Programs take ages to load


Jan 25, 2005
Every so often if I click on an icon on the desktop the hourglass cursor comes up for a few seconds then disappears. The program doesn't open, if you click it again the same thing happens. After about 3 or so minutes everything that was clicked all comes up at once. What would cause this??? It happens to ANY program that I try and open.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Many things could cause this.

1. Slow HD (or the HD going bad)
2. Loads of background applications sucking resources
3. Spyware/Malware, check to see if you have any of this by doing Section B of the Consolidated Security Thread


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2005
This happens to me sometimes when i take my computer out of standby mode (Suspend-To-RAM Mode). It will usually just sit there for around 5 minutes doing nothing, and then it just suddenly loads everything. That's the only time I have had this problem happen to me. I had something slightly similar on another system once, where it would just stall randomly for a few seconds and do absolutely nothing, but that turned out to be a problem with Windows, which I fixed with a format.


Jan 25, 2005
Its only a recent Windows install so it should not have gone bad already, I also don't use standby mode. I do have a few background applications (including Norton Internet Security 2005, which eats memory quite happily) but nothing 512mb of dual channel RAM can't handle, right? I don't have any spyware\malware or viruses, however I am beginning to wonder if my HD has gone bad somewhere (its an oldish Seagate U-series 40gb @ 5400 rpm) I used to get really bad HD paging errors (event ID 51) which I fixed by moving the HD off the RAID controller because it wasn't part of an array. Are RAID controllers designed to support HD's that aren't in an array?


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2005
RAID controllers shouldn't have any real problems handling single drives (i used to have one running alone on a RAID controller), but the biggest problem seems to be that they will need drivers for the card so they can be found. I did have strange problems running from the RAID controller something though. I would maybe run a diagnostic tool on your drive, and maybe just check there aren't any problems with it (you can download seagate utilities from their site). It does sound possible though. Really you could upgrade to a more modern, larger and faster drive for quite cheap these days anyway, if that turns out to be the problem. Other than that, it may be something like an address conflict between IRQ's etc.

Not much more I can suggest, other than keep trying!


Jan 25, 2005
I did a Seagate diagnostic ages ago and it said the HD failed the file structure test with critical errors, I had had no problems with it at that time, so I thought the diagnostic wasn't working properly. I'll do it again and see what it does.

I am intending to upgrade to dual SATA drives so I can use the RAID function, since the rest of my system is brand new, I don't want it bottlenecked by an old HD.


Jan 25, 2005
Seagate diagnostic found 3 bad sectors, two had been marked as bad and had no files on them, but the third has a Windows directory file on it, an NVidia driver, and I use an ATI graphics card. Can this be the problem, even though no critical files are on bad sectors?

I have also noticed that an event log is created for DCOM approximately each time the problem occurs, something about a certain server not registering with DCOM within the timeout period.


Jan 25, 2005
Are dual channeled RAM modules that are not identical likely to cause this?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jan 31, 2000
No, it sounds like your hard drive is dying. You really need to buy a 7200rpm hard drive and reinstall windows xp on it. A 5400RPM hard drive is just wrong for a system like yours!


Jan 25, 2005
Thanks, would a new hard drive cloned from the old one work properly? Or would it really be better to reinstall WinXP


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: cwos
Seagate diagnostic found 3 bad sectors, two had been marked as bad and had no files on them, but the third has a Windows directory file on it, an NVidia driver, and I use an ATI graphics card. Can this be the problem, even though no critical files are on bad sectors?

I have also noticed that an event log is created for DCOM approximately each time the problem occurs, something about a certain server not registering with DCOM within the timeout period.

Did you google for the DCOM error?
Does show anything for that particular source and event id?
Does the System event log show any issues? Any disk related errors at all?


Jan 25, 2005
I used to get loads of disk errors in event viewer but they stopped when I moved my single drive off the RAID controller. DCOM appears to be unrelated to the problem.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: cwos
I used to get loads of disk errors in event viewer but they stopped when I moved my single drive off the RAID controller. DCOM appears to be unrelated to the problem.

You can run mpsreports (see my .sig) if you like (& send me the resulting .cab file) - that may have some clues about what is happening.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
The very first couple of errors in your Application log suggest you are infected by a worm:

7/19/2005 8:15:37 p.m. 1 0 1000 Application Error N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 mmsvc32.exe mmsvc32.exe 00001a88
7/19/2005 8:15:44 p.m. 4 0 4097 DrWatson N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The error occurred on 07/19/2005 @ 20:15:44.076 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 00401A88 (mmsvc32)
7/19/2005 8:51:49 p.m. 1 0 1000 Application Error N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 mmsvc32.exe 00001a86

You need to get rid of all of the infections on your computer. This wasn't repeated, so perhaps it's resolved.

8/14/2005 10:16:45 a.m. 2 0 1015 MsiInstaller HOME-MLYTVJHHB6\Osmers HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x800706BA
8/14/2005 10:15:43 a.m. 2 0 1015 MsiInstaller HOME-MLYTVJHHB6\Osmers HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x800706BA
8/14/2005 10:16:14 a.m. 2 0 1015 MsiInstaller HOME-MLYTVJHHB6\Osmers HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x800706BA
8/14/2005 10:11:03 a.m. 1 0 1000 Application Error N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 {a93c9e60-29b6-49da-ba21-f70ac6aade20}.exe ascompbr.dll 2005.1.2.6 00009179

8/13/2005 5:07:04 p.m. 1 8 4689 COM+ N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The run-time environment has detected an inconsistency in its internal state. This indicates a potential instability in the process that could be caused by the custom components running in the COM+ application, the components they make use of, or other factors. Error in d:\qxp_slp\com\com1x\src\comsvcs\package\cpackage.cpp(1184), hr = 800706ba: InitEventCollector failed
8/13/2005 5:07:04 p.m. 4 117 778 COM+ N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 Application image dump failed. Server Application ID: {01885945-612C-4A53-A479-E97507453926} Server Application Instance ID: {9B51A631-D69D-482C-BDA1-42F0BB8A1A26} Server Application Name: COM+ Explorer Error Code = 0x80004005 : Unspecified error COM+ Services Internals Information: File: d:\qxp_slp\com\com1x\src\shared\util\svcerr.cpp, Line: 1259 Comsvcs.dll file version: ENU 2001.12.4414.258 shp

In other words, your machine is having major COM problems due to Symantec products.

Look at the internet settings key file in what you sent me - it's got so much porn/malware/virus/etc. sites in there - seems like that got hacked.

8/12/2005 4:35:59 p.m. 1 0 9 atapi N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout period.
8/12/2005 4:35:59 p.m. 2 0 51 Cdrom N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 An error was detected on device \Device\CdRom0 during a paging operation.
8/12/2005 4:36:21 p.m. 1 0 9 atapi N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout period.
8/12/2005 4:36:38 p.m. 1 0 9 atapi N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout period.
8/12/2005 4:36:38 p.m. 2 0 51 Cdrom N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 An error was detected on device \Device\CdRom0 during a paging operation.
8/12/2005 4:36:55 p.m. 1 0 9 atapi N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout period.
8/12/2005 4:37:12 p.m. 1 0 9 atapi N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout period.
8/12/2005 4:37:12 p.m. 2 0 51 Cdrom N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 An error was detected on device \Device\CdRom0 during a paging operation.
8/12/2005 4:37:30 p.m. 1 0 9 atapi N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout period.
8/12/2005 4:37:48 p.m. 1 0 9 atapi N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout period.
8/12/2005 4:37:48 p.m. 2 0 51 Cdrom N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 An error was detected on device \Device\CdRom0 during a paging operation.
8/12/2005 4:38:08 p.m. 1 0 9 atapi N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 The device, \Device\Ide\IdePort0, did not respond within the timeout period.
8/12/2005 4:38:12 p.m. 2 0 51 Cdrom N/A HOME-MLYTVJHHB6 An error was detected on device \Device\CdRom0 during a paging operation.

Your IDE ports have, or had, a problem. I don't see this repeated anywhere lately.\

Looks to me like your machine has lots of problems, several of which could cause what you're seeing. If I had to guess I'd say the DCOM error is the issue you should troubleshoot first.

Put Microsoft Antispyware on there. Remove all Norton products. See if anything improves.

How did I see all this? I read your application and system event logs...that's it.


Jan 25, 2005
Symantec has W32/Nanpy.A listed as W32.Kassbot.b, which Norton found and deleted a while ago. I looked at the internet keys- Whoa.... thats a lot of stuff that shouldn't be there, I haven't been to any of those sites- I thought internet security programs were supposed to prevent that?

What kind of IDE port problem did you see? Related to the motherboard or to the hard drive? The motherboard is brand new, it shouldn't be malfunctioning.

I disabled DCOM on the advice of an internet security website, but it still shows DCOM in event viewer even though its supposed to be off.

The CD drive is another problem entirely- I had the same problem with it on another system, refusing to spin up the cds, lens cleaners don't help, its a no-name drive so I expect that its just getting old.

Can all those registry entries that aren't supposed to be there be removed safely?

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this..


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
I suggest:
1. Enable DCOM. With SP2 I don't see a point in disabling it, and lots of apps depend on it.
2. See if anything improves.
3. Put Microsoft Antispyware on there. Remove all Norton products. See if anything improves.


Jan 25, 2005
I would rather not uninstall Norton unless it is definitely the cause of the problem, I have no other antivirus programs to use in its place. DCOM is enabled and still getting errors, the computer seems to only go really slow when the dialup to the internet has just completed or the LAN connection is enabled.


Jan 25, 2005
I found which program was causing the DCOM error- Windows Messenger. I uninstalled it and the problem with DCOM has not reappeared, nor have I had any freeze-ups. *So far so good*


Jan 25, 2005
Ok. I'm really out of ideas. I've just bought brand new dual 80GB SATA drives to set up a RAID array, everything going fine, then it happens again. Stuff just refusing to open then all popping up at the same time about 5 mins later. I am NOT infected with spyware/viruses/malware.

I think the only things that could be causing this are a corrupted WinXP install, (something sfc.exe/scannow can't fix)
bad RAM??
inadequate PSU (400w)
CD drive?? It occasionally won't spin up unless I reboot

All other hardware is less than 3 months old.

The winxp currently installed was cloned off the old HDD. I have only recently reinstalled XP and really don't want to have to do it again.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
I can't see how hardware could do this; I suggest following the previous advice given; you might want to prepare and send me MPS Reports if you like.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: dclive
I can't see how hardware could do this; I suggest following the previous advice given; you might want to prepare and send me MPS Reports if you like.

I haven't gotten anything yet.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: cwos
Ok. I'm really out of ideas. I've just bought brand new dual 80GB SATA drives to set up a RAID array, everything going fine, then it happens again. Stuff just refusing to open then all popping up at the same time about 5 mins later. I am NOT infected with spyware/viruses/malware.

I think the only things that could be causing this are a corrupted WinXP install, (something sfc.exe/scannow can't fix)
bad RAM??
inadequate PSU (400w)
CD drive?? It occasionally won't spin up unless I reboot

All other hardware is less than 3 months old.

The winxp currently installed was cloned off the old HDD. I have only recently reinstalled XP and really don't want to have to do it again.

If you simplify a bit and go back to a single hard drive, no CDROM drive, and no Symantec products (especially their Internet Security product; antivirus is fine) does anything change?

If you boot in safe mode, can you reproduce these problems?


Jan 25, 2005
Things only freeze up for a few minutes immediately after I connect to the internet. I can't test this in safe mode or safe mode with networking because it wont let me connect to the internet. I can open folders on the desktop (eg. My Documents) while it is 'frozen' but IE, Outlook, Task Manager or any other programs wont open.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: cwos
Things only freeze up for a few minutes immediately after I connect to the internet. I can't test this in safe mode or safe mode with networking because it wont let me connect to the internet. I can open folders on the desktop (eg. My Documents) while it is 'frozen' but IE, Outlook, Task Manager or any other programs wont open.

OK. I suggest trying the 'if you simplify a bit...' comment.
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