Protest happening across the US

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Jun 30, 2004
How has Trump wronged them?
Republican policy sure... but does that mean not accepting any election? Did these protests happen in previous elections?

This is a rural-urban phenomenon. The demographics -- concentration of people -- has changed beyond the counter-balancing 19th century idea of the Electoral College as it took shape variously after the revolution. And -- no -- this hasn't happened to my memory.

Consider this perspective. An enlightened idea of what these elections mean has different factors: do the electorate like the candidate? what are the issues? what are the policy prescriptions? who would be most prudent as a leader? who has the personality traits that would make that leadership count for something?

In an "enlightened" election, the problems articulated by one side could be addressed by someone elected from the other side as a result of the election. If the two parties fail to see the same set of problems, if there is never any substantive debate but only name-calling, accusations, lies and distortions, then the benefits are lost.

It isn't just about winning. And the problem arises when one side is so set on winning, that they wage a continuous propaganda campaign over some eight years to spread misinformation, distortions and lies that stew in the mind of a news-reading public.


Jun 30, 2004
Of course he became president by getting voted in but everything he said to me get there divided the country. His road to the Whitehouse did not make America as a whole feel comfortable with him being president. His own actions caused these protests. Did the left protest when Bush Jr won? Did the right protest when Obama won?

Actually, it took more than a year, but they did as part of an anti-administration campaign, in the Tea Party demonstrations of 2010. The actual facts would lead to a conclusion that the Koch brothers financed transportation for those demonstrations.

I also have a theory -- just a theory I have, heh-heh.

there was an Independent Lens production which appeared on PBS in 2008 entitled "Chicago 10." It interspersed newsreels of the preparation and execution of the 1968 demonstrations at the Democratic Convention with animations of the courtroom proceedings against the organizers that followed. The animations were an especially fine accomplishment for the film, since news cameras were not allowed into the courtroom.

One could compare the costumes and actions presented in the historical film to newsreel footage of the TP demonstrations.

A lot of the TP crowd closer to my age still resent the anti-war movement of the Vietnam era, and they still believe that Jane Fonda "caused" us to "lose" the war. They will never admit that it was a gross error to prosecute the war even before Johnson after all the SEATO allies bailed out.

So the TP demonstrations were borrowed and copied from some forty years earlier. Just a theory.

the point of it: there was a lot of big money underwriting the Tea Party. What they called "political innovation" one could also call subterfuge. The IRS scandal arose because a group with a political agenda attempted to side-step tax-exemption with disclosure through FEC, and opted to pass themselves off as 501(c) tax exempt. The careful administration of the 501(c) rules had been corrupted as a result of political pressure decades earlier.

Now the Trump people are calling these demonstrators "paid agitators." There is no Big Money behind these demonstrations. People have a grievance, and they are expressing it. If there were PAC money or someone like the Koch brothers behind it, they would've bussed these demonstrators out to the cornfields and statehouses of the red states after the election. Instead, the demonstrations erupted in blue cities and more likely in blue states. Trump's people are now trying to de-legitimize the discontent of the people -- those with the grievance -- by this argument of "paid agitators" and people "bussed in" to cause trouble.
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Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
When are they going home? (Protestors) Seems like a huge waste of time and productivity. They aren't going to get anything. The voting booth is where they can best make a difference. Whiny liberals need to learn the lesson, that you can't always get what you want and you can't always stop what you don't want. You cannot simply smash things and take what you want. That's thuggery, not democracy. I don't believe, for a minute, that any of the people on the streets, are like any of the democrats I know. These are anarchists and fucktards, who have no respect for our democracy. If you burn the flag of my country and desecrate your own neighborhoods, you are not only an enemy of US, you are a disgrace to humanity. Parents- please teach your children to have better manners!


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
The president elect insinuated at a rally that Hillary Clinton and/or her supreme court nominees should be assassinated. Get off that high horse.

That's how you took it, doesn't mean it was factual. I suppose you were upset about Hillary's VP trying to take Trump out behind a shed to fight (or something like that I forget exactly)? No, probably not.

The fact is, Hillary and Obama have both not condemned the riots when they could have. Riots that have destroyed property, injured people, and divided the two parties and American even more. Instead they have given words that people will take as support for what they're doing by saying keep fighting, etc. If you can't even admit that then there is no point in talking about it. Both should have asked for peace. You can protest all day long peacefully, within the laws and get whatever message you want out. Another fact is, if roles were reversed that the press would be all over Trump. Hillary did do a very good concession speech where she asked everyone to back the new President elect and support him. Had it gone the other way, I do not believe Trump would have given a speech like that, or even conceded.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
That's how you took it, doesn't mean it was factual. I suppose you were upset about Hillary's VP trying to take Trump out behind a shed to fight (or something like that I forget exactly)? No, probably not.

The fact is, Hillary and Obama have both not condemned the riots when they could have. Riots that have destroyed property, injured people, and divided the two parties and American even more. Instead they have given words that people will take as support for what they're doing by saying keep fighting, etc. If you can't even admit that then there is no point in talking about it. Both should have asked for peace. You can protest all day long peacefully, within the laws and get whatever message you want out. Another fact is, if roles were reversed that the press would be all over Trump. Hillary did do a very good concession speech where she asked everyone to back the new President elect and support him. Had it gone the other way, I do not believe Trump would have given a speech like that, or even conceded.

I guess campaigning on racist and profoundly divisive messaging has consequences. The president is an ardent constitutionalist, and so is reminding everyone of the power of the first amendment, and the fact that the sort of venom supported by Trump and Pence over the last two years isn't just a game to be played out on fake TV or pointless highschool elections.

The consequences are real. These are very real people that have every legitimate reason to feel disenfranchised by the results of this election.

Perhaps this is the kind of messaging that the Trumpistas need to understand that their modern version of Jim Crow is not acceptable in this country?

I don't support violence or rioting or any of that--but maybe the butthurt fascist rightwingers in this thread and out in the country that want their racism and their safe spaces too need a bit of a profound buttkicking here?

I dunno, but this too shall pass, or are you hoping for the brown shirts to come out to the streets and neighborhoods to tell us how we need to react to the most despised, disgusting pig of a human claiming the most powerful seat in the world?


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
That's how you took it, doesn't mean it was factual. I suppose you were upset about Hillary's VP trying to take Trump out behind a shed to fight (or something like that I forget exactly)? No, probably not.

The fact is, Hillary and Obama have both not condemned the riots when they could have. Riots that have destroyed property, injured people, and divided the two parties and American even more. Instead they have given words that people will take as support for what they're doing by saying keep fighting, etc. If you can't even admit that then there is no point in talking about it. Both should have asked for peace. You can protest all day long peacefully, within the laws and get whatever message you want out. Another fact is, if roles were reversed that the press would be all over Trump. Hillary did do a very good concession speech where she asked everyone to back the new President elect and support him. Had it gone the other way, I do not believe Trump would have given a speech like that, or even conceded.

I saw the video of his rally in full context. The crowd understood exactly what he was saying to them. Yes, that's what he meant.

Biden said he wanted to take Trump out behind the gym. A comment that I while I don't find becoming for a sitting VP is a lot of notches down the WTF scale from saying that political figures maybe should be assassinated if we don't agree with the outcome of the election.

The protests have been, in the vast majority, peaceful. I actually don't have a lot of hope it will remain that way over the next four years as Trump tries to implement his agenda and the GOP theirs. That's what your get when you run a campaign fueled by fear, hatred, and resentment and then stand around wondering why the country won't magically come together. To Trump winning is everything but in some cases how you win will have significant consequences, I think we have yet to see those even begin to unfold.


Feb 5, 2006
What has Trump done to unite the country after his win? Less than nothing.
Obama and Clinton don't owe him jack. He is the president-elect now, he has to bring this country together by his actions.


Oct 18, 2005
When are they going home? (Protestors) Seems like a huge waste of time and productivity. They aren't going to get anything. The voting booth is where they can best make a difference. Whiny liberals need to learn the lesson, that you can't always get what you want and you can't always stop what you don't want. You cannot simply smash things and take what you want. That's thuggery, not democracy. I don't believe, for a minute, that any of the people on the streets, are like any of the democrats I know. These are anarchists and fucktards, who have no respect for our democracy. If you burn the flag of my country and desecrate your own neighborhoods, you are not only an enemy of US, you are a disgrace to humanity. Parents- please teach your children to have better manners!

Grumpy old fart posts grumpy old fart shit. Keep on keeping on.


Mar 9, 2005
Biden said he wanted to take Trump out behind the gym. A comment that I while I don't find becoming for a sitting VP is a lot of notches down the WTF scale from saying that political figures maybe should be assassinated if we don't agree with the outcome of the election.
Well any decent father would want to do that if those were their daughters that were subjected to inappropriate behavior.
Dec 10, 2005
The "protesters" arrived in a fleet of buses, funny how that works:
I just wanted to quote you to laugh at you and how you fell for a fake story.

Eric Tucker, a 35-year-old co-founder of a marketing company in Austin, Tex., had just about 40 Twitter followers. But his recent tweet about paid protesters being bused to demonstrations against President-elect Donald J. Trump fueled a nationwide conspiracy theory — one that Mr. Trump joined in promoting.

Mr. Tucker's post was shared at least 16,000 times on Twitter and more than 350,000 times on Facebook. The problem is that Mr. Tucker got it wrong. There were no such buses packed with paid protesters.

But that didn't matter.

Mr. Tucker, who had taken photos of a large group of buses he saw near downtown Austin earlier in the day because he thought it was unusual, saw reports of protests against Mr. Trump in the city and decided the two were connected. He posted three of the images with the declaration: “Anti-Trump protestors in Austin today are not as organic as they seem. Here are the busses they came in. #fakeprotests #trump2016 #austin”

Mr. Tucker said he had performed a Google search to see if any conferences were being held in the area but did not find anything. (The buses were, in fact, hired by a company called Tableau Software, which was holding a conference that drew more than 13,000 people.)

“I did think in the back of my mind there could be other explanations, but it just didn’t seem plausible,” he said in an interview, noting that he had posted as a “private citizen who had a tiny Twitter following.”

He added, “I’m also a very busy businessman and I don’t have time to fact-check everything that I put out there, especially when I don’t think it’s going out there for wide consumption.”


Jul 16, 2001
What has Trump done to unite the country after his win? Less than nothing.
Obama and Clinton don't owe him jack. He is the president-elect now, he has to bring this country together by his actions.

Delusional liberals are way beyond any "coming together"..the celebs and activists and hacks who were so devoted to getting hillary elected and who have spent the past week sobbing and frothing at the mouth over her loss. These people exhibit cult-like behavior far more than any Trump cheerer I've come across. Liberal cultists will continue on with their childlike sandbox behavior for the duration. The DNC is in serious need of adult supervision. No doubt there will be more riots / looting / vandalism / burning their neighborhood down in protest which only further prove liberals are to be repudiated.


Feb 5, 2006
America is not coming together behind Putin's puppet, and the useful idiots are mad about it.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
I saw the video of his rally in full context. The crowd understood exactly what he was saying to them. Yes, that's what he meant.

Biden said he wanted to take Trump out behind the gym. A comment that I while I don't find becoming for a sitting VP is a lot of notches down the WTF scale from saying that political figures maybe should be assassinated if we don't agree with the outcome of the election.

The protests have been, in the vast majority, peaceful. I actually don't have a lot of hope it will remain that way over the next four years as Trump tries to implement his agenda and the GOP theirs. That's what your get when you run a campaign fueled by fear, hatred, and resentment and then stand around wondering why the country won't magically come together. To Trump winning is everything but in some cases how you win will have significant consequences, I think we have yet to see those even begin to unfold.

I couldn't remember and didn't want to look it up.

Yes most protests have been peaceful. I have said that, never claimed otherwise. I have nothing against peaceful protests done within the law, I've said this before. Its part of who we are. You aren't condemning the riots either? You didn't seem to say it. You don't think this ad is exactly that? Seemed pretty fueled by fear to me. Please, both sides played that game.

The fact is neither have spoken out against the riots, the destruction of property, the assaults on people. They've both commented on the protests, encouraging people to do so if they believe in their cause. Which is fine, nothing against that. They're not condemning the riots. Thats the problem I have with their comments and lack of. I'm not going to keep going around and around about it, thats how I feel. Thats the facts of what they have done or not done.


Jun 9, 2016
When are they going home? (Protestors) Seems like a huge waste of time and productivity. They aren't going to get anything. The voting booth is where they can best make a difference. Whiny liberals need to learn the lesson, that you can't always get what you want and you can't always stop what you don't want. You cannot simply smash things and take what you want. That's thuggery, not democracy. I don't believe, for a minute, that any of the people on the streets, are like any of the democrats I know. These are anarchists and fucktards, who have no respect for our democracy. If you burn the flag of my country and desecrate your own neighborhoods, you are not only an enemy of US, you are a disgrace to humanity. Parents- please teach your children to have better manners!
That's how you took it, doesn't mean it was factual. I suppose you were upset about Hillary's VP trying to take Trump out behind a shed to fight (or something like that I forget exactly)? No, probably not.

The fact is, Hillary and Obama have both not condemned the riots when they could have. Riots that have destroyed property, injured people, and divided the two parties and American even more. Instead they have given words that people will take as support for what they're doing by saying keep fighting, etc. If you can't even admit that then there is no point in talking about it. Both should have asked for peace. You can protest all day long peacefully, within the laws and get whatever message you want out. Another fact is, if roles were reversed that the press would be all over Trump. Hillary did do a very good concession speech where she asked everyone to back the new President elect and support him. Had it gone the other way, I do not believe Trump would have given a speech like that, or even conceded.
Delusional liberals are way beyond any "coming together"..the celebs and activists and hacks who were so devoted to getting hillary elected and who have spent the past week sobbing and frothing at the mouth over her loss. These people exhibit cult-like behavior far more than any Trump cheerer I've come across. Liberal cultists will continue on with their childlike sandbox behavior for the duration. The DNC is in serious need of adult supervision. No doubt there will be more riots / looting / vandalism / burning their neighborhood down in protest which only further prove liberals are to be repudiated.

Worth keeping in mind these are the same people making the same complaints on the same wrong side of history as civil rights. A righteous person might ask why they don't learn from that history, but someone with perspective might see that they're simple pursing what's in their self-interest.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I couldn't remember and didn't want to look it up.

Yes most protests have been peaceful. I have said that, never claimed otherwise. I have nothing against peaceful protests done within the law, I've said this before. Its part of who we are. You aren't condemning the riots either? You didn't seem to say it. You don't think this ad is exactly that? Seemed pretty fueled by fear to me. Please, both sides played that game.

The fact is neither have spoken out against the riots, the destruction of property, the assaults on people. They've both commented on the protests, encouraging people to do so if they believe in their cause. Which is fine, nothing against that. They're not condemning the riots. Thats the problem I have with their comments and lack of. I'm not going to keep going around and around about it, thats how I feel. Thats the facts of what they have done or not done.

I don't think people should riot, nor does any rational person.

Trump more than flirted with racists, xenophobes, authoritarians, and outright nuts from the beginning. He gleefully waltzed with them. This is not a "both sides do it" argument. He wallowed in this filth through his whole campaign.

So far all I've seen is their support for people who want to protest. Unless they've done something to specifically and actively encourage violence and rioting (they haven't), which have been in the vast minority compared to peaceful protesting, this gets a big meh from me.
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