ps4 vs xbox one

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Diamond Member
Mar 27, 2001
Which system do you prefer and why? I am having a hard time deciding which console to get based on the reviews out there. I know there are polls on the net that said which system has better sales, but that might just mean people prefer the cheaper one (ps4) out of the two and nothing to do with which system is actually better.

So what do you think of each of the system. Would be great for people who has tried (or own) both system to give their opinion on the systems.


Feb 5, 2011
Hee,hee, here we go.

PS4. More power, less money, better exclusives, PSN seems to offer more value than Xbox Live (e.g. its free games are actually worth playing).


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2005
If you are ONLY buying a console for the games, pick which console has your favorite 1st party games (then again, why not PC, games are far cheaper there). If you want a console that does everything else too (media, apps, etc), get an Xbox One. If you want the cheaper console, get a PS4.

I feel like the trap is thinking the PS4 is better because it has better hardware, when that didn't do the N64, Dreamcast, Xbox Classic, PS3 or PS Vita any favors in the end. What you end up with right now is people buying a $400 console for games they could have easily played on their current console unless they are playing Killzone (meh), Knack (will be free on PS Plus), or indie games like Contrast or Resogun (free, and not worth a $400 purchase on day one). It's a real shame that Infamous: Second Son isn't until February and both Watch Dogs and Driveclub got delayed. That's why even if I were dead set on a PS4 today, I'd just wait (especially since there *will* be people will buyer's remorse and offload the thing on craigslist for less than $400 at some point in the next year).

Though the same could be said for the Xbox One (though I bought one). Few exclusive games, OS needs work, and the app support is clearly coming, but probably won't be unveiled until their BUILD conference in April. Only reason I honestly bought one was for the Day One Achievement (yes, I am that lame), otherwise I probably would have held off too. I've got soooooo many PS3 games from PS Plus to play!

tl;dr: Dodge the early adopter tax and wait a year.


Sep 20, 2007
I see no point in getting an Xbox One. Microsoft doesn't have a lot of exclusives for it, unless you're really gung ho for the TV features. Once you start getting up into its price point, you might as well just slap together a gaming PC. You can get decent AMD FX processors for $140 now and I've seen Radeon HD 7850s going for around $170. A decent mother board isn't that expensive now a days. You might end up spending $600 or $700 but you'll wind up with cheaper games. Especially if you wait to buy when Steam has their big sales.

Sony has a good stable of exclusive titles. It's cheaper too, but I'd wait. I have a PS4, and while it's a solid system, it falls short in a lot of ways. A lot of features were put on the back burner to rush it to market before the holidays.


Oct 9, 1999
i took about 1 week reading all the forums i could find trying to decide which one to get. i kept an open mind and just wanted to get the best one for my money, what made my mind up was seeing some who got both and used them. then retun the xbox and keeping the ps4. so far i am glad i got the ps4 and am looking forward to them adding features

EightySix Four

Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2004
It's pretty easy to figure out which one you want:

Is this 100% a game box?
Are there any Xbox exclusives you want?

If these answer to these two questions are yes, you want a PS4. If the answer to either of those are no, you should at least consider an Xbox One.

I've been playing with the PS4 for a few days now and have had an X1 since launch. I personally love the TV features and fast switching because it fits my normal use case and also prefer the known list of Xbox exclusives. There is a visual difference, but it isn't enough for me to switch to the PS4 on my 58 inch plasma that I sit around 8.5-9 feet away from for multiplatform titles. I handed over the PS4 to my brother today.
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Golden Member
Feb 29, 2004
Xbox one.... I'm really into Forza, loving Dead Rising 3, and I am really looking forward to Titanfall this Spring. The xbox one is very forward looking.. HDMI in.

I turn on and turn off my cable box, tv, and xbox via voice command. I think I was reading an analyst stating they expect MS to offer a subsidized box through cable providers in the near future. That's something PS can't compete with. PS went with high end, predictable hardware... I don't see anything new brought to the table.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
I had my ps4 for 2 weeks and sold it today and bought a Xbox one. I miss resogun the most of all the ps4 games but oh well. This Xbox one is nice, I'm loving the controller


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
as a pc gamer, i would get a wii u. but if i didnt get a wii u then i would get a ps4.
anyway, i sold all of my consoles except for my original xbox and my beautiful made in japan first production run sega saturn that has nary a scratch on it. i would, however, like to buy one that could be modded so i could play japan exclusives, because i am worried that the cart slot would get warped if i put a third party cartridge in the one i already have.

microsoft's abuse of the ip system makes it clear that they're out to make a quick buck... they would be the first company out of business if ip disappeared overnight because they cant create competitive products without it.

as for the xbox 360, it had atrocious graphics even for its day largely because of all of ati's trademark texture aliasing which is now amd's trademark texture aliasing. the 2001 xbox was okay hardware for its time, but it had few good exclusives (tao feng, panzer dragoon orta, and galleon are the only ones that come right to the top of my dickhead)


Oct 26, 2006
I bought both with 2 games each, but ended up giving them away as Christmas presents. I just couldn't get into them. I'm mostly a classic console or PC game player, and the games just didn't appeal to me. I'll purchase them both again I the future when the games have matured.


Feb 5, 2001
Essentially it comes down to this.

Do you really really like Xbox's franchises/exclusives and do you care about the TV feature? If yes, then get a X1, if not, get a PS4

The PS4 is flat out a better gaming console at a cheaper price. Sony has (imo) a great list of exclusive titles under their belt with the Playstation brand, are willing to take a lot more risks with new IP's, and have supported their consoles even in their later years even when their new one comes out. Multi plat games will always be better on it unless some pub/dev purposely sabotage their own title, from a pure spec standpoint there is no way around that.


Jan 8, 2010
Essentially it comes down to this.

Do you really really like Xbox's franchises/exclusives and do you care about the TV feature? If yes, then get a X1, if not, get a PS4

The PS4 is flat out a better gaming console at a cheaper price. Sony has (imo) a great list of exclusive titles under their belt with the Playstation brand, are willing to take a lot more risks with new IP's, and have supported their consoles even in their later years even when their new one comes out. Multi plat games will always be better on it unless some pub/dev purposely sabotage their own title, from a pure spec standpoint there is no way around that.



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
Essentially it comes down to this.

Do you really really like Xbox's franchises/exclusives and do you care about the TV feature? If yes, then get a X1, if not, get a PS4

The PS4 is flat out a better gaming console at a cheaper price. Sony has (imo) a great list of exclusive titles under their belt with the Playstation brand, are willing to take a lot more risks with new IP's, and have supported their consoles even in their later years even when their new one comes out. Multi plat games will always be better on it unless some pub/dev purposely sabotage their own title, from a pure spec standpoint there is no way around that.

Having worse specs than the competition with the PS1, PS2, and PS3 didn't stop Sony's consoles from being good gaming machines so why would it for Microsoft the one time they don't have the most powerful machine?


Aug 24, 2004
Why does there have to be this great drama between these two consoles? Can one not enjoy either one for its sake rather than being always compared to the other? Or is comparing all we care about?

I also want to eventually get a console but want to approach it from a different way. Don't care about brand or anything. For me, it's what gives the best features and gameplay for the money. That is all. For everyone, this will be different so we all have to make our own choices. Getting input can be helpful if the input is the right kind of input. Too often, it is not.
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Feb 5, 2001
Having worse specs than the competition with the PS1, PS2, and PS3 didn't stop Sony's consoles from being good gaming machines so why would it for Microsoft the one time they don't have the most powerful machine?

The reason the specs are brought up this time is because the PS4 and X1 are using the same architecture. It is like having 2 basket of apples, but one basket has more apples and is cheaper. This is also one of if not the first time for console were the more powerful system is also cheaper. I also never stated the X1 wouldn't be a good gaming machine, but it simply will not be as good as one as the PS4. We already are seeing differences.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
Xbox One for me. I've given up on Gran Turismo and have become a Forza fan. On top of that Titanfall looks really good. The TV features really peaked my interest but it just isn't ready for prime time yet but that can be fixed with software updates. The idea of Satellite, Netflix and Hulu plus all in one box is something I'd love but the Xbone just doesn't get it quite yet.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2000
I'd vote neither. I bought an Xbox One and will be returning it. Neither console offers anything that does much for me over the current consoles (PS3 and 360). I'd save give it a year.


Jul 25, 2001
By far the XBox one is better than the PS4. Our kids got both for Christmas and the PS4 has been nothing but a headache. We got a digital download for Killzone and proceeded to download the 40GB game. After 7GB, which we had to leave downloading overnight due to the slowness of PSN, the game gave us an error and we could not run the game. So we had to delete and start it all over again. It also happened with another game he downloaded from PSN. It installed but crashed during the intro screen. All in all, a massive waste of time and bandwidth.

We had HDMI issues out of the box, as well. You could boot it up and it would not display video. Turns out there are three separate issues with the pS4 and HDMI! Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

Then PSN was down most of the 25th and we couldn't sign in. It was a major pain and even my oldest said the xbox was much better. We've never had issues with the online experience for Xbox.

The controllers for the xbox one are also great. As a whole, the xbox experience is just so much better.


Jun 9, 2007
I have both, and to me it is too early to tell.

I have been playing more on the One than the PS4, just because I've been playing more DR3, Forza, and KI than I have Resogun and Knack. That may change when more exclusives for PS4 come out.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
I'll get another ps4 once naughty dog has a few ps4 games under its belt. All my friends are Xbox one anyways


Feb 5, 2011
The reason the specs are brought up this time is because the PS4 and X1 are using the same architecture. It is like having 2 basket of apples, but one basket has more apples and is cheaper. This is also one of if not the first time for console were the more powerful system is also cheaper. I also never stated the X1 wouldn't be a good gaming machine, but it simply will not be as good as one as the PS4. We already are seeing differences.



Nov 11, 2004
Xbox one.... I'm really into Forza, loving Dead Rising 3, and I am really looking forward to Titanfall this Spring. The xbox one is very forward looking.. HDMI in.

I turn on and turn off my cable box, tv, and xbox via voice command. I think I was reading an analyst stating they expect MS to offer a subsidized box through cable providers in the near future. That's something PS can't compete with. PS went with high end, predictable hardware... I don't see anything new brought to the table.

The only providers that you would ever be able to use an Xbox One as a cable box are IPTV providers which your cable box is basically a dumb box, doesn't store anything locally, everything including DVR gets streamed from your provider. Anybody who thinks that an Xbox One is going to be able to replace their normal DVR doesn't know how insane these cable companies are. Right now the Xbone is just a glorified remote. It's not Microsoft's fault, they are only working with what they can get away with from these cable companies.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
xbox one.

i have played my ps4 probably 2-3 hours since november 22nd. 2 hours or so was to finish knack because i was on the 2nd to last level. and knack is a good game. the other hour was to play killzone some more and i got to chapter 4 and the game still just was not fun.

so i traded in killzone to get ryse on x1. ryse is MUCH more fun than killzone could ever be. it also looks better to me. i've been having a blast with ryse, max the curse of brotherhood, and killer instinct. i haven't turned my ps4 on in like 2-3 weeks and don't plan on turning it on any time soon probably since there is nothing else coming out any time soon.

the operating system on the ps4 is better than the x1 though imo. it's just a lot more polished, and things just work.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Essentially it comes down to this.

Do you really really like Xbox's franchises/exclusives and do you care about the TV feature? If yes, then get a X1, if not, get a PS4

The PS4 is flat out a better gaming console at a cheaper price. Sony has (imo) a great list of exclusive titles under their belt with the Playstation brand, are willing to take a lot more risks with new IP's, and have supported their consoles even in their later years even when their new one comes out. Multi plat games will always be better on it unless some pub/dev purposely sabotage their own title, from a pure spec standpoint there is no way around that.

that is just a stupid thing to state as fact when it is 100% opinion.


Feb 5, 2001
that is just a stupid thing to state as fact when it is 100% opinion.

Explain how it is opinion. Looking at the hardware, I fail to see how lower specs at higher price some how makes something better or at the very least equal.

If you want to argue software, well it is hard to argue something that neither have much of. But, for shits and giggles, we can use past consoles libraries if you want. Then it comes down to what I first stated about liking exclusives and picking from that.
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