President Bush on tape admitting drug use

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Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
I guess I could have been a little more clear. I kinda went off on a rant. I was mainly starting out to say that, he had an abuse problem, period. It often doesn't matter what your substance of choice is. . .be it alcohol or some other drug, the fact is having the predisposition of being an "addict" is the real problem. . .people should not act so surprised that it suddenly comes out that an alcoholic also used other drugs. Kinda like Homer said to Marge last night on the Simpsons when Marge found out her sister was gay. . ."Well guess what, Marge? Here comes a real bomb. I like beer!" (Please don't flame me if I got the quote a little wrong, you get the idea hopefully. ) The fact is, he was a substance abuser and that was the problem, not so much as what he chose to abuse.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: berserker

Still refusing to deny he used coke. :roll:

You people really elected yourselves a winner. An alcoholic, pothead, cokehead. A multi-drug abuser.

Is there nothing this doper can do that you people won't defend?

I missed the part where he or anyone else stated that he abused pot and cocaine. Please educate me.[/quote]
Apparently, there is NO educating you. But just for a reference take a trip to Texas and talk to any of the thousands of prisoners who are doing years of hard time for having ONE JOINT in their possession, then tell me again about your lack of education and your putrid refusal to hold King Georgie to the same, or for that matter, ANY standard.

Now educate me. Does Georgie's divine status as God's chosen ruler of America exempt him from the law in a nation which preaches to the world that our justice system is blind?

Freedom, democracy, and justice only for those who can afford it. Just ask that fat bastard junkie hypocrite Limbaugh.

Or His Majesty, God's own voice on earth, the Almighty King Georgie.

Judging from the past four years the drugged out alchie freak is ruling by flashback. But he probably thinks they're divine visions.




Feb 1, 2000
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: berserker

Still refusing to deny he used coke. :roll:

You people really elected yourselves a winner. An alcoholic, pothead, cokehead. A multi-drug abuser.

Is there nothing this doper can do that you people won't defend?

I missed the part where he or anyone else stated that he abused pot and cocaine. Please educate me.
Apparently, there is NO educating you. But just for a reference take a trip to Texas and talk to any of the thousands of prisoners who are doing years of hard time for having ONE JOINT in their possession, then tell me again about your lack of education and your putrid refusal to hold King Georgie to the same, or for that matter, ANY standard.

Now educate me. Does Georgie's divine status as God's chosen ruler of America exempt him from the law in a nation which preaches to the world that our justice system is blind?

Freedom, democracy, and justice only for those who can afford it. Just ask that fat bastard junkie hypocrite Limbaugh.

Or His Majesty, God's own voice on earth, the Almighty King Georgie.

Judging from the past four years the drugged out alchie freak is ruling by flashback. But he probably thinks they're divine visions.



Hrm, are you saying that he should be sent to prison because he may have smoked some weed 20-25 years ago? Or that he is unfit to be president because he may have snorted a line 20-25 years ago? Is that really what you are saying?

And again, please tell me why you claim that he abused illegal drugs.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: BBond

Judging from the past four years the drugged out alchie freak is ruling by flashback. But he probably thinks they're divine visions.


And this kind of judgement by the public is why people don't come out and advertise that they have abuse problems. If we only elected people to office who never "got high" or drunk in their lifetimes, we'd have a very slim pool of candidates. Maybe people who judge Bush should remember that every time you point your finger at somebody else, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you. If a person uses alcohol or drugs with the express intent of becoming innebriated or "high" then that person just abused a drug. There are far more people out there who do this kind of thing on a regular basis yet don't think of themselves as "addicts" or "abusers" than we'd care to think of. And few of them ever have the wisdom or insight to see the problem for what it really is let alone the wherewithall to look at themselves in the mirror and recognize their flaws and do something about it. Now. . .I am not standing up for Bush, I think he is a terrible president. But the fact that he did choose to recognize when he was out of line with his substance abuse and chose to change his ways says that maybe there is still hope for him. Nobody is perfect but when we are able to see when we are wrong and change ourselves for the better, it brings us a little closer to perfection. He turned his life around and like it or not, he's the President of the USA now. You have to at least admire that a little.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
Like ex-cigarette smokers, former-drug users can often become the most vehemently anti-drug.

And if the Republicans DID re-elect a "druggie," maybe they were just trying to keep up with the Jonesers.

Erm, I meant the Democrats.


"IF" they elected a druggie? :laugh:

You're so delusional you won't accept a confession right from the druggies mouth.

What a bunch of hypocrites. Just IMAGINE what you'd be saying if a Democratic president admitted ON TAPE that he abused alcohol, pot, and COCAINE.

Yet when it's your own druggie you defend him. You people are pathetic.
Ah, such absolute cluelessness from BBond. I see you believe Bush is my own druggie, when I've stated for a fact I don't care for him and didn't vote for him.

I hope they call you for a PIPA study real soon. :laugh:

Your ridiculous non-partisan charade is clearly exposed in each of your posts.

You're as transparent as your president.
You've got a serious problem little man. Seek help.


I'm a big man.


You're Saran Wrap. See a see through neoCON.


Big man, huh?

Well then may your mind catch up with the rest of you some day. :laugh:


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: ahurtt
Originally posted by: BBond

Judging from the past four years the drugged out alchie freak is ruling by flashback. But he probably thinks they're divine visions.


And this kind of judgement by the public is why people don't come out and advertise that they have abuse problems. If we only elected people to office who never "got high" or drunk in their lifetimes, we'd have a very slim pool of candidates. Maybe people who judge Bush should remember that every time you point your finger at somebody else, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you. If a person uses alcohol or drugs with the express intent of becoming innebriated or "high" then that person just abused a drug. There are far more people out there who do this kind of thing on a regular basis yet don't think of themselves as "addicts" or "abusers" than we'd care to think of. And few of them ever have the wisdom or insight to see the problem for what it really is let alone the wherewithall to look at themselves in the mirror and recognize their flaws and do something about it. Now. . .I am not standing up for Bush, I think he is a terrible president. But the fact that he did choose to recognize when he was out of line with his substance abuse and chose to change his ways says that maybe there is still hope for him. Nobody is perfect but when we are able to see when we are wrong and change ourselves for the better, it brings us a little closer to perfection. He turned his life around and like it or not, he's the President of the USA now. You have to at least admire that a little.

For the last time, IF this clod has had an "awakening" and found whatever he thinks he found that's all well and good. I don't care if he goes for a swim in a pool full of Dewars, cocaine, and pot. But why would ANYONE want a former drug abusing alcoholic (currently dry drunk) with his finger on the button?




Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
I actually thought his excuse in the tape was a legitimate one. Sure he used them, but he doesn't want some kid following his stupid example. I don't respect the guy for much but I respect his opinion on this, he is technically a role model and should keep that sh!t in the closet where it belongs.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: berserker
BBond, just because you say he is those things doesn't make it so. Don't you realize that?

Berserker, just because you disagree with me doesn't make you right. Dont' you realize that?

Time will tell and so far time has proven me right about Bush, Iraq, WMD, Chalabi, Rumsfeld, etc.



Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Phokus
Let me be the first to put down $1000 and bet the moral outrage of the religious right will fail to materialize.

They seem to have selective vision when it comes to things like this much like the regulars who post here.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
bush should be the poster child of what happens with drug use, as it obviously is still affecting him years later, with a caption of:

dumb and dumber


stupid is as stupid does


Mar 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
A druggy? Jesus, the man smoked pot. Hell he possible snorted a line or two. So what? I'm no Bush fan, but this is ridiculous (other than him having a hypocritical stance on drug use which is not cool imo). Smoking pot does not make you a druggy. I have plenty of friends who have completely fvcked up there lives over drugs, I know all too well what it can do, but I'm sorry smoking pot is a complete non issue imo. OMG, I bet ol Bushy boy has drank a beer or two in his life as well! The horror!


There's a HUGE difference between pot and coke. Don't you agree?

I agree there is a big difference between coke and pot. I fail to see how snorting a line umpteen years ago affects his presidency now though.


Senior member
Apr 11, 2000
I thought burned out druggies were all liberals. I guess there are exceptions to every rule.


Mar 29, 2004
Yeah young republican yuppies in the 80's weren't the biggest dope fiends with their coke......please.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: judasmachine
so just freakin legalize it already. two presidents in a row admit it, and prolly ten times that many have done it. why not? george and bill apparently don't mind.

:beer: I now have a small pebble of respect for Bush knowing for sure he smoked pot. I would have much more if he were to have openly admitted it. I think it does wonders for NORML when past Presidents can freely admit they used pot. Big F'en deal. Should be as legal as the beer I never drink.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
This nation used to have standards for its highest office. Drug abusers and alcoholics need not apply.

Those standards have been forever rescinded with the arrival of George W. Bush.

Where was all of this forgiveness and understanding from 1992 through 2000, you festering abyssmal hypocrites?

Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: BBond
This nation used to have standards for its highest office. Drug abusers and alcoholics need not apply.

Those standards have been forever rescinded with the arrival of George W. Bush.

Where was all of this forgiveness and understanding from 1992 through 2000, you festering abyssmal hypocrites?
Where is it now? Your do as I say but not as I do, broken record routine has aged well beyond senility, dude.


Mar 25, 2001
Originally posted by: BBond
This nation used to have standards for its highest office. Drug abusers and alcoholics need not apply.

Those standards have been forever rescinded with the arrival of George W. Bush.

Where was all of this forgiveness and understanding from 1992 through 2000, you festering abyssmal hypocrites?

But those standards were still in place with Clinton, even though he smoked? You people are making a mountain out of a molehill. The man smoked pot and possibly snorted coke. I'm sorry but that does not make someone a druggie, perhaps a little more human but not a fvcking druggie.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Tommunist
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY

Oh and if you live in Illinois like you state in your profile G.W.Bush is your President.:laugh: Deal with it! :laugh:


what does this have to do with proof that GWB was a druggie?

Besides the fact that it's a REPOST?

i was refering to the "Oh and if you live in Illinois like you state in your profile G.W.Bush is your President.:laugh: Deal with it! :laugh:" part.

I was commenting on his sig - deal with it. I just think it's hilarious that people like him think Bush isn't their President. whatever feeds the rabid leftist's hate I guess.

Oh, did I mention that this thread is a repost?


almost every reply you make is a repost - I think you should try using the word "rabid" less. it's like listening to a broken record.

Hey, look it's tommy the troll - how nice to see you...:roll: This thread is a REPOST but for some reason it's still here. Go figure...



Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: BBond
This nation used to have standards for its highest office. Drug abusers and alcoholics need not apply.

Those standards have been forever rescinded with the arrival of George W. Bush.

Where was all of this forgiveness and understanding from 1992 through 2000, you festering abyssmal hypocrites?

But those standards were still in place with Clinton, even though he smoked? You people are making a mountain out of a molehill. The man smoked pot and possibly snorted coke. I'm sorry but that does not make someone a druggie, perhaps a little more human but not a fvcking druggie.

So let me get this straight. Using drugs no longer constitutes a druggie???

How times have changed.

We should really release all the thousands of "a little more human" folks doing hard time in federal pens on minor drug charges then, don't you think?



Mar 25, 2001
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: BBond
This nation used to have standards for its highest office. Drug abusers and alcoholics need not apply.

Those standards have been forever rescinded with the arrival of George W. Bush.

Where was all of this forgiveness and understanding from 1992 through 2000, you festering abyssmal hypocrites?

But those standards were still in place with Clinton, even though he smoked? You people are making a mountain out of a molehill. The man smoked pot and possibly snorted coke. I'm sorry but that does not make someone a druggie, perhaps a little more human but not a fvcking druggie.

So let me get this straight. Using drugs no longer constitutes a druggie???

How times have changed.

We should really release all the thousands of "a little more human" folks doing hard time in federal pens on minor drug charges then, don't you think?

Yes I do think. There is no reason for those people to be locked up, at all. And smoking pot and dabbling in coke does not constitute a druggie, so I guess you got it straight. I've been around numerous druggies, I'm assuming you haven't. Just because you've done drugs does not make you a junkie.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: BBond
This nation used to have standards for its highest office. Drug abusers and alcoholics need not apply.

Those standards have been forever rescinded with the arrival of George W. Bush.

Where was all of this forgiveness and understanding from 1992 through 2000, you festering abyssmal hypocrites?

But those standards were still in place with Clinton, even though he smoked? You people are making a mountain out of a molehill. The man smoked pot and possibly snorted coke. I'm sorry but that does not make someone a druggie, perhaps a little more human but not a fvcking druggie.

So let me get this straight. Using drugs no longer constitutes a druggie???

How times have changed.

We should really release all the thousands of "a little more human" folks doing hard time in federal pens on minor drug charges then, don't you think?

Yes I do think. There is no reason for those people to be locked up, at all. And smoking pot and dabbling in coke does not constitute a druggie, so I guess you got it straight. I've been around numerous druggies, I'm assuming you haven't. Just because you've done drugs does not make you a junkie.

Pot, yes.

Crack, HELL NO.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Originally posted by: BBond
This nation used to have standards for its highest office. Drug abusers and alcoholics need not apply.

Those standards have been forever rescinded with the arrival of George W. Bush.

Where was all of this forgiveness and understanding from 1992 through 2000, you festering abyssmal hypocrites?

But those standards were still in place with Clinton, even though he smoked? You people are making a mountain out of a molehill. The man smoked pot and possibly snorted coke. I'm sorry but that does not make someone a druggie, perhaps a little more human but not a fvcking druggie.

So let me get this straight. Using drugs no longer constitutes a druggie???

How times have changed.

We should really release all the thousands of "a little more human" folks doing hard time in federal pens on minor drug charges then, don't you think?

Yes I do think. There is no reason for those people to be locked up, at all. And smoking pot and dabbling in coke does not constitute a druggie, so I guess you got it straight. I've been around numerous druggies, I'm assuming you haven't. Just because you've done drugs does not make you a junkie.

So why not petition your fair and religiously devout, forgiving, former drug abusing alcoholic president to pardon all those "little more human" offenders?

Bush has certainly been given a get out of jail free card for his past abuse. Don't they deserve the same? And if MJ is no big deal perhaps he should be petitioned to take it off the list of controlled dangerous substances as well, instead of sending his goons to arrest people IN WHEELCHAIRS USING MEDICAL MJ IN STATES, LIKE CALIFORNIA, WHICH ALLOW ITS USE.

Otherwise Bush is what I've always known he is. A lying alcoholic druggie hypocrite.



No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Haha... and they claim they are the party that's about personal responsibility. :laugh:
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