@FlameTail I saw you called out my posts earlier. Between life with kids, a wife, disabilities, holidays, and more, I wanted to set the record straight. I don't want you to think I'm calling you out or insulting you. I wanted to message you privately, but I think my post may help others. Mods, if this violates the rules, please remove. I tried to avoid callouts, but I wanted to try to reach out to
@FlameTail while helping others and this isn't an insulting post.
From what I can tell, you are much younger than I or others. I'm in my 40s, and many others are the same/older. I grew up with computers. I've been programming since I was old enough to read. I learned BASIC and ASM (the only two languages available early on in my life, ask my elders what they dealt with 🤣and I've worked extensively with both hardware and software, I ever designed silicon, just boards and systems, but I've written emulators) and I've watched a gazillion different CPU architectures fight to the death. ARM included. ARM has made several attempts to get into the PC market, and they've failed. Qualcomm is only the latest attempt. When we older folks say stuff you view as negative, it isn't actually negative, but rather objective. I'm not against ARM overtaking Intel. That is fine. I'm against improper hype of something that has been tried dozens of times before, especially by a company like QUALCOMM. I actually own more ARM devices than x86 devices, and that EXCLUDES mobile unlike a lot of people, but when you watch the same scenario play out over and over, yeah it is going to take a bit more than words and hype to impress.
Respectfully, my advice is to stop downplaying Intel and AMD. Doing so isn't objective. Compare the merits, including compatibility, and acknowledge the strength/weaknesses of both platforms. Also understand that some of us have some very real industry experience.
Oh, an apt comparison would be someone who was born from say, 97-98 until now to challenge someone that saw 9/11 to the accuracy of events they personally saw, and we old farts aren't going to go out prancing around for proof to prove to a person much younger than us. We just don't have the patience.
I've never stated ARM is bad, just that it is being over-hyped and over-compared to x86. All platforms have their strengths/weaknesses. Raw power is only one of several. So is efficiency.
...oh and yes, we all can be dismissive. We've seen the claims a gazillion times and have also seen Microsoft fumble everything, including Xbox, in the past few years. I will apologize for all of us. It is age and impatience the 100th time someone comes along hyping. Oh and Apple has always been there, even in the 90s on Motorola 68k or powerpc, just threatening to dominate. Don't get me started on IBM. Yet, here we are today.
That is all, sorry, I wasn't trying to rant or be mean. When you become an old fart, being mean usually takes effort unless you are born that way, and I wasn't.
P.S. I do have a favorite: It is RISC-V. 😎