Project offset Demo using INTEL

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Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Originally posted by: GundamSonicZeroX
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Originally posted by: GundamSonicZeroX
Is this really newsworthy? Offest Software got acquired by Intel in 2008.
Thats what makes this news worthy. This is the first demo since Intel bought them.
Well, the title of your thread is misleading. I was under the impression that it's considered news because Offset was being run on Intel hardware.

Do you see were it says its not? Beings the game is exclusive to intel hardware. At this time its not much to assume its running on a larrabee pre production unit . Like dream works has and others.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Well maybe not Idon't care . As you may or may not be aware motion blur is always on in this game engine . Remember earlier trailers they explained that. I tell ya that is an exciting scene put ourself in that environment with a charicter and I could easily get immersed in what I saw . I am using a 26" monitor on my browser now . So I thought it was outstanding . The sound was really good also . I just plain ass liked it .

I don't care what color would a copper metor give off under extreme heat ?

If it was reacting with the oxygen in the air during entry then it'd would be green, not from the heat but from the photoluminescence of the redox reaction.

Yeah maybe the problem I had with with the motion blur was my laptop screen is too small so the blur is confined to happening just in my peripheral vision but was also happening in my direct field of view (which for me gave me the sense of my eyes losing focus, which just makes me a little sick to my stomach).


Jan 12, 2005
That certainly looked nice, but I don't see what the big deal is I guess. AMD put some very nice tech demos out for the RV770 before they launched it too.

That is on hardware I can buy today for not much money, and it's not even the fastest GPU that is for sale right now. Maybe I'm just not seeing the bigger picture or something, I'm hoping Larrabee is another competitive part in the market, but I don't see how it is going to be a revolution either. Like I said, maybe I'm just missing something in regards to Larrabee.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
i did not watch the video, i really do not care what it shows. My question is that if intel thinks it is going to make a game that will only run on their own hardware, then they will have a real hard time selling any units of it to make a difference. I mean seriously. the games that sell volumes are the ones that are playable on multi-vendor hardware at playable resolutions. if they think they can make a game that only looks good on their own hardware and poorly on everyone elses good luck to them.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Originally posted by: waffleironhead
i did not watch the video, i really do not care what it shows. My question is that if intel thinks it is going to make a game that will only run on their own hardware, then they will have a real hard time selling any units of it to make a difference. I mean seriously. the games that sell volumes are the ones that are playable on multi-vendor hardware at playable resolutions. if they think they can make a game that only looks good on their own hardware and poorly on everyone elses good luck to them.

Intel AMD/ATI are going in exact same direction. Intel only said at release it would be intel exclusive. Until ATI can get it coded for there cards. After ATI gets On same page both well play same modern games. Nv has a bit more work to do tho. You guys act like intel is doing something evil here . If ya don't like what intel is doing don't buy there products. Intel is the ONE going to software render. So if Intel makes a game don't you think it should be for intel hardware . Which in this case relies on software render.



Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Originally posted by: waffleironhead
i did not watch the video, i really do not care what it shows. My question is that if intel thinks it is going to make a game that will only run on their own hardware, then they will have a real hard time selling any units of it to make a difference. I mean seriously. the games that sell volumes are the ones that are playable on multi-vendor hardware at playable resolutions. if they think they can make a game that only looks good on their own hardware and poorly on everyone elses good luck to them.

Intel AMD/ATI are going in exact same direction. Intel only said at release it would be intel exclusive. Until ATI can get it coded for there cards. After ATI gets On same page both well play same modern games. Nv has a bit more work to do tho. You guys act like intel is doing something evil here . If ya don't like what intel is doing don't buy there products. Intel is the ONE going to software render. So if Intel makes a game don't you think it should be for intel hardware . Which in this case relies on software render.

Thats kinda my point. They can go ahead and make any game they want. But by making it so it runs only on their own hardware, I fail to see how they are going to move many units.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Originally posted by: SlowSpyder
That certainly looked nice, but I don't see what the big deal is I guess. AMD put some very nice tech demos out for the RV770 before they launched it too.

That is on hardware I can buy today for not much money, and it's not even the fastest GPU that is for sale right now. Maybe I'm just not seeing the bigger picture or something, I'm hoping Larrabee is another competitive part in the market, but I don't see how it is going to be a revolution either. Like I said, maybe I'm just missing something in regards to Larrabee.

Well I would imagine A lot of people would agree with ya. Those videos you linked were nice. Ya see ATI didn't have anyway to make a developer use all that nice tech. AMD has had DX10.1along time yet hardly anyone working with it . WHY????

Intel Is going in a new direction. So they had to create there own hardware. To run software the way its meant to be run. Its a new beginning as the tears slowly roll down frowning faces. Watch that video again . use freeze frame. Alot going on in those frames . Very impressive. We haven't seen the shinney intel stuff yet. Like the ruby demo . unless ya want to count the stuff daniel is up to . Speaking of which that unreal game engine taking on new Stuff. The stuff dreams are made of.


Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Originally posted by: waffleironhead
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Originally posted by: waffleironhead
i did not watch the video, i really do not care what it shows. My question is that if intel thinks it is going to make a game that will only run on their own hardware, then they will have a real hard time selling any units of it to make a difference. I mean seriously. the games that sell volumes are the ones that are playable on multi-vendor hardware at playable resolutions. if they think they can make a game that only looks good on their own hardware and poorly on everyone elses good luck to them.

Intel AMD/ATI are going in exact same direction. Intel only said at release it would be intel exclusive. Until ATI can get it coded for there cards. After ATI gets On same page both well play same modern games. Nv has a bit more work to do tho. You guys act like intel is doing something evil here . If ya don't like what intel is doing don't buy there products. Intel is the ONE going to software render. So if Intel makes a game don't you think it should be for intel hardware . Which in this case relies on software render.

Thats kinda my point. They can go ahead and make any game they want. But by making it so it runs only on their own hardware, I fail to see how they are going to move many units.

OK OK . Stop! You are not looking at this picture correctly. OK . ATI/NV have their GPU world they own the high end market . They are Masters of Hardware RENDER pipeline.

Intel is not intrudeing on ATI/NVs Hardware render world at all .

Intel is creating their own software render world . I think that is wonderful. It is Intel thats pushing raytracing and software pyhsics. It is Intel going down a differant world were use to .
So When intel decided to go magic(software) They bought 4 other game related business all having to do with software and x threading.

In a very short time will see more of what Intel is doing. Like this Demo . Which is outstanding. It really had everthing . But 2 elements. The cameria motion was great . The motion blur all the time takes getting use to but is very realistic. The softshades were perfect and light reflection was also very good.

Intel built hardware and put a bunch of software companies working together on a unified engine. This is Intel Risk . They are betting that they can do it better. From what I seen in this video I am a believer. This was game footage.

So when Intel releases there Larrabee and this game. If its a great game . Better than anything current by alot . If it plays on Intel only hardware. The crying will be loud and completely unfounded. AS Intel is creating a new space and not intrudeing on the OLD hardware render pipeline.

Intel is going a differant direction . If its not better they will fail its that simple.

If its great all the AMD ATI NV trolls will crawl out of woodwork saying how intel did this or that.

The only thing Intel is doing here is going another direction with graphics. Its a hugh gamble. But If software render is better(it is) Intel will be way ahead. Nv could have been working in that same direction but NO . Ati however has been working in that direct which is why the DX10.1 standard that NV tramples.

So if you have a problem with what intel is doing its because your a fanbois. If intel fails it changes nothing. If intel succeeds it changes everthing. The only way intel can succeed is by proving their tech superior To do that Intel needed a game publisher and many other elements Intel spent the money. This demo is First fruits we have seen of Intels efforts . Anyone who wasn't impressed with that scene simply doesn't understand everthing they are seeing here. Its remarkable actually.



Jan 12, 2005
I don't think it has anything to do with AMD/Nvidia fanboys... but from how I'm interpreting what you're saying is that the way Larabree does what it does is different (I haven't seen how it's better, and am not saying it might not be, I just haven't seen it... but so far it's just 'different') then the way every single game and game developer does things for both console and PC. Without a doubt Intel can be pretty influential in the PC world, but it sounds like they would have to convince the entire gaming world to get away from DirectX and hardware rendering to build games that will only run, at least initially, on their new hardware vs. the hardware that the whole PC gaming world has? Again, maybe I'm missing something, but I guess I just don't get it. Not being a fanboy, just stating it how I see it.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Ya the part your missing is this . Your thinking onlyof yourself and others in terms of access. What part don't you understand. If software render is better . It will overcome hardware render. You would hold back tech. Because its NEW(old) tech.

Your looking at it from a perspective that if it is infact better. I have to spend more $$$ or I have to buy INTEL OH no.

Iam seeing it from let the best graphics rule the world . If that be hardware render so be it. If it be software render than change is needed. These is no titanic here. Intel covered ever single base . They don't need MS for anything. They have there own game developer they great software pyhsics. They are going a differant direction and they made sure NO outside company could foul them . Like MS did the Itanic. Intel thought ever step out. No stone was left unturned. The sucess or failure of the Larabbee is 100% in the hands of Intel . There is nor can there be any outside source that can alter that.

Simple fact if Larrabee is successful the market will come to INTEL. Not the other way around . This is no DX10.1 deal . Were ATI didn't have muscle to leverage its tech . This is Intel who can pretty much stump anyone down . As they are setting with a Royal flush and everone is going all in. The Hand belongs to Intel.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
For the record seems to be Doubt this is actual game footage. I should know soon if it is or not . either way its great footage . Looking at the elements involved . I would say those elements were in keeping with storyline. Those dragons come from somewhere LOL. Why not a Huge Meteor . . That has an atmosphere. Seems like the start of a wonderful game story line.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
PX has been out awhile show us a PX scene that has all elements we seen in this video.

Clouds spinning motion blur accurate soft shadows acurate light reflection 1000s of particles in flight with AI . Show us a comparble scene with as much going on.


Golden Member
Oct 12, 2006

Frank Encruncher

Junior Member
Mar 28, 2009
Another disappointing phsyics demo
Where is the sesmic waves that would have toppled the pillars after the first couple of meteor strikes?
The plants bearly moved from debris hit nevermind there was nothing from the meteors's shockwave.
Still missing that little bit of realism to make it believable.


Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Well not to be rude but a little thought in to your sesmic waves theory . Might help ya a lot here in the real world. Meteor shock wave is the result of 2 elements. Mass/ Speed . The more mass less speed to have a sesmic waves.

The more speed the less mass required to create sesmic waves.

I seen no particle big enough to create sesmic waves. Other than motion blur in real world and cameria motion. The fact meteor rites had long tails shows there speed to be not excessive.

Who says those were meteor strikes to start with. Thats not how I viewed those as they all seem to come from same point of the LARGE BIG planet like Meteor .


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
Originally posted by: Aberforth
Because it's not very powerful- honestly I dunno. But I'm not going make wild predictions like Cookie Monster once said Intel will end up in a intensive care unit in the first round- I highly doubt that.

Err, saying "I doubt PhysX can do this level of physics" without any reasoning is a wild prediction.


Golden Member
Oct 12, 2006
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: Aberforth
Because it's not very powerful- honestly I dunno. But I'm not going make wild predictions like Cookie Monster once said Intel will end up in a intensive care unit in the first round- I highly doubt that.

Err, saying "I doubt PhysX can do this level of physics" without any reasoning is a wild prediction.

A little bump in the benchmark scores doesn't prove anything, I'd like to see it in action.


Jun 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Aberforth
A little bump in the benchmark scores doesn't prove anything, I'd like to see it in action.

You've never seen it in Mirror's Edge or Cryostasis? It does work but those 2 specific games for me aren't anything to get excited about (Cryostasis didn't get glowing reviews about its gameplay).


Golden Member
Oct 12, 2006
Originally posted by: thilan29
Originally posted by: Aberforth
A little bump in the benchmark scores doesn't prove anything, I'd like to see it in action.

You've never seen it in Mirror's Edge or Cryostasis? It does work but those 2 specific games for me aren't anything to get excited about (Cryostasis didn't get glowing reviews about its gameplay).

I have Mirror's Edge PC version, the physics simulations in it are very basic.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
So this demo was pretty dam good I wanted more than a hybred game tho . But Intel I suppose has to play nice, But dam thats a nice engine. I hope there next game isn't hybred.


Aug 28, 2001
Man Neme, no offense but your posts are hard to read my friend.

I agree it's a very nice engine.

As an aside, i dont see software physics overtaking hardware physics in the short term. Maybe 5 years down the road.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
Originally posted by: Aberforth
Originally posted by: josh6079
Originally posted by: Aberforth
Because it's not very powerful- honestly I dunno. But I'm not going make wild predictions like Cookie Monster once said Intel will end up in a intensive care unit in the first round- I highly doubt that.

Err, saying "I doubt PhysX can do this level of physics" without any reasoning is a wild prediction.

A little bump in the benchmark scores doesn't prove anything, I'd like to see it in action.

What benchmark scores? It was a youtube of a Project Offset demo.
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