PREDICTION: Microsoft will lose hard on this generation.

Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
The negative press will spread like a wildfire over time putting Microsoft in a defensive posture. So to even start a sale on the Xbox one, they first have to explain to the customer the complex punitive rules imposed on the product before you plug it in.

People do not like complicated things, especially something that should be as simple as sticking a disk in and pressing play.

The Kinect will fail and get little use since software publishers will work on porting games on both consoles, and will not spend money and time on adding kinect as a feature to the game. In addition people will not want some camera staring into the livingroom 24/7 like some kind of Casino security camera in their home.

The 24 hour cloud police check to make sure you are not committing a criminal offense against Microsoft will not be a positive for the end user, and all it takes is a DDOS attack or an outage to brick thousands of consoles. And (it is only a matter of time) when this happens, the PR backlash will be salt to the gaping wound.

Members of the Armed forces are banned from Microsoft Xbox one products due to cloud police requirements, they will just use PS4s and this is another nail to the Microsoft coffin, as word spreads that only Sony lets soldiers play video games.

100 dollars cheaper and more advanced hardware, is just icing on the cake.

This image below spells it out.

Prediction, epic failure and bad press for Microsoft and they will lose hard this generation.



Oct 30, 2008
The negative press will spread like a wildfire over time putting Microsoft in a defensive posture. So to even start a sale on the Xbox one, they first have to explain to the customer the complex punitive rules imposed on the product before you plug it in.

People do not like complicated things, especially something that should be as simple as sticking a disk in and pressing play.

The Kinect will fail and get little use since software publishers will work on porting games on both consoles, and will not spend money and time on adding kinect as a feature to the game. In addition people will not want some camera staring into the livingroom 24/7 like some kind of Casino security camera in their home.

The 24 hour cloud police check to make sure you are not committing a criminal offense against Microsoft will not be a positive for the end user, and all it takes is a DDOS attack or an outage to brick thousands of consoles. And (it is only a matter of time) when this happens, the PR backlash will be salt to the gaping wound.

Members of the Armed forces are banned from Microsoft Xbox one products due to cloud police requirements, they will just use PS4s and this is another nail to the Microsoft coffin, as word spreads that only Sony lets soldiers play video games.

100 dollars cheaper and more advanced hardware, is just icing on the cake.

This image below spells it out.

Prediction, epic failure and bad press for Microsoft and they will lose hard this generation.

1. A DDoS attack on the scale it would require to shut down Azure (which is what MS is using for Live as well) is unthinkable. Azure does not go down. That is MS's business model. A DDoS can't take down Google either. You're better off worrying about the NSA tracking your game play.

2. Please site source for Armed Forces being banned from the Xbox One. I have a ton of friends currently in the military, and if someone had been said, I'd have seen it posted on Facebook. Again, source or you're full of BS. MS already said they were working on a solution for deployed troops.

3. I can't see the image due to it being blocked by my work, so I can only assume it is more silliness.

4. The Kinect doesn't sit always on, always watching and your system can be completely turned off. They demo'd a low power mode feature to show off something cool and novel, which consumers love.

EDIT: I should say, I think the PS4 will "win" this generation, but not by a large margin. Early adoption the PS4 might surge, but I see them becoming fairly equal after awhile. I think MS will have bigger blockbuster exclusive titles that generate enough sales to catch up to Sony's early lead this holiday season.
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Oct 19, 2000
You forget that it's only the gamers on the internet who are crying foul over the DRM and such. The real war will be waged when mom and dad walk into the store to buy one for their kid.

If the X1 fails, it'll be because of the price, not because of DRM, used games policies, Kinect, etc.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
theres alot that can change over a generation.

the ps3 was also DOOOOMED at launch.

The public's memory is shorter than a goldfish in the grand scheme of things. Xbox One has a LOT of time to show people why they should purchase it. Even if they did NOTHING till launch, Xbox One would still sell out at launch. Every console does. Then they could retract or do whatever they wanted then. There is so much time between now, and when sales actually start to matter (when there is a surplus of supply and less demand) that it's still stupid to call a winner.


Senior member
Jul 8, 2008
The real war will be waged when mom and dad walk into the store to buy one for their kid.

Parents usually buy whatever the kid(s) want. Unless there is a big difference in price, of course.

Hugo Drax has a point. The main attraction of console gaming is simplicity. Plug and play, even more so than a PC. So any additional hassle -whether because of DRM or any other reason- makes a console less attractive to consumers.

All things being equal consumers will go for a simpler console. Of course all things are not necessarily equal, price will also play its part.

I do not think it is correct to blame microsoft for implementing heavy-handed DRM, either. This is what game developers and publishers themselves want, they just do not want to say so publically and face the wrath of reddit army. They'd much rather let MS take all the flack.

Meh, screw them all.
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Golden Member
Feb 5, 2013
The Xbox One and PS3 seems to be in two separate market places. The PS4 is marketed toward hardcore gamers but the XboX One is aimed at the mainstream market, people who love tablets, smartphones, and want to use the One as a main hub to connect all of their devices. It's most likely that initial sales of the PS4 will out sale the XboX One but over time the XboX One will pull ahead or at least catch up because it's more attractive to the mainstream consumer. As long as Microsoft continues to display the motion and voice command features, their system will seems cool, modern, and technologically advanced.


Dec 12, 2012
I'm more concerned about 3rd party software.... right now they seem to be supporting both MS and Sony... but what if they turn to MS due to the used game restrictions etc. ?


Sep 23, 2003
You forget that it's only the gamers on the internet who are crying foul over the DRM and such. The real war will be waged when mom and dad walk into the store to buy one for their kid.

If the X1 fails, it'll be because of the price, not because of DRM, used games policies, Kinect, etc.

This is pretty much the "real" impact to the general consumer.

I personally think MS will slowly make changes overtime to gain more market. In the end it should be a good war.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
2. Please site source for Armed Forces being banned from the Xbox One. I have a ton of friends currently in the military, and if someone had been said, I'd have seen it posted on Facebook. Again, source or you're full of BS. MS already said they were working on a solution for deployed troops.

There are plenty of places a person can serve with out internet. It requires DRM check in every 24 hours. I do see this as a major issue for the Xbone since it is very popular with younger servicemen. There is no solution to this issue. Unless they want 2 sets of firmware that if can be downloaded would let everyone by pass it.


Jan 29, 2004
I don't see it failing. I see it simply achieving Microsoft's objective perfectly with the casual crowd.

The gamers looking for a "put game in turn on" GAME console have PS4 and I wish I could add Wii U as of today but sadly not.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
I don't see it failing. I see it simply achieving Microsoft's objective perfectly with the casual crowd.

The gamers looking for a "put game in turn on" GAME console have PS4 and I wish I could add Wii U as of today but sadly not.

You do know the casual gamer is much more likely to buy/sell/trade/rent games? Wait till parents get wind of the only way to get Xbone games it to basically buy them new. Sure there might be a used game here and there for a tiny bit less. The hardcore are more likely to bite the bullet because they love games so much they will deal with almost anything.


Oct 27, 2006
One crucial thing to remember is that 2005/2006 didn't have dominant social media. We now live in a FB/Twitter world, and with news outlets covering gaming news. And Xbone is getting absolutely torched on there right now.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2010
The Xbox One and PS3 seems to be in two separate market places. The PS4 is marketed toward hardcore gamers but the XboX One is aimed at the mainstream market, people who love tablets, smartphones, and want to use the One as a main hub to connect all of their devices. It's most likely that initial sales of the PS4 will out sale the XboX One but over time the XboX One will pull ahead or at least catch up because it's more attractive to the mainstream consumer. As long as Microsoft continues to display the motion and voice command features, their system will seems cool, modern, and technologically advanced.

Do you honestly think the average "non-hardcore gamer" consumer is going to go out and spend $500 on a device that they are going to use mainly as a media hub (even though a cable box is still required), and just use it for occasional gaming? Most of the other non-gaming functionality that MS showed off with the Xbox ONE people already have access to with their phones, tablets, and laptops. MS really have bought into their own BS believing that the ONE is somehow the device that's going to "transform the living room." Everything about their conferences bleeds arrogance. They believe so blindly that people have MS brand loyalty that people will just suck it up, and buy the system regardless of what absurd restrictions they put in the way.

We have already seen an extremely negative reaction to MS tactics with the ONE from core gamers. The core gamers, and early adopters will be huge influences on people who go to buy one of these next gen consoles later down the line. You think that people aren't going to know that they can't rent, or trade games anymore?


Oct 27, 2006
And mom and pop are still oblivious. That's not the greatest argument.

Most people I know with 360s and PS3s bought them themselves. Besides, you think parents herp-derp into stores and randomly pick up a $500 box and think "gee, this looks good, let's get it!".


Spin, spin, spin. Xbone is getting flat out murdered in social media, and even people not paying much attention get the idea that Xbone is deeply disliked. Amazing considering it's not out yet. Microsoft needs to change policies and start damage control NOW.


Dec 12, 2012
Do you honestly think the average "non-hardcore gamer" consumer is going to go out and spend $500 on a device that they are going to use mainly as a media hub (even though a cable box is still required), and just use it for occasional gaming? Most of the other non-gaming functionality that MS showed off with the Xbox ONE people already have access to with their phones, tablets, and laptops. MS really have bought into their own BS believing that the ONE is somehow the device that's going to "transform the living room." Everything about their conferences bleeds arrogance. They believe so blindly that people have MS brand loyalty that people will just suck it up, and buy the system regardless of what absurd restrictions they put in the way.

We have already seen an extremely negative reaction to MS tactics with the ONE from core gamers. The core gamers, and early adopters will be huge influences on people who go to buy one of these next gen consoles later down the line. You think that people aren't going to know that they can't rent, or trade games anymore?

Great points...

i am still very surprised that MS didn't get some deals in place with Cable companies to offer the XB1 as a upgraded cable box, as i could easily see alot of people welcomeing it into there living room it it was subsidised in that manner.....


Oct 27, 2006
The insulting thing about the Xbone's so-called TV features is that you STILL need those other boxes with it, and I'm sure that's going to be a support nightmare. It's not even a DVR replacement for TV. It's really just a tuner. And we all have SO much trouble watching TV with what we already have and already pay for. Not.


Golden Member
Jan 30, 2010
One crucial thing to remember is that 2005/2006 didn't have dominant social media. We now live in a FB/Twitter world, and with news outlets covering gaming news. And Xbone is getting absolutely torched on there right now.

They must have been too cocky to try something like this. They are trying to shift the used game responsibility to publishers. That's just stupid.


Oct 30, 2008
Do you honestly think the average "non-hardcore gamer" consumer is going to go out and spend $500 on a device that they are going to use mainly as a media hub (even though a cable box is still required), and just use it for occasional gaming? Most of the other non-gaming functionality that MS showed off with the Xbox ONE people already have access to with their phones, tablets, and laptops. MS really have bought into their own BS believing that the ONE is somehow the device that's going to "transform the living room." Everything about their conferences bleeds arrogance. They believe so blindly that people have MS brand loyalty that people will just suck it up, and buy the system regardless of what absurd restrictions they put in the way.

We have already seen an extremely negative reaction to MS tactics with the ONE from core gamers. The core gamers, and early adopters will be huge influences on people who go to buy one of these next gen consoles later down the line. You think that people aren't going to know that they can't rent, or trade games anymore?
People made the same statements when the iPod was released.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
Most people I know with 360s and PS3s bought them themselves. Besides, you think parents herp-derp into stores and randomly pick up a $500 box and think "gee, this looks good, let's get it!".


Spin, spin, spin. Xbone is getting flat out murdered in social media, and even people not paying much attention get the idea that Xbone is deeply disliked. Amazing considering it's not out yet. Microsoft needs to change policies and start damage control NOW.

They buy what the kid says they want.

Your social media argument is just as baseless as mine. I don't see how you feel like you have a better argument, but boy do you like to come into every Xbox thread and go to town.

It's plain ignorant to think that Halo and CoD (Xbox is the preferred platform for the series) won't move a massive amount of units. Those two games alone will make the next generation a closer race than everyone wants to think.

EDIT: And this all goes without even bringing up how big publishers will treat both consoles. The XBO is obviously more appealing to them. I have an easy time seeing MS snag exclusives left and right due to their "publisher friendly" policies.
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Diamond Member
May 20, 2010
Great points...

i am still very surprised that MS didn't get some deals in place with Cable companies to offer the XB1 as a upgraded cable box, as i could easily see alot of people welcomeing it into there living room it it was subsidised in that manner.....

Honestly I am still expecting this to happen, they probably don't have all the details worked out with cable providers yet, so they weren't able to make any kind of announcement. Even if cable companies can subsidize a couple hundred bucks it will convince a lot of people to pick up a ONE.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
You forget that it's only the gamers on the internet who are crying foul over the DRM and such. The real war will be waged when mom and dad walk into the store to buy one for their kid.

If the X1 fails, it'll be because of the price, not because of DRM, used games policies, Kinect, etc.

i don't know. i can see the nerds that work at gamestop who are ps4 fanboys telling the parents at check out how shitty the x1 "features" are and swaying them to get the $100 cheaper, less restrictive ps4, especially because ps4 will have bf4 and cod:ghosts on it. oh and madden.

one of the problems for MS right now though is it's not just nerdy gaming sites that are covering this MS debacle. it is hitting mainstream media all over the place. hell on sports talk radio yesterday, on the way home from work, on the 2 major talk shows i heard them discussing it lol.
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