Prime95 and your OC Results


Oct 12, 2004
Hi. Just want to compare some overclocking results along with the level of Prime that is used to test it.
Anyone know what level of testing is REALLY stable?

The 3 level listed in Prime95 are:
Option 1: Small FFTs (maximum FPU stress, data fits in L2 cache, RAM not tested much)
Option 2: In-place large FFTs (Maximum heat, power consumption, some RAM tested)
Option 3: Blend (tests some of everything, lots of RAM tested)

Please Post your spec so we can compare. Thanks.

CPU: Newcastle AMD 64 3500+ , S939 , 0.13 Micron
CPU Frequency: 260mhz x 8.5 = 2470mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.650v
Cooling: Stock
Temperatures: System 27/29 C, CPU 51/56 C
Motherboard: ASUS A8V rev 2.0 Bios 1008.002 Beta
Memory: OCZ Gold Rev2 PC4000 DDR500 512MB x 2
Memory Bus Frequency: 1:1 Ratio ; 260mhz
Memory timing: 2.5-3-3-7 1T <- (CAS-tRP-tRCD-tRAS, 1T/2T)
Memory voltage: 2.8 V
HT Frequency: 5 x 200 MHz (LTD=5)
FTT: 260mhz x 5 = 1300mhz
Prime95 Option: #2
Hours Ran (Passed): 9 Hours

Copy Below and Fill in. Thanks.

CPU Frequency:
CPU Voltage:
Memory Bus Frequency:
Memory Timing:
Memory Voltage:
HT Frequency:
Prime95 Level:
Hours Ran (Passed):


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2004
CPU: Sempron 3100+, 754, Paris Core
CPU Frequency: 9 x 270 = 2430 mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.6V in bios
Cooling: Zalman 7000 AlCU
Temperatures: 44C idle / 54C load
Motherboard: Chaintech VNF3-250
Memory: 512 Corsair XMS XL
Memory Bus Frequency: 270
Memory Timing: 2.5-3-3-6 2T (won't do 1T for some reason)
Memory Voltage: 2.8V
HT Frequency: 270 x 3
Prime95 Level: Custom - Min FFT 2048 / Max FFT 4096 ; sometimes w/ FFT's in place...sometimes w/o
Hours Ran (Passed): ~12 hours

I use the custom setting. It seems to detect instabilities much quicker...usually within a minute or two. I use FFT's in place when trying to only stress the CPU. Sometimes I'll use the blend test for the ram, but usually ram instabilites show up without much effort.


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2004
CPU: A64 3200 Socket 754
CPU Frequency: 11 x 226 = 2489 mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.55V in bios
Cooling: Thermaltake Silentboost K8
Temperatures: 43C idle / 46C load
Motherboard: Soltek SL-K8AN2E-GR
Memory:768 Twinmos 3200 Ram
Memory Bus Frequency: 225
Memory Timing: 2.5-3-3-6 2T
Memory Voltage: 2.8V
HT Frequency: 225 x 4
Prime95 Level: Torture test
Hours Ran (Passed): ~48 hours


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
CPU: AX core Athlon 64 3000 skt 754 newcastle
CPU Frequency: 2650
CPU Voltage: 1.75
Cooling: Water RBX
Temperatures: 44C
Motherboard: Chaintech VNF3-250
Memory: Samsung TCCD 1G
Memory Bus Frequency: 265
Memory Timing: 3-3-3-10
Memory Voltage: 2.8
HT Frequency: 3 x 265 (10 multi)
Prime95 Level: always blend
Hours Ran (Passed): about 4 hours


Diamond Member
May 3, 2001
CPU Frequency: 3.6ghz
CPU Voltage: Auto (1.55)
Cooling: Thermalright SP-94
Temperatures: 37C idle/52C full (ambient 22C)
Motherboard: Asus P4C800-E Deluxe
Memory: 2x512mb Corsair XMS pc3500
Memory Bus Frequency: 225fsb
Memory Timing: 2-3-2-5 (1:1)
Memory Voltage: 2.85
HT Frequency: n/a
FTT: n/a
Prime95 Level: Max heat/cpu (2 instances)
Hours Ran (Passed): 24+ hours


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
CPU: p4 2266B
CPU Frequency: 3910
CPU Voltage: 1.55
Cooling: xp-120
Temperatures: Board reads ~40C under load. Not reliable.
Motherboard: p4c800 Deluxe
Memory: Generic pc2700
Memory Bus Frequency: 230
Memory Timing: 2.5-3-3-7
Memory Voltage: 2.55

CPU: Winchester 3000+
Freq: 2600
Vcore: 1.70
Cooling: XP-120
Temperatures: No board read in windows.
Motherboard: K8NS Ultra
Memory: BH5
Memory Bus: ~240
Memory timing: 2-2-2-2-2-2-9-11-13 2t
HTT: ~290
Memory voltage: 3.3

I generally do blend with ram tuned down a hair overnight (400 in 512meg rigs, 800 in 1024), then I do daytime runs of both of the others.


Jul 20, 2004
CPU: A64 3200 Socket 754
CPU Frequency: 10 x 255 = 2550 mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.6V in bios
Cooling: Thermaltake Stock HSF
Temperatures: No idea, temp probe is messed up
Motherboard: Chaintech VNF3-250
Memory:1024MB Mushkin Vaue ram
Memory Bus Frequency: 255
Memory Timing: 2.5-3-3-10 1T
Memory Voltage: 2.8V
HT Frequency: 255 x 4
Prime95 Level: Blend
Hours Ran (Passed): ~12 hours


Oct 12, 2004
CPU: Newcastle AMD 64 3500+ , S939 , 0.13 Micron
CPU Frequency: 262mhz x 9.5 = 2489mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.650v
Cooling: Stock
Temperatures: System 27/29 C, CPU 53/62 C
Motherboard: ASUS A8V rev 2.0 Bios 1008.002 Beta
Memory: OCZ Gold Rev2 PC4000 DDR500 512MB x 2
Memory Bus Frequency: 1:1 Ratio ; 262mhz
Memory timing: 2.5-3-3-10 1T <- (CAS-tRP-tRCD-tRAS, 1T/2T)
Memory voltage: 2.8 V
HT Frequency: 5 x 200 MHz (LTD=5)
FTT: 262mhz x 5 = 1310mhz
Prime95 Option: #2
Hours Ran (Passed): 13 Hours

Just finished testing.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
CPU: Athlon64 3200+ S754(Newcastle CG core)
CPU Frequency: 2573MHz
CPU Voltage: 1.6V
Cooling: Coolermaster Hyper6
Temperatures: Case 32C, CPU N/A
Motherboard: Chaintech VNF3-250
Memory: 2x512MB Kingmax PC4000
Memory Bus Frequency: 257MHz
Memory Timing: 2.5-3-3-7
Memory Voltage: 2.8V
HT Frequency: 257x4
FTT: what?
Prime95 Level: Torture custom 4096
Hours Ran (Passed): ~12hr


Senior member
Jun 2, 2004
CPU: AMD64 3200+ S754 Newcastle CG
CPU Frequency: 225 x 11 = 2475Mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.65v
Cooling: Stock
Temperatures: Case 32C, CPU Idle 46C, Full 52C
Motherboard: Chaintech VNF3-250
Memory: 1 x Crucial Ballistix 1G
Memory Bus Frequency: 225 MHz
Memory Timing: 3-3-3-8
Memory Voltage: 2.8v
HT Frequency: 225 x 4 = 900 MHz
FTT: 4
Prime95 Level: Torture Option 2
Hours Ran (Passed): 6 Hours


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2004
CPU: Mobile Athlon Xp 2500+ 45W (Barton Core)
CPU Frequency: 200*13.5=2700MHz
CPU Voltage: 2.15V
Cooling: Water (Maze4 + radiator w/6 80MM fans on one side)
Temperatures: Case ~30C, Idle 26C, Load 29C
Motherboard: Abit NF7-S v2 running D25 Merlin
Memory: 2*256 Corsair CH-5
Memory Bus Frequency: 200MHz
Memory Timing: 2-3-2-11
Memory Voltage: 2.7V
Prime95 Level: Blend
Hours Ran (Passed): 24

although I frequently just run it at 200*13, as that only requires 2.0V
yes, my system will die sometime. i know that this level of voltage will kill a Barton even on good water.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
CPU: Athlon XP 1700+, TBred-B, Stepping unknown
CPU Frequency: 166 x 11.0 = 1833MHz (edited!)
CPU Voltage: 1.55 to 1.58V (From AbitEQ), 1.6V (from BIOS)

Cooling: Stock all-aluminium Heatsink with 60mm 6500rpm fan

Temperature: Ambient - 30C, Case - 39 to 43C, CPU - 54 to 65C

Motherboard: Abit NF7 v1.1 latest BIOS

Memory: 1x 512MB DDR400, 1x 256MB DDR400, 1x 256MB DDR333, All of them Kingston Value RAM in Dual Channel mode
Memory Frequency: 166MHz (effective 333MHz)
Memory Timing: SPD
Memory Voltage: 2.7V

Prime95 level: Default Torture Test (I'm sure I used the older version of P95)
Hours Ran: At least 25 Hours

I know my system isn't very fast compared to the others sporting P4s and A64s, but hopefully the info I posted here may prove useful.


Oct 13, 2004
166*12.5 is 2075mhz i think (as does my calculator, tho as i am not prime stable, it could be wrong )

EDIT: heh.


Oct 13, 2004
CPU Frequency: 11.5*175=2013mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.7
Cooling: stock
Temperatures: will let u know
Motherboard: A7V8X
Memory: 512MB crappy PC3200
Memory Bus Frequency: 175mhz
Memory Timing: 2.5, 4, 4, 10
Memory Voltage: stock
HT Frequency:
Prime95 Level: let u know
Hours Ran (Passed): whoo hoo, 4.5 hours b4 i killed it


Nov 21, 2001
Mobile barton 2500

CPU Frequency: 2506
CPU Voltage: 1.8
Cooling: stormcool 3 all in one cheap water thing
Temperatures: 36/43 idle, 37/51 load
Motherboard: DFI infinity
Memory: 2 x 256 HyperX PC3500
Memory Bus Frequency: 208
Memory Timing: 2-3-2-11
Memory Voltage: 2.8
HT Frequency: huh?
FTT: come again?
Prime95 Level: blended, shaken, stirred
Hours Ran (Passed): about 14 hours so far.

Edit: trying 209 now.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2001
my system will die sometime. i know that this level of voltage will kill a Barton even on good water.

I don't buy into this statement. As long as the associated heat can be removed, the voltage shouldn't lessen the life by such a considerable margin. In fact I would think you will be crying for a new CPU before the D-Day came. Unless someone has some info I haven't heard of, but I haven't heard of a high rate of CPU death by a properly cooled Barton running 1.95-2.0V.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2001
Mobile barton 2500

CPU Frequency: 2600
CPU Voltage: 1.95
Cooling: Maze 4, Heatercore(2X120MM side by side),Hydor L30, WACC Active Reservoir 3/8" tubing
Temperatures: 38*C idle, 45*C load (Enermax 2X2 monitor)
Motherboard: DFI Lan Party UltraB
Memory: 2X 256MB Mushkin Level I
Memory Bus Frequency: 200
Memory Timing: 2-2-2-11
Memory Voltage: 2.7
Prime95 Level: all
Hours Ran: 10 combined.

Has been running FAH 24/7 for over 4 mos. now.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2002
Originally posted by: demancalledbok
my system will die sometime. i know that this level of voltage will kill a Barton even on good water.

I don't buy into this statement. As long as the associated heat can be removed, the voltage shouldn't lessen the life by such a considerable margin. In fact I would think you will be crying for a new CPU before the D-Day came. Unless someone has some info I haven't heard of, but I haven't heard of a high rate of CPU death by a properly cooled Barton running 1.95-2.0V.

Not necessary. Giving more volts to the CPU melts the gates faster (gates are what a transistor is made up of....any material science class will teach about this), no matter how quickly or efficiently you can remove the heat from the CPU.

BUT it will be long before your gates are fully melted to the extend that they wont allow passage of current. Dont wry, you are shortening the life of your CPU but you will have upgraded atleast 2 generations before that CPU dies running at that voltage 24x7.

Almost all CPUs are designed to work for atleast 10years and almost all will run for much longer period than that (personally have seen a P 133Mhz system that has been running for the last 8 years). Even if you are supplying it much more voltages, it will still run for a long long time. Note: There are always some exceptions, so dont take my words seriously.



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001

CPU Frequency: 3000+ @ 2610mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.47v
Cooling: TT Venus 12
Temperatures: 31-32c idle - 49c load
Motherboard: MSI K8N Neo2 Plat.
Memory: 1GB (2x512) GSkill PC3200-4400
Memory Bus Frequency: 480mhz ddr
Memory Timing: cas 2.5,4,4,8,1t
Memory Voltage: 2.7v
HT Frequency: 290
FTT: 290x3 = 870
Prime95 Level: option #1
Hours Ran (Passed) :62 hours

CPU Frequency: 3000+ @ 2637mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.52v
Cooling: TT Venus 12
Temperatures: 32c idle - 50c load
Motherboard: MSI K8N Neo2 Plat.
Memory: 1GB (2x512) GSkill PC3200-4400
Memory Bus Frequency: 486mhz ddr
Memory Timing: cas 2.5,4,4,8,1t
Memory Voltage: 2.7v
HT Frequency: 293
FTT: 293x3 = 879
Prime95 Level: option #1
Hours Ran (Passed) 42 hours

CPU Frequency: 3000+ @ 2640mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.54v
Cooling: TT Venus 12
Temperatures: 32-33c idle - 50-51c load
Motherboard: MSI K8N Neo2 Plat.
Memory: 1GB (2x512) GSkill PC3200-4400
Memory Bus Frequency: 528mhz ddr
Memory Timing: cas 2.5,4,4,8,1t
Memory Voltage: 2.8v
HT Frequency: 330
FTT: 330x3 = 990
Prime95 Level: option #1
Hours Ran (Passed): 28 hours (misplaced the pic)

CPU Frequency: 3000+ @ 2664mhz
CPU Voltage: 1.56-1.57v
Cooling: TT Venus 12
Temperatures: 33c idle - 52c load
Motherboard: MSI K8N Neo2 Plat.
Memory: 1GB (2x512) GSkill PC3200-4400
Memory Bus Frequency: 492mhz ddr
Memory Timing: cas 2.5,4,4,8,1t
Memory Voltage: 2.75v
HT Frequency: 296
FTT: 296x3 = 888
Prime95 Level: option #1
Hours Ran (Passed): 15 hours


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
:Q 62 hours !!!! duvie takes prime serious much for bad mem controller folks (aka user error)


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
I sorta forgot about it after 24 hours when I was previously going to stop...I was doing everything regardless and never shutdown or restart the system unless adding hardware or software that requires a reboot.....So I let it run, and run, and run, and run....Finally I had to stop cause I needed to install a piece of new hardware.....


Senior member
Dec 7, 2004
CPU: Winchester AMD 64 3000+ , S939 , 0.09 Micron
CPU Frequency: 278mhz x 9 = 2.5Ghz
CPU Voltage: 1.475v
Cooling: Stock Air (Boxed retail HSF)
Temperatures: System 30/34 C, CPU Idle = 40*C, CPU Load = 62*C Load (AV8 reports 10*C high)
Motherboard: Abit AV8 rev 1.1 Bios 16
Memory: Geil Value Ram PC3200 DDR400 256MB x 2
Memory Bus Frequency: .667 Ratio ; 178Mhz
Memory timing: 3-3-3-8 1T <- (CAS-tRP-tRCD-tRAS, 1T/2T)
Memory voltage: 2.7 V
HT Frequency: 556Mhz Mhz, LDT=2x (AV8 has stability bugs using 3x)
Prime95 Option: #3 (Blend)
Hours Ran (Passed): 25 Hours



Platinum Member
Jan 2, 2005
CPU: AMD64 3500+ S939 Winchester
CPU Frequency: 2.60 GHz
CPU Multiplier: 10x
CPU Voltage: 1.47v
Cooling: Thermaltake K8 silent boost
CPU Temperatures: 31°C idle, 46°C 100% load
MB Temperature: 28°C
Ambient Temperature: 22°C
Motherboard: MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum
Memory: 2x 512MB Crucial Ballistix PC4000
Memory Bus Frequency: 260 FSB
Memory Timing: 2.5-3-3-10 1T (1:1)
Memory Voltage: 2.80
HT Frequency: 1040
HT Multiplier: 4x
Prime95 Level: 2 Maximum heat
Hours Ran (Passed): ~48hrs so far

This is still initial "burn in" I have not found max settings yet.

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