay out the actual policies the top top primary candidates are running on. After you do that I'll look through the various threads and see if anyone has spoken about those policies.

What does the GOP have to offer? The "We're not the Dems" platform, and when the other party overreaches, as it inevitably will, sometimes, that is enough. The public is fickle, and the Dems can't hold power forever.


Apr 8, 2002
What does the GOP have to offer? The "We're not the Dems" platform, and when the other party overreaches, as it inevitably will, sometimes, that is enough. The public is fickle, and the Dems can't hold power forever.

That is why these doom and gloom threads are so funny the past decade. The nature of a conservative party is to slow down progress. As progress moves forward it will always go too far for somebody which will turn them towards the conservative party. And the future direction of the democrat party where hate speech should be punishable criminal offense has some of the democrats on this board turned off. At some point the democrat party will go too far for them as well. I would love to see this msgboard in 20-30 years and how many democrats today turn republican because their current party has gone too far and the Republican party has progressed to be more in line with their political beliefs.
Nov 29, 2006
What does the GOP have to offer? The "We're not the Dems" platform, and when the other party overreaches, as it inevitably will, sometimes, that is enough. The public is fickle, and the Dems can't hold power forever.

I think if the current GOP party stays as is the Dems will continue to hold the POTUS. Until the GOP pulls their heads out of their asses and joins the rest of the world in the 21st century and abandons trickle down they probably wont win another POTUS. IMO

It's sad to because some of the old fiscal policies im totally on board with.


Golden Member
Jul 27, 2010
Prediction: Democrats, no matter how much of a majority they have in congress and no matter whether or not they control the White House, will continue to spend every last ounce of energy talking about Republicans. They're such whiny motherfucking pieces of shit that they'd rather talk shit 24/7 about Trump, Boehner, Fox News, and Jeb Bush than say anything positive about what they have to offer, because they have nothing and the best they can say about themselves is that they're not Republicans.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Already.



Jul 17, 2003
Circle jerk thread is circle jerk.


*David Attenborough*

And here, we see the change of tune that happens when a forum dweller realizes everyone else knows they're full of shit. The butthurt that follows causes the troll to become embarrassed, so an attempt is made to portray the behavior as applying to others. Post length and spittle factor are both well below normal levels during this period, as the troll flees the scene in search of new issues involving democrats in order to support it's outrage addiction.

*David Attenborough*


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006

*David Attenborough*

And here, we see the change of tune that happens when a forum dweller realizes everyone else knows they're full of shit. The butthurt that follows causes the troll to become embarrassed, so an attempt is made to portray the behavior as applying to others. Post length and spittle factor are both well below normal levels during this period, as the troll flees the scene in search of new issues involving democrats in order to support it's outrage addiction.

*David Attenborough*
It's interesting that you feel you are making some of point here. It's scary to think you might seriously feel you are making some sort of point that supports your own foamy far left all the time position.


Jul 17, 2003
It's interesting that you feel you are making some of point here.

I think it's interesting you are acting like he doesn't have the post history he does. Would you like some links to serve as examples of what I was referring to? I think they could go a long way in helping you with that..interest. Might help you realize I am far from the only person who is tired of Bobercunt's continued thread crapping and petulant whining. I think we touched a nerve because you find yourself agreeing with him often, maybe you even feel sorry for him for getting the reaction he deserves regarding his schadenfreude. The term 'don't dish it out if you can't take it' comes to mind, ever heard of that? There's another one about a kitchen with a high ambient temp too, check that one out.

It's scary to think you might seriously feel you are making some sort of point that supports your own foamy far left all the time position.

Here I was thinking you weren't a drama queen anymore, shucks.

What you consider fearful is less noteworthy to me than whatever it is that has you know convinced I'm a 'far left, all the time' person. While I suspect it's due to you feeling I'm not conservative enough, what's funny is I can recall a number of threads in recent memory on varying topics, where you have quoted/approved/complimented my posts. Funny thing to do towards someone who is 'foamy far left all the time,' wouldn't you say? That's a disappointing amount of effort there possum. I'll spare you the links as you're clearly here to help someone limp away, not point out the 'leftness' of my views on guns, foreign policy, welfare, the military, political correctness, affirmative action, etc.

I will apply criticism and scorn when and where it is called for, and if that bothers you then a.) tough shit, and/or b.) utilize the forum's Ignore feature (although, as you might be aware, others quoting the Ignored displays their post). For the record though I'd much prefer it if the GOP hadn't gone insane, and that Bober wasn't such a hypocritical douche. Guess which of those might be affected via enough input on an internet forum?
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Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
Totally naive. First of all Trump is most likely going to win. You seriously underestimate the amount of people who dismiss our electoral system as the farce it is, and would never vote for a McObomnarey, but might actually show up and vote for Trump just to stick their middle finger up to the system. Barring the eating of a baby on live tv, Trump wins in a frickin enormous landslide.

That being said, it does not fix the party. But the party is totally broken. It is good that this is happening. Because the neocon filth needs to be purged. The trilateral filth needs to be purged. The CFR filth needs to be purged. The insane warmongering needs to be purged. If any of that will actually happen remains to be seen.


Jul 17, 2003
Moving on from the butthurt and projecting, I saw this article on Salon this morning and can't stop thinking about it now.

"In the early stages of a mass movement, &#8220;men of words,&#8221; as Hoffer called them, primed the pump for revolution by discrediting the current order of society. They encouraged followers to despise the present as a terrible declension from a glorious past. Then came the men of action&#8212;political leaders. As society destabilized, these new leaders created an artificial reality that made their discontented followers feel like they were part of something bigger than them, a movement to save society, a movement so important it was worth sacrificing themselves for it. The easiest way to unify followers was with hate. Leaders of such a movement identified a villain. These villains were usually the weakest members of society, making them easy to attack. And each attack on these new &#8220;enemies&#8221; fed contempt for them. Followers of a movement made more and more outrageous claims about those they demonized. Eventually those villains became so dehumanized that movement members would kill them, believing such atrocities were vital to reclaiming a glorious future for their nation. At this stage, followers were immune to facts or logic. Indeed, arguing with them only entrenched them in their beliefs, because the sign of a true believer&#8217;s faith was that it stood firm in the face of overwhelming opposition.

"The fantasy world of Movement Conservatives is no longer fringe talk. The leading candidates for the Republican presidential nomination embrace it. They are playing to a chorus of true believers, and they are preaching what that choir wants to hear. They are following the same pattern Eric Hoffer identified as the path to authoritarianism. Last week, 43 percent of Republicans polled said they could imagine a scenario in which they would back a military coup. This week, Movement Conservatives in Congress knocked off a conservative speaker because he refused to sacrifice the American government to their demands."

Mitch's career is on borrowed time I imagine, the teahadi aren't done with their purge. I hope what rises from the ashes doesn't make Cruz look intelligent and moderate.
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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I think it's interesting you are acting like he doesn't have the post history he does. Would you like some links to serve as examples of what I was referring to? I think they could go a long way in helping you with that..interest. Might help you realize I am far from the only person who is tired of Bobercunt's continued thread crapping and petulant whining. I think we touched a nerve because you find yourself agreeing with him often, maybe you even feel sorry for him for getting the reaction he deserves regarding his schadenfreude. The term 'don't dish it out if you can't take it' comes to mind, ever heard of that? There's another one about a kitchen with a high ambient temp too, check that one out.

Here I was thinking you weren't a drama queen anymore, shucks.

What you consider fearful is less noteworthy to me than whatever it is that has you know convinced I'm 'far left, all the time' person. It's funny as I can think of a number of threads in recent memory on varying topics, where you have quoted/approved/complimented my posts. Funny thing to do towards someone who is 'foamy far left all the time,' wouldn't you say? That's a disappointing amount of effort there possum. I'll spare you the links as you're clearly here to help someone limp away, not point out the 'leftness' of my views on guns, foreign policy, welfare, the military, political correctness, affirmative action, etc.

I will apply criticism and scorn when and where it is called for, and if that bothers you then a.) tough shit, and/or b.) utilize the forum's Ignore feature (although, as you might be aware, others quoting the Ignored displays their post). For the record though I'd much prefer it if the GOP hadn't gone insane, and that Bober wasn't such a hypocritical douche. Guess which of those might be affected via enough input on an internet forum?
The bolded would only be funny if the right were somehow alway morally correct. If one accepts that the right/conservatives/Republicans are morally and/or practically wrong at least as often as they are morally and/or practically correct, then quoting/approving/complimenting smart posts and well-crafted arguments to that effect is merely honest and consistent. Sometimes the left (yes, even the far left) is morally correct in my view. Other times I don't think you are morally correct, but practically speaking you are correct. Other times I don't believe that on balance the left view is correct, but it still has perfectly valid points that some other people with different (but perfectly valid) values might find persuasive on balance. And finally, there are times when I believe the right is so egregiously, mindblowingly wrong that just pointing out that the left is also wrong isn't enough. The balance on each issue tends to be shifting, so that, say, supporting marriage rights for gay Americans started out as a far left issue, then shifted toward the center until today it's the American political center view. Wherever is the mean/median position among Americans, THAT is the middle. Yet it's the same position and was obviously morally and Constitutionally correct even when only a small minority of far left individuals believed in it. Furthermore, even if I disagree with a position, I have no problem crediting a well-crafted argument raising a valid point. Most issues have valid points on both sides, which is why we have a reasonably competitive political environment.

tl/dr: Nothing inherently wrong with being far left, only in trying to redefine that position as the middle. Other Americans matter too, even if you or I violently disagree with them at times.


Oct 9, 1999

*David Attenborough*

And here, we see the change of tune that happens when a forum dweller realizes everyone else knows they're full of shit. The butthurt that follows causes the troll to become embarrassed, so an attempt is made to portray the behavior as applying to others. Post length and spittle factor are both well below normal levels during this period, as the troll flees the scene in search of new issues involving democrats in order to support it's outrage addiction.

*David Attenborough*


What did I say that was incorrect? Why would I be embarrassed or butthurt for pointing out the truth? Is this NOT a circle jerk thread? Is this forum not filled to the brim with left wing circle jerks threads where smug assholes pat each other on the back and post what can be boiled down to "LOL Republicans" over and over and over again? (Which amusingly, another idiot lefty in this forum recently claimed doesn't happen)

It's always amusing to me that the left believes I'm a Republican or a hard right winger when I mock the left's antics. I actually agree with the Democrat platform on a lot of issues. It's not the ideas of Democrats that I hate. It's the people. And this forum is full of them.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Totally naive. First of all Trump is most likely going to win. You seriously underestimate the amount of people who dismiss our electoral system as the farce it is, and would never vote for a McObomnarey, but might actually show up and vote for Trump just to stick their middle finger up to the system. Barring the eating of a baby on live tv, Trump wins in a frickin enormous landslide.

That being said, it does not fix the party. But the party is totally broken. It is good that this is happening. Because the neocon filth needs to be purged. The trilateral filth needs to be purged. The CFR filth needs to be purged. The insane warmongering needs to be purged. If any of that will actually happen remains to be seen.
I'm a registered Republican and I cannot imagine Trump being elected. Assuming Hillary doesn't screw up beyond the press' ability to ignore or fix, she will be the nominee, which coupled with their hate of Trump is going to make the bloodiest general election battle ever. (Well, post-War.) Also, the FoxNews wing of the Republican Party also hates Trump, and they and the GOP establishment will likely prefer a President Clinton to a President Trump. Right now the media wing of the Democrat Party is largely giving Trump a pass because they think he is the easiest to defeat, but assuming he is the nominee you'll see historic levels of hate.

As far as purging the neocon/trilateral/CFR/warmongering wings of the GOP, that doesn't leave much of a base. I can't see Trump attracting enough independents and Democrats to make up for gutting his party's base, especially given the Democrats' enormous Electoral College advantage.


May 11, 2002
I can't see Trump attracting enough independents and Democrats to make up for gutting his party's base, especially given the Democrats' enormous Electoral College advantage.

Here's a question for you.. WHICH candidate do you see getting enough independents and democrats? Do you even see one in the current field?
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