PSA: Dog/Cat Pet Owners

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No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
oh, and you've done long term scientific studies proving your assertions, or are you just pulling sh*t out of your keester. Guess which pets come to the vet..oh yes, the sick ones. You have a sample size that is meaningless from a self selected group. You really can't talk about anything with scientific certainty, never mind all the fud you are spewing.
"i worked with a vet" please...

You are the one making claims that cheap food is dangerous. You are the one that bears the responsibility to bring proof for your extraordinary claims. Basic logic backs me up in a way it doesn't for you, if millions of cats were suffering from this cat food there would be an epidemic of pet deaths across the country that could not be ignored. So unless you bring proof, theres every likelyhood your claims are based on gross exaggeration. You talk about not understanding things, but you don't seem to understand the basics about logic or the scientific process.

First drop the FUD shit, you are starting to sound like a lunatic. I am sure you were just using the ATOT favorite "anecdotal" until recently.

Not only did I work for a vet, but I was doing my own research on many things related to animals at that time. I wasn't working there as a 'job'...bang for buck it sucked...but I was able to get a ton of experience as he was also the head vet for our zoo.

Cats definitely are more susceptible to food problems. At least once a week we had a cat come in with major reactions to cheap food. Hair loss, constant vomiting/diarrhea, totally shutting down, kidney problems, etc.

He had been in practice a long time at that point and usually blamed it on the ash and filler contents of crappy foods. I don't remember the brands, but a couple of the most popular ones were culprits. Most of these cats were way beyond kittens, but not in their senior years yet. Almost all responded to a change to even another cheap, but higher quality food.

You have to realize there isn't much on the requirement side for a pet food. Much like our supplement market...sometimes you are buying nothing more than 'sugar pills' and it's all very legal.

Before the FDA and other legislation stepped in, our own foods would sometimes be tainted or cause sickness. You have to understand most manufacturers are out for just making the most money as possible legally and even pushing those limits. They really aren't there for humanity at the end of a day.

As far as an epidemic of deaths, do you have any idea how many cats are put to sleep alone each day? How many feral cats are dying each day? No one really cares.

Diabetes, kidney and liver problems, obesity and clogged arteries are growing in our pets.

I wish these papers were easily researched on Google (which seems to be your qualifier for anything)...however; sadly most require getting to a science library that either has it's own campus research or subscribes to a research collection.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
First drop the FUD shit, you are starting to sound like a lunatic. I am sure you were just using the ATOT favorite "anecdotal" until recently.

Not only did I work for a vet, but I was doing my own research on many things related to animals at that time. I wasn't working there as a 'job'...bang for buck it sucked...but I was able to get a ton of experience as he was also the head vet for our zoo.

Cats definitely are more susceptible to food problems. At least once a week we had a cat come in with major reactions to cheap food. Hair loss, constant vomiting/diarrhea, totally shutting down, kidney problems, etc.

He had been in practice a long time at that point and usually blamed it on the ash and filler contents of crappy foods. I don't remember the brands, but a couple of the most popular ones were culprits. Most of these cats were way beyond kittens, but not in their senior years yet. Almost all responded to a change to even another cheap, but higher quality food.

You have to realize there isn't much on the requirement side for a pet food. Much like our supplement market...sometimes you are buying nothing more than 'sugar pills' and it's all very legal.

Before the FDA and other legislation stepped in, our own foods would sometimes be tainted or cause sickness. You have to understand most manufacturers are out for just making the most money as possible legally and even pushing those limits. They really aren't there for humanity at the end of a day.

As far as an epidemic of deaths, do you have any idea how many cats are put to sleep alone each day? How many feral cats are dying each day? No one really cares.

Diabetes, kidney and liver problems, obesity and clogged arteries are growing in our pets.

I wish these papers were easily researched on Google (which seems to be your qualifier for anything)...however; sadly most require getting to a science library that either has it's own campus research or subscribes to a research collection.

Drop the the quackery bullsh*t. You've done nothing but flailed around making baseless claims like a standard quack. sprinkle a few tidbits of vaguely related factoids in and spread it amongst the fud and you've distracted from the simple fact that you've got no science backing your position. and yes, vague associations with "expert" opinion is also a standard play by scamsters and quacks.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Little boy. Go away and let adults discuss. You must be so lonely and pathetic to spend time in a thread where you don't even own a dog nor any other pets. You sound a lot like fleabag.

You can't seem to understand that a carnivore(cat) shouldn't be fed mainly corn and grains, high in phosphorus. You've never observed the results of feeding a pet different brands/ingredients of food and how it may effect their energy level, skin/coat, allergic reactions, stools, etc...

You have some ignorant assumption that all foods are the same, regardless of ingredients and that any pet will be fine on it. I bet you can't comprehend that a dog sled racer needs to feed their dogs something better than grocery store brand dog kibble. A highly active dog, dog with food allergies, dog with kidney issues, etc. have different nutritional needs.

Lol, go take a look in the mirror. You have to believe that someone you disagree with you hates animals and doesn't own them in order to believe you are right. Thats the kind of bs reasoning that happens when you don't have actually have any substance backing your position. So really.. troll harder won't you?

You make the ignorant assumption that your favored pet foods are better just because you say so. No ones talking about special needs pets here, good god, you have to go that far to duck the simple fact that you have nothing to back your position other than food snobbery and assumption.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
ok...first let's get back to the fundamentals. It's obvious you are so trolling you don't even realize it. FUD would really apply to you in this situation as you are acting panicked and keep repeating yourself.

1) the FDA and it's relationship to pet food. Again this is going to be all FUD to you as you don't seem to acknowledge food manufacturing history AT ALL. The FDA has some very significant clauses in regards to food for pets. Some of it is so flawed that a few companies want their pet foods tested at human consumption levels.

2) Financial reasons of farmers and human food manufacturers to find a source for items unfit for human consumption. Yes, people want as much profit as possible. I doubt you believe that as it's going to be just more FUD (after all man is here to help man, even give up his last penny for a stranger on the street) Farmers, Manufacturers and the FDA went into some long talks and negotiations.

3) AAFCO. This is the organization that is behind pet and livestock feed. Big player in the labeling business, however; it's really not an enforcer so there is a lot of pushing the rules.

Some of the rules:
o Unless water is the only other ingredient you cannot use 100%.

o the 70/95% rule. (70% dehydrated/95% with natural water weight). This is a newer label as long ago the 100% meat diets were found not to work well at all for pets. However they are making a comeback...what most are missing though is the products are usually also labeled as supplemental diets.

o "with" rule. For a product to be labeled "blah blah blah" with chicken...there only has to be 3% (by weight) of chicken inside it. This is based on non-water weight.

o Guaranteed Analysis. For the most part this is no better than getting how much protein, fat and carbs are in a food. In human food almost everyone knows this would be more or less worthless. Some add in the important stuff like mineral content and if the product has enough taurine (which for cats if lacking has been PROVEN to cause major issues).

Again all this is more or less voluntary as no one is enforcing it. Human food is more enforced with recently one major company forced to remove it's fruit juice content claim off it's labels.

Now the serious shit:
Potential Contaminants. FUD about it. You can legally even ADD these things to a pet food and not bat an eye when inspectors come through your door.

o Slaughtered animals which includes those that died due to disease, injury (including road kill) and those that have been euthanized (yes, your dog could be eating other dogs) can be used as whole meat or meat by-products or flavoring. Keep in mind these animals don’t arrive in a UPS box overnighted to each manufacturer…nor have many been kept on ‘ice’. You’d expect both E.coli and salmonella.

Ok as a layman you are thinking…heat kills this stuff..they are going to cook it all up. However; there is an item produced by bacteria which are endotoxins. These get into the meat and stay there. Heat doesn’t remove them. In human foods these levels have to be checked, in pet foods not at all. Two drugs, namely Penicillin and pentobarbital also pass into the processed meats.
A side note to the cooking process is a little item called Acrylamide. It causes cancer in humans. In pets too, but hey…it’s ok. You know what the kicker is…a little reaction that makes this stuff also makes the food taste better at the expense of nutrients. This is a bad thing in human food…however; it’s actually tried for in many pet foods.

o Grains and meals that failed the ‘human consumption tests’. When farmers have grains and meal that get mold they get mycotoxins. Once they are identified they cannot use the product for people…however; they can sell it cheap to pet food companies.

o Pesticides and fertilizers. These two items must be carefully tested for in human foods. Both can increase yields of crops dramatically, but it comes at a price as many cannot be cleaned/cooked out. In products for animal foods, there is no limit to what can be in the food.
Now like you said, how come we don’t hear about these problems. Well it’s easy because they are not major news and most like you only know what happens in the world if it is major news.
Being I am a little more into animal causes due to my education and that I don’t just read the front page or cover articles for my news/knowledge I can share some milestones more or less.
Prior to the 90’s it was a free-for-all. One of the benefits of our litigation happy lawyers were some good things (even though most championing these were just looking for that 30-40% fee of the damages).

Now to the recalls. Keep in mind when one’s dog or cat dies many don’t get autopsies done. They assume shit happens. When one’s kid or loved one dies, they do more groundwork. A lot of food related deaths just go by the wayside…it’s only when they are more prevalent that things start to get questioned.

1995:Nature’s Recipe. pets were vomiting and losing their appetite due to a vomitoxin from fungus in the wheat used.

1999: Doane. 25 dogs die. An aflatoxin was discovered in the food from the corn used and the rest was recalled.

2000: Iams. No deaths, but a voluntary recall was done due to DL-Methionine

2003: Petcurean, voluntary when a significant group of dogs on their food began suffering from liver disease.

2005: Diamond. 100 dogs died. Aflatoxin in corn again.

2005: Various. cat and dog treats were recalled due to Salmonella contamination.

2006: Simmons. Used cans of questionable manufacturer and flakes of enamel were found through out the food.

2006: Merrick. metal found in some samples of dog food.

2006. Royal Canin. Overdose of Vitamin D that caused calcium deficiency and kidney disease. This was major news. A lot of dogs and cats died.

2007: Wild Kitty Frozen raw cat diet. The FDA found Salmonella in the food. This was reported but no recall. There were no reported deaths, however; it’s highly likely there were and this was such a niche market food…never known.

2007: Menu. This was the one that at best everyone knows about. Menu makes the food for over 100 brands including Iams, Eukanuba, Hills, Purina and WalMart (which has a high recall rate for the foods it chooses, WalMart shops price only). It’s the most lethal in history. Thousands of pets, mostly cats; were dying of various conditions mostly renal failure. Originally a poison called aminopterin was thought to be the cause since early tests showed it. However; good old melamine made it’s first appearance. However, get this…it wasn’t a by-product of manufacturing as originally thought. It was purposely added by the food manufacturers as it boosted PROTEIN content. Shit son! No FUD about it. They also found cyanuric acid…which boosts the problem This lead to more exploratory work and it was found livestock meant for human consumption was being fed these melamine-bloated diets as well. Thousands and thousands of farm animals were destroyed. Pretty much every meat producer from chickens to pigs were affected.

This recall is still going on BTW. There could be foods still for sale that are out there.


Jun 22, 2001
Yea, she never did any testing as you said, she just spewed out her favored answer to your question. for all you know she was just trying to "do you some good" trying to get you to buy more expensive food next time regardless of the actual cause of the death. you aren't very good at the whole science thing are you the only variable left isn't food, esp when no tests were done. people die from diseases and bad genetics all the time, the vet was going to spend exactly as much time and effort diagnosing death of a pet as its worth, very little. give you an easy answer and move on. some vets are probably unlikely to want to admit they don't know the cause to a grieving owner esp when nothing can be done at that point. so you were fed an answer, someone to blame. the vet wasn't going to go dr house on you, and you couldn't afford it anyways probably.

Actually, after talking with him again there was some "science" behind it. They measured the ph/acidity of his kitten's urine and it was really high. He said his cat's bladder was enlarged and felt really hard, which was actually built up blood. This was due to the mineral stone clogging his kitten's kidney. He said there was only one thing that could have caused such acidity in the urine, the meow mix.

The vet wouldn't just make some stupid claim that she could get sued for without evidence... Alky only confirmed this by saying it was a pretty common problem at his vet's office and they also attributed it to shtty cat food.


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2005
Crazy shit alkemyst I cant wait to switch off this Royal Canin, I am now sad after learning this that so many people buy crappy food everyday for there pets thinking its the best for them.

Also giving your dog distilled water is very important which I found out.
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Sep 14, 2003
You make the ignorant assumption that your favored pet foods are better just because you say so. No ones talking about special needs pets here, good god, you have to go that far to duck the simple fact that you have nothing to back your position other than food snobbery and assumption.

I'm not sure there's a huge difference between a 3 star and a 5 star food on the list, but I do know that there has been some "recent" research (e.g. that seems to indicate that corn gluten meal is not as healthy of a protein source as a meat-based product.
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Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
First drop the FUD shit, you are starting to sound like a lunatic. I am sure you were just using the ATOT favorite "anecdotal" until recently.

Not only did I work for a vet, but I was doing my own research on many things related to animals at that time. I wasn't working there as a 'job'...bang for buck it sucked...but I was able to get a ton of experience as he was also the head vet for our zoo.

Cats definitely are more susceptible to food problems. At least once a week we had a cat come in with major reactions to cheap food. Hair loss, constant vomiting/diarrhea, totally shutting down, kidney problems, etc.

He had been in practice a long time at that point and usually blamed it on the ash and filler contents of crappy foods. I don't remember the brands, but a couple of the most popular ones were culprits. Most of these cats were way beyond kittens, but not in their senior years yet. Almost all responded to a change to even another cheap, but higher quality food.

You have to realize there isn't much on the requirement side for a pet food. Much like our supplement market...sometimes you are buying nothing more than 'sugar pills' and it's all very legal.

Before the FDA and other legislation stepped in, our own foods would sometimes be tainted or cause sickness. You have to understand most manufacturers are out for just making the most money as possible legally and even pushing those limits. They really aren't there for humanity at the end of a day.

As far as an epidemic of deaths, do you have any idea how many cats are put to sleep alone each day? How many feral cats are dying each day? No one really cares.

Diabetes, kidney and liver problems, obesity and clogged arteries are growing in our pets.

I wish these papers were easily researched on Google (which seems to be your qualifier for anything)...however; sadly most require getting to a science library that either has it's own campus research or subscribes to a research collection.

Not to really rip on your side of the argument, but I believe you were the one who said vets had no nutrition training, except training from pet food manufacturers. And, now you're using the testimony of a vet's opinion about specific cases with no way of knowing for certain that the vet was correct. Which, if he had been trained by brand x that brand y was inferior, of course he would be making those claims.

I have a goat who was very sick Sunday - she had gotten out Saturday and probably ate something bad for her. She was worse Monday; I expected that when I got home Monday night, I'd be burying her. Tuesday, she was walking around just fine. She "responded" to, uhh, well sometimes animals just get better after an acute illness. You aren't seriously making the claim that the cats got better BECAUSE of a switch in food, are you? The best you can say is that the food was switched & the cats got better. And, "almost all" got better. Gee, some didn't get better.

"Most of these cats were way beyond kittens, but not in their senior years yet." Gee, that's good to know. Apparently cheap food only affects middle-aged cats. Well either that or you're just embellishing again. Sorry to shoot holes in your post, but I think you'd do a much better job winning this argument (and you are on the side that should win) if you didn't use so much bullshit.

Also, in regard to pet food recalls. Hmmmm, glad there's never been a recall of human food. Okay, now you'll argue "but look at all the deaths!" - Human medicine is a bit more advanced than animal medicine & people will go to much greater lengths to keep most humans alive than pets. Humans are also better at communicating problems. Thus, "I have a really bad stomach ache" happens quicker than many owners recognize their animal is in some level of distress.
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No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Actually, after talking with him again there was some "science" behind it. They measured the ph/acidity of his kitten's urine and it was really high. He said his cat's bladder was enlarged and felt really hard, which was actually built up blood. This was due to the mineral stone clogging his kitten's kidney. He said there was only one thing that could have caused such acidity in the urine, the meow mix.

The vet wouldn't just make some stupid claim that she could get sued for without evidence... Alky only confirmed this by saying it was a pretty common problem at his vet's office and they also attributed it to shtty cat food.

actually she would, theres no way she's going to be sued about such a claim unless she advertises it. if meow mix was killing kittens in such ways all the time there would be an uproar. you seem to be confused about what people are actually practically liable for.

ok...first let's get back to the fundamentals. It's obvious you are so trolling you don't even realize it.

**pages of fud removed**

Lol troll, once again you back yourself into trying to confuse the argument again because you clearly have zero evidence for your claims. You can only take factoids out of context to build your conspiracy of fear. In the end it just comes down to this, all you have are anecdotes of a few exceptional cases, you have zero scientific evidence for your claim that foods like meow mix kill animals. '

You troll and you troll... after all, if what you were saying were true, if meow mix was as dangerous as it is, you'd be able to set up scientifically rigorous tests on animals showing that it killed cats as easily as you could prove that anti freeze would kill them. yet theres silence and only fud on your side..i wonder why....
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Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2003
I'm not sure there's a huge difference between a 3 star and a 5 star food on the list, but I do know that there has been some "recent" research (e.g. that seems to indicate that corn gluten meal is not as healthy of a protein source as a meat-based product.

Anything corn or grain based is not good for dogs since their digestive tract was not meant to handle it - the reason why I switched up. Even after one day I've noticed her stools are more firm.


Jun 22, 2001
actually she would, theres no way she's going to be sued about such a claim unless she advertises it. if meow mix was killing kittens in such ways all the time there would be an uproar. you seem to be confused about what people are actually practically liable for.

Unless she advertises it? Advertises what? Wtf are you talking about?

He could have sued her for loss of his kitten if he felt that she mishandled the blood/urine analysis and was responsible instead of the Meow Mix. Her explanation was rational given the scientific evidence so he had no reason to sue.

Meow Mix doesn't usually kill kittens, it just fcks up their kidneys via mineral buildup. My coworker didn't recognize the symptoms soon enough (not pissing) which is why the kitten died. He said that the kitten could have been saved if he caught it a day earlier... even so, it was still very costly to have the operation on a 36 month old cat. So you're right, Meow Mix won't usually kill a kitten/cat but it will result in suffering and unnecessary medical surgery to remove the stone. Hence why there isn't a "uproar" over Meow Mix because it usually isn't killing them, just maiming and even then it's not worth the cost to sue the assholes when it the cost is more than a new cat.


Platinum Member
May 21, 2007
OP, great website. I used it a few years ago to chose my dogs food. He started off on Chicken Soup for A Puppy Lovers Soul and now he is eating Orijen Adult. Every now and then he gets some real meat (thanks to my parents)


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Unless she advertises it? Advertises what? Wtf are you talking about?

He could have sued her for loss of his kitten if he felt that she mishandled the blood/urine analysis and was responsible instead of the Meow Mix. Her explanation was rational given the scientific evidence so he had no reason to sue.

Meow Mix doesn't usually kill kittens, it just fcks up their kidneys via mineral buildup. My coworker didn't recognize the symptoms soon enough (not pissing) which is why the kitten died. He said that the kitten could have been saved if he caught it a day earlier... even so, it was still very costly to have the operation on a 36 month old cat. So you're right, Meow Mix won't usually kill a kitten/cat but it will result in suffering and unnecessary medical surgery to remove the stone. Hence why there isn't a "uproar" over Meow Mix because it usually isn't killing them, just maiming and even then it's not worth the cost to sue the assholes when it the cost is more than a new cat.

here is the deal. first it's a hard case to sue for as ultimately the pet's value is not going to be much by court standards.

then the 'proof' is going to be expensive.

the kidney problem is really a urinary tract one. it's not really seen in female cats (a sex change operation is sometimes given to male cats that keep getting it). its the mineral content mostly.

as far as oroooroo's 'only sick pets go to the vet' shows the type of pet owner he would be. my pets are usually healthy most of their vet visits.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Unless she advertises it? Advertises what? Wtf are you talking about?

He could have sued her for loss of his kitten if he felt that she mishandled the blood/urine analysis and was responsible instead of the Meow Mix. Her explanation was rational given the scientific evidence so he had no reason to sue.

Meow Mix doesn't usually kill kittens, it just fcks up their kidneys via mineral buildup. My coworker didn't recognize the symptoms soon enough (not pissing) which is why the kitten died. He said that the kitten could have been saved if he caught it a day earlier... even so, it was still very costly to have the operation on a 36 month old cat. So you're right, Meow Mix won't usually kill a kitten/cat but it will result in suffering and unnecessary medical surgery to remove the stone. Hence why there isn't a "uproar" over Meow Mix because it usually isn't killing them, just maiming and even then it's not worth the cost to sue the assholes when it the cost is more than a new cat.

advertises it? of course it matters, the doctor who claimed vaccines caused autism took years and him shouting at the media and gathering a following for years before he got his license pulled. you really think there are consequences for a random vet blabbing bullsh*t about a petfood company after a pets died? give me a break man.

meow mix fcks up their kidneys? yea prove that and you can go after the company for money with lawyers. go ahead, you "know" this is true, so why are you sitting you your ass on this issue?

Furthermore why are the so called healthy/organic petfood companies sitting on their ass on this issue, they could fund definitive scientific studies destroying meow mix completely if what you say is true. Why? because its their moral obligation for one. 2 it would increase their market share, 3 it would save countless kitties lives. So what is it thats keeping them from doing this? Do they enjoy their cool niche status more than they would want to save countless cats lives? Is that it? or is it the more simple answer you can't think about, they can't prove jacksh*t and they know it. easier to spread fud than to have to throw down and back up your statements.
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Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2001
Guys, no one gives a shit anymore. Just take a break. You both can claim "victory" if you must.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
I threw out the rest of the walmart shit food I was feeding my dog. After a week she has had solid stool, has stopped licking, hasn't thrown up at all, plus her coat looks better and she is more energetic...and she actually looks forward to her daily meal and eats all of her food.

Honestly, I don't think you could buy a decent quality pet food at walmart. Hell, even the big name pet stores carry mostly foods that rate low on the scale.

BTW-I was feeding my dog Pedigree Adult Dog food. You can buy a 50lb bag of this garbage at Costco for around $20. You might as well feed your dog your own feces mixed with piss, dirt and rocks. It is, without a doubt, the worst commercially available dog food that you could possibly feed your dog.


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2005
I threw out the rest of the walmart shit food I was feeding my dog. After a week she has had solid stool, has stopped licking, hasn't thrown up at all, plus her coat looks better and she is more energetic...and she actually looks forward to her daily meal and eats all of her food.


I am extremely glad the new food is working out for you and this PSA actually helped!


Dec 14, 2000
Went to petco today and bought a 26?? lb bag of wellness core for my dogs and also picked up some wellness cat food. Spent a ton of money, but if their issues clear up, then I'll be sold on it. Thanks for providing these links.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
as far as oroooroo's 'only sick pets go to the vet' shows the type of pet owner he would be. my pets are usually healthy most of their vet visits.

Wow. Just wow. You worked at a vets office, but neglected to use your experience there, opting instead for a sample size of just one owner. Very interesting that your vet experience wasn't the first thing that came to mind.


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2005
Went to petco today and bought a 26?? lb bag of wellness core for my dogs and also picked up some wellness cat food. Spent a ton of money, but if their issues clear up, then I'll be sold on it. Thanks for providing these links.

What kind of issues do they have and what food are/where they on? Remember to wean them on the new food!

Do keep us posted


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Wow. Just wow. You worked at a vets office, but neglected to use your experience there, opting instead for a sample size of just one owner. Very interesting that your vet experience wasn't the first thing that came to mind.

wtf are you talking about?

stop trolling on me.


Dec 14, 2000
our shih tzu has a skin rash that we give him antibiotics for. It clears up, then comes back. We also give him oatmeal soap baths as prescribed by the doctor.

Pepper, our sharpei/lab mix, rubs her ass all over the ground and carpet. We have her on a wormer (de wormer?) and have had her anal glands cleaned, but she still does it. I'm wondering if she has some itch or rash or something. Her coat is ok, but not spectacular. She's a great dog, and would walk around with a leg cut off with a smile on her face just to please us. She's still just a pet, but we would like to take better care of her health. She's 10 years old.

Their old food is pedigree which is bottom of the barrel and is nothing but fillers and parts. I feel bad for giving it to them now.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Furthermore why are the so called healthy/organic petfood companies sitting on their ass on this issue, they could fund definitive scientific studies destroying meow mix completely if what you say is true. Why? because its their moral obligation for one. 2 it would increase their market share, 3 it would save countless kitties lives. So what is it thats keeping them from doing this? Do they enjoy their cool niche status more than they would want to save countless cats lives? Is that it? or is it the more simple answer you can't think about, they can't prove jacksh*t and they know it. easier to spread fud than to have to throw down and back up your statements.

Countless cats die each day due to no one wanting them. The battle would just cause more cats to die from people not willing to take on the costs.

Like I said most don't even get their cats to the vet ever.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
our shih tzu has a skin rash that we give him antibiotics for. It clears up, then comes back. We also give him oatmeal soap baths as prescribed by the doctor.

Pepper, our sharpei/lab mix, rubs her ass all over the ground and carpet. We have her on a wormer (de wormer?) and have had her anal glands cleaned, but she still does it. I'm wondering if she has some itch or rash or something. Her coat is ok, but not spectacular. She's a great dog, and would walk around with a leg cut off with a smile on her face just to please us. She's still just a pet, but we would like to take better care of her health. She's 10 years old.

Their old food is pedigree which is bottom of the barrel and is nothing but fillers and parts. I feel bad for giving it to them now.

usually non-firm stools will cause this behavior. It's them trying to clear their own glands.

sometimes if a problem goes on too long it becomes a learned behavior even with the problem fixed.
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