Progress on Stronglifts 5x5 *update 12/28/11*


Feb 7, 2004

I have not missed any rotations - just have not been on the computer alot.

Squats I was at 180lbs 2x5 the 165lbs (deload) at 3x5
I'm now solidly 180lbs 5x5

Deadlifts - 185lbs 1x5 - not sure if my form was off or if I was just tired - but my lower left back above my hip bone feels funny - no pain - but not pleasant. Sigh - getting old sucks.

Reverse rows 110lbs 5x5

Body weight dips 3 sets of 5 (yep, this is a recent development - the ability to do this)

Chin ups 2 sets of 5 (body weight)

Still cannot do 1 forward handed pull-up - did three sets of assisted pull ups with one foot on a bench and assisting myself only enough to do the reps 3 sets 8 reps.

10 clapping pushups
10 off center pushups
10 walking pushups
65 second plank
12 second L hanging plank
30 leg raises

Just for kicks I got on the bicep machine. Have not been on it in forever - last time I was on it I could only curl 70lbs on the machine - now I do 130 for 1 set of 5 - getting stronger

Of further note - on Monday when I did my bench - I managed to do 4 sets of 5 reps with 135lbs. The last set I could only do 2 reps. Nearly ready to progress to 140 lbs.

Body weight at gym 182 lbs - down 1lb. Goal is still 170lbs.

Been sticking with it - just not posting
Squats 180lbs - I back off after realizing I had form issues and wasn't going deep enough. My legs are more than strong enough from the cycling - but my core has to catch up.
Deadlift 175lbs 1x5 - I'm waiting for my core to catch up with my legs/hips.
Reverse rows 110lbs 5x5
Walking squats 30lbs - 3 rounds of 10 each.
Chin ups 5 unassisted
Dips - full body 5 unassisted
Pull ups - 10 jump ups and negative lowers (still can't do forward handed pull ups)
Ran home from gym (~1 mile)
Basically, I've slowed down the progression. I've came to realize my legs are much stronger than the rest of me. I'm waiting for the rest of me to catch up.

Still been cutting. Down to 183lbs.

Squats 200lbs (going to stay at 200 for a while - working on getting down low with the squat and being comfortable)
Bench press 1x5 with 135 lbs (2 45lb plates - yay!)
4x5 with 115lbs
Shoulder press (with dumbbells due to my arm issues) 3x5 - with 30lb dumbells 2x5 with 25lb dumbbells.
30 tricep dips (3 sets of 10)
30 leg lifts (3 sets of 10)
400 meter sprint (1)

Forgot to log the last few - but I've been going.

Pretty much narrowed down 'running' to what was causing my knee pain. Just been riding more and have resigned myself I'm not going to be doing in tri events ever

So lots of firsts tonight:

Squats 200lbs 5x5 - I figured out that I had been doing 'high bar' squats - and I learned about 'low bar squats' that makes it so much more comfortable.

Deadlifts 175lbs 5x5 - tonight I figured out our gym had dead lift 'bars' that noone uses. It makes them so much easier (no hitting your knees - YAY).

Reverse rows - 105lbs 5x5

2 unassisted chinups!!!

3 x 5 chinups with 30 lbs subtracted from my body weight (rubber 30lb resistance band looped around knee - used for assistance)

Pull ups with spread arms I am incredibly weak on. I did 2 x 5 with 2 30lb resistance bands assisting - and just barely could.

3 sets of 10 leg lifts (hanging lifts to work core )

Things I've noticed. I'm still 'cutting'. I've only dropped 3lbs in the last month - but I've taken almost 2 inches off my waist. 34's are starting to get loose on me. The tops of my legs are getting bigger. I have biceps now. I'm starting to see changes in my chest.

I'm at 187lbs. I want to get to 170lbs. Must cut back on calories a little more. Grrr - no more almonds.

Still eating paleo.

Resting heart rate is 52.
Last pressure check was 107/58.

Squats 135lbs 5x5 =| (going easy on a knee)
Bench press 120lbs 4x5 and 4x4 (better than last time - still can't do 5x5)
Shoulder press - due to one arm being shorter than the other, I started doing dumbell shoulder presses. I find these 'much' harder. I did a 25lb dumbell in each hand 5x5 (barely).

Managed another pullup unassisted - almost 2. Subtracted 20lbs of bodyweight on machine for 3 sets of 5 pull ups
2 sets of 10 hanging leg raises (for stomach)
3 set of 7 'leg raises' on the machine with 60lbs or so on it (to help my knee problem)

Walked a couple of miles instead of run. I'm thinking of giving up running. Knee started hurting me 'again'. Stick with biking and walking I might.

Squats 185 lbs 5x5 =) (body weight achieved)
Deads 2 x 5 180lbs
Reverse row 100lbs
Pullups first time ever - 1 unassisted pull up! Almost got two. Did 2x10 more on pullup machine with 20lbs subtracted from bodyweight.
3x10 leg raises.

Need advice - On the deads - does anyone else have problems clearing knees. I've examined my form, and I'm keeping a straight back in in line with my shoulder. When I come up and 'snap' my glutes to bring myself vertical - I'm 'bumping' my knees with the bar. Advice? Kinda painful.

Squats 175lbs 5x5 (my body weight is 184)
Benchpress 120lbs 4x5 and 1x3 (I wore out on the last set). I'll stay at 120 next time until I can do the 5x5.
Shoulder press 80lbs - I was weak tonight. I could not get 85 up. I did 3 reps of 5 at 80lbs then I had to deload to 75lbs for the next two reps
Leg lifts 3 sets of 10 reps.

Out of morbid curiosity, I went on a curl machine - last time I tried back in September, I could only do 65lbs on there for 10 reps. I was rather easily able to do 100lbs. It was out of curiosity more than anything. I can tell I have much more functional strength.

I then ran 3.1 miles in 27 minutes.

Squats 170lbs 5x5 =)
Deadlifts 165lbs 2x5
Reverse rows 95lbs (5x4 and 1x3 - still very hard)

Ran 3.1 miles in 27:32 after I lifted.

Interesting things to note - my average pulse has fell into the 40's now.
Pressure is down.
Eating paleo is going well.

Actually felt good after this run, vs the usual crappy feeling. About to up my run from 5k to 6k slowly. Going for 10k now.

Feeling much stronger lately. Barely starting to see some definition.
Recovery food - can of kippered herring.

Squats 165lbs 5x5 (excited that I'm within 20lbs of my body weight!)

Benchpress 115lbs 2x35 + the bar - I did two sets of 5 and three sets of 3 (I was wearing out and could barely do it).

Standing Shoulder press - ok here is the deal I was watching some 'form' videos - and I found I was 'cheating a little' - not returning the bar all the way down to my chest then pressing back up. I was stopping short. So I deloaded to 70lbs and done 3 sets of 5 at 70lbs - the I did 2 sets of 3 at 70lbs. Turns out I was cheating to get 80lbs - so gotta keep myself honest.

Two other notes - I asked a guy to spot me for two 45lb plate (135lbs total) for a 'can I do this one time thing' - and I was indeed able to do 1x135 after the sets above - barely.

After I lifted I ran 3.1 miles (5k) - finished in 'record' time for me 27:54.

Good day.

Stuck inside. Rainy crappy. Thought to myself - bet I can do 100 burpees (with p/u). I got to 30 - humbled I sat down. That is all.

Squats 155lbs 5x5
Deadlifts 140lbs 2x5 (really only supposed to be 1x5 - but hey)
Reverse Rows 80lbs (yea, didn't go up this time - these still, hurt).
Pullups - found out gym had some unused 'bands', figured out how to loop one over my knee for assisted pull ups. Could do 5 max - so I did 3 x 5. Still can't do one unassisted.

Leg lifts 10x3 (hanging lifting legs to perpendicular and back) (do this for my core).

Recovery food - some roast beef I've had in slowcooker with sweet potatoes and carrots.

Also had went on a 35 mile bike ride early in the morning.

12/1/11 (missed a day due to illness)

Squats 150lbs
Benchpress 110lbs
Shoulder press overhead 80lbs 1x5 then 1x3 - the deloaded back to 75 for 1x4 then 1x4 then a final 1x5 (I even grunted a little ).
Tried a pull up again - no go
25 pushups with a chain over me (in response to higher numbers are just endurance).

Then did my 5k run on the treadmill for cardio.

Recovery food - 2 chicken breasts, some sweet potato fries, and some canned herring. (not all at once).

Sadly, weighed in at 190. Not happy. I know that body weight can vary a few lbs based on water, recent meals, etc - but grrrr. . . . I'm already eating 2000 even calories a day and working out more than most Americans even think about. Sigh.

Dead lifts 135lbs
Squats 145lbs
Reverse Rows 80lbs

Feeling good with the squats. I should be at my body weight soon. (185)

Also did 40 pushups and a 400 m sprint. Also did 30 leg raises for core.

Hey there. Started stronglifts late October. I started every excercise with just the bar (45lbs). Here is my progression to date (I've never lifted before in my life, and I'm mostly into cycling which does nothing for your upper body really).

Deadlifts - 125lbs
Shoulder Press - 75lbs (this has been my hard one - I'm currently 'stalled' here - was just adding 2x2.5 each time)
Squats - 135lbs (feel like I could go alot heavier - just adding 5lbs-10lbs at a time to work on form).
Bench - 105 lbs (this has been 'very' challenging for me)
Rows - 75lbs (don't like these at all - adding 5lbs - but I've stalled)

Also - on 'off days' weight lifting, been working on my pushups. Went from 10 or so in October to 60 consecutive. Still can't do my first pull up to completion sadly.

Body weight down to 184 (from 340). Still falling. Eating clean (paleo if anyone is familiar).
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Golden Member
May 15, 2005
For bench press since it seems so simple some people forget about form. You want to squeeze your glutes and sit on them and pull in your shoulder blades.

I can push out 10-15lbs more with better form.

Keep up the good work!


Mar 15, 2007
are pushups on your off days really smart? i cant do 60 consecutive but i can bench close to 200 pounds 5x5 ;( hahaha thought you suppose to do nothing on your rest days. but i work out everyother day with the weights so maybe its diff for me.


Feb 7, 2004
are pushups on your off days really smart? i cant do 60 consecutive but i can bench close to 200 pounds 5x5 ;( hahaha thought you suppose to do nothing on your rest days. but i work out everyother day with the weights so maybe its diff for me.

You are right. You aren't supposed to. I can't see that 1 set of max rep pushups does anything but help. I run and bike on 'off days' too. I can't just sit around and wait for the next weight session.

I'm even thinking of doing modified crossfit on off days
Sep 29, 2004
For bench press since it seems so simple some people forget about form. You want to squeeze your glutes and sit on them and pull in your shoulder blades.

I can push out 10-15lbs more with better form.

Keep up the good work!

Agree on the shoulder blade part anyway. Glutes too?

I did 5x5 at 175 after a reset. Then last night I payed attention to form and got 180 up in 5x5 format. I mostly credit better form and a to a lesser degree, a longer rest period between sets. I think I could do one rep of 200 for the first time in my life right now.


Platinum Member
Aug 12, 2007
dude do starting strength, that progression is extremely slow. I'm 2 months into SS and went from 135 - 280 squat. similar progress with the rest of my lifts. and for a guy who used to be 340 lbs, you should easily be able to life more then me!


Feb 7, 2004
dude do starting strength, that progression is extremely slow. I'm 2 months into SS and went from 135 - 280 squat. similar progress with the rest of my lifts. and for a guy who used to be 340 lbs, you should easily be able to life more then me!

I'm not worried too much about the slow progression. I've had a couple of injuries that make this a 'real catious thing' for me. I'm wanting to make sure my form is perfect before I load heavier. On a squat 'machine' I can easily get over 400lbs. Balancing the bar on my shoulders is a whole different thing though (for me at least).


Senior member
Nov 3, 2002
Good start. Standing overhead press is a lift that a lot of people stall on and faster than other lifts, the weight seems to pile on quick. Your bench and OHP will go up eventually, you might have to do a few week deload/reset if you're stuck for a long period.

I wouldn't worry at all about pushups, if you're doing that many it's mostly an endurance exercise and will not help you gain additional strength. For the pullups I'd recommend doing negatives.

Stronglifts is a great program for complete beginners, just like Starting Strength. I probably prefer SS though personally, where I'd replace cleans with pendlay rows.

Keep up the good work.


Feb 7, 2004
Good start. Standing overhead press is a lift that a lot of people stall on and faster than other lifts, the weight seems to pile on quick. Your bench and OHP will go up eventually, you might have to do a few week deload/reset if you're stuck for a long period.

I wouldn't worry at all about pushups, if you're doing that many it's mostly an endurance exercise and will not help you gain additional strength. For the pullups I'd recommend doing negatives.

Stronglifts is a great program for complete beginners, just like Starting Strength. I probably prefer SS though personally, where I'd replace cleans with pendlay rows.

Keep up the good work.



Feb 7, 2004
Good start. Standing overhead press is a lift that a lot of people stall on and faster than other lifts, the weight seems to pile on quick. Your bench and OHP will go up eventually, you might have to do a few week deload/reset if you're stuck for a long period.

I wouldn't worry at all about pushups, if you're doing that many it's mostly an endurance exercise and will not help you gain additional strength. For the pullups I'd recommend doing negatives.

Stronglifts is a great program for complete beginners, just like Starting Strength. I probably prefer SS though personally, where I'd replace cleans with pendlay rows.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks for your thoughts. The reason I chose stronglifts was it's simplicity. I'm just not going to do anything complicated or that requires more. I'm really into cycling, and don't want to spend any more time in gym than I have to. This is perfect for me and lots of ppl seem to have good results.


Sep 2, 2002
Keep at it! I just meet with a trainer to go over form and alternate machines and options to keep the lifts different. I'm ready to rock and roll on Monday.

Monday will be an easy day, i need to figure out how heavy to start. On some test lifts:

Deadlft 130+
Overhead Press - 50+? i felt weak but it was towards the end of my consultation
Barbell Rows - 60+ ?
Squat 130+
Bench - 130+

Probably really conservative but like you, i want to make absolute sure my form is good before i go into into hard.
Sep 29, 2004
Keep at it! I just meet with a trainer to go over form and alternate machines and options to keep the lifts different. I'm ready to rock and roll on Monday.

Monday will be an easy day, i need to figure out how heavy to start. On some test lifts:

Deadlft 130+
Overhead Press - 50+? i felt weak but it was towards the end of my consultation
Barbell Rows - 60+ ?
Squat 130+
Bench - 130+

Probably really conservative but like you, i want to make absolute sure my form is good before i go into into hard.

Use a trainer to learn form and nothing more. Also, I've heard horror stories about trainers. Half don't have a clue (second and third hand info here though).


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
Keep at it! I just meet with a trainer to go over form and alternate machines and options to keep the lifts different. I'm ready to rock and roll on Monday.

Monday will be an easy day, i need to figure out how heavy to start. On some test lifts:

Deadlft 130+
Overhead Press - 50+? i felt weak but it was towards the end of my consultation
Barbell Rows - 60+ ?
Squat 130+
Bench - 130+

Probably really conservative but like you, i want to make absolute sure my form is good before i go into into hard.

I think your numbers are WAY WAY off to start.

If you're just starting on working out for the first time, start from the minimum to promote solid form and equal growth of the muscle.


Sep 2, 2002
I think your numbers are WAY WAY off to start.

If you're just starting on working out for the first time, start from the minimum to promote solid form and equal growth of the muscle.

I hear ya. I'll probably just do bar.
+5 every week will go fast,


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
I hear ya. I'll probably just do bar.
+5 every week will go fast,

+5 every work out for squats
+5 every other work out for everything else

The reason I suggest it is because I strained both my adductors today after taking a week off.

Going straight to 130 on some of your excercises might hurt you.


Sep 2, 2002
+5 every work out for squats
+5 every other work out for everything else

The reason I suggest it is because I strained both my adductors today after taking a week off.

Going straight to 130 on some of your excercises might hurt you.



Feb 7, 2004
+5 every work out for squats
+5 every other work out for everything else

The reason I suggest it is because I strained both my adductors today after taking a week off.

Going straight to 130 on some of your excercises might hurt you.

He is right. If I had got under 165 lbs on a squat back in the beginning of October, I would have hurt myself. It even scares me now. Form, form, form. . . don't hurt yourself.


Sep 2, 2002
He is right. If I had got under 165 lbs on a squat back in the beginning of October, I would have hurt myself. It even scares me now. Form, form, form. . . don't hurt yourself.

indeed. i didn't mean to hijack your thread but today was good and all about form.
Workout A
45 lb squats
45 lb bench
65 lb barbell rows

I'm really looking forward to Workout B
Overhead Press


Platinum Member
Aug 12, 2007
45 lb squats, really?

you can at least start with 95 lbs as a grown man now, seriously.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009
45 lb squats, really?

you can at least start with 95 lbs as a grown man now, seriously.

That's basically to build correct form and keep it throughout your weight increases. A lot of beginner programs suggest starting with the bar only. In SL specifically you increase fairly quickly though, because you are adding 5lbs every workout (+15lbs./week).

I still warmup each workout with a progression starting with 2x5 of just the bar to get the blood flowing and keep my form fresh in my mind before I hit my higher weights.


Platinum Member
Aug 12, 2007
totally agree with warming up with the bar and the 5lb increases. however, I don't believe you need to start a such a low weight when you could be making much faster progress. you can still work on form in your warmup sets, and an actual challenging set of squats will help you figure out your form more then just doing a bunch of light squats.
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