Quake 4 is 'everything' Doom3 should have been

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Aug 14, 2000
what did you give Q4?
I gave Quake 4 8/10.

This is the score I tend to give games that have nothing exceptional but are just extremely solid and competent all-round.

I also gave RTCW 10/10 because it's the best FPS SP campaign I've ever played so naturally I'm looking forward to RTCW 2 :thumbsup:

and i am looking forward to returning to the castle W . . . again . . . D3 engine, right?
I would expect (and hope) so. That engine is perfect for supernatural/horror and RTCW had plenty of that.


Mar 9, 2000

and RtCW was extraordinary.

EDIT: . .. strange . .. i just remembered that the End Boss was ALSO pretty Easy in RtCW.

rtcw . . . d3 . . . q4 . . . . easy End bosses . . . coincidence!?!



Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Soviet
Doom III was what it was intended to be, however what it was intended to be wasn't what we wanted.

I completely agree. After playing and finishing Quake 4 (just now), I asked myself this question: How the hell can a bunch of alien cyborgs be more evil than evil itself?

The borg medical center level almost made me vomit - I liked it. I have never seen a more grotesque FPS ever. If there is point me to it because I'll be all over it. Apparently ID should of just let Raven Inc. do the original all over again.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Regs
Originally posted by: Soviet
Doom III was what it was intended to be, however what it was intended to be wasn't what we wanted.

I completely agree. After playing and finishing Quake 4 (just now), I asked myself this question: How the hell can a bunch of alien cyborgs be more evil than evil itself?

The borg medical center level almost made me vomit - I liked it. I have never seen a more grotesque FPS ever. If there is point me to it because I'll be all over it. Apparently ID should of just let Raven Inc. do the original all over again.

Exactly . . . id should never make anything but Engines.

Q4 should be a horror movie . . . D3 . . . sucked . . . as a movie and a game. . . .
. . . Strogg torture-conversion facilities was awesome sick horror.

the End Boss was weak, however. . . .disappointing.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Originally posted by: PseudoKnight
You say that as if you think I don't know the actual translation of my name, which is quite intentional. But your translation is wrong. It's not "wannabe". It's "fake" or "false". You can't use the name I picked for myself against me unless it was an unoriginal name like ArchAngel... oh snap!

It isn't my fault that you picked a name that can be translated two different ways... If you wanted it to take the meaning of "false or fake" as opposed to "trying to be", then maybe you should have picked a different word. :shocked:

Apoppin said it best here...

'tard yourself . . . we are talking about current games and game engines . . .


next year . . . maybe with shadows . . . maybe not . . . . . . if their source code isn't stolen again [you Do realize that HL2 and it's engine was a year late?]

i never said Source isn't a good engine . . . just 'aging' . . . and it suffers in comparison with more capable engines . . .
. . . who CARES if Source runs on DX6? ...



Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002

I digged both Doom 3 and Quake 4.

Problem with Doom 3 - Sooooo much hype. Everyone had such love for the original that expectations for D3 were *impossible* to meet. Nothing could have truly pleased the fans after all the news and drama surrounding it's development (remember the Mutiny and firings that happenend at Id when it was first announced?).

Two things that were great about the original Doom: 1) Scary. 2) The ocassional hordes of enemies you got to frantically unleash on.

Doom 3 pulled of #1 very well... it was quite scary when played alone in the dark with a good sound system. Very scary. It didn't pull off #2 at all. The gameplay did indeed get repetitive at times. They should have mixed it up a bit more. The levels in Hell were some downright impressive artistry. Overall I still enjoyed Doom 3 a great deal.

Quake 4 did the Scary part fairly well. It wasn't meant to be quite as scary as Doom and managed to scare 'enough'. What it did really well was the intense firefights. I think Quake 4 is definately the better of the two although I could nitpick a couple things that stop it from getting a 10/10 (Tram level sucked!! hehe).

As for the underlying graphics engine...
Guys every time John Carmack releases a graphics engine it is a generational leap.
Doom3/Quake 4 have the first realtime lighting ever seen. Quake 3 was the first game with shaders, Quake 2 was the first native hardware accelerated engine, Quake 1 was the first true 3d engine, Doom had variable lights and levels of elevation, Wolf was the first maze engine that could render in realtime, Commander keen was the first engine to allow offscreen scrolling without needing dedicated hardware (nothing short of an arcade game could do it at the time).

The most important thing about ids engines: They share the knowledge. Quake III is open source now I believe. The original Halflife engine was based mostly on Quake I source. Carmack has secured his place in history. I can't wait to see what he comes up with in the coming decades.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Originally posted by: Regs
Originally posted by: Soviet
Doom III was what it was intended to be, however what it was intended to be wasn't what we wanted.

I completely agree. After playing and finishing Quake 4 (just now), I asked myself this question: How the hell can a bunch of alien cyborgs be more evil than evil itself?

The borg medical center level almost made me vomit - I liked it. I have never seen a more grotesque FPS ever. If there is point me to it because I'll be all over it. Apparently ID should of just let Raven Inc. do the original all over again.

This is the first game that I think that really earned its M rating. I just want the planet nuked now (and why don't they...). It kind of brought back memories of Quake 2 seeing marines in holding cells crawling around. I just wish there was more violence (gibbing/dismember/blood). And is anyone appalled by the number of casualties the marines take? It's gotta be at least 90% on every mission.

On a side note, one of the best FPS I've ever played. Even better than FEAR (offices started feeling like Soldier of Fortune). The real radio chatter was amazing in adding to the immersiveness; wish other games would do that more.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Imp

On a side note, one of the best FPS I've ever played. Even better than FEAR (offices started feeling like Soldier of Fortune). The real radio chatter was amazing in adding to the immersiveness; wish other games would do that more.

I think I picked up Serious Sam II, FEAR, and Q4 all at the same time. My buddy did the same and was all stoked about how cool FEAR is.

I remember telling him that FEARs graphics would absolutely rock if I hadn't just finished playing Quake 4.

I think Quake 4 is a little bit better but honestly once you throw FEAR, HL2, Q4 and one or two others in there it doesn't matter. All of them represent the pinnacle of gaming right now. Arguing about which is best is like arguing about Ferrari vs Lamborghini...it doesn't matter, they rock "enough!"


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Smilin
Originally posted by: Imp

On a side note, one of the best FPS I've ever played. Even better than FEAR (offices started feeling like Soldier of Fortune). The real radio chatter was amazing in adding to the immersiveness; wish other games would do that more.

I think I picked up Serious Sam II, FEAR, and Q4 all at the same time. My buddy did the same and was all stoked about how cool FEAR is.

I remember telling him that FEARs graphics would absolutely rock if I hadn't just finished playing Quake 4.

I think Quake 4 is a little bit better but honestly once you throw FEAR, HL2, Q4 and one or two others in there it doesn't matter. All of them represent the pinnacle of gaming right now. Arguing about which is best is like arguing about Ferrari vs Lamborghini...it doesn't matter, they rock "enough!"

i would give Q4 the win over FEAR due to playability


Mar 9, 2000
FEAR is the 'same thing' over-and-over . . . almost ZERO variety

what 'saves' FEAR is the Enemy combat AI and particle effects . . . other than that it is a mediocre FPS.
[FEAR also seemed shorter]

Q4 is a decent well-rounded FPS with much more variety and 'story' than FEAR.


Aug 9, 2002
i'd pay just to see his arms and legs get cut off and his guts replaced.

I would too, though you know it would be cut out of the script completely. We will end up with cute fleash-eating -fury-bunny-rabbits or mad-cow infected geese instead of mutated human cyborgs.

The Doom movie wasn't even Doom. It was just some producer selling its name that he bought.

That's why I'm one of the very few who actually liked Silent Hill movie because it was "almost" like the game.


Mar 9, 2000
imagine George Romero [with a decent budget] making D3 . . . instead

Q4 Movie should be by the guy who made Hellraiser series . . .
. . . Clive Barker . . . and the Rock would be fine as the lead.

. . . disgusting . . . . but captivating in a sick way



Senior member
Oct 18, 2004
It isn't my fault that you picked a name that can be translated two different ways... If you wanted it to take the meaning of "false or fake" as opposed to "trying to be", then maybe you should have picked a different word.
You have no gift for contextual interpretation, that's for sure.

Primary Definitions: not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; counterfeit; fake; false; spurious; sham.
Secondary Definitions: almost, approaching, or trying to be.
Contextual Conditions: intentional, by choice


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: PseudoKnight
It isn't my fault that you picked a name that can be translated two different ways... If you wanted it to take the meaning of "false or fake" as opposed to "trying to be", then maybe you should have picked a different word.
You have no gift for contextual interpretation, that's for sure.

Primary Definitions: not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; counterfeit; fake; false; spurious; sham.
Secondary Definitions: almost, approaching, or trying to be.
Contextual Conditions: intentional, by choice

Why don't you two get a room so you can compare your ePenises in private. You know the old adage that arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics...

You are taking it to a whole new level.

It's just not that important Go spend your energy on something more useful like flaming Link19 or something



Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Regs
i'd pay just to see his arms and legs get cut off and his guts replaced.

I would too, though you know it would be cut out of the script completely. We will end up with cute fleash-eating -fury-bunny-rabbits or mad-cow infected geese instead of mutated human cyborgs.

The Doom movie wasn't even Doom. It was just some producer selling its name that he bought.

That's why I'm one of the very few who actually liked Silent Hill movie because it was "almost" like the game.

You know my wife and I just finished Silent Hill (the movie) and really enjoyed it. Asdmitedly I've never played the game, but despite the plot holes it was visually and emotionally stunning.


Aug 9, 2002
If you're interested you can read some of the plot analysts at gamefaqs.com. Because I seriously doubt you'll get most of the symbolism in the movie without playing the game.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Regs
If you're interested you can read some of the plot analysts at gamefaqs.com. Because I seriously doubt you'll get most of the symbolism in the movie without playing the game.

Silent Hill or D3?

i don't think D3 has any depth.
[and the symbolism is beyond obvious]

and Which Silent Hill for PC is the best?
assuming fairly decent gfx


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Regs
If you're interested you can read some of the plot analysts at gamefaqs.com. Because I seriously doubt you'll get most of the symbolism in the movie without playing the game.

Silent Hill or D3?

i don't think D3 has any depth.
[and the symbolism is beyond obvious]

and Which Silent Hill for PC is the best?
assuming fairly decent gfx

1st, 2nd and 3rd were pretty good. I thought the 1st was the best. The graphics are no where near Quake 4 of course. Though if you like horror, SH is where it's at.


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: apoppin
SH Gfx as good as Q3?

About on par but two completely different games. It's a horror/puzzle game with a really deep plot.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Regs
Originally posted by: apoppin
SH Gfx as good as Q3?

About on par but two completely different games. It's a horror/puzzle game with a really deep plot.

i never played any of the earlier Quakes . . . but 'Q3-quality' gfx are sufficient for me for "immersion" . . . thanks!

and did anyone notice that the Q4 devs pay some respect to D3? . . .
. . . remember the tortured body on the Cross in D3? . . . well there is a BETTER one in Q4 before the final showdown . . . he is struggling to lift his legs off it and keeps failing being hung by his wrists . . . . gross.



Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2005
I'm about halfway thru quake 4 and I was really freaked out when they captured the mainhero and sent him to trogg medical facilities. Disgusting @@ I was scared lol


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Bah, this sucks. My Q4 keeps crashing after the intro sequence


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Bah, this sucks. My Q4 keeps crashing after the intro sequence


v1.3 is out and it runs flawlessly.

Yeah I patched it, still no workie

Sort of at a loss as it worked fine for the guy that had it before me.
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