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Oct 18, 2013
That is an extremely interesting observation. From a global perspective, white Christianity is in a death spiral. Paradoxically non-white Christianity is on a rapid rise. Fundamentalist Christians were able to infect the African continent with their disease thus ensuring decades of suffering and knee-capping any chances of civilization advance there. By 2060, Pew estimates that more than 40% of all Christians will be in Africa. The brand of Christianity rising in Africa is the anti-gay/anti-science/anti-safe sex/terroristic variety guaranteed to harm society. If White America has anything to apologize for, it is this.

Religion. If it can drive people to do good, then it can drive people to do bad. Seems to do the 2nd part a lot.


Nov 11, 1999
I said no such thing. I think you are thinking of Star. I just disagreed that the poor did not vote for trump.

My apologies. You're making the same basic argument in any case.

The % matches the Edison/Mitofsky exit poll so its close enough.

Still faulty to say that the poor did not vote for Trump, when something like 40% did.

It's obvious that they were not his target demographic or the basis for his win. Put that on confused rust belt white people who can't identify the cause of the malaise in their communities- Job Creator activity. Pumped & dumped. See ya. Buh-bye now. Don't owe you anything, honey.

The fact that they saw a man steeped in privilege & highly exploitative of it would lead them from the wilderness tells us that.

When you're rich & famous, you can just grab 'em by the pussy & they'll let you get away with it. Figuratively speaking that's exactly what Trump did.


Oct 18, 2013
My apologies. You're making the same basic argument in any case.

No. I made no such argument and have taken no position on that topic in this thread. I simply questioned what you meant when you said the poor did not vote for trump.

It's obvious that they were not his target demographic or the basis for his win. Put that on confused rust belt white people who can't identify the cause of the malaise in their communities- Job Creator activity. Pumped & dumped. See ya. Buh-bye now. Don't owe you anything, honey.

The fact that they saw a man steeped in privilege & highly exploitative of it would lead them from the wilderness tells us that.

When you're rich & famous, you can just grab 'em by the pussy & they'll let you get away with it. Figuratively speaking that's exactly what Trump did.

I did not get into that. I was just confused as to what you meant when you said the poor did not vote for Trump, even though 41% did.


Nov 11, 1999
No. I made no such argument and have taken no position on that topic in this thread. I simply questioned what you meant when you said the poor did not vote for trump.

I did not get into that. I was just confused as to what you meant when you said the poor did not vote for Trump, even though 41% did.

Not really. Poor people have very poor turnout in general. 41% of those who voted did so for Trump, not 41% of poor people. There is a difference, a big one. If poor people showed up to vote with the frequency of the upper middle class the GOP would take it up the ass, precisely what they deserve.'t+vote&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1


Sep 6, 2000
My apologies. You're making the same basic argument in any case.

It's obvious that they were not his target demographic or the basis for his win. Put that on confused rust belt white people who can't identify the cause of the malaise in their communities- Job Creator activity. Pumped & dumped. See ya. Buh-bye now. Don't owe you anything, honey.

The fact that they saw a man steeped in privilege & highly exploitative of it would lead them from the wilderness tells us that.

When you're rich & famous, you can just grab 'em by the pussy & they'll let you get away with it. Figuratively speaking that's exactly what Trump did.

If you ever wonder how someone could be dumb enough to vote for a fraud populist like Hugo Chavez then just read some of Jhhnn’s posts. The degree of blaming others for his faults is impressive, dub over some old German speeches blaming the Jews with his “job creators” schtick instead and you’d barely notice.
Reactions: Zaap


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
If you ever wonder how someone could be dumb enough to vote for a fraud populist like Hugo Chavez then just read some of Jhhnn’s posts. The degree of blaming others for his faults is impressive, dub over some old German speeches blaming the Jews with his “job creators” schtick instead and you’d barely notice.

I get what you're saying, but at the same time, it's a bit ironic to say this while leaning toward the political ideology of a party currently led by a populist who blames brown people for all the US' ills.


Nov 11, 1999
If you ever wonder how someone could be dumb enough to vote for a fraud populist like Hugo Chavez then just read some of Jhhnn’s posts. The degree of blaming others for his faults is impressive, dub over some old German speeches blaming the Jews with his “job creators” schtick instead and you’d barely notice.

Heh. Utterly remarkable. The world's greatest con artist & faux populist is our President, a man who pushes an agenda most damaging to the least among us.

Is the rust belt not the result of the Job Creators moving on to greener pastures? It sure is. It happened that way because of the way we define rights & responsibilities. Corporations can do that if it's in the interests of the stockholders & the execs w/o regard for the wreckage they leave in their wake. According to GOP ideology, anyway.

We have the right to demand more from the corporate entities we license to exist in the first place & we must do so if we're to thrive. We can't allow them to see us as just a disposable commodity because that's how they'll treat us.

People in the rust belt voting GOP is a truly strange melding of Stockholm, battered spouse & Munchausen by proxy syndromes all rolled into one. Guess what, folks! If the much revered Job Creators had more for you than the sweat off their balls & empty promises you'd already have it. So just stay all frothed up about God, guns, gays, trans, dirty leftists & icky brown illegals while they lay the bone to you, again. Feel the Freedumb!


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Heh. Utterly remarkable. The world's greatest con artist & faux populist is our President, a man who pushes an agenda most damaging to the least among us.

Is the rust belt not the result of the Job Creators moving on to greener pastures? It sure is. It happened that way because of the way we define rights & responsibilities. Corporations can do that if it's in the interests of the stockholders & the execs w/o regard for the wreckage they leave in their wake. According to GOP ideology, anyway.


Look at what so-called liberal BILLIONAIRES do. Steve fucking Jobs couldn't offshore fast enough. I truly hate fuckers that spout liberal ideology and then turn around and stab American workers in the back. They are pure poison. The corporate class may differ on social issues but they are absolutely united in screwing over American labor.
Reactions: Starbuck1975


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
I'm really quite concerned. You do seem to be arguing that blacks are genetically more inclined to commit crimes and that blacks are inherently less intelligent than whites. I hope I'm mistaken, but that seems to be the case.

Well, you have more to be concerned about than just me then. Are you really that obtuse to think that if there is differences due to genetics, someone has to be discriminatory and hold all blacks as less than whites? This is very similar to the religious argument that if there is no god, you can't be a good person.

"Many well-known scientists, academics, and public intellectuals have privately celebrated my podcast with Murray and bemoaned how he’s been treated all these years, but they won’t go on the record about it because they don’t want their names dragged through the mud. Needless to say, I find their attitude increasingly understandable."

And these just in...

How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of ‘Race’

Denying Genetics Isn’t Shutting Down Racism, It’s Fueling It

First of all, you are incorrect that IQs have been stagnant for blacks. Based on the data you posted, they improved by about 5 points.

The Flynn graph I posted is just one data point. Others dispute that there has been a change, and regardless, a ~5 point difference (disregarding the stagnation in other psychometric testing) is little compared to the inarguable improvement for blacks over the last several decades.

Why do you think the IQ gap widens with age?

As I said, interventions generally fade out over time because heritability of IQ increases as you reach adulthood.

The Wilson Effect: the increase in heritability of IQ with age.

"Ronald Wilson presented the first clear and compelling evidence that the heritability of IQ increases with age. We propose to call the phenomenon 'The Wilson Effect' and we document the effect diagrammatically with key twin and adoption studies, including twins reared apart, that have been carried out at various ages and in a large number of different settings. The results show that the heritability of IQ reaches an asymptote at about 0.80 at 18-20 years of age and continuing at that level well into adulthood. In the aggregate, the studies also confirm that shared environmental influence decreases across age, approximating about 0.10 at 18-20 years of age and continuing at that level into adulthood. These conclusions apply to the Westernized industrial democracies in which most of the studies have been carried out."

Top 10 Replicated Findings From Behavioral Genetics

Finding 5. The heritability of intelligence increases throughout development

Unlike the other findings, this one is limited to a specific domain, general cognitive ability (intelligence), but it is one of the most surprising and counterintuitive findings from behavioral genetics. Although the effects of experiences could be reasonably expected to accumulate as time goes by (as some developmental theorists propose, e.g., Baltes, Reese, & Lipsitt, 1980), the heritability of intelligence has been shown consistently to increase linearly throughout the life course in more than three decades of research in longitudinal as well as cross-sectional analyses and in adoption as well as twin studies

Could it possibly be due to the fact that societal resources like education are better deployed to white individuals, and the longer that effect is applied, the wider the achievement gap becomes?

The kids make the schools. The schools don't make the kids.

Education and Intelligence: Pity the Poor Teacher because Student Characteristics are more Significant than Teachers or Schools.

"Educational gain will be best predicted by student abilities (up to r = 0.95) and much less by teachers' skill (up to r = 0.32). I argue that seemingly immutable education will not change until we fully understand students and particularly human intelligence. Over the last 50 years in developed countries, evidence has accumulated that only about 10% of school achievement can be attributed to schools and teachers while the remaining 90% is due to characteristics associated with students. Teachers account for from 1% to 7% of total variance at every level of education. For students, intelligence accounts for much of the 90% of variance associated with learning gains. This evidence is reviewed."

If these issues were only about poverty, we would expect to see equal distributions of poverty for all races.
The fact that one race experience poverty at a much higher rate than another indicates that either a) that race is genetically inferior or b) that race has historical and/or present biases holding it back. The data indicates its b). That is why experts agree that white males experience privilege.

Even the 100% environmental people don't necessarily make it about discrimination. Which experts are you referring to? I know Flynn, for example, believes it's largely because blacks are worse at parenting. There are others in academia who are hereditarians and believe at least part is genetic.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
Well, you have more to be concerned about than just me then. Are you really that obtuse to think that if there is differences due to genetics, someone has to be discriminatory and hold all blacks as less than whites? This is very similar to the religious argument that if there is no god, you can't be a good person.

"Many well-known scientists, academics, and public intellectuals have privately celebrated my podcast with Murray and bemoaned how he’s been treated all these years, but they won’t go on the record about it because they don’t want their names dragged through the mud. Needless to say, I find their attitude increasingly understandable."
And yet, for much of history, people have used that exact argument as their basis for discriminating against blacks. And women. How obtuse of me to think that people will do what they've already been doing. Morton's skulls were used as evidence for the superiority of whites in order to justify the treatment of blacks.

And these just in...

How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of ‘Race’

Denying Genetics Isn’t Shutting Down Racism, It’s Fueling It

The Flynn graph I posted is just one data point. Others dispute that there has been a change, and regardless, a ~5 point difference (disregarding the stagnation in other psychometric testing) is little compared to the inarguable improvement for blacks over the last several decades.
No one is saying to deny genetics. However, I do find it telling when someone takes a strong position in a field filled with uncertainty. It almost seems that you want blacks to be inferior.
As I said, interventions generally fade out over time because heritability of IQ increases as you reach adulthood.

The Wilson Effect: the increase in heritability of IQ with age.

"Ronald Wilson presented the first clear and compelling evidence that the heritability of IQ increases with age. We propose to call the phenomenon 'The Wilson Effect' and we document the effect diagrammatically with key twin and adoption studies, including twins reared apart, that have been carried out at various ages and in a large number of different settings. The results show that the heritability of IQ reaches an asymptote at about 0.80 at 18-20 years of age and continuing at that level well into adulthood. In the aggregate, the studies also confirm that shared environmental influence decreases across age, approximating about 0.10 at 18-20 years of age and continuing at that level into adulthood. These conclusions apply to the Westernized industrial democracies in which most of the studies have been carried out."

Top 10 Replicated Findings From Behavioral Genetics

Finding 5. The heritability of intelligence increases throughout development

Unlike the other findings, this one is limited to a specific domain, general cognitive ability (intelligence), but it is one of the most surprising and counterintuitive findings from behavioral genetics. Although the effects of experiences could be reasonably expected to accumulate as time goes by (as some developmental theorists propose, e.g., Baltes, Reese, & Lipsitt, 1980), the heritability of intelligence has been shown consistently to increase linearly throughout the life course in more than three decades of research in longitudinal as well as cross-sectional analyses and in adoption as well as twin studies

The kids make the schools. The schools don't make the kids.

Education and Intelligence: Pity the Poor Teacher because Student Characteristics are more Significant than Teachers or Schools.

"Educational gain will be best predicted by student abilities (up to r = 0.95) and much less by teachers' skill (up to r = 0.32). I argue that seemingly immutable education will not change until we fully understand students and particularly human intelligence. Over the last 50 years in developed countries, evidence has accumulated that only about 10% of school achievement can be attributed to schools and teachers while the remaining 90% is due to characteristics associated with students. Teachers account for from 1% to 7% of total variance at every level of education. For students, intelligence accounts for much of the 90% of variance associated with learning gains. This evidence is reviewed."

Even the 100% environmental people don't necessarily make it about discrimination. Which experts are you referring to? I know Flynn, for example, believes it's largely because blacks are worse at parenting. There are others in academia who are hereditarians and believe at least part is genetic.

I don't think many would debate that genetics and natural intelligence play a significant role in a person's success. However, the idea that blacks and Hispanics are genetically less intelligent is highly contested right now, and while lacking evidence, I'll personally stick with the idea that all races are basically equal. Research has shown that there is far more genetic variability within races compared to between races. Too many researchers seem to make the leap that if there are genetic influences on intelligence, and if there are racial differences in measured intelligence, then therefore there must also be genetic differences in intelligence between races. This is not logically sound. I have no issue with researching race, and studying differences. I agree, if there are well established differences that have a scientific consensus, these should be acknowledged instead of people trying to bury their heads in the sand. The problem is that there isn't a scientific consensus, but rather individuals that like to cherry pick studies and present them as solid proof. It kind of makes it sound like these people want whites to be superior. Intelligence is such a poorly understood idea, research is still highly controversial.

I have no issue with the researchers. Note the words actually used by David Reich. "The study of human variation has not always been a force for good. In Nazi Germany, someone with my expertise at interpreting genetic data would have been tasked with categorizing people by ancestry had that been possible with the science of the 1930s. But in our time, the findings from ancient DNA leave little solace for racist or nationalistic misinterpretation. In this field, the pursuit of truth for its own sake has overwhelmingly had the effect of exploding stereotypes, undercutting prejudice, and highlighting the connections among peoples not previously known to be related. I am optimistic that the direction of my work and that of my colleagues is to promote understanding, and I welcome our opportunity to do our best by the people, ancient and modern, whom we have been given the privilege to study."


Nov 11, 1999
Privilege? That's when you can lay off 1/5 the population of a town & just move on-

That basic story has been repeated many times over decades all across the rust belt. Free Market, Baby!

And, uhh, be sure to wait around for the trickle down, chumps. We're off to Washington to bribe the GOP into cutting our taxes, again! See Ya!


Nov 11, 1999
Maxima is engaging in simulated rationality. He doesn't build a hypothesis on fact but rather looks for ones that bolster his predetermined outcome.

The most remarkable thing about it all is that it's immaterial in the context of egalitarian democracy. In order to accomplish that we must treat each other with equanimity & mutual respect on the basis of principle. It's the only way to organize a free society. If we don't then we're in "some animals are more equal than others" territory.

We've never had a perfect union in that respect. I mean, let's face it- power & privilege run contrary to that entirely.


Jan 6, 2005
Poor people didn't vote for Trump. Bitter white people who let themselves be conned by the trickle down jerb creators voted for Trump.
You really need to get a better line, and this sort of thinking is how Trump was able to win.


Nov 11, 1999
You really need to get a better line, and this sort of thinking is how Trump was able to win.

And as long as they stay conned they'll keep losing in the top down class warfare being waged against them.

This giant "Fuck You!" to the rest of us won't solve anything & neither will the divisiveness of the GOP, either.


Sep 6, 2000
I get what you're saying, but at the same time, it's a bit ironic to say this while leaning toward the political ideology of a party currently led by a populist who blames brown people for all the US' ills.

I don’t “lean towards” Trump although of course there is some degree of overlap (which would be the same for almost any politician). For example I don’t “blame brown people” but think they (and non-brown folk too) should follow our immigration laws (which should be adjusted to greatly increase immigration quotas). Ditto for feeling we can raise taxes on the wealthy to reduce deficits but that tax burdens and benefits should always be broadly shared by all, and that specifically targeting the rich like Jhhnn wants because they “deserve it” or are engaged in some great conspiracy ti enslave the rest of us is the fevered imagination of an idiot.


Nov 11, 1999
I don’t “lean towards” Trump although of course there is some degree of overlap (which would be the same for almost any politician). For example I don’t “blame brown people” but think they (and non-brown folk too) should follow our immigration laws (which should be adjusted to greatly increase immigration quotas). Ditto for feeling we can raise taxes on the wealthy to reduce deficits but that tax burdens and benefits should always be broadly shared by all, and that specifically targeting the rich like Jhhnn wants because they “deserve it” or are engaged in some great conspiracy ti enslave the rest of us is the fevered imagination of an idiot.

Sigh. You go on as if the big money behind the GOP is blithely ignorant of how much the perfection of financialized international capitalism & technology has altered the income distribution curve in this country. And it certainly hasn't been in favor of the lower 75%, at all. They know it better than most. But they're all about cutting their own taxes & tearing down the system of govt benefits that tends to compensate for the shift. I mean, they're not missing any meals either way but they'll make sure that poor people will. That's class warfare.

We haven't been able to hold onto our piece of the pie because we've granted too much privilege to the idea of ownership & damned little to the idea that there are stakeholders who are not stock holders.


Sep 6, 2000
Sigh. You go on as if the big money behind the GOP is blithely ignorant of how much the perfection of financialized international capitalism & technology has altered the income distribution curve in this country. And it certainly hasn't been in favor of the lower 75%, at all. They know it better than most. But they're all about cutting their own taxes & tearing down the system of govt benefits that tends to compensate for the shift. I mean, they're not missing any meals either way but they'll make sure that poor people will. That's class warfare.

We haven't been able to hold onto our piece of the pie because we've granted too much privilege to the idea of ownership & damned little to the idea that there are stakeholders who are not stock holders.

That's a big part of your problem, you look at the high water mark of post WW2 America as being the natural order of things and your ultimate birthright. As if workers could continue to put no capital into economic growth and only labor yet expect to continue to gain outsized shares of the growth.


Nov 11, 1999
That's a big part of your problem, you look at the high water mark of post WW2 America as being the natural order of things and your ultimate birthright. As if workers could continue to put no capital into economic growth and only labor yet expect to continue to gain outsized shares of the growth.

Well, yeh, the "natural order of things" was lords & serfs for a very long time, built around a religious backbone. And then the Enlightenment happened & it's been downhill for that kind of ideology ever since, particularly that uppity American Revolution. Then there was that awful Karl Marx, icky progressive movement 100 years ago & that absolutely dreadful New Deal & Great Society, too.

We, the people, have the greater right, by definition. Whose country is it, anyway? Does it belong to the predatory Rich or to all of us?

What benefit is there for the American public to let the ownership class take an increasingly larger share of the pie? I's what we've been doing since 1980 & it shows. I mean, I don't remember rich people actually suffering from being proportionately less rich back in 1980- do you?


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Maxima is engaging in simulated rationality. He doesn't build a hypothesis on fact but rather looks for ones that bolster his predetermined outcome.

Lol Because of virtue signaling, you want to act as if the other side isn’t doing what you accuse me of. Look below for one example of many. I also find it amusing that social justice types will get happy at studies suggesting that private schooling really isn’t better until they realize what it implies. But, hey, it’s me that has the problem, right?

Morton's skulls were used as evidence for the superiority of whites in order to justify the treatment of blacks.

Funny you brought this up. Morton wasn’t fudging. Gould had an agenda.

Study Debunks Stephen Jay Gould's Claim of Racism on Morton Skulls

Stephen Gould was biased and twisted data to support the conclusion he wanted. This kind of thing is what has led to this area being taboo for many decades, since many of them are afraid of the facts.

“I just didn’t trust Gould,” he said. “I had the feeling that his ideological stance was supreme. When the 1996 version of ‘The Mismeasure of Man’ came and he never even bothered to mention Michael’s study, I just felt he was a charlatan.”

And yet, for much of history, people have used that exact argument as their basis for discriminating against blacks. And women. How obtuse of me to think that people will do what they've already been doing.

You were posting as if nobody could conceivably consider it without being racist, which is how most people react to this. It’s a moralistic fallacy (i.e. if there were differences, then that would mean everyone is racist!!!) Racism is about discrimination and viewing blacks as inferior period. A lower distribution in black IQ would still have considerable overlap and doesn’t tell you about any specific individual, since it’s probabilistic. There are also pluses to it because then it’s easier to say it’s of no one’s fault. With a 100% environmental explanation, there are many people thinking individuals have the same capability to be a doctor or lawyer, despite it being painfully obvious that some people would never achieve this even with interventions.

No one is saying to deny genetics. However, I do find it telling when someone takes a strong position in a field filled with uncertainty. It almost seems that you want blacks to be inferior.

I never said I knew how much is nature vs. nurture. The 100% environmental position is an unconvincing position and doesn’t appear reconcilable with the data on several fronts.

Research has shown that there is far more genetic variability within races compared to between races.

This is Lewontin’s fallacy.

Too many researchers seem to make the leap that if there are genetic influences on intelligence, and if there are racial differences in measured intelligence, then therefore there must also be genetic differences in intelligence between races. This is not logically sound.

Huh? Who just asserts that without gathering and interpreting data? Does this (below) look like that to you?

One thing I find interesting is some will suggest hope in the Flynn effect of reducing the disparity, but the race IQ gap appears to have a separate cause.

Is the Flynn effect on g?: A meta-analysis

“Black/White differences in mean IQ have been clearly shown to strongly correlate with g loadings, so large group differences on subtests of high cognitive complexity and small group differences on subtests of low cognitive complexity. IQ scores have been increasing over the last half century, a phenomenon known as the Flynn effect. Flynn effect gains are predominantly driven by environmental factors. Might these factors also be responsible for group differences in intelligence? The empirical studies on whether the pattern of Flynn effect gains is the same as the pattern of group differences yield conflicting findings. A psychometric meta-analysis on all studies with seven or more subtests reporting correlations between g loadings and standardized score gains was carried out, based on 5 papers, yielding 11 data points (total N = 16,663). It yielded a true correlation of − .38, and none of the variance between the studies could be attributed to moderators. It appears that the Flynn effect and group differences have different causes. Suggestions for future research are discussed.”

This is a weird article. He seems to be questioning the concept of g and just downplaying everything genetic.

I decide to look this guy up.

OMG. I love how a lot of these guys seem to think that if you only just put the poors in an upper middle class family, their IQs will shoot up almost 20 points and without fade out.

There was a rebuttal to this. It’s a shoddy article from them.

The problem is that there isn't a scientific consensus, but rather individuals that like to cherry pick studies and present them as solid proof. It kind of makes it sound like these people want whites to be superior. Intelligence is such a poorly understood idea, research is still highly controversial.

Why are you always making these assumptions and also only assigning them to the group you’re in opposition to? Ironically, you’re doing what you accuse others of.

Here’s Haier explanation in his interest in the field:

“When I started graduate school at Johns Hopkins in 1971, I was interested in social psychology and personality theories. That year Professor Julian Stanley was starting the Study of Mathematically and Scientifically Precocious Youth. I worked on his first talent search passing out pencils for 12 and 13 year old kids taking the SAT-Math exam [a standardized test used for college admission in the US]. The kids had been nominated by their math teachers as the best students in their class. Many of these kids scored as high on this test as college freshman at Hopkins. How they got this special math talent was a fundamental question and it certainly looked like something that came “naturally” since they had not yet had many math courses in school. This started my interest in individual differences in mental abilities, and intelligence was the most interesting and controversial mental ability.”

Alpha One Seven

Golden Member
Sep 11, 2017
Only one: Human privilege, or more accurately Human responsibility as a steward of the land and creatures thereon.

What privilege do each of you enjoy?

So far I have:

- White privilege
- Male privilege
- CIS privilege
- Heterosexual privilege
- Upper class privilege

That last one has taken 16 years to go from dirt poor, stupid 23 year old with a pregnant girlfriend to where I am now so I'm quite proud of that one.

I've also been dieting and have lost a lot of weight lately. Can't wait until I'm accused of having thin privilege, too!

Seriously, is "privilege" a thing? If it is, what, if anything, should be done about it? If a person has "privilege" what duties or burdens does that entail? Should we work towards eliminating "privilege" or is "privilege" a natural and unavoidable result of a diverse population with diverse opportunities, random decision making, and blind luck?


Nov 11, 1999
Lol Because of virtue signaling, you want to act as if the other side isn’t doing what you accuse me of. Look below for one example of many. I also find it amusing that social justice types will get happy at studies suggesting that private schooling really isn’t better until they realize what it implies. But, hey, it’s me that has the problem, right?

You're the one moving into the "some animals are more equal" territory. It flies in the face of the principle that we must judge each person on their own merits. The distinctions you're trying to make are meaningless if we're committed to that principle, the principle of racial equality.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
I know, super funny how black people get shot all the time by cops even when they aren't behaving badly.
You've never met a black person in your life.

Maybe ones you might have met got shot moments before you would have met them? Since they're all getting shot all the time, that's one explanation. That or you're a shut in that has an absolute stupid view of black people and how pitiful they all must be, constantly in fear of getting shot. (Like a lot of your shut in ilk that also don't actually know *any* minorities.).

Seriously, it's a fucking strange alternate reality some peeps are mired in.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
If you ever wonder how someone could be dumb enough to vote for a fraud populist like Hugo Chavez then just read some of Jhhnn’s posts. The degree of blaming others for his faults is impressive, dub over some old German speeches blaming the Jews with his “job creators” schtick instead and you’d barely notice.
What's truly amazing is he seems to gave gone out of his way to illustrate exactly what you posted! Self awareness is not one of flush's strong points.
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