Isn't that a risk anyway? Do you want someone to target your house for a burglary, knowing that you live alone there? Or is that so far out in the wilderness that there isn't a soul for miles? Or do you have a high tech security system alerting you to the presence of anyone before they even know that you know they are coming?
Also, what about if, God forbid, you pass away suddenly? Does anyone know to come looking for you in case no one hears from you?
Of course it's a risk. Well, life is a risk, there's no escaping risk in life. Burglary? Yeah, I think of that.
People who don't know me will not know that I live alone here, not unless they canvas the place a while but my house doesn't look like a rich target so I don't think they would.
I keep my doors locked and a person's not breaking in by simply lifting a window, not here. But TBH my house does not look like someone's going to find a treasure in here. I have NO GOLD, NO DIAMONDS, NO JEWELRY. I have some relatively cheap electronics, more than anything it's stuff like that I would miss if stolen, but I do back up my data off site, so it wouldn't be a tragedy. I have some cash here for an emergency but it's hidden. My car is in my driveway almost all the time, I only use it for maybe an hour/week on average. so it looks like somebody's home. I keep lights on always. The house hasn't been broken into for almost 40 years and that time a roommate coming home saw someone leaving the house with a piece of electronic equipment... he shouted at him and the equipment was left on the window sill and the would-be thief ran away. This was like 2AM.
I should work up a security system, I've been thinking about that. At least something that will trigger a really loud alarm if someone enters the house who doesn't know how to do it without disabling the alarm. That's my thought.
If I suddenly die in the house, well, what of it? First of all it's very unlikely, I'm pretty damn healthy, man. Secondly, well, probably the first person to realize there was a problem would be my mailman. Anyway, so what.