Protest happening across the US

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Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
More info: released the following press release Wednesday afternoon:

Americans to Come Together in Hundreds Peaceful Gatherings of Solidarity, Resistance, and Resolve Following Election Results

Hundreds of Americans, dozens of organizations to gather peacefully outside the White House and in cities and towns nationwide to take a continued stand against misogyny, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.

Tonight, thousands of Americans will come together at hundreds of peaceful gatherings in cities and towns across the nation, including outside the White House, following the results of Tuesday’s presidential election.

The gatherings – organized by and allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump’s bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible.

Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings nationwide, with the number continuing to grow on Wednesday afternoon.

WHAT: Hundreds of peaceful gatherings of solidarity, resistance, and resolve nationwide

WHEN / WHERE: Find local gatherings here. Major gatherings include in New York City’s Columbus Circle and outside the White House in Washington, DC.

RSVP: Please email to confirm attendance.

“This is a disaster. We fought our hearts out to avert this reality. But now it’s here,” staff wrote to members on Wednesday. “The new president-elect and many of his most prominent supporters have targeted, demeaned, and threatened millions of us—and millions of our friends, family, and loved ones. Both chambers of Congress remain in Republican hands. We are entering an era of profound and unprecedented challenge, a time of danger for our communities and our country. In this moment, we have to take care of ourselves, our families, and our friends—especially those of us who are on the front lines facing hate, including Latinos, women, immigrants, refugees, Black people, Muslims, LGBT Americans, and so many others. And we need to make it clear that we will continue to stand together.”
Dec 10, 2005
Doesn't really sound like many conservatives I know though. Most are too busy with things like jobs, families, behaving like adults, etc.
Can we please stop with this tired old trope? Democrats have jobs, families, and also behave like adults.

It seems like everyone is failing the empathy test. Democratic voters, particularly historically marginalized and persecuted groups, are quite upset because the president-elect ran a very divisive campaign, completely dismissive of them and in a way, encouraged racists and bigots out into the open. Other voters who voted in Trump are likely tired of being paid lip-service to and having their own needs ignored.

God forbid people try to walk in another's shoes and try to work for the greater good of society. What that might look like, obviously we'll have our own ideas, but at least we could try to be civil about it instead of just denigrating people outright.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Is this a joke? Or have you not noticed that RGR and SWHC have tanked in the last 2 days?
Are you still drunk since the results came in? THE F does this have to do with my question? Were Bill Clinton and Obama elected to 4 terms in the last 2 days?

Sober up and try again.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Can we please stop with this tired old trope? Democrats have jobs, families, and also behave like adults.
Can you stop pretending you can't follow a simple point?

Someone insisted, for certain that there would be mass protests from the conservative side had Hillary won. The question stands... were there after either of Bill's wins or Obama? It's not a difficult question. Hell I don't even know... maybe there were, I just don't recall it and it like I said, it doesn't sound much like conservatives I know.

(Now see, that says NOTHING about Democrats so get your knee out of your chin, your reaction was 100% kneejerk and a bit childish to boot. If I say this car is blue it doesn't mean I said your car is yellow. Get a little comprehension and dial back the shoulder chip some.)

It seems like everyone is failing the empathy test. Democratic voters, particularly historically marginalized and persecuted groups...
Riiiiiiight, forgot. The permanant VICTIM (R) CARD.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004

Wait, you're trusting that as a source? Did you not read where that supposed report comes from, and how the site both trusts this data unquestioningly and with a very obvious bias? Also, can they point to tangible corroborating sources, such as official sites, copies of the documents or neutral news outlets citing their own sources?

You need to learn a thing or two about what an objective, trustworthy news source is. And I don't mean that in a "it doesn't say what I want to hear" way. I'm talking about basic fact finding and critical thinking skills. If you were writing a college paper citing this as a source of facts, you'd get a failing grade. If you were working at a major news outlet, even a conservative one like Fox, you'd be suspended or fired.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Are you still drunk since the results came in? THE F does this have to do with my question? Were Bill Clinton and Obama elected to 4 terms in the last 2 days?

Sober up and try again.
Different groups protest in different ways. Lefties gather in unruly mobs, righties join militias and get all passive aggressive about their guns.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Wait, you're trusting that as a source? .

Are you really so inapt at using the internet that you couldn't do the most basic research yourself?

Contributors to during the 2004 election cycle included financier George Soros who gave US$1.46 million to Voter Fund;

So what if the website hosting the article is a bit fishy, you can confirm the facts with a trivial bit of effort.


Nov 10, 2003
You guys need to stop the lie of "just protesting" or "peaceful" or "exercising 1A" and such.

I already posted the link to debunk that lie and here it is again -

" set a trash bin on fire, vandalized the city's downtown area, setting objects on fire and breaking windows,charges of assault on an officer, vandalism, unlawful assembly, failure to disperse, and possession of a firearm."

Firearm? To do what? Safe Gun Handling Class for the public? LOL

Peaceful my butt.

And who would do protest during weekdays? Must be folks with plenty of idle time and nothing to do.
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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Different groups protest in different ways. Lefties gather in unruly mobs, righties join militias and get all passive aggressive about their guns.
You *really* think that answered my question? Sober up means take some time and actually wait until you are.


Aug 5, 2000
The DNC will need to wise up in 2020. With the way things are going right now, I'm not so sure they will learn from their mistakes. If Trump blows everyone's minds by performing amazingly as president, the Democrats will be SOL in 2020 and probably 2024.

What the DNC has already learned is that they shouldn't alienate a demographic by emphasizing a partiality for another. In their effort to be more inclusive, they actually alienated a demographic by taking them for granted and ignored them.

As far as Trump blowing people's minds, I get the feeling he will, but not in a good way.

I'm thinking he's going to piss off just as many Repubs as he will Dems because it seems to me a megalomaniacal narcissist like Trump will want to please everyone so as to have them adore him but will instead just get them angry as hell.
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Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
You guys need to stop the lie of "just protesting" or "peaceful" or "exercising 1A" and such.

I already posted the link to debunk that lie and here it is again -

" set a trash bin on fire, vandalized the city's downtown area, setting objects on fire and breaking windows,charges of assault on an officer, vandalism, unlawful assembly, failure to disperse, and possession of a firearm."

Firearm? To do what? Safe Gun Handling Class for the public? LOL

Peaceful my butt.

And who would do protest during weekdays? Must be folks with plenty of idle time and nothing to do.

everyone with half a brain that is not blinded by Trump's words knows that a man like him, now generally speaking, ONLY can mean a catastrophe for the US, and I am among those people who predicts/predicted massive unrest on a scale that the US had never seen before. Why? Because he wants to bring a nationalism/fascism-type of government into the US. This is not merely swear words I use randomly grabbed out of the air, this is based on his ACTUAL proposed policies which are strongly targeting anyone of color, Latinos, peoples with other religions/cultures.

There is only a problem: You can not quasi-declare a war on non-whites, Blacks, Latinos, most of other faith and culture and let's not forget the hated liberals (basically treating them as "enemies") w/o consequences.. Not in the US, where,say different ethnicities make a large percentage of demographics, much more than in Europe (despite immigration), and then of course the large percentage of liberals. (Or what you call "liberals")

He is not even president YET.

Wait for actual policies being implemented. The proposed mass deportations, or whatever there may be coming. Or him building the wall, or doing whatever he proposed to do. He WILL be the most hated president you ever had and there will be massive unrest and riots. Get used to it. It was your choice and you will have to reap what you sow.


Nov 10, 2003
everyone with half a brain that is not blinded by Trump's words knows that a man like him, now generally speaking, ONLY can mean a catastrophe for the US, and I am among those people who predicts/predicted massive unrest on a scale that the US had never seen before. Why? Because he wants to bring a nationalism/fascism-type of government into the US. This is not merely swear words I use randomly grabbed out of the air, this is based on his ACTUAL proposed policies which are strongly targeting anyone of color, Latinos, peoples with other religions/cultures.

There is only a problem: You can not quasi-declare a war on non-whites, Blacks, Latinos, most of other faith and culture and let's not forget the hated liberals (basically treating them as "enemies") w/o consequences.. Not in the US, where,say different ethnicities make a large percentage of demographics, much more than in Europe (despite immigration), and then of course the large percentage of liberals. (Or what you call "liberals")

He is not even president YET.

Wait for actual policies being implemented. The proposed mass deportations, or whatever there may be coming. Or him building the wall, or doing whatever he proposed to do. He WILL be the most hated president you ever had and there will be massive unrest and riots. Get used to it. It was your choice and you will have to reap what you sow.

Anyone of color? Asians are whites now? LOL.

Latinos? Can you show me a link or two that DT was talking about deportation of law-abiding and NOT about the ILLEGALS. If you are here as LEGAL immigrants and haven't done anything bad, how DT or anyone would be able to deport you? Do post a link or two about anyone that was a LEGAL immigrant and was deport without doing anything wrong.

Liberals, are they the same folks that are whining and bitching about the EC while not a freaking word about the EC for the last 8 years when their guy won the WH? Talk about big time hypocrite. Oh, don't forget about liberals that are calling everyone that did not vote for HC as "stupid". Who are doing all of the riot, properties destruction, assault police officers....are they liberals? So much for tolerant, peace loving, and inclusive, eh?

My choice? Funny I am still waiting for any of you post a link or two about my support for DT.

Bottom line is I am all for peaceful protest but setting things on fire, vandalizing, rioting, bringing guns, assaulting police officers and on and on = no go in my book. No excuse. Period.
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Reactions: AnonymouseUser


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
Trump has won the election fair and square. Obama and Clinton both called for healing and unity. It is also unfair not to give Trump a chance to govern. People will have to suck it up and prepare for the next election.


Golden Member
Jan 2, 2010

Wow. Good for them though so long as it doesn't turn violent. If Obama wants to truly lead and do what's right for the country he gets out in front of this and uses his auretor skills to diffuse the situation.

Theres things I dont agree with Obama but he truly squandered any opportunity as the first black president to actually improve race relations. Rather he never made a stand when any racial issue surfaced and he did the same thing with terrorist threats. Even though I didnt vote for Obama I was at least encouraged in thinking the amount of good he could have done in improving race relations. So now 8 years later what do we have but the same crap where anything a white person says or does to a black person is racist. Just take the monday night football game for example where Sherman was totally in the wrong in basically tackling the opposing teams kicker and acts like "who cares". So the wife of the kicker tweets that they castrate animals on the farm who cant control their aggression, referring to Shermans behavior. So what does the news report but that its a racist comment because black slaves sometimes got castrated. That one actually caught me by surprise.

As for the liberals protesting and causing problems...they were doing that before the election its no surprise to see that they are doing it after the election.


Mar 5, 2001
Can we please stop with this tired old trope? Democrats have jobs, families, and also behave like adults.

It seems like everyone is failing the empathy test. Democratic voters, particularly historically marginalized and persecuted groups, are quite upset because the president-elect ran a very divisive campaign, completely dismissive of them and in a way, encouraged racists and bigots out into the open. Other voters who voted in Trump are likely tired of being paid lip-service to and having their own needs ignored.

God forbid people try to walk in another's shoes and try to work for the greater good of society. What that might look like, obviously we'll have our own ideas, but at least we could try to be civil about it instead of just denigrating people outright.

Look cupcake. He doesn't want unfettered *ILLEGAL* immigration and the people agreed with him. He doesn't want *UNVETTED* muslim immigration and further checks into that area, and the people agreed with him.

On the rest of it, he was NOT racist. He didn't run a divisive campaign, it was run against him. Get over your special snowflake bullshit and liberal conditioning. It's hilarious you shitheads were clutching your pearls when he said he'd have to "wait and see" on the election contesting. Now what? You're fucking contesting it, through birddogging, bussing in "protestors" and Soros money.

He won, the people spoke, fuck off.
Reactions: AnonymouseUser


Mar 5, 2001
Trump has won the election fair and square. Obama and Clinton both called for healing and unity. It is also unfair not to give Trump a chance to govern. People will have to suck it up and prepare for the next election.

And then Obama shit on him with the "transition" picture. I hope Trump made it clear to Obama that he's going to run a train on every Obama policy, starting with his shitty Iran deal and Obamacare.

Trudeau The Cuck has already bent to the master, as has Nieto. Alaweed is singing a diff tune.

3 branches of the government were handed to Trump. Why? Because the DNC sucks balls.


Jun 22, 2001
Different groups protest in different ways. Lefties gather in unruly mobs, righties join militias and get all passive aggressive about their guns.
Translation: lefties prefer to loot and commit violence against stores who did nothing wrong to them while righties suck it up and go to the gun range.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Translation: lefties prefer to loot and commit violence against stores who did nothing wrong to them while righties suck it up and go to the gun range.
It's tedious to argue against this level of blatant dishonesty, so just fuck off

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
This guys is a nutjob. Now as a leader, you don't complain about your people disagreeing with you or being unhappy. You give them hope and get their support. He is the kind who would berate anyone who doesn't agree with him. Forget about "freedom of speech" if you don't agree with him.

I'm guessing you can't even see the irony in your own post. You accuse him of being the kind of person who would berate anyone who doesn't agree with him, but that's pretty much the MO for most of the left these days. Take a quick look at what all the liberals say about anyone who supported Trump. Berating would be a vast understatement.


Mar 5, 2001
Muslim immigrants were seriously vetted.

Any other bullshit do you have to donate to the conversation?

Yeah, about that San Bernardino couple. Ohh, and the NJ people. Ohhh, and about Orlando, and Boston. Sure, 2nd generation, but also patterns in radicalization.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
everyone with half a brain that is not blinded by Trump's words knows that a man like him, now generally speaking, ONLY can mean a catastrophe for the US, and I am among those people who predicts/predicted massive unrest on a scale that the US had never seen before. Why? Because he wants to bring a nationalism/fascism-type of government into the US. This is not merely swear words I use randomly grabbed out of the air, this is based on his ACTUAL proposed policies which are strongly targeting anyone of color, Latinos, peoples with other religions/cultures.

That's an impressive amount of unadulterated bullshit you managed to pack into one post.

Wait for actual policies being implemented. The proposed mass deportations, or whatever there may be coming. Or him building the wall, or doing whatever he proposed to do. He WILL be the most hated president you ever had and there will be massive unrest and riots. Get used to it. It was your choice and you will have to reap what you sow.

Oh heavens no, not having people who are illegally here removed from the country! That's pretty much Hitler right there! Frankly, I don't care if he's the most hated president ever or not. If he does the right things, I don't give a crap who protests. If they get violent and break the law, then it's time to bring the law and order hammer down on them, let them try to loot from inside a jail cell.


Mar 5, 2001
That's an impressive amount of unadulterated bullshit you managed to pack into one post.

Oh heavens no, not having people who are illegally here removed from the country! That's pretty much Hitler right there! Frankly, I don't care if he's the most hated president ever or not. If he does the right things, I don't give a crap who protests. If they get violent and break the law, then it's time to bring the law and order hammer down on them, let them try to loot from inside a jail cell.


These people LIKE having foreign invaders here.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2011
"... But let me just tell you, Mr. Trump has a long memory and we’re keeping a list.” - Omarosa Manigault

What is the purpose of this list? Protesters watch out!
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