"President Obama wants everybody to go to college. What a snob."

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Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
I realize he has to appeal to his base, but at times, he sounds like he's batshit crazy!!! At least a few weeks ago, he was talking about other things like bringing back jobs to America etc. Seems like he's done a complete 180. Did I mention he sounds like he's batrshit crazy?

He is a martyr. I am sure his advisors and coaches told him what to say (or rather, what not to say), but if/when provoked, he cannot help himself. It's in his blood.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
It definitely is a problem. I think it's holdover from the days when getting a college degree in anything helped your job prospects quite a bit. For many people though, learning a trade might be a better approach than just kind of drifting through a 4 year college to get a degree in something that doesn't really help you at all.

It still does help your job prospects quite a bit and you still make more on average.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
He is a martyr. I am sure his advisors and coaches told him what to say (or rather, what not to say), but if/when provoked, he cannot help himself. It's in his blood.

That is somehow admirable that he blatantly panders to people he doesn't respect?


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
In principle, it makes sense. A better educated population leads to a more productive economy, and hence higher economic growth.

but not all jobs require a college education, or that degree of learning. Should being a burger griller at Burger King require a university degree? Or being a street sweeper? 50% should go to university, but not literally everybody.

No you don't need that education to do those jobs, but college and continued education is about more than just a job. It's about being able to make good decisions, seeing what else is out there,...


Jul 16, 2001
just like he want's everybody to own a house. How did that work out for ya??


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
My god Santorum is a royal douche. If he were to actually win the Rep nomination it would be the final death blow of irrelevance and stupidity to the party.

Let's see you have a:
An irritated, acerbic has-been in Newt
A libertarianesque fringe half-loon with Paul
A certified religious nutbag and moron with Santorum
And a milquetoast moderate in Romney

How is Romney not destroying these guys?


Jan 30, 2001
My god Santorum is a royal douche. If he were to actually win the Rep nomination it would be the final death blow of irrelevance and stupidity to the party.

Let's see you have a:
An irritated, acerbic has-been in Newt
A libertarianesque fringe half-loon with Paul
A certified religious nutbag and moron with Santorum
And a milquetoast moderate in Romney

How is Romney not destroying these guys?

That is why. Santorum is tone deaf to attack Obama for his aspirational statement regarding college. If what he is referring to is the decimation of vocational education in schools for those who want to choose that path he needs to find a much better way to express it than calling Obama a snob.
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Feb 25, 2004
And if Santorum had made THAT argument, he might have had a point. But instead of making a reasonable argument about why maybe everyone doesn't NEED to go to college, he took the anti-intellectual, faux outrage approach.

Yeah, that was my thought. There is some valid criticism of Obama's "just get more education" policy with regards to its ability provide everyone with a happy life or even a steady job. However I didn't hear that from Santorum. I heard "We're stupid and uneducated and proud, hurrrrrrr. We won't let those nerds talk at us with their big words. Go team moron!"
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Feb 16, 2005
Santorum spews more santorum.
I saw him 'defending' this on meet the press, I really wish reporters still had balls and called him out on the sheer stupidity of his statement.


Dec 18, 2010
imo, there's definitely a problem in the overall educational system with teachers/guidance councilors looking down on CC/trade schools and encouraging everyone to go to 4 year colleges (regardless of their life plans)

When I decided to go to college I was 26 years old, married, 4 children and already had an established career in the welding field. My goal to go to college was to better myself, learn a second or third skill and hopefully improve my families standard of living.

My first college major was for legal assistant. After I got into the classes I learned I was going to have to get a 4 year degree to make the same amount of money I was already making welding.

Forget that, I changed my major.


Feb 24, 2009
I was floored when I saw the video of that earlier tonight on the local news. He is off his rocker. Whats even more pathetic is the Republican base was cheering him. They will talk about eliminating education and its brainwashing kids. The base will cheer him while the elite Republicans are giggling at how moronoic they are. This is no different from 5 years ago where they unemployed Republican factory worker was losing his job to the Chinese and was still voting Republican even though the Republican politicians where for outsourcing and claiming it was free market at work. Now its different... Its education they are going to attack. Lets further dumb our base down.

He's also said he read JFK's speach about how he would follow the constitution of the United States and not be answerable to the Pope, and Santorum said that made him want to throw-up.

So now we have papist running for the Republican nomination. Welcome to the new american Taliban.


Oct 12, 2009
When I decided to go to college I was 26 years old, married, 4 children and already had an established career in the welding field. My goal to go to college was to better myself, learn a second or third skill and hopefully improve my families standard of living.

My first college major was for legal assistant. After I got into the classes I learned I was going to have to get a 4 year degree to make the same amount of money I was already making welding.

Forget that, I changed my major.
:thumbsup: $28/hr at the local union and $42/hr in other areas. Demand is through the roof. SRS and Plant Vogtle need ~100 welders right now.


Nov 9, 2000
Mr Santorum has a near fatal case of NObama. NObama is automatically being against anything Mr Obama supports and achieves. The Republicans have a speed of light reflex of NObama.

Now Mr Santorum is against everyone having an opportunity for higher education. Anybody remember the House Republicans being against extending the payroll taxcut?

This is why we have the problems we do today. Everyone deserves college whether they need it or not so we push people into higher education. So we cheapen the value of a college degree so that everyone who gets in, gets a diploma. We also throw tons of money into the system to enrollment can be increased. New buildings, more professors, 25,000+ student campuses. Except when the economy goes south and school systems and states have to pay those bills.. there is trouble.

When I was in high school there were several tracks one could take. There was automotive tech, welding, construction and a number of other non-college jobs skills could be gained. If you were college bound then you don't take any vocational technical classed. At least around me, I don't see these anymore.


Dec 18, 2010
:thumbsup: $28/hr at the local union and $42/hr in other areas. Demand is through the roof. SRS and Plant Vogtle need ~100 welders right now.

My son-in-law got a job as a helper on a construction site for a local refinery, he hired on at something like $22 or $23 an hour.

There seems to be a mindset that unless you go to college and get some massive student debt, your never going to make any money. In some parts of the nation that might be correct, but along the gulf coast there are lots of high paying jobs that can not find qualified people.

A couple of people I used to work with, they made anywhere from $75k - $100k on offshore drilling rigs. One guy worked on the offshore drilling rigs for 4 or 5 years, and in that time he was able to buy and pay for his home + several acres of land, and he was a high school drop out. Once he got his home paid for, he took a job working less overtime.

Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
If everyone is expected to go to college, then we need to come up with a SUPER College. Or maybe require a PHD now instead of a Bachelors degree.

How else will HR be able to filter out resumes, if every schmuck has a college degree?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Here's all the quotes I can find by Obama talking about Americans and a college education. The last is closest to what Santorum is referring to but still isn't even close. It's a straw man.

Community colleges play an important role in helping people transition between careers by providing the retooling they need to take on a new career.

We will put a college education within reach of anyone who wants to go

you should be able to send your children to college even if you're not rich

In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity--it is a prerequisite. And yet, we have one of the highest high school dropout rates of any industrialized nation. And half of the students who begin college never finish. This is a prescription for economic decline.

So tonight, I ask every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. This can be community college or a four-year school; vocational training or an apprenticeship. But every American will need to get more than a high school diploma. And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It's not just quitting on yourself, it's quitting on your country. That's why we will provide the support necessary for all young Americans to complete college and meet a new goal: By 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.

Every time a republican discusses Obama, it seems you need to get straight whether this is the real Obama or the GOP-version, Obama 2.0: the caricature.
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Oct 30, 2004
In principle, it makes sense. A better educated population leads to a more productive economy, and hence higher economic growth.

but not all jobs require a college education, or that degree of learning. Should being a burger griller at Burger King require a university degree? Or being a street sweeper? 50% should go to university, but not literally everybody.

The question is, do you get higher economic growth when a large oversupply of college graduates is produced? According an economist from the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, it has been shown that economic growth actually decreases as the amount of money invested in higher education increases.

Here are some worthwhile articles:



Apr 10, 2000
Here's all the quotes I can find by Obama talking about Americans and a college education. The last is closest to what Santorum is referring to but still isn't even close. It's a straw man.

Every time a republican discusses Obama, it seems you need to get straight whether this is the real Obama or the GOP-version, Obama 2.0: the caricature.

You know, I do wonder what it would be like if we took someone who was ACTUALLY bad and let the GOP do their caricaturization of them. They do everything they can to attack Obama with stuff that is occasionally as true as half-true, but usually so blatantly false it's amusing. So what if they spent that energy on attacking someone who is actually a bad person?

I do find it funny that in order for the GOP to attack Obama they have to make stuff up. In order to attack any of the GOP candidates you just have to play an unedited clip of them talking because they're all idiotic and horrible monsters.
Oct 30, 2004
It still does help your job prospects quite a bit and you still make more on average.

That claim about college graduates earning more on average is based on old, stale data, much of which came from a time decades ago long before everyone went to college when college degrees had more value than they do today.

Today, when you measure the earnings value of a college education you need to account for the expenses of four years worth of living costs, much higher tuition costs, student loan interest, and opportunity cost.

The other problem with that old study is that it assumes causation. What if the reason college graduates earn more is not because they are college graduates, but because the types of people who go to college possess virtues of character that would lead to them earning more? They tend to be more responsible, more ambitions, have higher IQs, etc. Is it possible that those character traits and not the college education is the real driving force behind the higher earnings for many people?

Sadly, a great many college graduates will NOT obtain a return-on-their-investment or at least one that isn't worth the amount of money gambled. It's even been reported that 85% of all college graduates today are moving back in with their parents. They're not doing that because they found quality career jobs in their fields.

Also, it's very possible that attaining a college degree could make you less employable than you were before in many fields. You could end up overqualified and unemployable for a great many jobs, especially when it comes to advanced and professional degrees. Stories abound about people having to dumb down their resumes to omit college degrees and some previous work experiences in order to get a job.
Oct 30, 2004
No you don't need that education to do those jobs, but college and continued education is about more than just a job. It's about being able to make good decisions, seeing what else is out there,...

That's a whole lot of money spent on "being able to make good decisions". That sort of wisdom could be obtained by just reading books at the library or by purchasing select college textbooks and studying one one's own without paying the tuition dollars.
Oct 30, 2004
My first college major was for legal assistant. After I got into the classes I learned I was going to have to get a 4 year degree to make the same amount of money I was already making welding.

Forget that, I changed my major.

Very good move. The legal field as a profession is pretty dead, especially for new entrants. In fact, hordes of people with law degrees end up applying for paralegal jobs but law firms won't dare consider them for those positions.

What did you end up majoring in and how did that work out for you?


Apr 25, 2001
That's a whole lot of money spent on "being able to make good decisions". That sort of wisdom could be obtained by just reading books at the library or by purchasing select college textbooks and studying one one's own without paying the tuition dollars.

I'd argue that the major value of college isn't gaining any particular piece of knowledge but learning how to think and how to learn in a broader sense. Sure, you do gain increased knowledge in specific areas (particularly in more technical fields like engineering). But more than that, you learn a MUCH different approach to problem solving and performing tasks than you learned in high school. The fact that college expects you to accomplish tasks without constant supervision is, IMO, one of the most valuable parts of the whole experience. And you can't learn that from a book.

Which is still not to say that you absolutely NEED that, or you can't learn it outside of college, but it definitely helps you in life. Which is why I find the rejection of education as "not part of the real world" to be pretty puzzling. If anything, higher education introduces you to real world concepts in a fairly effective way.


Apr 25, 2001
My son-in-law got a job as a helper on a construction site for a local refinery, he hired on at something like $22 or $23 an hour.

There seems to be a mindset that unless you go to college and get some massive student debt, your never going to make any money. In some parts of the nation that might be correct, but along the gulf coast there are lots of high paying jobs that can not find qualified people.

A couple of people I used to work with, they made anywhere from $75k - $100k on offshore drilling rigs. One guy worked on the offshore drilling rigs for 4 or 5 years, and in that time he was able to buy and pay for his home + several acres of land, and he was a high school drop out. Once he got his home paid for, he took a job working less overtime.

I think part of the "problem" is that non-college educated careers can cap out in terms of salary pretty fast. You can make a fair amount of money if you're skilled or if you're willing to take on dangerous/high-demand work. But there's really no career path from there without higher education.

Which is fine for quite a few people. A good job, making good money that's enough to provide for your family is all a lot of people ask for. A college education still brings something to the party though if you want to go further in a particular area, IMO. Definitely shouldn't be required for everyone or anything, and I have no problem with folks who don't make that choice. But it's still a choice worth considering.
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