Protest happening across the US

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Aug 5, 2000
Or it could just be the participation trophy echo chamber demographic feeling the sting of defeat for the first time.

I'm sure there's some of that in the mix, as well as most of what others have mentioned in this thread.

But for whatever reason each individual felt compelled to take to the streets, they're united around the idea that a man like Trump can't possibly be the leader of the free world, keeping in mind just what kind of guy he has presented himself to be. Nobody has described Trump and his character better than the man himself.

I think it needs reiterating that Pres. Elect Trump has a very......unique way about him that does not lend himself to be a well liked respected person given the numerous "timely" and factual anecdotes that have been spread around about him, so let's not kid ourselves about the notoriety he has acquired for himself simply from being himself. There's no getting around that in any real sense.

The protesters are out in force as a direct result of witnessing his behavior and from listening to what came out of his mouth time and again and again at his rallies. In their minds that's not a person who they feel is the right man for the job, given his behavior since joining in the fray.

Now I need to stress that there is a distinction that I'm making here, and that is the difference between Trump as a person and the popular message he is selling to the nation.

His message is on point. His message hits home to a lot of disaffected folks and that's what got him elected, much more so than his rather offensive personality and character.
Reactions: Double Trouble


Jun 4, 2004
What action has Trump taken as President to... oh, wait, he hasn't yet.
These protestors are assaulting the very notion of election, of peaceful transfer of power.

Looks like a bunch of spoiled brats being told 'no" for the first time in their life. I think this election is giving some people a healthy dose of reality and that's a damn good thing.

Such laughable hypocrisy. Good on them to show their vitriol and drop the facade. No doubt they think of themselves as "good people". That is the precisely the line of thinking that leads to heinous acts. That is not to say Republicans have some outright nasty followers of their own, but if you can't accept this results, then you are not better than Trump saying the system is rigged.

Oh! I do declare! These protestors exercising their 1st amendment rights are just horrid!

Really? Do you guys need to go to your safe spaces now?



Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2011
His message hits home to a lot of disaffected folks and that's what got him elected, much more so than his rather offensive personality and character.
All of that is fine till they realize who is in his cabinet picks... yes, this is fine america totally didn't vote for the establishment.

"I'm not the puppet, you're the puppet." - Trump whines.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2011
Oh! I do declare! These protestors exercising their 1st amendment rights are just horrid!

Really? Do you guys need to go to your safe spaces now?

You do realize freedom of speech/protest is a two way street right? They have a right to protest, I have a right to call them jackasses.
Reactions: rpsgc


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
A person who had qualification... starting from High School, to College, to Law, to Government, even further in Government... lost to a extremist right-wing star who basically is going to deport all of us into FEMA interment camps.

This really takes it home;
lost an election for class president for her senior year against two boys, one of whom told her, "you are really stupid if you think a girl can be elected president."
Bernstein 2007, p. 30; A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. ISBN 0-375-40766-9.
Gerth & Van Natta 2007, pp. 21–22. Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton. New York: Little, Brown and Company. ISBN 0-316-01742-6.

American Dream is destroyed... it is more worthwhile to be a star. Than, to have an education and to fight for office on that merit.

The American Dream destroyed because Clinton lost a focking election? Good gawd, get a grip. America has been falling behind for quite a few years now. You didn't notice that manufacturing has left, that the middle class is shrinking, that two incomes are barely able to make ends meet, that health care has become prohibitively expensive, etc.... ?!
If you are suggesting that it is wrong that the people are allowed to vote and elect a person you find repugnant, I don't know what to say other than welcome to democracy.
Reactions: rpsgc
Dec 10, 2005
Do we live in a democracy or a banana republic? Things don't go your way? Whine and bitch and protest and riot and loot.

Where are they rioting or looting? As for the protests, they are simply exercising their first amendment right to protest. If you didn't notice, a man was elected to the presidency while basically trashing entire groups of Americans.


Jun 4, 2004
You do realize freedom of speech/protest is a two way street right? They have a right to protest, I have a right to call them jackasses.
Three way street.

I can make fun of you for bitching at them for protesting.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2011
The American Dream destroyed because Clinton lost a focking election? Good gawd, get a grip. America has been falling behind for quite a few years now.
Yes, the American dream is destroyed with the electoral choice of Trump. Trump has always been for the established. Just look at his cabinet picks. Nice splash, in the anti-establishment...

Instead, we could have gotten a woman elected, which vowed to apply Bernie Sanders-like reform to education, post office, and healthcare.
You didn't notice that manufacturing has left,
Unassisted manufacturing is in decline, while augmented manufacturing is on the rise.
that the middle class is shrinking,
This is mainly because the requirements are increasing, while education remains the same or has gotten worse.
that two incomes are barely able to make ends meet,
If you are running two incomes and barely make ends meet. Maybe, you need to go to a fiscal responsibility course.
that health care has become prohibitively expensive, etc.... ?!
The healthcare bill didn't change the healthcare market. So, I don't understand the point of complaining about something that was always systemic. Healthcare will always be expensive since that market has the most fear of becoming a free commodity. It falls under the dole/welfare with free higher public education(community college)/(technical schools).
If you are suggesting that it is wrong that the people are allowed to vote and elect a person you find repugnant, I don't know what to say other than welcome to democracy.
It is wrong to vote for Trump. Especially, if you/ye think he isn't establishment. Welcome to the 1st amendment...


Aug 5, 2000
All of that is fine till they realize who is in his cabinet picks... yes, this is fine america totally didn't vote for the establishment.

"I'm not the puppet, you're the puppet." - Trump whines.

Yeh, that's just about when the dream weaver Trump crashes headlong into Trump the President who gets whacked up the side of the head with a spiked 2x4 named reality 10 times a minute 24/7/365.

I've actually had some really disturbing moments thinking about Trump's cabinet and court picks, especially if he's going the Lone Ranger route via getting revenge on his hit list of prominent Repubs who tried to sabotage his run for office.

Pence is going to be a really busy guy in his attempts to have Trump play patty cakes with the Repub establishment heirarchy who he has vociferously railed on and on about. I really do feel sorry for the guy having to make Trump behave himself.

Scooby Doo

Golden Member
Sep 1, 2006
Yeh, that's just about when the dream weaver Trump crashes headlong into Trump the President who gets whacked up the side of the head with a spiked 2x4 named reality 10 times a minute 24/7/365.

I've actually had some really disturbing moments thinking about Trump's cabinet and court picks, especially if he's going the Lone Ranger route via getting revenge on his hit list of prominent Repubs who tried to sabotage his run for office.

Pence is going to be a really busy guy in his attempts to have Trump play patty cakes with the Repub establishment heirarchy who he has vociferously railed on and on about. I really do feel sorry for the guy having to make Trump behave himself.
Image what Trump will look like in 4 years!
Reactions: trenchfoot

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
That's it though, he did more than talk nasty, he told Americans that your religion is wrong that that we aren't letting in any more of you because you are dangerous. How are Americans that didn't vote for him supposed to feel? He didn't say just terrorists, he said Muslims, all Muslims. That's like Hillary saying that all Evangelicals are dangerous. How are evangelicals supposed to feel that are already living here?

Whether you voted for Obama or Bush and they got elected, I'm sure you weren't afraid of getting kicked out of the country because of him or losing everything because of him. Trump said those kinds of things.
The question is whether you take the false positive(terrorist pretending to be just another guy making a living in a new place dealing damage) or the false negative (preventing the legitimates from benefitting). While Trump took it to the idiotic extreme of stereotyping, if someone truly does care about preventing terrorism, then preventing the false positive is the higher priority to saving the false negatives from suffering. The left believes that they are doing an act of personal kindness instead of an impersonal granting of very valuable good at some expense to local residents and with a slight but VERY real risk of having a false positive take some lives.

Being Chinese, and a naturalized citizen by birth, I have no fear of being kicked out. I do see, however, in Democratic dominated area--no a Democratic heaven, people trying to take advantage of her because of her lack of language. So, these "high level" ideals people when discussing politics hold do NOT trickle down to person-to-person to interactions. Fact of the matter is that once you pass an income threshold, you are no longer a sympathetic narrative but instead one with money that must be taxed away for the "greater good". The endless self-sanctification of Democrats when they are more than capable of being money-grubbing scum has become just as revolting to me as the racist white Republicans who simply cannot accept that other races are quite capable in their own right.

I lived in Montgomery County and Prince George's County in Maryland. So, where is that Democratic utopia? PG especially, with 89 percent voting for Clinton. A county of saints, it should be.


May 15, 2000
Looks like a bunch of spoiled brats being told 'no" for the first time in their life. I think this election is giving some people a healthy dose of reality and that's a damn good thing.

This must be an example of the left looking down their noses and being smug.



Nov 10, 2003
That's it though, he did more than talk nasty, he told Americans that your religion is wrong that that we aren't letting in any more of you because you are dangerous. How are Americans that didn't vote for him supposed to feel? He didn't say just terrorists, he said Muslims, all Muslims. That's like Hillary saying that all Evangelicals are dangerous. How are evangelicals supposed to feel that are already living here?

Whether you voted for Obama or Bush and they got elected, I'm sure you weren't afraid of getting kicked out of the country because of him or losing everything because of him. Trump said those kinds of things.

I don't remember any LEGAL immigrants that are here in the US LEGALLY and haven't done anything ILLEGAL/criminally were being kicked out just because. Ever.

If and when ILLEGALS being kicked out, it is their own doing.
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Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
How does this work? Does one apply online?

Oh look, Soros is behind these "protests":

America on Edge: MoveOn Organizes Anti-Trump Protests Around Country

There we go, ALL white people are devils:

“This is a disaster. We fought our hearts out to avert this reality. But now it’s here,” staff wrote to members on Wednesday. “The new president-elect and many of his most prominent supporters have targeted, demeaned, and threatened millions of us—and millions of our friends, family, and loved ones. Both chambers of Congress remain in Republican hands. We are entering an era of profound and unprecedented challenge, a time of danger for our communities and our country. In this moment, we have to take care of ourselves, our families, and our friends—especially those of us who are on the front lines facing hate, including Latinos, women, immigrants, refugees, Black people, Muslims, LGBT Americans, and so many others. And we need to make it clear that we will continue to stand together.”

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012


Aug 4, 2000
It is ironic Clinton supporters that run an internet website that has existed since the Monica Lewinski scandal, called "" apparently cannot find it within themselves to "move on".
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Jan 6, 2005
I'm sure there's some of that in the mix, as well as most of what others have mentioned in this thread.

But for whatever reason each individual felt compelled to take to the streets, they're united around the idea that a man like Trump can't possibly be the leader of the free world, keeping in mind just what kind of guy he has presented himself to be. Nobody has described Trump and his character better than the man himself.

I think it needs reiterating that Pres. Elect Trump has a very......unique way about him that does not lend himself to be a well liked respected person given the numerous "timely" and factual anecdotes that have been spread around about him, so let's not kid ourselves about the notoriety he has acquired for himself simply from being himself. There's no getting around that in any real sense.

The protesters are out in force as a direct result of witnessing his behavior and from listening to what came out of his mouth time and again and again at his rallies. In their minds that's not a person who they feel is the right man for the job, given his behavior since joining in the fray.

Now I need to stress that there is a distinction that I'm making here, and that is the difference between Trump as a person and the popular message he is selling to the nation.

His message is on point. His message hits home to a lot of disaffected folks and that's what got him elected, much more so than his rather offensive personality and character.
I think it is a lot of misdirected anger. Trump is a buffoon and says some pretty offensive stuff. However I think the left demonized him without understanding why his message was resonating.

He approaches some uncomfortable topics with uncomfortable language. I don't agree with most of what he said, but some people found it refreshing that he didnt tip toe around or address these issues through the filter of a political focus group.

I think there is an irony that at the end of the day, it wasnt racists or xenophobes that won him the day. It was people abandoned by the party they once supported who simply want jobs.
Reactions: trenchfoot


May 15, 2000
I think it is a lot of misdirected anger. Trump is a buffoon and says some pretty offensive stuff. However I think the left demonized him without understanding why his message was resonating.

He approaches some uncomfortable topics with uncomfortable language. I don't agree with most of what he said, but some people found it refreshing that he didnt tip toe around or address these issues through the filter of a political focus group.

I think there is an irony that at the end of the day, it wasnt racists or xenophobes that won him the day. It was people abandoned by the party they once supported who simply want jobs.

Lol. You are such a pathetic hypocrite. For trump the anger is misdirected and the left demonized but for Hillary, to you, anger about her is justified and entirely her fault.

I'm also questioning your claim that the unemployed are what helped him. By all accounts I've seen, the biggest change from previous elections was that trump had a larger gap in the white male vote. The last data I saw showed the average trump supporter with an income of 70k, that's hardly a stat for a voter looking for work. But by all means link it up.

Hillary simply didn't motivate people to come out and vote, neither did trump but he was at least able to get out the right people to come out and vote.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2008
Saw them on the news blocking the 101 in L.A.. That freeway's a big enough p.i.t.a. without a bunch of idiots spilling onto it.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
Usual liberal reaction - if you don't get your way, you can A) shame and denounce the other voters who DARED to vote for someone you dislike, B) protest because obviously it is unfair that your candidate lost and the election should be re-run until you get a result you are happy with.
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