President Bush just came to our school

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May 16, 2000

<< Oh please. Loopholes have to be closed on certain freedoms if they are exploited by terrorists. Thats just reality. Quit crying and just accept that the world has changed. >>

Last time I checked this was same planet we've always been on. The world hasn't changed, the people on it have just become more whiney and complacent. No 'loopholes' are being closed, security isn't drastically increasing anywhere, we're merely being fed an 'illusion of security' (as I addressed fully in a different post). Sheeple accept the illusion and feel special for it, individuals are angered by the illusion and rebel against it.

I say (and the constitution agrees with me) that freedoms can not, must not EVER be sacrificed in the name of security and I am willing to fight and die for that belief. If the government pulls its head out then I'm sure eventually things will calm down, but if they continue the road they're on then we are facing a full revolution which will shatter this nation like an overripe egg. Your desire to surrender into government control will face my drive to maintain my freedoms head on in the bloodiest battle ever conceived of on this globe, and I for one would rather avoid that. I happen to hate the thought of killing millions of sheeple intent on robbing me of my freedoms, but millions or not, I'll do it if forced. Or at least try to. And so will MANY MANY other people. Your right to surrender your freedoms I grant you...your right to surrender MY freedoms I will kill you over.
May 16, 2000
Liberal? Not remotely. I'm far too hardline for that tag. I'm very close to a libertarian, but have certain viewpoints more moderate than them.


Sep 22, 2001

<< Are you guys for real??? Are you taking the PoW seriously??? If so why??? If he had said something similar about Bill Gates would you be so ... so concerned, I mean can't somebody vent a little around here without people FREAKING out over what amounts to voicing an opinion >>

But it wasn't about Bill gates was it? This is also the same POS that has threatened to reveal classified information on this board. I would be remiss in my duties as an active duty military member in either of these cases, if some action was not taken.
PoW- You may list your duty stations if you like, I don't really care. If you were still on active duty you would, as a minimum, be subject to disciplinary action under the UCMJ for your comments. You can ask anyone that was on active duty when Clinton was in office to verify that. Every servicemember was given "training" about saying disrespectful things about the C in C. and their consequences. Freedom of speech is a great and wonderful thing, but there is a responsibility that comes with these freedoms. You , despite your age, have yet to learn what those are.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Loopholes, loopholes.... I keep hearing about all these stupid loopholes. What loopholes exactly are you talking about??????????? >>

Getting your pciture taken at airports, having your bags searched before boarding. Those were loopholes that have been explioted and now they are being closed.

You really need to read more.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Liberal? Not remotely. I'm far too hardline for that tag. I'm very close to a libertarian, but have certain viewpoints more moderate than them. >>

LOL Another lie. Are you going for some sort of record?


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001

<< It's pretty neat how a "small" school like ours got Bush to come on over and speak about his health plan. >>

back on topic now.. so did you get to meet him or anything?? or at least see him??


Jun 5, 2001


<< Are you guys for real??? Are you taking the PoW seriously??? If so why??? If he had said something similar about Bill Gates would you be so ... so concerned, I mean can't somebody vent a little around here without people FREAKING out over what amounts to voicing an opinion >>

But it wasn't about Bill gates was it? This is also the same POS that has threatened to reveal classified information on this board. I would be remiss in my duties as an active duty military member in either of these cases, if some action was not taken.
PoW- You may list your duty stations if you like, I don't really care. If you were still on active duty you would, as a minimum, be subject to disciplinary action under the UCMJ for your comments. You can ask anyone that was on active duty when Clinton was in office to verify that. Every servicemember was given "training" about saying disrespectful things about the C in C. and their consequences. Freedom of speech is a great and wonderful thing, but there is a responsibility that comes with these freedoms. You , despite your age, have yet to learn what those are.

LOL I heard about this guy. I agree Dave, he's not worth our time.

Nutballs and liars like this need to be left alone



Senior member
Jul 24, 2001
Getting your pciture taken at airports, having your bags searched before boarding. Those were loopholes that have been explioted and now they are being closed.

You really need to read more.


And exactly how did that stop the guy who was going to light his shoes and blow up the plane !!?? Oh, yeah... that's right IT DIDN'T!! What did...hmmm, let's recall that. Oh it was a bunch of people who were actually paying attention to what was going on around them!!!


Jan 6, 2002

<< OMG!!! you guys RULE!!


First of all, I'm 29, my parents are dead, I am an honorably discharged Persian Gulf Veteran (navy) and I can promise you all without any fear that;

nothing I said was illegal
nothing i said would be looked at twice, heightened state of anything or not
you are all smoking WAYYYYYY to much wacky weedus for being this early in the morning.

Carry on though, your coronaries are amusing me greatly.

And all of a sudden, my PCResources radar went off

Tell NicklasReugen I said "hi", and avoid setting your AMD rig on fire and blaming AMD...


Sep 22, 2001

<< And exactly how did that stop the guy who was going to light his shoes and blow up the plane !!?? Oh, yeah... that's right IT DIDN'T!! What did...hmmm, let's recall that. Oh it was a bunch of people who were actually paying attention to what was going on around them!!! >>

Didn't that flight originate in Paris?
May 16, 2000
Dave - I only mentioned the duty stations as offerings of validity to an accusation of false identity. I was around when Clinton was in...he was taking flack for a lot, and rightly so. However, trying to succeed in a case against me based on my post would have been VERY touchy...more likely they would have given me a stern talking to and sent me on my way...which is what they did when I objected to the gay ban, attended a gay rights rally (in uniform), questioned orders, refused to process certain documents based on moral objection, insulted Clinton, and another couple hundred things I got stern lectures for. Like I said, I know what I could get away with and what I couldn't. Only twice did they even start Captains Mast proceedings and they dropped both cases before anything was done.

Tex -

<< Getting your pciture taken at airports, having your bags searched before boarding. Those were loopholes that have been explioted and now they are being closed. >>

How is that a loophole? How will it truly affect criminal activity? How would it have stopped what happened on sept 11th?

More importantly, how is my being closer to a moderate libertarian a lie????? You have NO CLUE what I stand for in many instances, nor have you seen my voting record, so WTF could you possibly have to judge my political party affiliations by????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 16, 2000
sorry xero, you lost me. If you're inferring that I am someone else you're mistaken, as my post history (and any IP logs at anand) would show.

Tex -

<< LOL I heard about this guy. I agree Dave, he's not worth our time.

Nutballs and liars like this need to be left alone

And here we go again..."oh no, if this is the same guy, and he's right, then my entire empty existence is invalidated! I can't deal with that cause I'm a hollow sheeple incapable of independent thought! I know! I'll pretend he's lying, without any proof, and against all facts and easily verifiable records, and that will make me sound big and tough and people will respect my authority and, and.....*WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA* I want my mommy to tell me there are no monsters! *sob, sob*"



Senior member
Jul 24, 2001
My point Dave is that YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for your own safety and security and that there is very little if anything that the Government can do to protect you, even when they want to.


Sep 22, 2001

<< Dave - I only mentioned the duty stations as offerings of validity to an accusation of false identity. I was around when Clinton was in...he was taking flack for a lot, and rightly so. However, trying to succeed in a case against me based on my post would have been VERY touchy...more likely they would have given me a stern talking to and sent me on my way...which is what they did when I objected to the gay ban, attended a gay rights rally (in uniform), questioned orders, refused to process certain documents based on moral objection, insulted Clinton, and another couple hundred things I got stern lectures for. Like I said, I know what I could get away with and what I couldn't. Only twice did they even start Captains Mast proceedings and they dropped both cases before anything was done >>

If any of this is true, which I doubt, it proves two things 1. You are in fact the ignorant, bigmouthed, POS, loser you appear to be and 2. No one in the Navy was sorry to see you go. Least of all me. Having to deal with whiny little "sea lawyers" like you just takes away from doing the assigned mission.
May 16, 2000
you mean important duties like blanket parties for homosexuals cause most the military are homophobes? Or poisening our planet? Or payoffs to other governments to cover our black ops? Yeah, sure sorry I missed out on those...NOT!

You have to know as well as I that Norfolk has a strong gay sector, they used to hold marches and stuff right down one street off of COMNAVSURFLANT. I did what I did because I RESPECT the constitution and honored my oath of enlistment. Or do you not believe that gays are a part of this country? Deserving of the same protection we are supposed to be providing to ALL citizens???!!! I made informed decisions on every action I took to make certain that I was not contributing to the problem, and for that I'm a POS???!!! POS are the blind stupid mother *%*%^s that blindly follow orders contributing to the problems of this world.

They put up with me because public it would have been strong negative press for the military and during BRAC they couldn't risk it. It also helped that I had perfect enlistment, perfect A school scores, could do anything twice as quickly and accurately as ANY other member in the command, and could learn anything faster than they could finish telling us it needed to be learned. My potential earned me as much slack as their need for good pr did, maybe more.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2001
Where I work overlooks the freeway a few miles away from the medical college and we watched the motorcade go down the freeway. it was pretty impressive because they stopped *all* traffic on and going over the freeway AND had helicopters overhead.
Not to mention the huge amount of police and government black suburbans.



Sep 22, 2001

<< You have to know as well as I that Norfolk has a strong gay sector, they used to hold marches and stuff right down one street off of COMNAVSURFLANT. I did what I did because I RESPECT the constitution and honored my oath of enlistment. Or do you not believe that gays are a part of this country? Deserving of the same protection we are supposed to be providing to ALL citizens???!!! I made informed decisions on every action I took to make certain that I was not contributing to the problem, and for that I'm a POS???!!! POS are the blind stupid mother *%*%^s that blindly follow orders contributing to the problems of this world. >>

Sorry try again. I was making no reference to the gay issue. But since you brought it up....... The gay ban was never a constitutional issue. The supreme court never ruled on it or the current "Don't ask, don't Tell" policy. So your argument that you were respecting your enlistment contract is BS. There was nothing constitutional being broken and you were in fact disobeying a lawful and direct order, therefore breaking your enlistment oath. If any of what you say is true. I supported the gay ban when it was in place and I support the current "Don't ask, don't tell" policy with equal dedication. As I am required to by my oath of enlistment.

<< They put up with me because public it would have been strong negative press for the military and during BRAC they couldn't risk it. It also helped that I had perfect enlistment, perfect A school scores, could do anything twice as quickly and accurately as ANY other member in the command, and could learn anything faster than they could finish telling us it needed to be learned. My potential earned me as much slack as their need for good pr did, maybe more. >>

Yes, i'm sure you are a legend in your own mind. I would bet a dollar to donuts that any Chief or LPO that you worked for would have a completely different story.


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2001
Why didn't you keep your original comments if you meant them? You aren't going to let something like PC get in your way of being a complete dumbass are you???

I'm not a republican either so don't bother giving me that s*it.......

May 16, 2000
By your statement:

<< Sorry try again. I was making no reference to the gay issue. But since you brought it up....... The gay ban was never a constitutional issue. The supreme court never ruled on it or the current "Don't ask, don't Tell" policy. So your argument that you were respecting your enlistment contract is BS. There was nothing constitutional being broken and you were in fact disobeying a lawful and direct order, therefore breaking your enlistment oath. If any of what you say is true. I supported the gay ban when it was in place and I support the current "Don't ask, don't tell" policy with equal dedication. As I am required to by my oath of enlistment.

you already prove you are NOT honoring your oath. A thing is not right or wrong based on what the supreme black robes say for christs sake, and you think that's the measure of morality then there is ABSOLUTELY NO HOPE that you will ever become a human being. You swore to uphold the CONSTITUTION which states repeatedly that all are equal....ALL ARE EQUAL. That means there can be NO discrimination against gays any more than any other category of people. The order was NOT lawful and therefore I did NOT obey it.

And I wasn't singling out only the gay issue for any reason other than support of argument. It was an easy one to address.


Sep 22, 2001

<< you already prove you are NOT honoring your oath. A thing is not right or wrong based on what the supreme black robes say for christs sake, and you think that's the measure of morality then there is ABSOLUTELY NO HOPE that you will ever become a human being. You swore to uphold the CONSTITUTION which states repeatedly that all are equal....ALL ARE EQUAL. That means there can be NO discrimination against gays any more than any other category of people. The order was NOT lawful and therefore I did NOT obey it. >>

So the Supreme court is irrelevant. I'll call and tell them their services are no longer needed. Also I guess the 10's of millions of people that served before you, none of them held up their oath either. If only we were as smart as you. Not. The order not to participate in a demonstration in uniform is lawful and you disobeyed it. Period. If any of what you say is true. I personally think you are a liar.


Senior member
Jul 23, 2000
Go gettem PrinceofWands!!! Speak your mind.

I love Off Topic. Everyone gets uptight over stupid sh!t and when they get that way they go rat in Forum Issues to try and get someone booted. LOL Everyone, STRAIGHTEN UP!!! :disgust:


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
It's funny how a retired service man is bashing the leader of military he served in. You may disagree with the Bush's politics, but after being in the military, you'd think you would respect the office enough not to make jokes about him dying. Bush is not everyones choice for president, but I don't think we would have seen Gore carpet bombing that miserable excuse for a country over there, and although there is no public information telling us that there is significant progress being achieved, I'm sure there are many things that we don't hear about being done. Although you may not agree with his politics, it's good to have a balancing out period. 8 years of a left wing president followed by a new right wing president helps steer everything towards the middle. Now just 7 more years of a republican and we can get a libertarian or at least a more moderate individual in there.
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