Pro-choice actually pro-abortion?

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May 12, 2005
Originally posted by: CheesePoofs
Originally posted by: Intelia
Originally posted by: CheesePoofs
Originally posted by: Intelia
Originally posted by: shoegazer
it isn't a baby. it's a fetus.

YES it is a fetus and it is feeding that makes it alive. If you believe in God almighty you are killing much more than a fetus there is a soul involved here.(no debate on this please)

You all talk about a mothers rights fine I can understand that. But what about the fathers rights. It would be a wonderful world if everthing was black and white but the truth is everything is covered over with gray.

Gay rights is an issue its wrong and thats my opion . For an example lets take my state MN. and my boarding state Wisconsin .

Lets give the state of MN to male gays. Wisconsin to female. Just gays in these 2 states . know interaction between gays and straights. 100 years from now guess what there are no gays.
We all have the same DNA so so called gays using it was in there gene's is pure BS its in all are genes. Thats were free choose comes into play.
If you believe in the Lord and morality you are forced in your life to make certain chooses this applies to abortion also.
Basicly it comes down to 1 thing and 1 thing only.
Do you believe we are human beings or animals there is no 3rd choose. I choose to believe we are human so I have to take a stand on certain issues.

Now after saying that I believe there are times when abortion is alright . 2 examples would be Rape (not Sat.) and mothers life. Yet both of these are ?

so when a fetus dies naturally a soul is being killed? Face it: things die, its the way of nature.

ANd this brings me back to the other point .... you are a "good christian." So you feel that a sould is being killed during an abortion. But others aren't "good christians" and so they don't share this belief. And yet you believe your belief is better than everyone else's, and so it should be a law. If you do'nt like abortions, don't have one.

Also, you believe a soul is being killed during an abortion, but what about war? I can be fairly certain you were for the war in Iraq, while knowing full well that men would have to die to win that war (meaning souls would die too). Why do you care more about the life of an unborn fetus than that of a full grown soldier?

First things first I believe in the living word of God Almighty who is the Christ. I how ever am not good christian. There is no religious organization in the world today that I except.
THE teachings of Christ are Faith based. The gosphel of Christ is God'S living words. There are no faith based religions in the world many claim they are but there actions show them to be liars.If you live according to Gods living words you wouldn't believe in any of this stuff Abortion, Gay rights, war ect. ect. ect. You know the song.

Souls don't die but they do have a right to live in the real world. Yes Animals die but they have no souls. If you deny God you believe that what you are is a higher form of animal. I reject that. If man evolved there is a real problem with the population of the world. Its not big enough.

I will see you all in hell that is the one thing Iam very sure of. Yes I did support Bush on Iraq . I was against Nam but my husband fought there. I would have been against Korea . I would have been for kicking Hitlers ARSE. I would have been Against WW1 . I would have been for cival war on the slavery issue only . On states rights I would have sided with the south.(This is a very complacated issue.) (Slaves were freed a very very good thing) But the constition of the USA was compromised for all time never to be fixed again.

You see I believe but I lack Faith thats the end of me .
Religion and government should be two completely separate issues. We live under a government which separates the two, and therefore we should not base our political beliefs on our religious beliefs.

Your so correct in your statement. But( One nation under God )! When our government goes against these words than they have broken the faith of the people. If I stand up and pray in a class room or kneel and pray I am not infringing on anyone's rights. But what happens when atheist starts screaming that I am offending him. Our government steps in and makes laws to assure the atheist isn't offened. And my rights according to the orginal constition are trampled on . Than a question we should all ask ourselves how was my praying offend them. This is were the Academic community steps in lawyers, doctors, scientist and other proffessionals step in.(Most of which who are indeed atheist) . When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems. Hay lets get real 10 little commandments thats all there is to Gods laws and there all very common sense laws.

When the slaves were set free there was no reason to add an amendment to the constition of the USA. IT already says ALL men ARE created equal. The only thing that should have every changed on our constition is one small word. Instead of saying ALL MEN it should have said ALL PEOPLE. THAN womens rights and all the other BS ammendments would not have been needed. Than our constition would have stood unchanged and perfect . Women would have still had to fight for there rights but they did not need anthing added to the constition to guarantee them. The justic system in this country today is so corrupt it is unbelievable. The scary part is lawyers are running this country . If the people of the USA have a enemy our justic system should be at the top of the list.


Jan 12, 2002
Why bother discussing pro-choice people being pro-abortion when it appears God doesn't have a problem with it?

Hosea 13:16 "Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up."


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Intelia
Originally posted by: CheesePoofs
Originally posted by: Intelia
Originally posted by: CheesePoofs
Originally posted by: Intelia
Originally posted by: shoegazer
it isn't a baby. it's a fetus.

YES it is a fetus and it is feeding that makes it alive. If you believe in God almighty you are killing much more than a fetus there is a soul involved here.(no debate on this please)

You all talk about a mothers rights fine I can understand that. But what about the fathers rights. It would be a wonderful world if everthing was black and white but the truth is everything is covered over with gray.

Gay rights is an issue its wrong and thats my opion . For an example lets take my state MN. and my boarding state Wisconsin .

Lets give the state of MN to male gays. Wisconsin to female. Just gays in these 2 states . know interaction between gays and straights. 100 years from now guess what there are no gays.
We all have the same DNA so so called gays using it was in there gene's is pure BS its in all are genes. Thats were free choose comes into play.
If you believe in the Lord and morality you are forced in your life to make certain chooses this applies to abortion also.
Basicly it comes down to 1 thing and 1 thing only.
Do you believe we are human beings or animals there is no 3rd choose. I choose to believe we are human so I have to take a stand on certain issues.

Now after saying that I believe there are times when abortion is alright . 2 examples would be Rape (not Sat.) and mothers life. Yet both of these are ?

so when a fetus dies naturally a soul is being killed? Face it: things die, its the way of nature.

ANd this brings me back to the other point .... you are a "good christian." So you feel that a sould is being killed during an abortion. But others aren't "good christians" and so they don't share this belief. And yet you believe your belief is better than everyone else's, and so it should be a law. If you do'nt like abortions, don't have one.

Also, you believe a soul is being killed during an abortion, but what about war? I can be fairly certain you were for the war in Iraq, while knowing full well that men would have to die to win that war (meaning souls would die too). Why do you care more about the life of an unborn fetus than that of a full grown soldier?

First things first I believe in the living word of God Almighty who is the Christ. I how ever am not good christian. There is no religious organization in the world today that I except.
THE teachings of Christ are Faith based. The gosphel of Christ is God'S living words. There are no faith based religions in the world many claim they are but there actions show them to be liars.If you live according to Gods living words you wouldn't believe in any of this stuff Abortion, Gay rights, war ect. ect. ect. You know the song.

Souls don't die but they do have a right to live in the real world. Yes Animals die but they have no souls. If you deny God you believe that what you are is a higher form of animal. I reject that. If man evolved there is a real problem with the population of the world. Its not big enough.

I will see you all in hell that is the one thing Iam very sure of. Yes I did support Bush on Iraq . I was against Nam but my husband fought there. I would have been against Korea . I would have been for kicking Hitlers ARSE. I would have been Against WW1 . I would have been for cival war on the slavery issue only . On states rights I would have sided with the south.(This is a very complacated issue.) (Slaves were freed a very very good thing) But the constition of the USA was compromised for all time never to be fixed again.

You see I believe but I lack Faith thats the end of me .
Religion and government should be two completely separate issues. We live under a government which separates the two, and therefore we should not base our political beliefs on our religious beliefs.

Your so correct in your statement. But( One nation under God )! When our government goes against these words than they have broken the faith of the people. If I stand up and pray in a class room or kneel and pray I am not infringing on anyone's rights. But what happens when atheist starts screaming that I am offending him. Our government steps in and makes laws to assure the atheist isn't offened. And my rights according to the orginal constition are trampled on . Than a question we should all ask ourselves how was my praying offend them. This is were the Academic community steps in lawyers, doctors, scientist and other proffessionals step in.(Most of which who are indeed atheist) . When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems. Hay lets get real 10 little commandments thats all there is to Gods laws and there all very common sense laws.

When the slaves were set free there was no reason to add an amendment to the constition of the USA. IT already says ALL men ARE created equal. The only thing that should have every changed on our constition is one small word. Instead of saying ALL MEN it should have said ALL PEOPLE. THAN womens rights and all the other BS ammendments would not have been needed. Than our constition would have stood unchanged and perfect . Women would have still had to fight for there rights but they did not need anthing added to the constition to guarantee them. The justic system in this country today is so corrupt it is unbelievable. The scary part is lawyers are running this country . If the people of the USA have a enemy our justic system should be at the top of the list.

Atheists are not offended by people praying. They are offended when they are coerced to pray with people though.


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Intelia
When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems. Hay lets get real 10 little commandments thats all there is to Gods laws and there all very common sense laws.

There are 613 commandments in total, but let's consider the decalogue anyway.

The US Constitution explicitly rejects the commandment that people should have no god above Yahweh.

I don't think banning statuary and photographs as the following would require is common sense:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Neither do I find persecuting the great-grandchildren of people to be common sensical or ethical as the following would require:
for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

I also don't find reserving a day for religion common sensical.

Honoring your parents isn't a bad idea, but when you read through the book about the details, such as a father's responsibility to stone a rebelliious son to death, it's clear that it's taken too far.

On the other hand, while not killing people is common sensical, it's clearly contradicted by the passages where the Jews are told to kill all the men and children of a variety of peoples (the women are kept to be raped, which seems likely to contradict the commandment against adultery.)


May 12, 2005
Originally posted by: cquark
Originally posted by: Intelia
When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems. Hay lets get real 10 little commandments thats all there is to Gods laws and there all very common sense laws.

There are 613 commandments in total, but let's consider the decalogue anyway.

The US Constitution explicitly rejects the commandment that people should have no god above Yahweh.

I don't think banning statuary and photographs as the following would require is common sense:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Neither do I find persecuting the great-grandchildren of people to be common sensical or ethical as the following would require:
for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

I also don't find reserving a day for religion common sensical.

Honoring your parents isn't a bad idea, but when you read through the book about the details, such as a father's responsibility to stone a rebelliious son to death, it's clear that it's taken too far.

On the other hand, while not killing people is common sensical, it's clearly contradicted by the passages where the Jews are told to kill all the men and children of a variety of peoples (the women are kept to be raped, which seems likely to contradict the commandment against adultery.)

You are so wrong . Thats why the Christ was given onto man not to change the law but to fulifill the law. Everthing your sieting comes from the old testment and jewish beliefs

1 example under jewish beliefs you can,t eat pork . THE Christ who is the living word of God said ITS not what goes in your mouth that is unclean but what comes out!!!

So if your a Christian you need to quote the 4 gosphels. There for your 600+ laws don't stand! The 10 commandents stand forever along with the gosphel of the living word of God who was the Christ

Quote Honoring your parents isn't a bad idea, but when you read through the book about the details, such as a father's responsibility to stone a rebelliious son to death, it's clear that it's taken too far.

Again these are jewish beliefs they rejected the Christ. I except Moses only as the reciever of the commandments anything added to these 10 commandments I reject unless they also go with the teachings of the Christ.

Giving money to religios organizations what a joke. If a preacher is choosen by God .He needs nothing from me . As God well provide for him. How I don't care God may move people to provide for them. But actually asking or requiring gifts in Gods name is an out and out sin against GOD. Christ was the last messenger of God . Christ did warn us about the anti christ. So there is no way that a Christian under any reasoning can except the moslem faith as anything other than what it is an out and out lie. Idon't remember the exact year mohammed was born . I believe it was 625AD my bet it was 666 AD!!!

Quote I also don't find reserving a day for religion common sensical.

This is the most abused law of the 10 commandments because its the most misunderstood
Thou shall keep Holy the Lords day
What does this mean . This is not a day of the week. This is the Day the Christ comes the second time to redeem man and to destroy the great beast who is Satan and cast him into Hell. THIS IS GODS DAY and to reject it is a sin!!!



Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Intelia

Your so correct in your statement. But( One nation under God )! When our government goes against these words than they have broken the faith of the people.

Lesson for you:

The Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892. The first version read, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The phrase "under God," which was added by President Eisenhower in 1954, would not have met with Mr. Bellamy's approval.

When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems.

So your religous beliefs should rule us all, even those of differnt religions? I'm glad you're not president, Bush is crazy enough. Maybe you should do some research on the people who founded this country and how they purposely made sure religion was not the backbone of our laws.



May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Why bother discussing pro-choice people being pro-abortion when it appears God doesn't have a problem with it?

Hosea 13:16 "Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up."
Key word infant. Both these abortionists and the people above have innocent blood on their hands. At least when you dash an infant to pieces you see exactly what you are doing and have the guts to do it, as opposed to the spineless cowards who run to their doctors before the baby is born.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Why bother discussing pro-choice people being pro-abortion when it appears God doesn't have a problem with it?

Hosea 13:16 "Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up."
Key word infant. Both these abortionists and the people above have innocent blood on their hands. At least when you dash an infant to pieces you see exactly what you are doing and have the guts to do it, as opposed to the spineless cowards who run to their doctors before the baby is born.

This has to be the worst argument yet... except maybe for everything Intelia has had to say.

Now it's okay to kill babies after they're born as long as you 'have the guts'? Wow...


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: zendari
No, but its less repulsive than the abortionists.

You should be glad most people don't have enough "guts" to end your life... But hey! That wouldn't be as repulsive


Nov 28, 2004
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Why bother discussing pro-choice people being pro-abortion when it appears God doesn't have a problem with it?

Hosea 13:16 "Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up."
Key word infant. Both these abortionists and the people above have innocent blood on their hands. At least when you dash an infant to pieces you see exactly what you are doing and have the guts to do it, as opposed to the spineless cowards who run to their doctors before the baby is born.

You're right... better to kill something that coo's and smiles at you rather than kill something who doesn't have the mental capacity for emotion yet.



Senior member
Mar 8, 2005
I don't know why your guys are getting all bent over this topic.... It's a religious argument. Pro Life (you believe in the bible 90%) Pro Choice well, you may believe in the bible but you have a brain... Or you just don't believe in it at all...

Having a religion debate is like taking a straight person to gay bash and asking him\her to change his\her mind... It's not going to happen.... I don't know why we bring up these types of debates when it just makes everyone frustrated and your never going to convience the other you are right...

Learn to agree that no one is going to win this debate and move along...


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: MicroChrome
I don't know why your guys are getting all bent over this topic.... It's a religious argument. Pro Life (you believe in the bible 90%) Pro Choice well, you may believe in the bible but you have a brain... Or you just don't believe in it at all...

Having a religion debate is like taking a straight person to gay bash and asking him\her to change his\her mind... It's not going to happen.... I don't know why we bring up these types of debates when it just makes everyone frustrated and your never going to convience the other you are right...

Learn to agree that no one is going to win this debate and move along...

Disagreed, it's not nessicarrly a religious argueement. It's more of a philosphocial(sp?) one... For those that have read the bible you're not going to be able to back this, the bible doesn't condone abortions.

Most of the time logical agruements can and do make people think about what the beileve in.


May 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Lifted
Originally posted by: Intelia

Your so correct in your statement. But( One nation under God )! When our government goes against these words than they have broken the faith of the people.

Lesson for you:

The Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892. The first version read, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The phrase "under God," which was added by President Eisenhower in 1954, would not have met with Mr. Bellamy's approval.

When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems.

So your religous beliefs should rule us all, even those of differnt religions? I'm glad you're not president, Bush is crazy enough. Maybe you should do some research on the people who founded this country and how they purposely made sure religion was not the backbone of our laws.
Know argument from me on I never said what your saying I said . I stated clearly that there is no religion on the earth that I except. Stated it clearly for all to see. I think religion sucks. I think you haven't a clue. I think that you should try and get to know GOD! I believe IN THE LIVING WORD OF GOD WHO WAS THE CHRIST I ALSO EXCEPT THE TEN COMMANDS AS A WAY OF LIFE AS GODS LAWS AND THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST AS THE FULFILIMENT OF THAT LAW. Thats what I said! What does Christianity have to do with religion. You see I kind am thinking religions are like organizations that have like there own agendas. Just my opion! You believe what you want. w Gods laws in the government if you can show me 1 thing in the ten commandments and the teachings of Christ that in anyway Interfer with the True Constition of the USA and would interfer with justic and liberty for all.!!! I can tell you this you better pack a lunch because you will find nothing. BUT IF YOU CAN WELL YOUR A BETTER PERSON THAN I. NOT only that you can prove your point about RELGION AND GOVERNMENT!. I was talking about GODS LAWS AND GOVERNMENTS. YOU SEE I DON"T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!! RELIGION IN GOVERNMENT I SEE AS PURE EVIL!!! . THE PRINCIPELOS of government and the teachings of Christ should in no way seggragate anyone or any thing. YOU don't have to believe in Christ to benefit from his teachings if you just incorperate into law the teachings of Christ so as to have no connection with the worship of GOD!!!. But as away we conduct our selfs in business, government, and the most important of all with each other.!!! IF we take God completely out of the picture!!!!. Take Christ teaching and apply to how a government should work and how business should work and HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER. THAN show me 1 fault 1 grip 1 whole in the law. Now there is one group of people I object to getting any say ! This group includes these types Religios morons, Peolpe who desir Power. People that want to be 1 step above the rest of us. People that hide the truth. I did say these types belonged to one group and that group LAWYERS!!! Thats right if you ever been a lawyer your opion doesn't count!!! IF any one else can show where the teachings of Christ as I set forth interfers in Government in any way or fault can be found show me!!!!!!! 1 ONE more thing I well see Bellamy in HELL !!!!

A true minister Of Christ would not have wrote the pledge of Allegiance to a COUNTRY now would he?I guess you already agree with me cause your saying Bellamy would object to the Addition under GOD in the Pledge. SO you to believe Bellamy was evil for placing country ahead of GOD ALSO !!!

YOU best Pack a lunch your going to need it. ( under GOD) stays. As we have proven Bellemy to love country more than GOD!!! YOU also showed President Eisenhower to be an exceptional man.

You take the words (under god) out and Christian can't say the PLEDGE!!
You can argu the point all you want. But the words One Nation under GOD place God 1st and the nation he protects 2nd




No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Intelia
Originally posted by: Lifted
Originally posted by: Intelia

Your so correct in your statement. But( One nation under God )! When our government goes against these words than they have broken the faith of the people.

Lesson for you:

The Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892. The first version read, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The phrase "under God," which was added by President Eisenhower in 1954, would not have met with Mr. Bellamy's approval.

When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems.

So your religous beliefs should rule us all, even those of differnt religions? I'm glad you're not president, Bush is crazy enough. Maybe you should do some research on the people who founded this country and how they purposely made sure religion was not the backbone of our laws.
Know argument from me on I never said what your saying I said . I stated clearly that there is no religion on the earth that I except. Stated it clearly for all to see. I think religion sucks. I think you haven't a clue. I think that you should try and get to know GOD! I believe IN THE LIVING WORD OF GOD WHO WAS THE CHRIST I ALSO EXCEPT THE TEN COMMANDS AS A WAY OF LIFE AS GODS LAWS AND THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST AS THE FULFILIMENT OF THAT LAW. Thats what I said! What does Christianity have to do with religion. You see I kind am thinking religions are like organizations that have like there own agendas. Just my opion! You believe what you want. w Gods laws in the government if you can show me 1 thing in the ten commandments and the teachings of Christ that in anyway Interfer with the True Constition of the USA and would interfer with justic and liberty for all.!!! I can tell you this you better pack a lunch because you will find nothing. BUT IF YOU CAN WELL YOUR A BETTER PERSON THAN I. NOT only that you can prove your point about RELGION AND GOVERNMENT!. I was talking about GODS LAWS AND GOVERNMENTS. YOU SEE I DON"T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!! RELIGION IN GOVERNMENT I SEE AS PURE EVIL!!! . THE PRINCIPELOS of government and the teachings of Christ should in no way seggragate anyone or any thing. YOU don't have to believe in Christ to benefit from his teachings if you just incorperate into law the teachings of Christ so as to have no connection with the worship of GOD!!!. But as away we conduct our selfs in business, government, and the most important of all with each other.!!! IF we take God completely out of the picture!!!!. Take Christ teaching and apply to how a government should work and how business should work and HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER. THAN show me 1 fault 1 grip 1 whole in the law. Now there is one group of people I object to getting any say ! This group includes these types Religios morons, Peolpe who desir Power. People that want to be 1 step above the rest of us. People that hide the truth. I did say these types belonged to one group and that group LAWYERS!!! Thats right if you ever been a lawyer your opion doesn't count!!! IF any one else can show where the teachings of Christ as I set forth interfers in Government in any way or fault can be found show me!!!!!!! 1 ONE more thing I well see Bellamy in HELL !!!!

A true minister Of Christ would not have wrote the pledge of Allegiance to a COUNTRY now would he?I guess you already agree with me cause your saying Bellamy would object to the Addition under GOD in the Pledge. SO you to believe Bellamy was evil for placing country ahead of GOD ALSO !!!

YOU best Pack a lunch your going to need it. ( under GOD) stays. As we have proven Bellemy to love country more than GOD!!! YOU also showed President Eisenhower to be an exceptional man.



You make little sense. It's not your English either, it's your muddled line of deduction.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: zendari
No, but its less repulsive than the abortionists.

Don't you mean 'radical abortionists'?

For a thread that promised to 'look past the rhetoric' it sure seems like some missed reading the title.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Intelia
Originally posted by: Lifted
Originally posted by: Intelia

Your so correct in your statement. But( One nation under God )! When our government goes against these words than they have broken the faith of the people.

Lesson for you:

The Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892. The first version read, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The phrase "under God," which was added by President Eisenhower in 1954, would not have met with Mr. Bellamy's approval.

When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems.

So your religous beliefs should rule us all, even those of differnt religions? I'm glad you're not president, Bush is crazy enough. Maybe you should do some research on the people who founded this country and how they purposely made sure religion was not the backbone of our laws.
Know argument from me on I never said what your saying I said . I stated clearly that there is no religion on the earth that I except. Stated it clearly for all to see. I think religion sucks. I think you haven't a clue. I think that you should try and get to know GOD! I believe IN THE LIVING WORD OF GOD WHO WAS THE CHRIST I ALSO EXCEPT THE TEN COMMANDS AS A WAY OF LIFE AS GODS LAWS AND THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST AS THE FULFILIMENT OF THAT LAW. Thats what I said! What does Christianity have to do with religion. You see I kind am thinking religions are like organizations that have like there own agendas. Just my opion! You believe what you want. w Gods laws in the government if you can show me 1 thing in the ten commandments and the teachings of Christ that in anyway Interfer with the True Constition of the USA and would interfer with justic and liberty for all.!!! I can tell you this you better pack a lunch because you will find nothing. BUT IF YOU CAN WELL YOUR A BETTER PERSON THAN I. NOT only that you can prove your point about RELGION AND GOVERNMENT!. I was talking about GODS LAWS AND GOVERNMENTS. YOU SEE I DON"T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!! RELIGION IN GOVERNMENT I SEE AS PURE EVIL!!! . THE PRINCIPELOS of government and the teachings of Christ should in no way seggragate anyone or any thing. YOU don't have to believe in Christ to benefit from his teachings if you just incorperate into law the teachings of Christ so as to have no connection with the worship of GOD!!!. But as away we conduct our selfs in business, government, and the most important of all with each other.!!! IF we take God completely out of the picture!!!!. Take Christ teaching and apply to how a government should work and how business should work and HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER. THAN show me 1 fault 1 grip 1 whole in the law. Now there is one group of people I object to getting any say ! This group includes these types Religios morons, Peolpe who desir Power. People that want to be 1 step above the rest of us. People that hide the truth. I did say these types belonged to one group and that group LAWYERS!!! Thats right if you ever been a lawyer your opion doesn't count!!! IF any one else can show where the teachings of Christ as I set forth interfers in Government in any way or fault can be found show me!!!!!!! 1 ONE more thing I well see Bellamy in HELL !!!!

A true minister Of Christ would not have wrote the pledge of Allegiance to a COUNTRY now would he?I guess you already agree with me cause your saying Bellamy would object to the Addition under GOD in the Pledge. SO you to believe Bellamy was evil for placing country ahead of GOD ALSO !!!

YOU best Pack a lunch your going to need it. ( under GOD) stays. As we have proven Bellemy to love country more than GOD!!! YOU also showed President Eisenhower to be an exceptional man.



So, you don't believe in organized religion, yet somehow everyone on the planet should manage to agree with your take on Christianity, to a sufficient degree that they would consent to be governed by what is written in the Bible, as interpretted by YOU?

I'm in awe.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Intelia
Know argument from me on I never said what your saying I said . I stated clearly that there is no religion on the earth that I except. Stated it clearly for all to see. I think religion sucks. I think you haven't a clue. I think that you should try and get to know GOD! I believe IN THE LIVING WORD OF GOD WHO WAS THE CHRIST I ALSO EXCEPT THE TEN COMMANDS AS A WAY OF LIFE AS GODS LAWS AND THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST AS THE FULFILIMENT OF THAT LAW. Thats what I said! What does Christianity have to do with religion. You see I kind am thinking religions are like organizations that have like there own agendas. Just my opion! You believe what you want. w Gods laws in the government if you can show me 1 thing in the ten commandments and the teachings of Christ that in anyway Interfer with the True Constition of the USA and would interfer with justic and liberty for all.!!! I can tell you this you better pack a lunch because you will find nothing. BUT IF YOU CAN WELL YOUR A BETTER PERSON THAN I. NOT only that you can prove your point about RELGION AND GOVERNMENT!. I was talking about GODS LAWS AND GOVERNMENTS. YOU SEE I DON"T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!! RELIGION IN GOVERNMENT I SEE AS PURE EVIL!!! . THE PRINCIPELOS of government and the teachings of Christ should in no way seggragate anyone or any thing. YOU don't have to believe in Christ to benefit from his teachings if you just incorperate into law the teachings of Christ so as to have no connection with the worship of GOD!!!. But as away we conduct our selfs in business, government, and the most important of all with each other.!!! IF we take God completely out of the picture!!!!. Take Christ teaching and apply to how a government should work and how business should work and HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER. THAN show me 1 fault 1 grip 1 whole in the law. Now there is one group of people I object to getting any say ! This group includes these types Religios morons, Peolpe who desir Power. People that want to be 1 step above the rest of us. People that hide the truth. I did say these types belonged to one group and that group LAWYERS!!! Thats right if you ever been a lawyer your opion doesn't count!!! IF any one else can show where the teachings of Christ as I set forth interfers in Government in any way or fault can be found show me!!!!!!! 1 ONE more thing I well see Bellamy in HELL !!!!

A true minister Of Christ would not have wrote the pledge of Allegiance to a COUNTRY now would he?I guess you already agree with me cause your saying Bellamy would object to the Addition under GOD in the Pledge. SO you to believe Bellamy was evil for placing country ahead of GOD ALSO !!!

YOU best Pack a lunch your going to need it. ( under GOD) stays. As we have proven Bellemy to love country more than GOD!!! YOU also showed President Eisenhower to be an exceptional man.

You take the words (under god) out and Christian can't say the PLEDGE!!
You can argu the point all you want. But the words One Nation under GOD place God 1st and the nation he protects 2nd


"Onward Christian Soldiers":music::roll:



May 12, 2005
So, you don't believe in organized religion, yet somehow everyone on the planet should manage to agree with your take on Christianity, to a sufficient degree that they would consent to be governed by what is written in the Bible, as interpretted by YOU

Actually if you have problems with interpretiting THE 10 commandments and the 4 gosphels. You wouldn't see anyway!

As far as off topic were on topic abortion- pro(bad thing) abortion- anti(morlity) and whether this is a government issue or a morality issue. AND were morality comes from.


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Intelia
Your so correct in your statement. But( One nation under God )! When our government goes against these words than they have broken the faith of the people. If I stand up and pray in a class room or kneel and pray I am not infringing on anyone's rights. But what happens when atheist starts screaming that I am offending him. Our government steps in and makes laws to assure the atheist isn't offened. And my rights according to the orginal constition are trampled on . Than a question we should all ask ourselves how was my praying offend them. This is were the Academic community steps in lawyers, doctors, scientist and other proffessionals step in.(Most of which who are indeed atheist) . When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems. Hay lets get real 10 little commandments thats all there is to Gods laws and there all very common sense laws.

When the slaves were set free there was no reason to add an amendment to the constition of the USA. IT already says ALL men ARE created equal. The only thing that should have every changed on our constition is one small word. Instead of saying ALL MEN it should have said ALL PEOPLE. THAN womens rights and all the other BS ammendments would not have been needed. Than our constition would have stood unchanged and perfect . Women would have still had to fight for there rights but they did not need anthing added to the constition to guarantee them. The justic system in this country today is so corrupt it is unbelievable. The scary part is lawyers are running this country . If the people of the USA have a enemy our justic system should be at the top of the list.
I am not an atheist. I am Jewish. however, I consider religion and government two separate entities. I don't mind anyone living their life based on the teachings of a religion, but it is wrong when someone decides that the government should be based off of these teachings, forcing everyone under that government to live by them.

FYI: Not everyone agrees with your "teachings."

Also, you seem to believe yoru religion is superior to all others. You say "You are so wrong . Thats why the Christ was given onto man not to change the law but to fulifill the law. Everthing your sieting comes from the old testment and jewish beliefs" As if your teachings are somehow more correct than the Jewish ones.

Yet MORE proof that people like you believe that their views are better than everyone else's and should therefore be forced on the rest of the populace.:roll:


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Intelia
Originally posted by: Lifted
Originally posted by: Intelia

Your so correct in your statement. But( One nation under God )! When our government goes against these words than they have broken the faith of the people.

Lesson for you:

The Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892. The first version read, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The phrase "under God," which was added by President Eisenhower in 1954, would not have met with Mr. Bellamy's approval.

When our government steps in and changes laws that go against the laws of the living God than we have problems.

So your religous beliefs should rule us all, even those of differnt religions? I'm glad you're not president, Bush is crazy enough. Maybe you should do some research on the people who founded this country and how they purposely made sure religion was not the backbone of our laws.
Know argument from me on I never said what your saying I said . I stated clearly that there is no religion on the earth that I except. Stated it clearly for all to see. I think religion sucks. I think you haven't a clue. I think that you should try and get to know GOD! I believe IN THE LIVING WORD OF GOD WHO WAS THE CHRIST I ALSO EXCEPT THE TEN COMMANDS AS A WAY OF LIFE AS GODS LAWS AND THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST AS THE FULFILIMENT OF THAT LAW. Thats what I said! What does Christianity have to do with religion. You see I kind am thinking religions are like organizations that have like there own agendas. Just my opion! You believe what you want. w Gods laws in the government if you can show me 1 thing in the ten commandments and the teachings of Christ that in anyway Interfer with the True Constition of the USA and would interfer with justic and liberty for all.!!! I can tell you this you better pack a lunch because you will find nothing. BUT IF YOU CAN WELL YOUR A BETTER PERSON THAN I. NOT only that you can prove your point about RELGION AND GOVERNMENT!. I was talking about GODS LAWS AND GOVERNMENTS. YOU SEE I DON"T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!! RELIGION IN GOVERNMENT I SEE AS PURE EVIL!!! . THE PRINCIPELOS of government and the teachings of Christ should in no way seggragate anyone or any thing. YOU don't have to believe in Christ to benefit from his teachings if you just incorperate into law the teachings of Christ so as to have no connection with the worship of GOD!!!. But as away we conduct our selfs in business, government, and the most important of all with each other.!!! IF we take God completely out of the picture!!!!. Take Christ teaching and apply to how a government should work and how business should work and HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER. THAN show me 1 fault 1 grip 1 whole in the law. Now there is one group of people I object to getting any say ! This group includes these types Religios morons, Peolpe who desir Power. People that want to be 1 step above the rest of us. People that hide the truth. I did say these types belonged to one group and that group LAWYERS!!! Thats right if you ever been a lawyer your opion doesn't count!!! IF any one else can show where the teachings of Christ as I set forth interfers in Government in any way or fault can be found show me!!!!!!! 1 ONE more thing I well see Bellamy in HELL !!!!

A true minister Of Christ would not have wrote the pledge of Allegiance to a COUNTRY now would he?I guess you already agree with me cause your saying Bellamy would object to the Addition under GOD in the Pledge. SO you to believe Bellamy was evil for placing country ahead of GOD ALSO !!!

YOU best Pack a lunch your going to need it. ( under GOD) stays. As we have proven Bellemy to love country more than GOD!!! YOU also showed President Eisenhower to be an exceptional man.

You take the words (under god) out and Christian can't say the PLEDGE!!
You can argu the point all you want. But the words One Nation under GOD place God 1st and the nation he protects 2nd



Can I hire an e-hitman to break her "1/!" key?


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Intelia
So, you don't believe in organized religion, yet somehow everyone on the planet should manage to agree with your take on Christianity, to a sufficient degree that they would consent to be governed by what is written in the Bible, as interpretted by YOU

Actually if you have problems with interpretiting THE 10 commandments and the 4 gosphels. You wouldn't see anyway!

As far as off topic were on topic abortion- pro(bad thing) abortion- anti(morlity) and whether this is a government issue or a morality issue. AND were morality comes from.

There's a good bit of debate on how to interpret the four gospels.

More importantly, how do you propose to have a Christian theocracy when you reject organized religion? How do you expect to do so in a free country?


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2004
Originally posted by: 3chordcharlie
Originally posted by: Intelia
So, you don't believe in organized religion, yet somehow everyone on the planet should manage to agree with your take on Christianity, to a sufficient degree that they would consent to be governed by what is written in the Bible, as interpretted by YOU

Actually if you have problems with interpretiting THE 10 commandments and the 4 gosphels. You wouldn't see anyway!

As far as off topic were on topic abortion- pro(bad thing) abortion- anti(morlity) and whether this is a government issue or a morality issue. AND were morality comes from.

There's a good bit of debate on how to interpret the four gospels.

More importantly, how do you propose to have a Christian theocracy when you reject organized religion? How do you expect to do so in a free country?

She would run it. Obviously :roll:
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