Programming interview questions


Sep 19, 2000
What are they? I've never been to an interview that really focused on my programming ability. But, apart from really small time operations, I've never really been hired on to a REAL programming job.

Well, I'm getting close to graduation and starting to think more and more about getting a job. I'm confident that I know my stuff, but am still nervous about the types of questions I might be asked.

I know some of you have been involved in the interview process, so come on, share your interview secrets . Are the questions the simple "Make a linked list" sorts of questions?

At very least, a thread like this would be useful for programming job seekers.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2002
Mistakes, blame, team dynamics...programmers can be a quirky bunch. Be sure they don't lead you into saying you're infallible. If you notice a line of questioning going that way, try and emphasize abilities to consult others and defer when you are unsure.


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2004
I was given a pretty thorough IT interview.. software, backups, etc. And then when we moved to the programming side, I pulled out my laptop and actually pulled up a project that I was working on. This moved talking to programming and away from the normal 'interview'... on a project that I was working on and felt comfortable talking about.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
My History:

I do the interviewing at my company for programming positions. I've also interviewed at other companies in the past, but I was not the main interviewer. I've interviewed atleast 30 people so far (in the past 12 months). Hired a few. I've made mistakes and made some good choices. I have 15+ years of professional experience as a programmer.

My Objective:

To find someone who has both the needed skills and would work well with the existing team. I gauge someone based on both technical skills and personal skills. 50 percent in each. I will go over both.

Technical Skills:

The main objective I have during an interview is trying to determine if someone was BSing me on their resume. I picked them based on their ability/skills/knowledge listed in their resume, so my job is to sort of see if they are being honest. One thing I've noticed over the years, you can put programmers into 3 pools.

1) They know their shit. Do research on the web. Try things out at home to become familiar with a topic. Really keep ontop of things. Do alot of brainstorming and thinking of ideas. Lots of analysis. Bill Gates Jr.

2) They aren't as passionate, but are hard workers and know the basics. Usually enough to be dangerous. They won't be a CTO ever in their lifetime, but they are dependable, and get their stuff done. You probably need to help them out from time to time, but they do alot of the tedius work like reporting, etc.

3) Someone who went into programming, but really should have picked another line of work. They either don't get it, and have no true desire to get it, all they want is their paycheck.

Since my main objective is to filter out the #3. The best way I can determine that is just to see if they threw all kinds the programming lingo/buzz words on their resume, and go from there. One thing I've noticed though that the less confident someone is, the more they try to convince you of their worthiness. So if I just dig into things and ask more questions (even if I know nothing about the buzzword), I can usually get a good idea.

Humans are weird, if I question them about a certain topic, they automatically think I know the topic well (even if I know nothing about it), so if they start to appear nervous or start sweating, it's a pretty good indication they just threw that crap on their resume to look better.... If they know nothing about it, chances are they are a #3. People who fit into pool #1 or #2 know enough not to have to pad their resumes.


If you feel someone is baiting you into a territory you don't want to go or don't know, instead of trying to BS your way through it and make yourself nervous, just simply say "I did not really get into that, but there is always google." (That is a good thing to say... Your ability to use resources like the web when necessary is a strong point.)

Tip 2:

Programmers in pool 1's have a tendency to job hop, be a bit more passionate, including technologies they use, IDE's they use, and are usually a bit more of a pain in the ass because of it. Jobs are hiring you because they have a mountain of work to do, and they need another resource to get through it. Having someone research on the web when they are supposed to be working trying to find the "best way" to do something is sometimes counter productive. Just get it done, and onto the next task, don't make a career out of this simple task, it's ok if things are done sloppy in smaller projects.

Therefore tip 2 is, don't over do it and get lumped into pool 1.

During the interview, after the initial small talk, ask what they do there, try to figure out if they are hiring for a #1 type position or a #2... Chances are, the company already has a type #1, and they probably only need 1 of them. Don't interview them, just ask in an innocent way "What do you guys do here?" or "What type of inhouse programming is done here?" You should be able to get a good gauge of what they are looking for just by the answers to that questions. If you can't figure it out, assume they want a #2. If they are looking for a #1, you will know. They will likely have a test ready for you to take to get an idea of your skills... Impress them there, but during the interview, seem a bit more non-chalant (sp?) and laid back.

Personal Skills:

More often than not, I've seen good programmers not get hired because they lacked inter personal skills. You need Technical Skills and Personal Skills for jobs these days. I'd rather hire someone who was weaker technically if they were stronger here. Most programmers think this is not important "I'm just sitting behind the screen programming, why do I need these skills?"

Good personal skills is being able to adapt to what type of person the other person is quickily, and adjust how to communicate with them so they can understand you... I have a blunt straight to the point communication style naturally (like the military). If I went to certain people in my company and talked with them in that way, things wouldn't go so well. They are used to the fake beat around the bush, lets make everybody feel all warm and fuzzy... I have to adjust how I talk to them and make small talk with them "How about the weather" (even though that crap pisses me off) because its required of me to go out of my natural element to communicate with these people...

I try to get a good gauge of someone in this area when I interview them. I mainly just see if they will fit in with the team. My team is mainly a bit more laid back, straight to the point, and we want to get shit done... So how do I determine this? This is hard to say. Alot of it is gut feeling.

One thing I've noticed is if someone is shy, they clam up. This is usually not a good thing because you can't get a good idea of how they are as a person. When I see this, I usually steer away from anything technical, and oddly enough I start to talk to my boss (who is usually in the room with me, they like to guage personality as they know nothing technically.) I talk to my boss about playing video games on computers (most programmers do play games, so its familiar territory) This usually calms down most people, and I see if they chime up and start talking about it. If they do, great! Most do, if they don't, I usually ask if they play any, and try to get them to open up. If it doesn't happen I try a few other times with other things.

If they never seem to open up, then we don't hire them. People need to communicate to get anywhere in life... Unfortunately people neglect this area in our field.


If you aren't done with school, and are a bit more shy or reserved, I suggest taking a speech class where you are forced to talk in front of people, it will totally suck at first but get used to it, take another if you have to, get over the shyness. It will pay off in your career.

I know that makes it sound like we only want to hire outgoing people, that is not true. There is a difference with being outgoing and knowing how to communicate. If someone is making small talk with you, if you know how to communicate, you know that even if you wouldn't have initiated this contacted on your own, the right thing to do is to respond to the person who did in a friendly manner. Adapt yourself to make it happen even if it doesn't feel natural to you.
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Golden Member
Jan 3, 2006
we won't hire a programmer who doesn't program for fun as well.

also, what schmide said is right on.


Golden Member
Mar 21, 2008
Nice post, brandonb. I don't think you said anything with which I disagree.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
1) They know their shit. Do research on the web. Try things out at home to become familiar with a topic. Really keep ontop of things. Do alot of brainstorming and thinking of ideas. Lots of analysis. Bill Gates Jr.

2) They aren't as passionate, but are hard workers and know the basics. Usually enough to be dangerous. They won't be a CTO ever in their lifetime, but they are dependable, and get their stuff done. You probably need to help them out from time to time, but they do alot of the tedius work like reporting, etc.

3) Someone who went into programming, but really should have picked another line of work. They either don't get it, and have no true desire to get it, all they want is their paycheck.
An addendum to #1, some of these types always have a better way to do everything, and will work on items out of scope causing them to constantly miss deadlines.
we won't hire a programmer who doesn't program for fun as well.
I've been in the field for 10 years, and have been programming far longer than that. I no longer have the desire to write code for eight hours (on a good day) and then come home and do it some more. My skills are highly regarded amongst both my superiors and peers, so you'd be missing out
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Golden Member
Mar 21, 2008
.... I no longer have the desire to write code for eight hours (on a good day) and then come home and do it some more. My skills are highly regarded amongst both my superiors and peers, so you'd be missing out

I agree. I do my best to spend my coding desire at work.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2008
I've been in the field for 10 years, and have been programming far longer than that. I no longer have the desire to write code for eight hours (on a good day) and then come home and do it some more. My skills are highly regarded amongst both my superiors and peers, so you'd be missing out

You've been in the field for 10+ years. But somehow, I have a feeling 'not having the desire' wont' help the OP. Considering the guy's just getting out of college. That's not to say you need to be coding 24/7, but ... well, you get the idea.

BrandonB, nice reply!


EDIT: OP, check these out as well,
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Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
Most programming interviews that I've been to discuss basic OO concepts such as polymorphism and encapsulation. It depends on the job you are going for though.

All of them gave me some kind of technical test, either requiring me to write a written test, or produce a demo of a particular application (ie a basic scenario). One required me to bring in some work I had done previously. I didnt have any I could bring in since it all belonged to my old company, so I created a small classic ASP website (this was for an ASP job). I just paid attention to things like how to structure the page so as to aid readability (not that there is much you can do for classic ASP, but I digress).

The worst technical interview I ever had was where they asked me direct and specific questions. If you were lucky enough to know the answers, you passed. If not, sorry. The best was my current job - they asked me to come back in the next day, and use technologies I had never used before to create a demo application. Was a test of how I could learn on the job, obviously I passed.


Feb 25, 2010
Well, I'm definitely in #1 category (and even more so when I was hired 6 years ago, for my first job).

I cannot stress enough how difficult it can be to handle someone like me (very highly technical, but no administrative skill whatsoever, and average communication skills). I made great progress on that matter, but went through some hardships as well (missed some important deadlines because I went fooling around on internet : there is always this great design pattern or new language that you cannot wait to try ...)

An experienced interviewer might shy away from this kind of programmer if they know they don't have the managers to handle and/or train them. As said before, you have to make sure you don't give the (wrong?) impression you fall in the extreme part of #1 group.


Golden Member
Mar 21, 2008
With respect to actual interview questions (re-summarizing brandonb's post, largely):

1. They will probably try a basic question with respect to the skills they want or the ones you advertise on your resume. Practice coding very simple stuff on a whiteboard, which is pretty different from on a text editor. E.g., matrix multiplication. What they're getting at is: is this person a coder at all? After you've passed this, they might try to see if you're a type-1, type-2, or type-3 (above) ... be honest and code like you want to code, not like how you think they want you to code.

2. Be prepared to discuss tradeoffs of data structures. When participated in interviews and/or mock interviews, I construct question 1 to lead into a more general discussion of algorithmic and data structure layouts.

3. Don't be afraid to say you don't know -- tell the interviewer how you would educate yourself about the problem if the situation wasn't staged (i.e., Google).

4. Relax. Communicate clearly. Do not be afraid to pause, take a breath, think. No need for 'um' or 'uh'. Raw talent isn't all that useful without communication skills to back it up and show it off.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
Very nice reply, brandonb. I agree with the communication bit; if someone is unwilling to at least try to do basic communication such as giving some detail in their answers, etc., then they're not likely to be willing to do basic business communication on the job.

Most programming interviews that I've been to discuss basic OO concepts such as polymorphism and encapsulation. It depends on the job you are going for though.

I just hired someone, and during the hiring process only about 20% of the candidates could give even a passable definition of basic concepts like this. I was looking primarily at entry-level candidates so these concepts should have been fairly fresh. I've come to the conclusion that "Computer Science" no longer means what it used to.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
I forgot to mention above, I do give a test out at the interviews.

One for SQL and another for .Net. It helps determine where someone is. I tried to put the difficulty between a type 1 and a type 2... So I can usually tell if someone is a type 1 or 2 by how many they get right, and it allows me to completely filter out the type 3s. I didn't really mention it before because I give the test at the end of the interview and I grade it after they leave, so I don't base any of my questions during the interview on how well they did.

This is a sample of what type of questions I have on them (I have 15 questions on each)... As you can see its multiple choice, but it does a good job weeding out the ones I don't want to hire.

BTW, My boss who never programmed a line of code in his life got about 50 percent of the questions right. He just read the questions, and answering what seemed most logical.

I've had people quit taking the test because they had no idea the answers on any of the questions, obviously the type 3s. You be the judge on its difficulty.


Programming Test – .Net

1. What is the difference between ByReference and ByValue variable passing?

a. ByRef makes a copy of the variable before passing it to a function.
b. ByRef allow the function to modify the variable that’s being passed into the function.
c. ByVal is not seen in the function, but instead only by the code calling the function.
d. ByVal and ByRef are the same.

2. What is the difference between local scope and global scope?

a. Global overrides local scope.
b. Local overrides Global scope.
c. Local replaces the data in Global Scope.
d. Global replaces the data in Local Scope.

3. A variable which is “Boxed” means what in .Net?

a. It means the variable is part of a struct or structure.
b. It means the variable can be sent to a class.
c. It means the variable is converted into an object.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

4. An abstract class is what?

a. A class who’s implementation is hidden by the programmer.
b. A class which can’t be used by another class.
c. A class in which change’s itself at runtime.
d. A class which requires another class to implement its features.

5. Polymorphism allows the programmer to do what?

a. Allows a programmer to declare a variable as a base class even if it’s not instantiated that way.
b. Allows a programmer to override functionality in a base class.
c. Allows a programmer to insert classes into other classes.
d. Allows a programmer to see the class graphically on the screen.

6. Serialize in .Net allows you to do what?

a. Send data through the serial port.
b. Convert objects into binary streams.
c. Clears the variables and classes in memory and gives you a fresh copy.
d. Encrypts your data.

7. Which of these .Net Namespaces are part of the .Net Framework?

a. Program.Run
b. Helper.Functions
c. System.IO
d. System.Reflection

8. What is the difference between a System.Collections.Generic.List and System.Collection.Generic.Dictionary?

a. List is faster with a large amount of data.
b. Dictionary uses a key/value pair, the list is only values.
c. List uses a hashset so sorting can be done.
d. None of the above.

9. If you are debugging your code and looking at Call Stack, what are you looking at?

a. Local memory.
b. Global memory.
c. A place where you can insert commands to try them out.
d. The hierarchy of functions you are in.
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Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
I hope those questions are only for junior programmers! But yeah, its a good set of basic information that everyone should know. If you dont know at least that, you werent paying attention.

I actually think it must be quite difficult to design a set of interview questions and tests.


Golden Member
Jan 3, 2006
I've been in the field for 10 years, and have been programming far longer than that. I no longer have the desire to write code for eight hours (on a good day) and then come home and do it some more. My skills are highly regarded amongst both my superiors and peers, so you'd be missing out

no offense, but i doubt it. I'm sure you're a fantastic programmer though.

someone with high technical skills, who is passionate about programming can overcome obstacles and innovate far better than someone with the same technical skills who sees programming as 'just a day job'

additionally - none of our programmers spend 8 hours a day writing code


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2008
Any company that refuses to hire someone on the basis that they don't program in their free time is just begging for burnout.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2000
no offense, but i doubt it. I'm sure you're a fantastic programmer though.

someone with high technical skills, who is passionate about programming can overcome obstacles and innovate far better than someone with the same technical skills who sees programming as 'just a day job'

additionally - none of our programmers spend 8 hours a day writing code

What do your programmers do if they're not expected to code most of the day? (Besides the normal breaks, meetings, etc..) I know most people don't continuously work all day, else we wouldn't be posting here...

How does a passionate programmer overcome family, kids, friends, hobbies, exercise, house, responsibilities to fit in time to code? It know it's possible, but it seems like you have to give up some things to do it. It is really worth it? Should it be required? Does your company pay much more than average because it wants workers who also code outside of work?

I think the most ideal way to keep a sharp mind is to program and learn at work, then you can refresh outside of work and be prepared to repeat the cycle again the next day. (I'm not saying you can't take work home, since sometimes we get inspired or just want to solve that interesting problem.)

I have my own projects that I work on at home, but some weeks it's really tough to find the time. If I had a shorter commute, laundry service, dinner/meal deliveries, maid service, then maybe I'll find more time..


Sep 19, 2000
Thanks for the responses thus far. As per brandonb's post, I find that I fall in his type #1 personality set, good or bad. Luckily, I'm not totally socially inept . And his questions are helpful as well, I'm not an extreme .net programmer, but I felt I could answer 90% of them.

But by all means, keep them coming, this is good stuff.
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Mar 31, 2003
Thanks for the responses thus far. As per brandonb's post, I find that I fall in his type #1 personality set, good or bad. Luckily, I'm not totally socially inept . And his questions are helpful as well, I'm not an extreme .net programmer, but I felt I could answer 90% of them.

But by all means, keep them coming, this is good stuff.

I'm not a big .NET programmer either, but I am right with you in the ~90% range.

I never actually have had a technical interview as far as programming is concerned. My current job I actually got after a phone interview for the internship about a 1.5 years ago (Granted I am now able to start focusing on my IT Security/Ethical Hacking interests over straight up programming). From what I have heard though, none of the questions are too crazy - though I have heard of some interviews asking some absolutely ridiculous questions (Linked list in assembly), but I think they are in the EXTREME minority.

Honestly, Cogman, in seeing some of the posts that you have made, any company that gets you will be very blessed. You always take the time to dive into great detail and really have a understanding of programming! I'm sure I'm not the only person here who has noticed this either.



Golden Member
Mar 21, 2008
Honestly, Cogman, in seeing some of the posts that you have made, any company that gets you will be very blessed. You always take the time to dive into great detail and really have a understanding of programming! I'm sure I'm not the only person here who has noticed this either.
Agreed. Just show your skill, be a decent guy in the interviews, and you will have nothing to worry about.


Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2009
I don't know how much I can contribute to you since I am more involved with hiring experienced programmers, not new grads, so some parts of my interview procedure may not apply to you.

For one thing, I try to hire "programmers" and not "Java people" or ".NET people". By this I mean I am more interested in people who are good in general, even if their expertise is currently not in the field that I need to fill-up.

For example, if it were down to two candidates for a PHP job, and one was a "PHP programmer" while one was a programmer with very little PHP experience, but has a ton of experience in .NET, Java, and other crap like Python or what have you (scenario: lots of cool things except for PHP), I would most likely get the guy with little actual PHP experience. His breadth of knowledge (this is assuming I've determined he is actually an awesome programmer, and it just so happens he did not like PHP much or didn't need to before) more than compensates for having to send him to a 1-month PHP training course - which he will undoubtedly pick up on fast anyway. In fact, after that training, I'm sure he'd be a better PHP programmer than that other guy whose only experience was 5 years with PHP.

I suppose that for you, what this means is do not be afraid to expound on your other experiences other than the actual language involved in the position you are applying for. If it's C#, go ahead and show them your skills, but if asked about your past experiences, don't be shy to recount your other exploits in other languages. If they recognize you are an awesome programmer - and you just need training for you to fit in the team at first (this is the case a lot of the time anyway) - then you will get hired, even if you were up against people who may have better C# experience in their resume. At least, if I or my peers interviewed you, anyway.

With that said, you need to practice being interviewed. I am not kidding, unfortunately. People usually take it for granted, and will just "wing it" when the actual interview happens (this is ok for professionals who've been at it for a long time; for a new grad, not ok). Don't. Just don't. Instead, practice. And when you practice, you should be sensitive to how you come across - not too arrogant, not to shy, and definitely as enthusiastic about programming and work as possible.

The best way to do this is with a friend. Write down some guide questions for him (simple ones like "What's your C background?" "What is the extent of your Java background?" "Can you tell me about the most challenging programming task/problem you've encountered and how you solved it?" "You mentioned 5 years of programming experience in your resume, can you summarize those for me?"). Then let him ask you those questions at random, and answer them as best you can. You will never be able to practice ALL of the questions that the real interview will actually ask you, but you'll get the "essence" of a lot of them, and you will come across as more confident during the interview.

There are no right/wrong answers of course, since what you are practicing is mostly resume and past experiences stuff. But practicing will give you the opportunity to refine the way you answer.

Again, be sensitive about being too shy, or being too boastful. Sometimes, the difference between being "matter-of-factly" and being arrogant is just a couple of words, so be sensitive to those when you practice so that when the real deal comes, you come across only as "matter-of-factly" instead of arrogant/boastful.

Current events in the realm of programming or open source. It can be pretty hard to gauge how passionate someone really is about programming (do they love programming? Is it just a job? Do they even like programming? Or were they just told 'this is where the money is' so they became programmers without really caring about it one way or another?). One of the things I do is ask around about the current events surrounding the language / platform / tool involved in the position being applied for.

For example, if it's a Perl position, I may joke about "Hey, how about that Perl 6, been a decade huh?" If they laugh and they start joking that "Yeah, Perl 6 is the programming world's Duke Nukem Forever!", great! I may not agree that the comparison to vaporware is apt, but that tells me they actually know something about what's going on with the language, and that's a big neon sign for me that clues me in that this one probably is passionate about his work.

Another example, if it concerns MySQL or PostreSQL, I may ask a flame-war type question about "which is faster? which is more stable/reliable?" If the response is the generic school-boy crap, that tells me nothing. But if the response is something like "Traditionally, it's been MySQL that is faster, and Postgres the more stable, not to mention more feature-rich and enterprisey. However, since MySQL 5.x and Postgres 8.xx, they have gotten closer to each other in terms of feature and enterpriseyness and speed.", then that tells me this person is probably passionate about this whole web programming thing, because he's clued in to the developments of the tools he use.

I'm not asking you to read up on current events for the sake of reading up on them. This is something you probably are already doing because when you try to expand your knowledge and try to learn more about the language, the platform, the tools you use, you inevitably get wind of these current events, whether it's Perl 6 that never materialized, or MySQL finally getting enterprise features, or Postgres getting performance optimizations, or Rails exploding and people whining getting published all over the geek news sites.

Another thing that clues me in to how passionate a programmer someone really is is through his favorite programming / computer science books. Before, this was mostly "real" books, but more and more the answers I've received have become "e-books" or other online resources, even programming blogs (+1 for Raymond Chen). It's all good. I myself love e-books and online goodies.

Commonly, I just bluntly ask "What are your favorite programming books?" and "What book are you currently reading?" and "If not books, maybe online resources, or programming blogs?"

The answers I get from the good candidates are varied - "Code Complete", "Programming Pearls", "Mythical Man-Month", "Getting Real (37 Signals)", "jQuery: Novice to Ninja", to name a few of the titles that have often come up... and some boring college textbooks sprinkled along the way, too. I have read most of these books myself, so I try to make sure the applicant is not just spewing out BS by actually talking about the titles we both know about. When the titles are all foreign to me (I can't have read all the books ever made, of course), I may ask him about it and condense the topic for me. I usually write it down and try to see if the book is in the library or available online (google books for free viewing) and see if he actually did read that book and was not just stringing me along.

Most of the time, nobody bothered to BS me by citing a book he never read before in his life. Most of the disappointments here are answers such as "well, I'm not really a book-person". I just don't know how I can trust someone who is not into reading books (even e-books) or programming blogs or anything else.

That's about all I can say (talk about tl;dr), and I hope some of those help you out, OP. If you managed to read through at least some of them, give me a cool story, bro


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
For one thing, I try to hire "programmers" and not "Java people" or ".NET people". By this I mean I am more interested in people who are good in general, even if their expertise is currently not in the field that I need to fill-up.

For example, if it were down to two candidates for a PHP job, and one was a "PHP programmer" while one was a programmer with very little PHP experience, but has a ton of experience in .NET, Java, and other crap like Python or what have you (scenario: lots of cool things except for PHP), I would most likely get the guy with little actual PHP experience. His breadth of knowledge (this is assuming I've determined he is actually an awesome programmer, and it just so happens he did not like PHP much or didn't need to before) more than compensates for having to send him to a 1-month PHP training course - which he will undoubtedly pick up on fast anyway. In fact, after that training, I'm sure he'd be a better PHP programmer than that other guy whose only experience was 5 years with PHP.

I agree with you here, but sadly a lot of recruiters and even interviewers prefer candidates with experience in only one particular field.

I sometimes got into trouble when looking for jobs recently because I had moved around a bit in 3 years. So I had experience in classic ASP,, C#, C++, even a bit of Ruby (but not RoR). For me, it was a case of I had to learn the tool on the job to use it, and I enjoyed that. For recruiters, it was a case that the job spec says 3 years C# experience, and you may have 3 years of experience but not 3 years of C# experience.

The job I have now was great with that - they acknowledged that I didnt have as much C# experience as other candidates, but was stronger in other ways so they hired me. Turned out great for both parties.


Golden Member
Jan 3, 2006
Any company that refuses to hire someone on the basis that they don't program in their free time is just begging for burnout.

Ok, we don't 'refuse' a programmer who doesn't specifically have a programming hobby - but a programmer has to show that he is passionate about programming. Past 'hobby-like' programming projects are usually a good way to show that you actually enjoy programming. Granted, there are plenty of people programming for a hobby that don't have the technical skills.

What do your programmers do if they're not expected to code most of the day? (Besides the normal breaks, meetings, etc..) I know most people don't continuously work all day, else we wouldn't be posting here...

Play video games, pool, foos, golf, eat, drink - whatever. We're pretty loose, but we still get shit done.

How does a passionate programmer overcome family, kids, friends, hobbies, exercise, house, responsibilities to fit in time to code? It know it's possible, but it seems like you have to give up some things to do it. It is really worth it? Should it be required? Does your company pay much more than average because it wants workers who also code outside of work?

We're actually pretty strict on balance, and very loose with real life requirements. I don't think we would hire anyone who puts work above their family life. We're not allowed to use work as an excuse for missing any 'family event'. As far as exercise, we can do that during work hours too. Regarding pay, we're in the midwest - so we're not swimming in a pool of talent, so we have to offer a lot to retain the talent we do find.
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